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Everything posted by LeftCoastOppa

  1. So Episode 96 ... - After putting KY's mom in the mental hospital, JT makes an almost tearful apology to JK ... and JK accepts - JK & Puppy Oppa chase down KY's Secretary ... who ran over the Assemblyman ... who sabotaged the brakes on YK's car ... and forgive him ..."if" he'll agree to turn witness against KY ... Puppy Oppa even promised him to hire the best lawyer to defend him ... the same guy who tried to take out your dad ... right - Bit Na even broke down and made amends with her hospitalized father On the lighter side of things ... - Oh Na Hee is still trying (and failing) hard to win over Uncle - KY's mom started a riot in the hospital ... and that's always fun
  2. -8,-9, and orders for -10's ... Yes, just -9 for now Everything I've read so far points to the Japanese Coast Guard aircraft entering the active runway before they were cleared. If they've recovered all the black boxes involved, the initial determination should come quickly.
  3. Despite the unflattering press the MAX series has received, my airline hasn't had any major issues with them. From a tech ops perspective, they're an easy plane to work on. In the latest incident with Alaska, it wasn't a blown out window it was a plug door that somehow let go - Fortunately they weren't that high when the aircraft decompressed otherwise it could've been alot worse. Last I read, the authorities are searching for the pieces that departed the aircraft. If they are able to find them, we should know fairly quickly what actually happened, and how the door came loose. In the mean time, it looks like all MAX operators will be performing inspections on all plug doors, and ensuring they are properly secured/sealed.
  4. I don't think he was pretending, he's just feeling the failing of his health and wanted to try and help his son that he now feels responsible for. When JK & others confronted him about it, he was like ... "oh yeah, i didn't think of that"
  5. So Episode 95 ... Only 5 episodes left and the only reason I'm hanging on is because I want to see Oh Na Hee get Puppy Oppa's Uncle - both are so completely clueless that they deserve to be THE happy ending in all of this. The supposed plot lines in this drama have become nonsensical soup ... - KY somehow got a restraining order to keep JK from seeing her daughter for something that happened to him ... exactly how does Korean law make that work? - JT & JK team up and put KY's mother in a mental hospital ... and AGAIN in front of not 1 not 2 but 3 hospital staff members, tell Mother with relish, that they are putting her in there for revenge, for the rest of her life - and no one says a word ... Korean Law enforcement/courts, and Hospital/ Mental welfare, aren't just be beaten down in this drama, the institutions are being nuked. The Chairman is still alive, and is changing his story via video stream about every other episode, he helps JK then makes her out to be the baddie when he turns around and helps lie for his son. The Chairman already knows (turns out he always knew) that KY wasn't his son - KY isn't trying to kill him anymore after he made a video making JK out to be the baddie. JK was living with KY, and still working the same company right up until the nonsensical restraining order came through. - Top Knot ahjumma and Bit Na are taking care of hospitalized Assemblyman - KY's dog of a secretary is finally turning on him - Puppy Oppa is in a corner somewhere sulking about everything (and still wearing suits a size too big) Only one more week!!!
  6. In the "None of the above / Something else " category for all 3 above, I'd add a drama that was Mystery/Supernatural/RomCom ... Delivery Man - A somewhat predictable drama, that remained light & fun, at only 12 episodes was an easy watch - Plus, it was one of the few drama's in 2023 that I never thought about dropping
  7. So, Episode 91 ... This drama has already stretched the believability factor, even for a daily, and now its going off the charts. - Even with video proof that KY's secretary was the hitman on Puppy Oppa's dad, KY still skates by just "claiming" the video is fake, and providing a fake video of his own as an alibi - After all of the above, JK STILL refuses to put the Chairman up in front of the press and show he's still alive, which would end KY for good - However, the Elder actor has clearly had enough of this drama so he sets up a live stream with the Chairman on his own In other news ... - Looks like Oh Na Hee is getting the hots for Puppy Oppa's uncle ... I'm okay with that I guess - Turns out KY's Mom hid the truth of her own background from KY ... was that supposed to make us feel sorry for them? ... didn't work. Less than 10 episodes to go ...
  8. ... and am I the only one who'd wish they spend alot more time on the other 2 sisters? Only 6 episodes left to get dolphin man & little sister together, and the clumsy chaebol ex back to husband material.
  9. Okay, so while waiting on subs for the latest episode ... - The cops didn't save the Chairman, Uncle shows up by himself, in a car with a flashing light and a siren, and the bad guys + KY's Mom run before he even gets there ... leaving the Chairman with JK & Elder actor. - Puppy Oppa is back. Just 1 episode out of brain surgery, where they went to great lengths to show us all the saws they were gonna use on his noggin, and here he is up and about and his hair isn't even mussed ... hell, we didn't even get a tearful Bit Na hospital scene - Looks like the Assemblyman used himself as bait in a hit-and-run. He was wearing camera glasses so KY's secretary is gonna take the fall and hopefully link everything back to KY - The Chairman is the latest cast member to shack up in the NA company dorms I don't think he is either Nope - taken out by a BTOD (blue truck of doom) that was intended for Puppy Oppa ... it should win an award for longest time waiting motionless for the truck to strike
  10. Okay, so they finally decide to off the Chairman ... for real this time ... and JK decides to rush in with Elder actor? If she was already willing to reveal her true identity, why not call the cops for back up when she chased down KY's Mom? Here's hoping Uncle is a bit more resourceful, but the way this drama is playing out, the chairman maybe toast On a totally unrelated note, can the product placement be anymore obscene? Sure, KY always commented on JT's smooth soft hair ... ... yeah give me more of that Finally, on a positive note, looks like Puppy Oppa is back in the game next episode ... 1 episode after brain surgery!!!
  11. Even as bad as this daily is, it has managed to actually raise the bar for other dailies - this drama has given us the highly coveted 3 x Omma's TWICE now. Sister died in the car crash, they made it look like the FL. I love Bit Na, but she can't stomp in a straight line ... (still say the Chairman ain't her dad) ... speaking of Bit Na, if they really offed Puppy Oppa, she's gonna kill everyone ... in a noona kinda way.
  12. Seo Hye Won isn't cute because I think so (which I do) ... she's cute because she IS
  13. So Episode 82 ... - So easy to be committed to a mental hospital in Korea without consequence - So easy to just walk into a mental hospital in Korea put on a lab coat and fake being a doctor - So easy to run out of a mental hospital in Korea in just your PJ's and a bathrobe ... other than KY's men chasing them, didn't see a single doctor/nurse/orderly try and intervene - suicide via JT ... brilliant plan there DF Oppa, kill yourself to help someone else get revenge
  14. So Episode 81 ... - KY has devolved into nothing more than a poorly written comic book character - just give him a twisting mustache and call it a day. - JK & the Chairman are having second thoughts about revenge??? The Chairman actually suggested JK actually stay with KY for the sake of Soo-A. ... stay with a man that committed murder, several attempted murders, adultery, money laundering, embezzlement, physical abuse ... because Soo-A might be upset later? - As if the above wasn't nonsense enough, it looks like the Assemblyman won't be the big baddy as many thought in the beginning - looks like he will actually have a change of heart and attempt to do the right thing. - And finally, as they approach irrelevance in the drama, looks like DF Oppa will get himself killed trying to rescue JT ... never mind the complete unbelievable story of how she was committed in the first place. .... less than 20 episodes left ...
  15. Loving the drama so far, but sooooooooo not interested in an inter-friendship love triangle. Hopefully its a 1 episode and done tangent.
  16. So Episode 79 ... - I was soooooooooo hoping Top Knot Ahjumma was gonna slap Puppy Oppa's head off his shoulders, when she calmly walked into J capital ... but no. - Oh Na-Hee was kidnapped - add one more thing they could throw at KY immediately ... what the hell is everyone waiting for??? Are they actually going to try and kill him? - So MIL spills the beans in the mental hospital, all in front of multiple personnel. She openly admits she's doing this to JT as punishment ... and how does that not set off red flags everywhere? - Bit Na knows the truth about Puppy Oppa ...
  17. After careful consideration ... and today's episode ... Puppy Oppa no longer deserves Bit Na or her affection. You can be all sorts of messed up over your mother dying, but Bit Na & her Mom had nothing to do with it - You have all you need to force the Assemblyman's hand but because it just isn't happening as quickly as you'd like, you play games with a girl that for almost 80 straight episodes has stood by you with unfailing dedication, and mentally torment her mother who has been nothing but kind to you??? ... oh, and KY has finally figured out JK's identity
  18. So JT asks JK to tell her mom not to wait for her if anything happens ... the kdrama kiss of death ... JT ain't making it. DF Oppa should've tried harder. Then theres Puppy Oppa ... First, stick with dark calm and threatening, cuz he comes off comical when he tries for wide eyed outrage Second, do not involve Bit Na with his daddy issues. That girl adores him, and is about the only character in this drama thats truly innocent (okay Soo-A too, but thats it) ... oh and BTW, the next daily following this "drama" is called "Without Blood or Tears" - there is already a thread created for it. ML - Oh Chang Seok from Witch's Game & A Place In The Sun FL - Lee So-Yeon of Miss Montecristo fame ...infamy? Synopsis - A work that tells the tragic story of sisters who were separated due to their parents' divorce when they were young, who meet again as daughter-in-law and mother-in-law in a whirlwind of fate, and whose desires and conflicts lead to catastrophe. Sounds a tad bland, but presently I'm finding it difficult to believe almost any other daily could fare worse than this one ... Just saying ...
  19. A narrow body (A320) vs a wide body (B777)? I'm guessing the indirect flight is on the Airbus? I haven't heard anything derogatory about either airline in a long while - I'm familiar with Lufthansa's technical operations (which are awesome-my airline has contract work done by them) not so familiar with Korean Airs ops. Both airframes are solid/reliable - personally, as long as the stopover on the indirect wasn't too long, I'd save the $$$ Safe travels - Blue skies
  20. So, after finally catching up on this train wreck the only real question I'm left with is "Why?" - Why is Puppy Oppa still wearing suits 1 size too big? - Why hasn't anyone told Bit Na that Puppy Oppa is her half-brother ( I still don't think he is ) - Why are these so called revengers waiting to take down KY when they have all they need? - JK has/is the proof of at least 2 murder/attempted murders (Chairman & Herself) - JK has KY for falsification of records - JT has KY for attempted murder with JK as a witness - JT has the money laundering scheme of the Assemblyman - The ditzy actress is the link/witness to the sexual favors + politicians game - Combine even a few of these and JK is doomed, arrested, and upon further investigation guilty of even more crimes. - Why is JK even dealing with JT? She tried to kill her once remember? - Why is JT stupid enough to move back into the house when KY has proven he's willing to kill to advance or defend his cause ... and tried to kill HER. - Why is JK stupid enough to expose Puppy Oppa's heritage and NOT think KY might take a shot at him? AGAIN, he's tried to kill how many people already? - Why is MIL so stupid to not even entertain the idea JK might be alive when JT mentions it, after MIL spent about 2 1/2 straight episodes convinced something was fishy about her? - Why is JT still dancing around JK's true identity? Especially after that 4 way confrontation in J Capitals office - Puppy oppa and Uncle vow to take down KY no matter what, all in front of both JT and JK who just claimed she loved KY, but said absolutely nothing to the two men who swore to take down her love? - Why is no one trying to find out how JT keeps getting into KY's house? - Why did JK not see Puppy Oppa sitting there at the wake? - Why hasn't Soo-A said anything yet? Our supposed Heroine has more than enough to take down the bad guys, and could've pretty much ever since she found the Chairman alive - What is she waiting for? Does she actually plan to kill KY? Because of her actions (or lack thereof) either directly or indirectly, another unborn baby has died, as well as Puppy Oppa's Mom ... talk about THE slowest BTOD (Blue Truck Of Doom) scene EVER My 26 episode binge had only 1 count'em 1 bright spot ... JT and dementia Mom in the hospital ... totally out of the blue, and completely unexpected ... WE GOT THE COVETED 3 x OMMA'S!
  21. Its always this time of year I find myself eagerly awaiting the latest iterations on this now classic ... Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wizards in Winter ... and the video that started it all ... and another of my favorites from TSO Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon
  22. While I am truly loving this drama, the Ki Ho reveal was a bit of a let down ... it wasn't bad ... it just wasn't as impactful as I thought it would be
  23. You're welcome ... any post with a pic of So-I and Yul will always get an awesome
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