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Posts posted by QueenieBee

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kari said:

    I looked back at the grocery pics, it is indeed the Smartfood white cheddar cheese popcorn. I've been eating it since I was a child. Somehow, I feel a weird connection to BinJin just based on mutual liking for the same popcorn :lol:

    Yes its totally Smartfood. It's a staple in my weekly grocery shopping lol I had to laugh at people speculating they are buying groceries to cook (as opposed to going out to eat) when the visible items we see are not items you would cook with. I spot popcorn, wine and a box of mini breakfast cereals. This screams "snack food" that you would have while watching a movie. 


    @charray yup that's the one I saw! Anyone have translation for the text in that video? 

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  2. Don't know much about this sighting but someone got HBs autograph at a golf course. Don't know the date but posted on IG today. 

    There is also a video of HB swinging a golf club posted today. Apparently from May? Again don't know the details. I saw it briefly and it was deleted. No one else in the video.


    If someone wants to discreetly check out the person's IG page (referenced by binjijgrocery) they have posted in the comments section but it would need translation. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, wolfie26 said:


    But it’s telling that “someone” liked a pic on Instagram from the negotiation era 


    Not to be picky about this, but since it has come up again, I think its important to note that SYJ did not specifically "like" the negotiation pic on it's own. It was a series of pics in an instapost where the cover photo and the next few photos right after were Baeksang related. Some people posted screenshots of all the pics like they were individual posts that she liked but that wasn't necessarily the case. Every pic she liked in her late night liking-spree was Baeksang related (and yes I count the TikTok vote pic as Baeksang related lol) Not saying she didn't see the Negotiation  pic as part of the collage, but maybe we are giving that particular "like" too much meaning? 

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  4. 51 minutes ago, Kahlua2019 said:


    Slightly off-topic but still CLOY-related...

    Seo Ji-hye's "Dinner Mate" adapted CLOY's scene & BG music... nostalgic yet funny at the same time. :-P

    This is too funny!  And (aside from the CLOY OST beginning to play) you know she's Seo Dan in that scene because shes rocking her hair clips B)


    And the actor who plays Mr. Hong is not as recognizable to me in this role. I lost it at "tomato" :lol: But we all know that's not one of his 10 words, and he took back "kite" lol. 

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  5. 41 minutes ago, wolfie26 said:

    Before you crucify me , did anyone thought he actually meant “ one day in June “ as when he wrote the letter but didn’t remember when? Sorry I just feel you guys are overthinking this . I’m gonna go and hide how before you all shout at me ... bye 


    as for his stylist ? Probably the same , they shot that Cf or magazine shoot one day in June . It’s not something significant? 

    Could be! I guess his previous letters had actual dates so people think this may mean something.  Honestly, it didnt mean anything to me until the stylist also repeated it in her now deleted IG post. Maybe she is toying with people too. Its exhausting to follow these people :phew:

    • Like 4
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  6. 10 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:


    I realized he touched her a lot this day too lol.

     Yes I noticed this too. They did promo for about a month and if you watch the videos and look at pics in order you can see how they got more comfortable, closer and hand-sy with each other as the month went on. Particularly the last week of September.


    If you scroll to slide 3 and onwards on the timeline post you can see it clearly. 


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  7. @Intuition1 I believe that pic is her LA friend (Sophie's mom) not her sister. 


    I found the statement from her agency:



    "Son Ye Jin has mentioned at several interviews that she has a close [older female] acquaintance living in the United States. On one occasion she visited the United States to attend her wedding, and she was visiting the same acquaintance through this trip as well. We cannot reveal personal information such as where the acquaintance lives, but [Son Ye Jin] was visiting her while traveling in the United States. Meanwhile, she heard that Hyun Bin was also traveling, so they spontaneously decided to meet and went grocery shopping together. The two of them were only left together at the moment they were pushing the cart, and their other acquaintances were in another section of the grocery store."


    Notice how this statement totally disregards the Jan 10 sighting of HB and SYJ together which they initially denied. The more you explain, the more obvious the lie is lol 



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  8. 2 hours ago, Amylou Nazareno said:

    The wall across from SYJ is actually the wall from a Ralph's Grocery store.  While I still contend it was Pavilion's and not Ralphs, that point is moot now.  What is important is there is the invaluable receipt #InGroceryWeTrust, something no other shipper group, anti, hater or even agencies can deny!  It is highly unlikely that they were staying @ this hotel, thus the location being across from Ralphs is just as coincidence. 


    SYJ apparently visits Los Angeles often as her sister is based here.  

    First of all, how awesome that you found the spot and took a pic! This reminds me of being in that area 2 years ago when I visited LA. I ate at a great Korean BBQ restaurant nearby. I also doubt they stayed at a nearby hotel as its not the nicest area. 


    I see a lot of people mention that SYJ goes to LA to visit her sister. My understanding is that it's a close friend, not her actual sister. I believe her agency mentioned this in their rather lengthy,  rambling denial statement :rolleyes: So while the gift says "Aunt Yejin" I think she is not her actual niece. 


    She may have waited to post those photos after she left LA. HB arrived back in Korea on the 24th and it's not clear when she got back. But she may have posted the pictures  (dated the 26th) after she left to give the impression she was still there and therefore not with him.  

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  9. 31 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:

    That photo from the last page of HB doing photoshoot isn't on his stylist instagram story anymore though.. :lol: I had been following since her first instagram story of her in the car. So she deleted it? lol 


      Hide contents

    v/ast working at all hours? LOL


    I see fans tagged them LOL! Making their job very easy with check your dm please delete :joy:


    You would think working with him so long she would know what she is allowed to post and what she can't. I am thinking less likely VAST asked for it to be taken down, and more so because fans (of the shipper variety lol) were reposting it and drawing too much attention (also why she closed her comments section on HB related content most recently).


    I'm curious about Bargaining filming in Jordan. Are they waiting for July because they believe the travel restrictions may be lifted by then? What if they aren't? Wonder if they have a backup plan as they can't delay filming again.


    SYJ, waiting on your future project announcement any day now.... :D


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  10. 12 minutes ago, Choisamsook said:


    @ChoisamsookSeriously!  I have so many questions for this person...


    -Who are they? 

    -Why did people actually take their post about seeing them together seriously? I mean, anyone could say they saw celebrities somewhere. What gave this person enough credibility that the rumour went viral and resulted in the agencies having to respond? 

    -if I'm not mistaken, the original post said they saw HB and SYJ "affectionately travelling together". What does this mean? What did the person witness and why did they not offer more details on this? 


    We need this person to come forward ASAP :D


    And then the person who took photos at Ralphs two weeks later. Again, who is this person and did they provide a story or just pictures? 



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  11. 2 minutes ago, Cherie Cee said:

    Just looked through Ye Jin's IG, particularly her Christmas Day post with their photo in Switzerland. Oh my goodness, so many new comments generated since the last few days! I am guessing there is really renewed interest since the Baeksang. Amazing!

    And her follower count went up a lot too. She is close to 3M now B) For someone who barely updates her IG that's pretty impressive! 

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  12. 39 minutes ago, BinJin99 said:

    I guess there are a few in this thread who do not want BinJin to get married.


    BinJin's wedding day may be one of the saddest days for the few.


    Like HB said: don't take my jokes seriously.

    If this is directed to my comment, then you misunderstand. I want whatever makes them happy, whenever they deem the time to be right :) I just think some people may get disappointed if things do not happen by a certain time frame. So it's better not to impose one, right? 

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  13. 47 minutes ago, wolfie26 said:

    I’m not saying don’t have fun . I’m saying there is shipping lines we always have to maintain since we talk about real people and not fictional characters. 

    Agreed! There's a big difference between saying you would like them to get married one day vs get married on such and such a date because it has some kind of significance (to us, not even them lol)  These are real people. We are just observing them. We should not dictate their actions to please us. Always remember that :)

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  14. 1 hour ago, eLizza said:


    My point is if he didn't watch her dramas then how could he confidently say that she couldn't show her actual charms in her previous projects


    That's an interesting take. I always interpreted that comment a bit differently. I thought he meant it from the perspective of knowing her personally and seeing how funny she is in real life that a character like Seri would really show off her charms. I also liked the question he posed during the Swoon couch talk video. He asked SYJ if the audience has ever seen a character like Seri? He seemed to understand how unique the character was. 


    Going back to the previous discussion of who got the role first- like othes have said, it's not very clear. But a few thoughts about that:


    - they clearly would have discussed it prior to both taking the role (even if they were just close friends) so their little fib at the CLOY presscon was very obvious (as was SYJs eyes immediately going to HB and for a split second deciding what would be the best response). 

    - it's either fate/serendipity that they just happened to both get cast in a romantic comedy when they both clearly expressed that desire only months earlier, or one or both had a hand in making that a reality. 

    -their dating rumours were still quite fresh at that time. I wonder what the impact of that was on their casting, if any? I don't mean from the director, but more from the studio itself. We may never know lol 


    It's also pretty neat to think that since they reunited during TN promo (which we think is possibly the start of their relationship) they really haven't had to spend much time apart. HB wrapped up MOA soon after, and then January 2019 they spent most of the month in LA, and then no projects until they reunited for CLOY filming from August 2019-Feb 2020, and then the pandemic happened. They have had the rare opportunity (since both are busy actors) to spend a lot of time together the last 2 years. Not to bring up past relationships, but busy schedules were part of the reasons agency gave for them failing. 

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  15. 42 minutes ago, Walk Kindly said:


    As a Fan, I belief on what Yejin unnie say when denied the rumour. Thats the ends of theory i thought. 


    "Its so absurb"



    Agreed. There's nothing wrong with interpreting things different, but fact is SYJ denied this rumour twice, and from her own mouth both times. So unless we think she is lying, there is not much up for debate. And the most recent one she brought up herself without being asked, so she really did not have to say anything (see text in spoiler tag). Reading this also makes her CLOY press con denial seem comical. If she (and HB) wanted to outright deny the rumour they would have used much clearer words like SYJ below, rather than "laughing it off" and indicating it had no impact on their decision to star in CLOY.


    July 2014 Starnews interview:

    Since the two actors are close, dating rumors started spreading while filming “Pirates.” Son Ye Jin informed that the two didn’t think much of it. She said, “While filming in the countryside, I got a call. Kim Nam Gil asked me, ‘Hey, did you see it?’ and I just answered with, ‘Yeah.”

    She also said, “Senior Park Chul Min joked around by saying, ‘You guys should just get married,’ but we didn’t think much of it and said that we were never going to do it. Kim Nam Gil is someone I want to keep by my side as a friend. He’s someone that can always make me laugh.”


    From Fact Entertainment Interview dated Oct 21, 2018:

    You have almost never been involved in controversy or scandal, and especially you seem to stay away when it comes to a hot romantic rumor topic. Is there a secret?

    Although there was an absurd rumor, but it never happened at all. It was with actor Kim Nam-gil, after taking two consecutive series, the movie "Pirates" and the drama "Shark", which led to a hot romantic rumor topic, but I had never been to a date so it didn’t make sense from the beginning. I want to be in a real romantic rumor topic.




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  16. 9 minutes ago, ednamode101 said:

    Even YouTube knows that I'm so far down the BinJin rabbit hole that it decided to bless my eyes with this -- Hyun Bin playing volleyball. You're welcome.


    Thank you! That was somehow so entertaining. Young Binnie is a whole other mood :D Also, this must be the time he went to Hawaii. I recognize Waikiki (would love to go back!) 

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  17. 15 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:


    Even that certain ex that shall not be named here is friends with SYJ Cinderella friend LOL! Honestly, if you play "six degrees of separation" in K ent world. You probably find a connection in less than 6 connections :joy: People can be friends with each other lol. What is wrong with that..


    They can take it a bit further and be like the British Royal Family. They invite all their exes to their weddings :lol: 


    @wolfie26 I agree about some of the 'over the top' theories and videos. Personally I hate seeing edited wedding photos or with a baby. It's totally creepy. I would hate to think SYJ came across those images when she was liking pics the other day. And the 'handholding' under the table debacle also still bothers me. It's not definitive  (too blurry) and it doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. Why fans are still harping on that topic is beyond me (especially because it bothered them enough to get a denial from Vast). 


    edited to add: The endless theories about HB and SYJs beverage choices at the wrap party. Again, you can't read into everything. It's also good to remember how sick both were at the end of the shoot and HB in particular was sick on the last day. People tend not to drink if they are ill and maybe taking medication. 

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  18. 10 minutes ago, PetiteYeoja said:

    The picture shows HB posted on weibo at the same time SYJ went on liking spree. It just about +-10minutes between the updated and likes 

    I think that was Vast who posted it right? I don't think HB does any of his own social media postings. Also it was posted earlier in the afternoon that day, not in the middle of the night like SYJs liking spree :P


    10 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:

    You see that he was saying bye to people including KNG -  Lee Hanee also showed up around that time too. I know there was a clip before where they patted each other on his back when he arrived where people were making fun of. However, it is clear that they are fine too LOL! People can be friends without it being weird :lol:

    Yes, plus it's such a small dating pool in the K-ent world. If you avoid people who dated/are associated with an ex or a friend you would be awfully lonely  -_- 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Onewaytrain said:

    Not much candies there. Same candies as here. They did attached a picture of a K forum and did a translation. So basically some K fans called her company regarding the insta likes, a guy picked up and said they know about the whole incident and he hang up the phone. 


    Omg someone actually called her agency? Can people chill out? :unsure:

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