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Everything posted by LeftCoastOppa

  1. Oh and it looks like Hye Ji is regaining her memories ... After the police cleared Hye Ji of being Hye Won's hammer attacker, she went to confront Hye Won and they got into an argument. Hye Won accused Hye Ji of killing Ji Chang, Hye Ji scoffed and argued back why would she want to kill Ji Chang? Hye Won then screamed at her ... because he was trying to kill you! ... Hye ji goes on to have an immediate flashback of the attack including Ji Chang going out the window. So Hye Won continues to descend into darkness - she freely admits Ji Chang was trying to kill Hye Ji to her face, yet insists Hye Ji is a murderer for defending herself, and killing him in self defense.
  2. Okay, just catching up ... - How can anyone blame Hye Won for Ji Eun's death? She fell down the stairs + there's a witness - The golddigger couple have become the tempered voice of reason for Hye Ji - both have pleaded with her to give up the animosity with Hye Won, and live as sisters again. - Crazy Aunt is also serving as a voice of reason for Goofy ML - she made a great speech today telling him how she didn't like him. Not because she believes the affair rumors but because Crazy Aunt can see he's falling in love and has done nothing. ... Goofy ML then goes on to deliver one of the worst confessions to Hye Won in recent daily history - Surprise! Someone tried to kill Hye Won ... and it wasn't Hye Ji I'll say it now, before they reveal who tried to kill Hye Won, but I think it was Ji Eun. After CJE's Mom flashback, I think Ji Eun used her accident to fake her death, and wants to take down Hye Won and blame it on Hye Ji. I'm also on Chairman Romeo's conversion from love obsessed devil-may-care executive, to ruthless and knowledgeable businessman...
  3. As was pointed out previously the similarities between this drama and Second Husband are startling. So in that light, with Da Jung refusing to even entertain any sort of reconciliation, we should prepare ourselves for Noel's rendezvous with a life threatening crisis, after which Da Jung upon reflection will give us the highly coveted 3 x Omma's ... cue the WTOD!
  4. ... and now Cha Ji Eun is dead? Every episode it seems there's another twist ... I'm starting to get dizzy
  5. Episode 49 - at apprx the 11:26 mark She says exactly that - the writers fail to tell/show us how she put it together, but its clear from her conversation with Chairman Romeo, and her scene with Grandma in a subsequent episode, it is made perfectly clear that JC was attempting to kill Hye Ji when he died, and they all agreed to cover it up as a suicide.
  6. Hye Won clearly acknowledges Hye Ji was lured there by Chairman Romeo for Ji Chang. Hye Won also thinks Hye Ji killed Ji Chang while he was trying to kill her, and states so in the scene you said you watched She said her self JC died trying to kill HJ, how is it anything but self defense?
  7. Exactly - in the episode with JC's autopsy, Hye Won suggests JC may have been trying to kill Hye Ji. Then in the very next episode when Chairman Romeo tries to smother Hye Ji with a pillow, he and Hye Won argue, and Hye Won reveals she knows Chairman Romeo lured Hye Ji to the resort to give her to Ji Chang, and that he died as a result. Further, she states that she knows it was Grandmas black ops that are responsible for the truck that hit Hye Ji, which the Chairman doesn't deny. Hye Ji was led into a trap. Since Hye Won knows and states as much with certainty, she also knows its clearly self defense that led to Ji Changs death. Exactly how she knows the writers have yet to explain.
  8. ( insert long exasperated sigh here ) In a word - wrong Hye Won was the first to suspect JC had tried to kill Hye Ji in a conversation with Goofy ML after the autopsy report came out. Following that, in Hye Ji's hospital room, she confirmed that she knew Chairman Romeo had lured Hye Ji to the resort to hand her over to Ji Chang, and that he died trying to kill Hye Ji. Even in todays episode, she said again that Hye Ji was lured into a trap. Yes, Hye Won knows Hye Ji pushed JC out the window, she also knows it was self defense.
  9. Who is asking Hye Won to forget anything? A-G-A-I-N rail away at Hye Ji for the host of deceitful antics she's been apart of, disown her as a sister, find the recording and get her convicted and sent to prison. However trying to go after Hye Ji for Ji Changs murder? Sorry, she knows its not true. Maybe she keeps bringing it up because she's actually mad at herself for being a willing part of a cover-up ... Grandma & JC hit her with objects ... Grandma & JC characters are now dead ...
  10. So Hye Won has decided Hye Ji is her enemy, and no longer her sister ... thats fine. I merely pointed out that if she is going to condemn Hye Ji, do it for any/all the things she actually orchestrated not something Hye Won knows Ji Chang is responsible for. Never said anything about the Chairman, but I don't doubt he wants to kill Hye Ji especially because he said it in todays episode. That said, him trying to rationalize her murder because of JC's death doesn't make it right. I don't believe anyone ever said that
  11. I'm getting it just fine ... did you miss this? Hye Won knows JC tried to kill Hye Ji. Thats part of the reason she agreed to be a party to the cover up of his death as a suicide. She didn't want her son to know his father had tried to kill someone. Again, you can blame just about everything else thats happened on Hye Ji, but not Ji Changs death - He had the recording, and if he had stuck with the plan Chairman Romeo had proposed, then Hye Ji would be in jail and he'd still be alive. Hye Won raging that Hye Ji killed her sons father rings completely and utterly hollow when (again) she knows Ji Chang had lured her there to try and kill her.
  12. Woah, apparently Hye-Ji actress - Ha Yeon Joo - was actually injured in one of the scenes where she was hit in the head https://www.kpopmap.com/the-korean-broadcasting-industry-has-once-again-been-swirled-into-controversy-as-kbs-2tvs-daily-drama-the-two-sisters-faced-an-unexpected-change-of-writers-bringing-actress-ha-yeonjoos-past-r/
  13. So apparently Grandma roped Hye Won into her position at YJ Group to get her son back, and now it appears that she's forced to do the job well or lose her son if the company fails - a contingency clause that gives guardianship to Chairman Romeo if the stock falls. ... sorry, this is just so ridiculous, how did they have the legal right to take her child in the first place After getting Goofy ML to resign from YJ Group, Chad Oppa now wants to recruit him for his parent company back in the states. Yep, Chad Oppa is business evil ... he's team bad. Looks as if I may have spoken too soon about Min Ju, her drinking scene with Goofy ML was going well right up until she found out he resigned. Now she's getting uppity with Hye Won. Could be fun ... just don't go team bad. Speaking of team bad, Hye Won is definitely on her way. Hye Ji/Ji Chang came up again, and she is still on fire about it. You can accuse Hye Ji of alot of things, but murdering Ji Chang isn't one of them. Hye Won knows Hye Ji was led into an ambush that night, what did she expect her to do? Let Ji Chang kill her without a fight? Be mad about Art MIL's SA allegations, be mad about druggie artists death conspiracy, be mad about the elevator accident, and all the Yoon family deceit shenanigans, but give the Ji Chang angle a rest. Hye Ji was never trying to kill him, HE lured her to the hotel with the intent to kill her, it went wrong, and he died ... Sorry Hye Won, your little sister is innocent on this one. In addition to all the above, apparently no one has thought it all the way through - if Hye Ji were to regain all her memories, then she has all she needs to bring down the house of cards the Yoon family set up to make Ji Changs death a suicide. Then Grandma's legacy, Hye Won's hard work, and Chairman Romeo all go down for covering up an attempted murder. YJ Group plummets.
  14. If they can pull it off - Gracious Revenge got the closest that I've seen, and would've been truly awesome if the OTP didn't have such a blinding lack of chemistry Starting to agree - In todays episode, her response to Hye Ji's distress was almost visceral - and thats 5+ YEARS LATER - we know they've been monitoring Hye Ji but they've shown us nothing to suggest she did anything remotely approaching her previous antics. Further, Hye Won seems to have forgotten her promise on her fathers grave - Yes, she'd make sure Hye Ji answered for her crimes but she also promised to then live a sisters again. Now she seems totally consumed with revenge alone. Its also interesting that even though they said they knew Hye Ji was ambushed by Ji Chang, they're treating her like a murderer when she was clearly defending herself. Yeah, I'd say Hye Won's going dark. I agree they have chemistry (alot more than she showed with Ji Chang) but I think he/maybe she has to be evil because it can't be just CJE, and with HJ seemingly on a redemption arc. I think Chad Oppa is carrying a grudge and wants Hye Won to fall for him so she takes an even bigger fall when he then takes YJ group. Still undecided where his character is going. He could be the stalwart hold out for Hye Won, protecting her from afar - OR - he could be this drama's version of the odd man out Bakery Oppa ... which would make Min Ju this drama's Sang -Mi ... its love I tell ya! ... and Min-Ju hasn't done anything wrong so even @maribella would approve Might be difficult there, Chairman Romeo had a mental narrative where he plans to use Hye Ji to find is money, and then kill her before fleeing the country. As far as Hye Ji is concerned, she is the new maid in Chad Oppa's place so she's primed to help her sister discover his true intentions. That said, I'm sure we're in for 20+ episodes of misunderstandings as Hye Won clearly doesn't, and probably won't trust Hye Ji til the bitter end ... if at all. The Two Aurora's ... better hide the dog
  15. Wow, this drama has gone sideways ... - Sorry that Grandma flashback might've been intriguing if the writers hadn't spent 49 episodes having her demeaning HW at every turn ... she gives her ALL her shares and the keys to the company ... - What are the writers doing to Hye Won? Is she supposed to become the new Grandma? Cold, heartless, ruthless? When is she going to start getting Art MIL flashbacks ... is she actually going to become a bad guy? Which leads to .... Poll Time! Since the drama has now essentially started over who do you guys think will remain good and who will make up team bad? - CJE definitely team bad - As controversial as it may be, I think our new SML Chase Lee is also team bad - Chairman Romeo in jail and still after his slush fund = team bad - Hye Won - undecided. Leaning team bad if she adopts Grandma's management style - Hye Ji - undecided. Leaning team good. Per preview she is clearly distraught at what she's done when she got her memory back. - Goofy ML - definitely team good. Anyone who could face down Chad Oppa by volunteering to resign rather than make Hye Won fire him, is our leading man no question. I think I'm gonna enjoy watching him take Mr Lee apart. - Crazy Aunt, Sane Aunt, and San Duel are team good. - Min Ju, our new female lawyer crushing on Goofy ML undecided. She could be true blue, and dedicated to our Goofy ML, or at the same time she could end up helping CJE take down HW, hoping to get closer to our leading man. So what do you guys think? Don't be too sure. Remember, Hye Ji was in the states too. What if she dated Chad Oppa after Hye Won broke up with him? That would shake things up a bit. Maybe that scene is a flashback
  16. There's a reason K2 was listed first ... nuff said True Beauty was just heartbreaking ... My "Something else. What? / None of the above" ... Alchemy Of Souls - Naksu/Mu Deok & Seo Yul While I was never a big fan of the pairing, I know alot were, and I'll freely admit this scene pulled hard on the heart strings ... With that said, the discerning viewer knows Seo Yul was already taken ... even if he himself was unaware
  17. No one ever said first love - as presented they were both in college. Besides I'd rather have a supposed friend turned enemy than a 3 way fight with Goofy ML
  18. Yes, the new SML is the mystery man that we first saw at Hye Won's car crash - It appears now he is a former bf from Hye Won's time abroad in the states, and he seems to be returning to Korea to aide Hye Won in her fight with the YJ Group board. I think he will turn out to be a villain - in the initial reveal, we see him pleading with Hye Won to stay in the states "for love" however at the time Hye Won refused because they were barely making it, and she wanted more from her life. FFWD, he's now successful and an investment banker, so I could see him rubbing it back in her face ... now I don't want love its all business ... He will no doubt at some point ally with Ji Eun, and try to take the company. Per preview, he is already asking Hye Won to fire Goofy ML
  19. Exactly! Thank You! Grandma barely tolerated Hye Won, thought of her as an undeserving peasant, and that was BEFORE Hye Ji got exposed. No way she lets her back in the house let alone plug her into the corporate hierarchy.
  20. I loved the Gracious Revenge ending score - I liked how they wove softer and more subtle versions of it onto the background music in alot of scenes. Just wish they posted the OST online somewhere, I'd buy it
  21. Todays episode was packed so full of ridiculous plot reveals and nonsensical decisions it feels like we just got a change in writers. Buckle Up ... is time jump time - Grandma is dead via illness - Chairman Romeo is in prison due to slush fund scandal - Hye Won is president of YJ Group - Mystery Man is Jace Lee, Investment Banker, a former boyfriend of Hye Won when she was in the states -The JC murder/suicide arc This was what I was afraid they try - the police know he didn't die in the forest, yet through narrative reveals apparently during the time jump, JC's death was allowed to be covered up as a suicide. Additionally, Hye Won & Chairman Romeo know Hye Ji pushed him out the window without ever once revealing how they came to know that. - Hye Won and YJ Group So via post time jump flashbacks, apparently Grandma ... who loathed Hye Won ... allowed her to come back not only into the family and live with her son, but installed her into YJ group after Chairman Romeo's ouster, so long as she kept her mouth shut about what really happened with JC Back to the present. - Hye Ji still has amnesia - The golddigger couple now work for Hye Won keeping an eye on HJ - they live in Dads old house with HJ - Aunt lives with Hye Won/Son & Crazy Aunt in the Yoon Mansion - Goofy ML has cleaned up and is the corporate lawyer for YJ Group ... still crushing on Hye Won - Ji Eun is also still at YJ Group and is leading the charge in trying to have Hye Won ousted.
  22. So the medical examiner determines that JC was either in a car wreck or fell to his death ... but then they say they found a suicide note blaming Hye Won for having an affair which drove JC to kill himself ... even though he himself had an affair first. So, if JC killed himself then how did he end up in the woods? He didn't fall there, and there was no car wreck nearby ... we're getting a time jump next episode so they better not just gloss over this. The police aren't the only ones in todays episode on the sketchy side. The hospital let Grandma take HW's baby without her consent, and when HW went to the hospital and demanded answers they just had security stop her and the doctor ran away. Now at the end of the episode Goofy ML threatens Grandma for kidnapping the child so we'll see what happens. We get a scene after an obvious time jump as, Hye Wons son now looks 5 or 6. It looks like Hye Ji truly has amnesia, from the dream like memories of being happy with Hye Won, it looks like for the time being Hye Ji has lost her edge. It'll be interesting to see what she's up to after what looks like a 5-6 year time jump. Per preview, it looks like this is about to turn into a corporate war at YJ Group - the new mystery man is back.
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