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Posts posted by syeramy

  1. Ministers plan something. Kim minister heard and asks them what they talking about. He looks unpleased.

    CP and master Jung talk over the mask. Looks like master Jung investigate something related to the mask?

    Kim hyung enter the room, and saw the mask on the table

    A man was been tortured on the chair while the ministers only watched

    CP came!

    I think the man been asked about king recent poison incident

    There is a flashback, when one of the evil ministers came and met with the man before the torture.

    • Like 15
  2. 15 minutes ago, kiranzz said:

    I'm just a lurker at first and get many info about MDBC from this forum but I can't hold my self anymore to join you all guys since i  found this thread is so amaaziiiing. We have president, fansclub, update info and also going crazy together because of MDBC. Feeling so proud bcoz our babies won APAN last nite and i hope they will get another awards ahead *and BEST COUPLE is a must*:wub::wub: . I feel the movements in this thread and always keep smiling from ear to ear every time i read the comments. So every one, let's holding hands and be ready for tonite!! :glasses:



    Hi!! WELCOME!! :blush:

    • Like 17
  3. 26 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


    1. If you see like they about to kiss in the preview, the chances of it happening in the epiisode =0%

    2. If you see in the preview they sleep together, RO touching CP eyeborws, please take note that is all you will see in the episode is RO touching CP eyeborw .. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT IMAGINE RO HANDS WILL WANDER ANYWHERE ELSE ... it won't go pass CP eye brow .. not even lips.

    3, If you see in the preview they are staring at each other and look like the want to kiss, please take not staring is all they'd do or the most you'll get is CP touching RO cheek tenderly. THAT'S IT

    4. If you see RO's bun almost undone .. please take note that the bun will remain in that position. Stop imagining RO free flowing hair. It will not happen.

    5. If you see they are wet, don't ever imagine they will undress, the most they's do is just taking off their hat .. Only hat ... they won't even try to dry their hair or loose the bun or anything like that.

    6. If you see in the preview RO wearing her full eunuch costume and CP wearing his CP gown to sleep with tight bun, don't dare to dream that she would ever wake up and remove the greed garb ..you will see the same grab till morning,.. do not ever ever think somehow in the middle of the night they will undress.

    The chances of we see then kissing is higher when there's no skinship at all in the preview.... so please pray for no skinship preview in order to get the real deed in actual episode ...



    We already take the 101 troll lession ..how to avoid being troll


    GOOD LUCK TROLLING US  ..pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!!




    • Like 12
  4. 11 minutes ago, chelseab said:

    I think after the second proposal she will meet wook and ask him if he misses her. In the preview near the like at night when he said he misses her and she cried. Wook wear his prince uniform just like in this new preview where he blamewangso. I will hate uk less if he stopwangso from pursuing haesoo by admitting that he is her lover and he should be the one to marry her and get her out of slavery. But the way he blame So when he clearly know that So is the one who fight the most for haesoo safety while putting his life on the line just make me mad. Also wook doesn't provide solution on how to help haesoo from bully. When jungask him 'are you going to leave haesoo like this.' He just said he can't go against the king and risk his life. His character is so frustrating. What he really want actually. Does he even care about haesoo well being. He have no intention to help her out but won't let anyone else to help her too. 



    Yup! Agree. He blames people just because he couldn't do it right. WW expression looks like he already regrets what he did and boy! You deserve it. The World doesn't revolve just around you. You need to make an effort to gain something. Rather than sulking and play victim. I'm so glad WS is so brave and smart to answer back WW. He needs his lesson time already.

    WS- Selfless but determine. 

    • Like 12
  5. 1 hour ago, chocolatepie said:

    @nonski, @lovehbhjw2013, @Earth2KatyD117, @charliew, @tiendoank, @bonuibonui, @ruka18, @zee0123, @angelineong, @syeramy, @ruuuuthpft, @iheartyoojung, @febz, @minsunie

    you gals are so naughty.  One leg in CP's ship, another leg in YS's ship.. i'm going to report this to CP..:angry:.. who knows you gals might lose your balance and fall into the water instead and CP will not save you gals! hehehe:P:P

    i will be like Ra On.. my eyes can only see CP, nobody can shake my love for CP... I will not let go of CP's hand unless he said so.. just like Ra On.. Without CP's order, i will always be by his side..:wub::wub: 






    Hahahaha, because we never going to win against RO. :lol:

    We need to stay by YS side...just in case :phew:

    • Like 12
  6. 2 hours ago, Brenda Capers said:

    I agree with you I first saw him in arang and the magistrate and loved his character, looks, and acting.....so I looked for other dramas he was in and watched my girl, Iljimae,  too and looked up his pics on google and I felt that he is too pretty like in an uncomfortable way so I kinda faded off from watching his drama's........then he came out with the Scholar Who Walks the Night (2015) and I fell in love with his Character again I think he is meant for Historical  Melodrama Drama's they bring out the Actor/best in him (he always looks so sexy, and handsome and manly) and you fall in love with his looks and his voice and his character...So when SHR aired I was just swooning all over the place he is so sexy even the hair styles are gorgeous his voice and his character is outstanding I really cant get enough of him....I must add also I have also fallen for all the Prince's all of their characters are individual and you learn to love each one even the bad one's, I love their hair styles, their clothes I really must say I love this Drama too......I hope they make a part II.......I also have to say that all the cast has done a great job you get engrossed in each Character in the Drama with every episode, you love some, hate some, loathe some, cheer on some, cry with some that is how good the acting is by all the cast. (I didnt know anything about the novel or the Cversion) so I came into this Drama not knowing any of the details or comparison's and Im glad I didnt because it allowed me to fully enjoy this Drama all the more.





    Yup! He born to do historical/sageuk drama. I watch SHR primarily because of him.

    Then, I started to check up on IU and KHN. Most of the cast done very good job portraying their character. But last night, my salute goes to Oh Sanggung and IU. Their conversation inside the cave was purely devastated. I cried together with them. So real.

    I wasn't watching C-version too and I do think K-version has minor similarities with C-version, each stand on their own history. Tbh I drop this drama after watching 1-2 episode earlier because of it so complicated to understand the relationship between the princes as I'm not following the C-version. As the story slowly picks up and thickens at episode 6, I rewatching back the earlier episode to comprehend the whole plot. Starting then, I started to go back to this thread, read the analysis done by genius Soompiers and slowly the story gets me. Now, while waiting for next week, basically I will peek in this thread and re-watching back. 

    Monday now officially the best day at the moment as two moons shine brightly. :phew:




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  7. OK! I don't know if it just me or might happened to other people.

    I admiring LJK since My Girl back in 2005. His character for me over shine LDW character and I like his chemistry better with LDH compared to LDW in that series. It's just that his face quite feminine to me that I found him interestingly beautiful. Thankfully, he aware of that and begin his martial art training which I found it useful because he taking up so many sageuk and boy! he knows what works for him. 

    Ever since My Girl, I continuously watching his drama and love most of his works specifically Arang and the Magistrate and Joseon gunman. And every time I finished watching,  I have a strong post-withdrawal symptom from his drama and now I'm infected by it again. I need a cure. A.S.A.P

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