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Posts posted by liddi

  1. @Sunset Yes it gets better and better. While it sometimes lapse into pseudo-documentary, I love that we are educated in the process while seeing first hand how the rangers put their lives on the line, and the dangers they face on a regular basis, some of which could have been avoided if people would just adhere to the rules, all of which gives me renewed appreciation and respect for all the brave men and women on the frontlines.

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  2. @Newbie21SG I do agree that there have been issues in execution and pacing, but for me at least, it has not been so glaring that it detracted from my viewing experience. To be fair, I don't think KEH dramas are ever really meant for casual viewers. A good example is the script reading for Infinity Company's Employees in Crisis which she wrote back in 2016 - the script read like a narration in a novel with great attention to detail, including descriptions of flickering lights, pursuing shadows, closing silhouettes even before any dialogue came in. As such, I think that similar attention is expected from the viewers. During the press conference, Joo Jihoon had this to say: 

    "...Kim Eun Hee's scripts have a lot of detail and you can't read them carelessly. If you don't read it properly, you can't move on to the next part. She has a knack for writing difficult scenes in a comfortable way, which makes it fun for the viewers, but there are a lot of scenes when you're straddling the border between two emotions as an actor. It feels like she's always teaching me something new."


    and he should know better than anyone else, having worked on 3 of her dramas (Kingdom S1 & 2, Jirisan) over the past 5 years. 


    While the multiple timelines may not necessarily be well-received, I personally enjoy it as it maintains the intrigue, keeping me guessing and second-guessing through the gradual reveals. Keeping a linear timeline would have detracted from the suspense and the cerebral journey, which to me, would have been a lot more boring. Thus far, she has still kept us in the dark, and even by Ep11, we don't quite know yet how everything falls into place, though we are getting closer and closer. Kim Sol's reveal at the end of Ep10 might feel like a red herring with 6 episodes left. Then again, I think back on her other dramas where the viewers knew, even as early as Ep1 who the main antagonist is and the drama itself is how the villain is taken down. In this respect, Jirisan is markedly different from her previous works since the real antagonist and the motivations are still vague, but that is half the fun.


    At the end of the day, just as she did with Signal previously, I suspect KEH wrote Jirisan with one question "Can Kang Hyunjo be free?" and that is the ultimate purpose of the journey she has brought us on - to save him by catching the killer who triggers his visions, without knowledge of whose motivations it would not be possible. And so the journey begins.

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  3. @Newbie21SG We still have the events leading up to Dec 2019. If SYG had no contact with KHJ since summer of that year, it means that KHJ was conducting investigations on his own until that fateful day. I wonder if he managed to identify the killer(s) by the time he was attacked.


    But definitely, there should be a shift in focus to present day - how the team finally stops the killer, and whether KHJ's spirit will finally be free. It is ominous that SYG talks about even having hope that if she died trying to save him, she could perhaps finally see and talk to him at last. We should also finally be given to understand the actual motivations behind the killings. And SYG definitely needs closure, be it with her parents' death and lack of message for her, as well as whatever is unresolved between herself and KHJ.

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  4. @paolaadl Good point about SYG probably not having seen KHJ since the summer incident in Aug 2019. Since she went up the mountain in Dec 2019, it appears that they had not been in touch for around 3 months. Was the flood in 2019 the last time they worked together? What could have kept her away unless she lost her grandmother too this time, recalling her grandma's words about her refusing to prepare a ritual table for grandma when she died? That would have made it worse considering the terms they parted on...


    Incidentally, the preview at the end of Ep11 appears to be a mixture of Ep11 and Ep12 scenes. I just hope the scene where HJ opens his eyes is not a reaction when his life support is pulled :(

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  5. Trust KEH to answer one question and prompt multiple more in a single episode!


    The latest revelations seem to indicate that the killings are tied to the 1995 Dowon Valley floods. Certainly, we now see Sgt Kim's link, his father being the ranger that perished in Mujin station along with SYG's parents and an elderly couple. Still, why target both the evacuees and victims? The 3 volunteer rangers survived along with Capt. Jo and 3 students. Also, it does not account for Seo Geum-ja, Granny Geum-rye and LYS unless they are either related to the students who survived or the elderly couple who died. If indeed the Dowon Valley flood is the root cause, then it would mean SYG and Capt. Jo could very well be on the list of victims as well.  However, for now, I am still inclined to believe that the killings stemmed from the Black Bridge valley incident in 1991. While I can't see any link between the Sgt Kim's father and that incident, he certainly was old enough to potentially be the 1991 perpetrator, being 38 at the time of his death.


    Suspicions are now directed at JGY in present day, and the man himself remains unforthcoming about his actions. It is notable that Kim Sol was the one who gave SYG the idea that Capt Jo's gloves could have easily been taken by anyone who was a ranger. If he was indeed the killer, was his intention really to absolve Capt. Jo of blame? Then, why plant the gloves in the first place unless it is to temporarily incarcerate Capt. Jo who is clearly on his trail, yet not willing to do him actual harm? 


    I can't understand why SYG's parents would pointedly refuse to leave a message behind, knowing that their chances of survival are bleak.  I can't believe that they would deliberately leave her bereaved without a final word despite any disagreements they might have had earlier. Would SYG finally be able to find a message they left behind, one that had been overlooked earlier?

    We are introduced to a new mysterious hiker at Baektogol, and the persistent lottery girl is back. If Ep12 preview is to be believed, she actually finds her missing ticket, which has somehow managed to survive the elements after so many months? But more importantly, LYS appears to be braving the elements... is it to call for help? I am very afraid that tomorrow will be the day she perishes, resulting in the cold JGY that we now see...


    Finally, SYG's internal monologue that broke my heart, which the C-subs seem to make more sense (can someone please confirm what she actually said?):



    If I were to die, would I be able to see Hyun-jo?

    When I see him, would I be able to hear what I had not finished hearing, say the words I had not been able to say?

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  6. Hi there @burgl It's been a while. Thank you for sharing the OST from his latest drama. I have not watched it, but the reviews look good. Should I give it a try after my current viewing fare ends?


    On the other hand, rewatched scenes from "She was Pretty" the other day with my daughter, and still cried over his Kim Shinhyuk. While I can't stand HJE's screeching, the drama itself will always have a special place in my heart because of all the glimpses and mentions of her peppered throughout, his character's pen name "TEN", and the soundtrack he sang, which seems to be a glimpse of how he felt for our girl. 


    Missing them both, and the wonderful times we had here on the thread. As we draw towards the end of the year, I wish them and all who love them all joy, blessings and good health always :wub:

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  7. @illay I agree that LYS does seem to come from a well-to-do family, based on how her parents were dressed at her graduation photos, and her mother during the meeting with JGY. Interesting idea about her mother being linked to the cable car development plans. She was mentioned as only returning to participate in the mountain spirit ritual, so definitely they are staying elsewhere (probably in the city). However, since she has returned, does it mean she will be the next target? Or is the killer only planning to attack those who do go on the mountain itself? Yet when you think about it, the 2nd attempt on LYS' life was not on the mountain, but in her house. Was LSW planning to plant her body in the mountain after that?


    We were never told whether LDW actually heard KHJ calling for SYG - my initial impression was that she based it on his frustration as he tried desperately to reach for the walkie-talkie. However, she might have heard his cries too. We know now that he can be heard. The circumstances that happens remains unclear. Still, my current theory is that the moment he is visible to someone, it means that danger is around the corner for that person. Remember LDW could not see him the first two times... only the last time. Soon after that, she was killed. If so, this particular herb collector will once again be a victim in the near future, like the other herb collectors who saw KHJ.

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  8. Not necessarily multiple seasons, but I definitely need a 2nd season for the following:


    Signal - it's coming to 6 years, and I am still holding on to KEH's promise that she wants the sequel as long as the original cast are all on board. We need to see our intrepid trio finally together, in the same frame, in the same timeline. Can we have this in 2022?


    Misaeng - the sequel had been announced a while back, but no further news since. While our original Sales Team 3 is no longer a part of One International, we need to see all of them together again soon. Please?


    Children of Nobody - Kim Sun-a herself revealed that this was the first drama she completed that she wanted a S2 badly of. There are still so many unanswered questions, so perhaps not so much a sequel, but a prequel, showing us the events leading up to S1, which will allow the revival of the characters who died...


    Missing:The Other Side - S2 was officially announced Apr this year as being in the works but with no confirmation on direction and casting yet. Please bring back our favourite duo. And please let JPS hear about his daughter from the souls who knew her before she was found. He deserves that and so much more..


    Law School - Just because I can never get enough of our Hankuk Law Squad.


    Missing Noir M - Practically every single case shattered my heart, some more than others. To go through that, and have literally no closure is unbearable. Please bring them back.


    Also, am particularly anticipating Kingdom S3 to see Ashin going up against Yi Chang, 180 degree change in dynamics compared to their characters' relationship in Jirisan. Can't wait!

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  9. @Hajungjihyun Ep11 preview shows two rangers in the mountains, one of whom is carrying SYG on his back. Since we saw PIH and JGY with her before that, it could very well be them bringing her back into the mountains as PIH was seen saying, presumably to her, "It's too risky for you". I am not as sure that it had anything to do with saving KHJ. It is possible that they are there to find out the truth behind LDW's death - either to verify or dispute what Capt. Jo might have said. Can't wait to find out this Saturday.

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  10. @NhicarT Ex-chief Kim definitely knows the terrain well enough to move around with ease if he had to sneak about covertly sabotaging the village. Nonetheless, would he go as far as to kill Kim Sol's father, if indeed it was murder? Come to think of it, YGT got exactly what he wanted after the death of KJG back in 1991. In which case, why didn't his cable car plans materialise and he had to try again 28 years later? Was it at the objections of ex-chief Kim and Capt. Jo? 


    Perhaps Kim Sol has recruited a new accomplice after the death of LSW. I can't imagine why any of the rangers we know would collude with him in murder though. To date, we still don't know what motivated LSW to join him either. Questions questions.

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  11. @illay Very interesting point about the eerie lights. I wonder though how YGT or his henchman managed to do move around, contaminating the wells without being frightened off by the lights, which made me wonder whether YGT was the one who planted the lights. The lights still existed in 2019, but then again, at the time, YGT was still alive and reviving his cable car plans through Deokseoryong where Black Bridge village was located, so could it be that he was back to his old tricks which he employed in 1991? No idea yet. Nonetheless, the sighting of the lights again in 2019 looks to be an ominous omen of bad things to come in Black Bridge village, which then came to pass with the attack on KHJ and SYG there a few months later.


    @YongZura⁷  I am curious about the identity of the gloved man in 1991. Was it YGT? Yet it seems a little convenient that he was so easily disposed off by 2020. Assuming, Kim Sol's father was murdered rather than committed suicide due to being the last person standing between the cable car plans, was it possible that little Kim Sol caught sight of his father's killer at the time? If so, is our present day killer now hunting down the killer from 1991 as well? I still can't imagine it to be ex-chief Kim because he was unwilling to help YGT convince the villagers to relocate. If so, who else have we met who is of the same age? LYS' grandpa? Is it even likely? It is possible that whoever else was a part of the tragic events at Black Bridge village, be it one of the villagers or the mysterious gloved man, might begin to see the pattern in the accidents, if they do realise those were not accidents after all.


    @Li22.55 It appears that SYG was the one who thought of the idea of preparing the flowers and the "best ranger of the month" claim, because she told KHJ that she was right about JGY showing up empty handed. I love to see the camaraderie among the team, which is why it hurts all the more to see their dynamics fractured in present day. 

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  12. @paolaadl You're right. Scenes from 29s onwards have not aired yet. It does look like KHJ regained consciousness, but I don't know whether it is just a physical reflex, and his spirit is still trapped on the mountains.


    @illay The following are the identity of the victims that we know of so far. (1) to (6) are from LSW's list:

    1. Sgt. Kim Hyeon-su  (local, link unknown)

    2. Seo Geum-ja  (link unknown)

    3. Lee Jong-gu  (Haedong Village volunteer ranger)

    4. Kim Jin-deok  (Haedong Village volunteer ranger)

    5. Granny Geum-rye  (former Black Bridge villager)

    6. Choi Il-man  (Haedong Village volunteer ranger)

    7. Lee Yang-sun  (link unknown)

    8. Kang Hyun-jo  (closing on the killer)

    9. Yang Geun-tak  (president of Mt. Jiri cable car promotion committee)

    10. Mr. Jang, herb collector, died in Mujin valley  (Jang Hak-su, former Black Bridge villager, Haedong Village volunteer ranger?)

    11. Gi-yeong, herb collector, died in Oerae valley  (link unknown)

    12. Mr. Hwang, herb collector, almost died in Jeonmukgol  (Hwang Gil-yong, Haedong Village volunteer ranger?)

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  13. At last, we learn of the killer's identity, his reason for targeting the victims, and his bond with Capt. Jo which harks back almost 30 years. True to her promise, KEH has left behind clues from earlier episodes, which now help us understand why the victims were targeted. Out of LSW's original list of 6 people, 3 were Haedong village rangers, while Granny Geum-rye is now confirmed to be a former Black Bridge villager. Similarly, the herb collectors who were attacked and killed seem to be among the Haedong village volunteer rangers from 1995 as well - a Mr. Jang (Jang Hak-su originally from Black Bridge village?) who died in Mujin valley, and a Mr Hwang (Hwang Gil-yong?) who nearly died when his rope snapped in Jeonmukgol.






    By all intents and purposes, it appears that the killings are an act of vengeance for their part in the Black Bridge village tragedy - the death of Kim Sol's parents, and the destruction of his home. If so, I have to wonder whether Capt. Jo and ex-chief Kim will ultimately be targeted as well for their failure to keep their promise and protect the village. Little Kim Sol had already heard Capt. Jo's guilty self-recriminations that his mother might have survived had they found her in time. Will he turn on the older man, who I suspect has been looking after him all these years? 


    There are still many unanswered questions. What are the origins of the ghostly lights, which Kim Sol says are the precursor to the village's calamity? Were they really bears, since according to him, there were no bears in the mountain at the time? I am also not sure what the significance of the chain KHJ saw in the shelter is. Is it part of a dog-tag that belonged to Sgt. Kim? Why was Sgt Kim targeted in the first place? We know he was a local, but how is he related? Who is the lost hiker who offered up prayers to Kim Sol's father? Unlike the other victims, she does not appear to be targeted, but brought to the shelter instead. Why? We are also no closer to understanding why LYS was chosen. Was her addition LSW's independent decision or part of the grand scheme? Although her name was crossed out in lieu of KHJ's, perhaps she was still meant to die ultimately, which would explain her absence thus far in 2020 and JGY's change in behaviour. Lastly, who was the gloved person who threw the carcass into the well in Black Bridge village, and attacked Kim Sol's mother? Was it YGT, his henchman or someone else? Based on age, with the exception of Capt. Jo, the only one we know of that would fit is ex-chief Kim, but I cannot imagine him doing something like this. Questions questions.

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  14. @illay Great points about the 3 suspects. I did begin to wonder if the ex-chief might have something to do with YGT's death, and if so, by extension, the others since we had no indication where he was during the previous crimes. Nonetheless, there isn't much evidence that points to it yet. 


    I didn't think of Capt. Jo's daughter until you mentioned it. If she resents the mountain for taking up her father's time, and causing their estrangement, it might make sense that she might go to extremes to defile the mountain that her father is trying to hard to protect. That would also explain why he appears to be protecting the killer while attempting to foil the plans. Speaking of which, could the lottery girl we have been seeing at random places be the daughter? However, if she was, is it even possible that the older ranger team were not able to recognise her during the lottery incident? Speaking of which, Capt. Jo also appears quite poker-faced when he heard of LDW's death. Did he already expect it, or had he come across her body before that?


    @illay @YongZura⁷ JGY was definitely ill at ease when LYS brought up the meeting with her mother. I can't imagine that he is unwilling to take that further commitment into their relationship, so I really have to wonder why. He does appear far more detached and  even hostile towards SYG during the frantic search for LDW, leading up to the finding of her body, a far cry from the person we knew in the past. Did he change because of what happened to LYS? Could LYS's death be somehow connected to SYG, which explains his resentment towards her? Even so, I still do not believe he is the killer, by virtue of the fact that when the killer trapped KHJ in the warehouse, he was all the way over in Bidam shelter with the rest, recovering from the 1st round of fire-fighting. Hopefully things will become clearer.


    @larus Watching the special tour hosted by Go Minsi makes my heart ache all over again, particularly when she talked about asking the director to let LDW wear fireproof outfit and run through the flames too :tears: In the short time we've gotten to know her, she has become a bright spark in the bleak atmosphere of present day, and I am so sad to see her cut down so brutally that way. She will be very sorely missed...


    @Li22.55 LDW never specifically mentioned that she could hear KHJ, but she did say that he desperately wanted to talk to her, but disappeared after that. Whether that indicated that she heard him or it was based on his actions trying to grab the walkie-talkie, is unclear. Nonetheless, I think KHJ himself never thought he could be heard until he realised that the marker was manipulated. Coming upon the herb collector who clearly could see him gave him the impetus to try and see if he could hear him as well, so that he could pass the message to SYG. Just my 2 cents :sweatingbullets:

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  15. Despite hoping against hope, my greatest fears came true, and the sight of her body being carried down to the station had me in tears, realising that we had really lost her. Yet I should have remembered who the scriptwriter was, and this can only be the beginning of the relentless death knell that she is now sounding, after keeping the core team safe for so long. SYG's desperation to reach KHJ up in the mountains brought me to tears again, feeling keenly her isolation with no one to trust, guilt-ridden that she had sent LDW to her death. 


    Ominous signs are now showing, even in the past timeline. Despite JGY and LYS's obvious happiness, I cannot help but dread that it will be cut short very soon, which could already be hinted at when we see JGY appearing moody later. Similarly, PIL's dazed look as he comes out of the clinic seems to indicate things might not be well with his newborn. Capt. Jo on the other hand appears to be on the verge of quitting in order to mend bridges with his daughter. Yet he is still there a year later. So what happened in between? Despite his dour appearance, the ex-chief now-guide is a revelation, clearly passionate about the mountain, as well as a good friend and mentor. We now know that the now-deceased YGT was planning to set up cable cars on the mountain, much to the objections of the ex-chief. Could this be the real reason YGT was killed? Similarly, we are introduced to the infamous Black Bridge village, which would also be the location that SYG and KHJ were attacked and left barely alive 7 months down the road. What secrets are hidden there? 


    Capt Jo's reaction upon being apprehended as a suspect is inexplicable, making no defense for himself. We know that he is not the one who killed her, so why is he not saying anything? Is he trying to protect the killer while preventing others from being killed? If so, who could the killer be, that would warrant his actions?


    By the same token, it is worrying to know that the killer is setting up markers of his own. Did he learn how to do so from LDW's notes, or was he already aware of this form of communication from way back, being the first person to tell KHJ and SYG about it 2 years ago? What is his purpose of setting up the markers now? Is it to lure SYG and others she send based on it to their deaths? Still, we now know KHJ can be heard, so there is hope that they would be able to speak to each other once more, and work to foil the killer's plans.

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  16. @illay You're right! He's truly lucky that Yangsun still decided to accept his date offers after being bombarded with every weird ideas he's suggested :D 


    I totally missed the mention about her undergoing rehabilitation therapy until you mentioned it - thank you for pointing it out! That would be awesome if we could finally see her on her feet again, even if she could no longer be as mobile as before. I need to see her back in the mountain where KHJ is waiting :tears:

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  17. @Li22.55 SYG's seen crawling the preview, which could be her trying to get into the mountain after she was unable to contact LDW. Knowing KEH, I doubt the mention of the wheelchair accessible trail is a fluke so it will surely be SYG's way back into certain areas of the mountain, and by extension, for her to finally meet KHJ.


    KHJ is clearly just as weird as JYG, to have gone on a date at the Mud festival :lol: I don't know whether we will ever get a chance to see him and SYG on a proper date... but I really love what interactions we've seen of them so far, not forgetting he has agreed to stick to her like chewing gum B) JYG's quirky date ideas are hilarious - Mud festival, Penguin swimming festival. Not only that, to finally get her to agree on a date at a decent location, only to end up waiting at the wrong place :lol: Which is why I was so happy for them when all misunderstandings were cleared up, and they officially dated. As such, I really dread what is possibly coming with Yangsun, for JYG to have changed as much as he did in present day.

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  18. @YongZura⁷ Thank you very much for your kind words. So good to see you on the Jirisan thread too :) I see that you're watching Inspector Koo. Have not started it yet but will definitely give it a go because of LYA. Similarly, planning to watch Voice 4 but that's been put at the back burner for now until I finish Voice 3, whenever that may be. Too many dramas, too little time! :sweatingbullets:

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