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Posts posted by linzer03

  1. 47 minutes ago, lmx.zero said:

    I have watched the spartace update, I hope to see from 2107 until 2018 .. ^^ and I am very grateful to you @linzer03


    in my opinion ep 82 is interesting, indirectly I can feel the feelings of the KJK and SJH ^^


    I'm working the list. It's slow going, but I'm debating just positing it incomplete and adding in the episodes as I go.


    Ep 82 feels like it has so many layers to it. 

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  2. We have a lot of new people/new episodes since we made those episode lists. I'm actually curious what everyone's top spartace episodes are now? I definitely have to adjust my list.


    Here's mine:


    Ep 163 - This is one of the most obvious episodes to me in terms of revealing spartace. KJK completely upstages the other two teams in the opening to win SJH's heart (he princess carries her and she chooses his team). Production makes an excuse to give the other teams a second chance so the show can have its MC moment. But KJK continues to go over the top treating SJH like a princess, and while I'm sure it's for humor, he was the only one who never complained and devoted himself to her as the princess. 


    Ep 178 - The RM vs Production team episode is always on my list. It's the episode where SJH takes care of KJK, almost to the exclusion of the others, after he gets out of the boat when crossing the Han River. And it looks as though she holds his hand underneath the towels.


    Ep 213 - KJK and SJH got paired at the end of the race thanks to some help from SJH's friend. But also, KJK protected her during the Red Clay fight, SJH laughed loudly during KJK's acting scene, and they were suspiciously awkward and held hands briefly when they were partnered. LKS even slipped up and thought it was "no fair" that SJH and KJK were partnered. 


    Ep 230 - No one else ever talks about this ep, but it was the one where the RM team versus the LKS-lead guest team had to figure out answers to a survey about first loves. SJH praises KJK when he says he does the things women like in a man, and after watching high school girls talk about their crushes, KJK and SJH immediately turn to make eye contact. It's a really subtle spartace episode, but if you watch it with "hawk eyes" it's a really interesting episode.


    Ep 258 - The Police vs Mafia ep (this is an underrated episode in general, in my opinion). It's the ep where KJK and SJH compete against each other in the convenience store race. They don't even treat it like a competition and giggle the whole time. When KJK hides behind SJH, the editors even caption it "We're just friends".


    Ep 285 - This is a super important episode to me. It's the mystery box episode where SJH was afraid and asked KJK to help her (not LKS or KG). She cried, KJK supported her, YJS teased her that she looked like she was giving birth, etc. It came at a time when non-spartace shippers insisted KJK and SJH weren't close because they didn't have highlighted moments on screen, and after that episode, people had to admit that KJK was one of the closest members to SJH. 


    Ep 436 - Suddenly, spartace IS legal. They finally (after years of hoping) got to be in a couple race together. And, by pure luck, they won. The RM cast teased like they'd been waiting for this moment for years, and it was great. Sure, I prefer their subtle interactions to the love line moments, but this episode was an important one, and we FINALLY got our couple race. And it was everything I'd hoped it''d be.






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  3. The general belief for the firing is that SBS wanted to move RM to a gag show. KJK and SJH don't do gag humor, so SBS cut them from the cast. Also because they wanted to hire KHD, and next to YJS, KJK is the second highest paid member. So cutting KJK also makes room for KHD in the show's budget. There was also some speculation that there was a power struggle among SBS's higher ups and KJK-SJH supported the wrong side (idk how true that is - just something I heard in the rumor mill). But while those reasons exist, it's ALSO possible spartace dating contributed to the firing. (I don't believe it was the main cause. They would have been dating in secret, and don't forget that everything is about $$$). But it may have been a case of "We need to cut KJK because of his salary. We might as well cut his gf too. She'd probably leave with him if he got fired anyway." (I assume the execs in charge of the decision were sexist.) Which would, in a way, explain why SJH didn't even get a phone call and had to find out she was fired through the news. Just my take on the incident in addition to @mn0096's post. 


    Talking about the firing scandal still makes me mad to this day, so I can only imagine how painful it must be for KJK and SJH. We may have gotten to see snippets of how close they truly are during the incident, and I remember KJK's company would release statements for both of them, but I don't think the cost was worth the moments. I'm glad they got through it, and I'm glad fans banded together for their sakes.

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  4. 3 hours ago, carambsk said:


    I asked about this because of stories I've encountered, mostly of supposed fans, not haters or antis.  An example - several fansites closed when an idol was rumored to be dating (the fansites didn't explain why, seeminly to protect the idol still, but they closed 3 days apart). There was another idol caught having coffee (no announcement!) with a girl near a fanmeet event and the fans felt "betrayed".  There are more, like Kang Daniel and Jihyo - he lost some fans at that time.  I was thinking - is this just for idols?  And then I remembered the Songsong couple, they had to apologize when they announced their wedding.  This is a generalization based on a few stories and celebs, but it seems that Knetz fans feel betrayed when they find out their favorites were dating secretly.  But your post and the memory of the Songsong couple's announcement reminded me that they had more fans who loved them than fans who were disappointed.  I am hoping that the individual fans of JH and JK will still love them even after an admission (or being caught), and not feel betrayed.  I asked for opinions because I am not familiar with the individual fanbases yet.  For sure, there will be no problem with the Spartace fans, if/when that happens, it will be a celebration! :)




    Spartace are different from young idols. Idols tend to be late teens, early 20s and often insist that they won't date and their fans are their gfs/bfs. Idols tend to have young fans who tend to buy too much into the fantasy they've created of their idols. Spartace are both older and have talked actively about their dating lives. So none of their fans have the same "my idol is my bf/gf" delusion that idol fans tend to have. KJK also talks often about wanting to get married. So KJK and SJH fans are aware that marriage can happen unlike idol fans who are often giveb the promise the idol is single. That's not to say there aren't immature shippers who will act possessive if KJK and/or SJH announce marriage (this includes spartace fans if they don't get married). That's where most of the anti comments will come from, I suspect. Immature shippers who can't accept they were wrong and move on.

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  5. I don't know about other people on here, but even if spartace have been dating for 7 years or whatnot, I don't think they will admit that to the public. Then, they'd have to explain that they were dating during MC, during SJH's time on WGM, and KJK's time on MUD. It's just messy and confusing, and a lot of people wouldn't understand how to separate work from real life. Likely, they'll say they started dating some time in the last year (e.g. around when the love line started). Most of the general audience will accept that and not ask questions. 


    I think the public response will be largely positive to neutral. We can't mistake the vocal antis online for the general population lol. Most people don't care or will be happy to see them in a relationship regardless of who it was as long as KJK/SJH's partners aren't entirely unsuitable. Spartace aren't an outlandish concept like they were in 2015. They've been associated romantically a number of times. Their announcement would be surprising, but not out of nowhere. From what I've seen, most people dislike spartace because of the shippers, and not because they'd be against it if KJK and SJH announced they were dating in real life. They just don't think it's possible in real life, so they're against the fans pushing spartace on KJK and SJH. The dislike is at fans, not at KJK and SJH. Will there be antis if spartace announces? Of course. But when is there not. 

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  6. Also, what do y'all think of this?


    Here is a really rough translation of what happened that I found on IG wht some additions of mine:


    SJH's poem wishes that KJK "...would meet the women who makes him warm in winter and give birth of muscular babies looks like him". Then YJS and JSJ "tease her that she would have written in the end: that is actually me that stays besides you" Then HH stands and shouts with YSC and JSM "Read the last part!". (KJK joins in them chanting this part, it looks like). So SJH says it "jokingly while covering her mouth with her hand"  Then "when KJK part came, he said before standing: yeah I should get married"

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  7. @carambsk Welcome! I'm glad you took the time to read up on spartace, and I think we all start off with doubts. I certainly leaned towards believing that they weren't dating when I first started posting here. For me, having a chance to discuss it with other shippers helped me figure things out. So know that we're always here to talk things over with!


    Sometimes it's important not to over analyze a single moment. It's very easy to take a snapshot picture or a short interaction between two people and come up with all sorts of explanations. We have to remember that they're on a show where they have characters to follow and we only see a fraction of footage from a day of shooting. Just because we want to see KJK and SJH acting besotted with each other all the time, the truth is couples (especially long-lasting couples) aren't going to be constantly gazing at each other and standing next to each other. When you add up all of spartace's suspicious moments (the interactions when they don't think the cameras are focused on them, things other RM members have said, scenes of them looking at each other), I believe it outweighs the few times where the short clips we see make it appear that they're not together. 


    And of course we must remember that if they are dating, they want to keep it secret but also leave open the possibility that they could get married. One thing many spartace fans have pointed out is that if spartace was really concerned about fans linking them together, their agencies could just release official statements (especially when that article with the marriage rumor came out - which was such a bs article lol). Official statements have more validity to them than a comment on a TV show, as the company's reputation is on the line if the statement turns out to be untrue. However, KJK and SJH have released no such statement. Of course, they have said "We're family/friends" before, but that's a fairly standard k-celeb response when they're dating someone, get caught, but don't want to admit it. KJK has said that he will insist that he is single even if he's dating until he's ready to get married. And it's worked for him. There's a reason KJK hasn't had a single public girlfriend in all his celebrity career. The man knows how to date in secret. Which is why it's not all that shocking that we have moments that cause us doubt. 


    And I second what @Adora Dark said. Just to add, SJH almost exclusively teases KJK in love lines, while she never teased LKS, KG, or any of the other members nearly as much. She does tease them from time to time, but she goes out of her way to tease KJK, and she's done so since the very early days. I don't know about y'all, but when I'm seeing a guy, I tease him about other women, saying things like "Ohh so that's your type". It's fun, and a teasing/light expression of jealousy. I think it's a pretty normal thing (at least for me?), and add that to KJK's on screen persona as @Adora Dark said, I think SJH's teasing of KJK with other women on the show makes sense.  

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  8. I agree with @pink007 that this should be a forum of open discussion. We have to look at the doubts as well as the positives. If we only focus on the positive then we might become delusional and truly ignore the signs if spartace aren't dating. I think it's best to be open minded and discuss all possibilities even if they're not the ones we want to hear. I understand not wanting to bring down the mood of the board, and I hope everyone knows they can message me (that includes silent readers) if they want to talk!


    As for @airplanegirl's doubts, I'm sorry that you feel that way. It's never fun to have pessimistic thoughts about your ship and I'm glad you felt comfortable sharing those doubts here.


    In my opinion, I don't think those are actual nicknames they use for each other. I think they were playing a game and said the first thing that came to mind. It's just cute that when you hear SJH's answer, the first person you would think of is KJK.


    As for the letter, I don't think it disproves anything about spartace. KJK isn't the sort to come out and say he's dating until he's announcing it, so of course his letter to his future wife would imply that he hasn't found her yet. I'm sure KJK knew the letter would be scrutinized and wrote it very carefully so as not to give anything away. Statements like that, I find, are a lot less revealing  of the truth than the actions spartace make. I trust the seven years of evidence that I've seen over one letter KJK wrote for his fans.


    But that's just me. It's up to everyone to figure out what they believe. This is an open forum and all respectful spartace discussion should be welcome!

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  9. Yeah, SJH has gotten a lot of backlash during the MC era (especially when the news of her dating her CEO came out), so I can understand them being cautious. If you don't believe spartace is real, then the love line just seems like something hastily thrown together to encourage spartace fans. Don't forget that many people don't believe they're dating. And with SJH's bad experience with MC, I can understand them being wary.


    Let's just all remember to be respectful. If KJK and SJH are dating different people, then that's their choice, and we should respect that. We have no say in who they choose to be with.


    Shipping should be fun!



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  10. It reminds me a bit of the episode, in the early days of RM, where they had the hiphop couple (I forget their names). But they were a married couple in real life. And the production staff then asked the man to be a spy that day along with HH and SJH. There was some tension between the married couple, and you could tell the guy was uncomfortable deceiving his wife like that. I think for.KJK and SJH it's somewhat similar. They're probably a little more accepting of it as they've been on RM for going on 10 years, but it may still be uncomfortable. KJK also said he's uncomfortable and look at the staff when SJH joined the team with him and JSJ in one ep where he was the spy (ep where they held hands a lot while guessing songs). This ep was probably worse because SJH didn't have a fair chance and KJK was going to have to deceive her in a different way than just being the spy.


    (Sorry for the bad typing. I'm on my phone. I'll look up the ep numbers later.)

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  11. Interesting, I don't think she's ever said yes to currently having a bf before. I don't think that's because she's been single all this time. But if our predictions are correct and spartace (or if SJH is planning to marry her current bf, even.if he isn't KJK) is planning to get married in the next year, then saying yes to having a boyfriend is certainly a step on the right direction. It gives fans a a heads up as to what might be coming.


    And the very rough translation reminds me a lot of KJK's letter to his future wife lol.

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  12. KJK seems to be a jealous guy in general (though not oppressively jealous as SJH has done MC and WGM during their relationship if they have dated since 2013). I remember the conversation in the Love and War ep where KJK asked if jealousy goes away with marriage, and YJS and HH thought KJK will still be jealous even after marriage. However, while KJK might always be the jealous type, it may tone down a bit after marriage. My guess is some of the jealousy comes from being a secret couple, so when guests flirt with SJH, they don't know she already has someone. 


    KJK tends to involve himself any time SJH comes up in discussion whether it's praising her or teasing her. SJH does it too honestly. For instance, PBY chose KJK over LKS, and SJH couldn't stay quiet and started shouting that searches would now be "KJK and PBY". If a guest shows romantic interest in the other person, KJK and SJH will usually involve themselves in the conversation. To add personal experience, I'm like that with the guy I'm seeing at the time. It's a feeling a showing off that I know that person best, but also making certain that I'm the person closest to him. I do it with friends at times as well, but not nearly to the same extent. The way KJK and SJH always comment on each other falls wayyy into romantic territory.

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  13. 1 hour ago, mn0096 said:

    Dang, there goes KJK’s competition! His Ji Hyo (not Twice’s) must be so disappointed .... Just kidding, all. Congrats to the new couple. :D 




    I somehow missed the word "twice" in the article headline and wondered if soompi had decided to throw its credibility out the window.


    Congrats to the new couple! Hopefully we here good news from spartace in the next year (though not released through dispatch).

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  14. SJH acts so cute when she teases KJK like this. It reminds me a bit of ep 446. I don't think she acts quite the same with the other members. She automatically slips into a cute voice with him e.g. ep 215 when she says "It's mine" and ep 249 when she's trying to complete the mission so she can eat jjajangmyeon. (There are other instances, I'm just too lazy to find them right now.) I can't really remember her using such a cute voice with the other members. If she has used it, certainly not as often. 



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  15. @heynell @Adines Nugraha What are some of the other theories?


    The theory that they're trying to boost popularity is interesting, but it seems odd then that they're doing this now when the ratings have been low for years (has a too little, too late feeling). Also, i checked the RM wiki link, which lists the ratings, and actually the RM ratings in SK went up after the addition of JSM and YSC, but then dropped back down near what it was before in end of 2016-2017 this year (by which I mean the ratings fall in the 6-7% range this year rather than the 6-8% range of last year).


    It's the international fanbase that has kept RM alive for 9 years. Right when the Firing Scandal was going on, a Business Insider article came out that listed Running Man as #9 in the world's most watched shows of 2016 and the only non-US show in the top 10 link, and I think that actually played a role in helping to save RM. I guess it's possible that RM wants the 10 year anniversary to be for the international fans (e.g. one last Race Start) and is therefore doing something in SK now, but I see the SK show as more of a finale.


    Sorry, just throwing out some thoughts.


    I just hope that before RM ends, we get a coupe episodes with spartace as an open couple. I'm still waiting for their LA couples episode.

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  16. Question: what do y'all think of the 9th anniversary fanmeet?


    I'm a little puzzled as to why they're doing it for the 9 year when usually an event like this makes more sense for the 10 year anniversary. It could be that they have something else planned for the 10 year, but I think more likely explanation is either:


    a) They don't plan on having a 10 year anniversary. Ignoring the possibility of a Season 2, the show does have to end at some point. People have been saying for years that the cast members (especially JSJ) aren't young, but despite this, the show has kept going and the cast has kept entertaining. But what people are saying is true, eventually the cast's ages (and accumulated injuries) are going to prevent them from doing the show. It is possible, and I wouldn't be surprised, if SBS tried to make a Season 2 of RM with some of the younger members, but I don't think it'd have the same following and would be the same show only in name.




    b) They don't plan on having the current cast at the 10 year anniversary and therefore want to have the fanmeet now. I don't think YSC and JSM are leaving any time soon, and because they haven't been part of RM since day one, I don't think their departure would cause the fanmeet to be held a year early. If some of the original cast, however, planned to leave at the end of this year (for example, JSJ due to age, spartace due to marriage, etc.), then I could see them wanting to hold a fanmeet that would include the cast. However, I think this is the less likely explanation, because I remember the backlash KJK and SJH got when SBS first tried to pass their firing off as them quitting, I don't think they would leave the show before it's ending. 


    Also, I know a lot of fans claim that SJH is the reason spartace hasn't gotten married yet (e.g. KJK really wants to get married but SJH wants to continue her career), but I disagree with this. I do think KJK wants to get married, but I don;t think he's a desperate as RM and fans portray him. Having one person wanting to get married and the other constantly refusing is not a long-term sustainable relationship. There's a reason you should check with a person in the very early stages of the relationship on their feelings about marriage and when they're looking to get married - it's a very core part of any romantic relationship. So, I think they both have made the decision to put their careers and RM ahead of getting married. I think, to them, being a public couple meant leaving RM,


    Also, for those worried about the disappearance of the spartace love line, I wouldn't be too concerned. I think spartace exists as a love line to prepare the audience and not to make money or garner ratings the way MC was. Side Note: I always laugh when I see comments claiming that the spartace love line came out of nowhere. KJK and SJH have been called a perfect match during the beginning of the year fortune-telling for years now, and told by the cast members to date. The fact there have been rumors about them getting married and that they have such a big following before now shows that this hasn't come out of nowhere at all. Spartace usually gets focus at the beginning of each year for years now, and I think it has to do with RM not being sure when it'll end but wanting to prepare the audience for spartace. For instance, after the Firing Scandal and everyone thought RM was ending, they built up spartace but as soon as they decided not to end the show, spartace disappeared into the void and KJK was given a new love line. For years now, after KG left, we get hints of spartace and teasing for the rest of the cast, only for it to disappear. So I think the point of starting a spartace love line was to lay down the possibility of spartace, not to turn it into the next MC.


    Okay, so those were my random thoughts for the moment lol. Let me know what y'all think!

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