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[Drama 2013] Her Legend / Her Myth 그녀의 신화


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Guest Littlezaznangel

@shaselai: i liked both of the dramas you mentioned too.  the one i was talking about was Fashion King... I actually liked the designs that were made in the show its just the storyline was just so awful. The designs couldnt make up for the story at all.. class="H" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; outline: 0px; font-weight: 400; font-size: 26px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.4em; color: rgb(30, 30, 31); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px;"

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Her Legend Episode 6 Recap/Summary August 25, 2013

The 6th episode starts with Jin-Hoo going to Jung-Soo’s shop and while he is there he sees a photo of a young Jung-Soo and he recalls when he was young and he confronted her about stealing the bag design. He remembers going to Shin Hwa group and seeing the picture taped to the window and he went back to her stand and she wasn’t there because she was busy with exams. He tells her instead of paying him back he wants her to design and make him a new tablet cover and she agrees happily.

At home Jin-Hoo finds the picture of Jung-Soo and then finishes his math problem which helps him relax. Manager Kang goes to meet Jung-Soo and they have coffee and he tells her that she has lots of talent and that the only reason she did pass was because of her lack of presentation with her portfolio. She tells him that he has encouraged her and that if another challenge approaches she feels more confident. She also asks about Jin-Hoo’s tastes but then doesn’t let him answer and leaves it. 

Kyung-Hee tells her adoptive parents she wants to move into their house in Seoul and they agree that it would be okay. Jung-Soo finishes designing the cover and goes and buys some expensive italian leather and starts working on it. The team is introduced for team Luna.

Jin-Hoo texts Jung-Soo during the meeting asking if she is working on the cover and she texts back that she will finish today and he can come get it. Ah-Ra one of the designers on the team suggests going to clubs  to survey the market and everyone agrees to this. Jung-Soo gets a text to meet him at the golden gate club while she is at her friends rental store and while they are there Ah-Ra comes in and returns the clothes she rented. Ah-Ra gets more clothes and accessories for going to the club tonight. When she leaves her friend tells Jung-Soo that she is obsessed and yearns for expensive items but cannot afford them. Do-Young is writing a letter to Kyung-Hee and writes she will wear the carnation for parent’s day. Everyone is at the club and they go dancing. Jung-Soo goes to the club but is not let in because she is not dressed up. She tries phoning Jin-Hoo and he eventually answers and comes out and drags her into the club room. She gives him the cover and says it is not his style and he refuses to tell her what he likes and suggests she needs to follow fashion and trends and that he wants her to make a new one.

She gets a nose bleed and then runs out of the room with kleenex. As she leaves Ah-Ra sees her and thinks she was crying and then sees Jin-Hoo run after her.

Ah-Ra tells everyone when they gather that Jin-Hoo left with a girl who was crying. Kyung-Hee then decides to leave after she heard Jin-Hoo hat left and says she has a migraine. Manager Kang follows her and says he will drive because he knows how she can’t drive with a migraine she refuses and leaves. Jin-Hoo finds Jung-Soo and pulls her in and she falls alseep so he has to look up her address from her resume. As she is sleeping her neck keeps falling so he puts a pillow around her neck.

When Jin-Hoo takes her home he sees Kyung-Hee by the house and standing outside he recognizes her and she makes up an excuse saying that she likes the view here and then she leaves. Jung-Soo wakes up and leaves. The next day Kyung-Hee tries to suck up to Jin-Hoo but it doesn’t work. Manager Kang sees this and then is reminded of when they used to date and she got a migraine and he gave her a piggyback. 

Jung-Soo at the shop is told by Kyung-Ho that the man that rents out their shop went bankrupt and got involved with loan sharks and that means they are going to lose their shop.

Jin-Hoo is trying to text and phone Jung-Soo but she hasn’t replied to him in a week so he goes down to her shop and finds it is closed down and is told by others what happened. As Jin-Hoo is driving down he sees Jung-Soo and Kyung-Ho selling their bags on the street and they are doing it illegally.

The cops come and she pushes all the bags she can into a big bag and runs and Jin-Hoo pulls up and she gets in. He gives her a hard time for not making him a new cover and she says he will have to wait until her family situation is better.  He drives her home and she thanks him for helping her and he asks if she wants a job at Shin Hwa and she agrees. Manager Kang tells Jin-Hoo that he needs an assistant for the team and Jin-Hoo is then relieved because there is now a job for Jung-Soo. The president of Shin Hwa tells Director Choi that he will be stepping down soon but he wants it to be a secret and the Director Choi is secretly happy about this.  Jung-Soo comes into the company and is hapy for the part time assistant job and when Kyung-Hee sees her working she gets mad at the manager for hiring and then complains to Manager Kang.

As Jung-Soo works she runs into Manager Kang and they are happy to see each other. 

Do-Young is driving and she all of a sudden remembers Jung-Soo runnning down the road to her car begging for help. Do-Young calls her husband and tells him that she remembers. Jung-Soo is called into Kyung-Hee’s office and she says it has been a while Jung-Soo and Jung-Soo asks if she really is Kyung-Hee and this is how the 6th episode ends.

This drama is coming out strong! I really hope that they will be able to keep the interest and drama going for all of the episodes. I just realized that it is not a drama without amnesia !! it seems a bit cliche but yet it is quite effective to keep the plot interesting. I wonder if she got all her memories back or just that one of Jung-Soo. I wonder what Kyung-Hee’s goal is to admit that she is Kyung-Hee to Jung-Soo? maybe she will just pretend that she has come to Korea to work and that she is just living alone as an adult? I mean it would be hard to keep it a secret if they talk about her dad running the company she works for? or maybe she will just tell her the truth and that there is nothing that Jung-Soo can do about it now?

It seems like Kyung-Hee either has a crush on Jin-Hoo or she wants his attention or to get on his good side but she seems to be failing at that because she is too boring. Jung-Soo has obviously left a mark on him by leaving the photo on the window and seems to be interested in her. I wonder if that is the love triangle Kyung-Hee likes Jin-Hoo and Jin-Hoo likes Jung-Soo. I know that Manager Kang has to get in the triangle somewhere. He has hit it off with Jung-Soo and is nice to her so therefore they will not work out together. Manager Kang obviously is hung up on Kyung-Hee but she seems to dislike him now so maybe they will end up together again or Manager Kang will end up alone! It is so hard to wait for the next episode!!


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Ch.15 JTBC 드라마 트위터입니다. 빠담빠담, 아내의 자격, 우결수, 무자식상팔자 등 재미있는 드라마들과 함께 현재 방영중인 무정도시, 궁중잔혹사 꽃들의 전쟁에도 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드립니다 :)


hiromin ‏@GreenLeafhiro

@pochimalful 私もとってみた。


回ღ੯ू•́ू ໒꒱ღ飛如武陽 ‏@pijohnhiiii

20130819 く(´ ε `”)ゝ んーーふぅ。。。 #그녀의신화 [5회] #김정훈


ミニちゃん(かおりん♡) ‏@happyfragrance

最後にやっと成功したジョン(*^ー^)ノ♪ #그녀의신화


happyfragrance ミニちゃん(かおりん♡)
成功(^^) #그녀의신화BSCaSEuCIAAxWRS.png:large
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Hello everyone~
I watched Her Legend in the weekend from the first episode till ep. 6. And I liked it very much! In fact I am waiting, with excitement, for episode 7. I would have to agree that Her Legend has a very typical storyline it is similar with other fashion, family and love themed drama. What makes this drama unique is the fact that the actors play their characters very well. There can be two exactly the same drama but can be totally different depending on the actors portraying the roles. There can be two chaebol actors but one will always stand up. 
In this drama, so far, everyone is acting very well. The leads have chemistry too. As well as the second lead actor. I can't wait for the next episodes. 

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Hi everyone...finally have the time to come out of lurkdom and post in this thread. First off, this is one helluva of a great thread. What more can you ask for? There's such an abundance of interesting insights and really informative posts esp. to @baduy (one of my favorite posters in soompi and whom I remember from the Brain thread) for such a delightful read. SALAMAT (Thank you). Much appreciated.

Watching the earlier episodes (with the child actors), I think that the incidents involving the Aunt being "mean" to JS were IMO somewhat incidental by nature and not "yet" coming from a place where there was intent to hurt. IIRC, in that scene where she scolded the young JS over the broken jar of honey and witnessed by DY, she tried to explain to DY what she just witnessed that it wasn't what she thought it was. Even up to that point where she slapped JS on "taking the money", again witnessed by DY.  I don't even think of that being "abusive" but her impulsive reaction out of anger over what she thought as JS wrongdoing. I think at that point, she was feeling resentful of her husband taking JS in because it means another mouth to feed when they were having money problems and not yet the animosity she developed towards JS later. It was quite telling on how she has the desire to one up JS's mom as she revealed her insecurity of JS's mom but she also showed grudging admiration. Although her actions later (the connivance with KH pretending to be JS) bring the "opportunist" in her. But her daughter (KH), brought it to another level. The young KH may have the smarts and ambitious but its a deadly combo when she's got too much of her mom's opportunistic nature in her. At such a young age, she's imbibed the kind of value system that is motivated by greed and envy. Sadly, the family's financial situation and her supposed role models, influenced the choices she's made. I find the young KH to have that sense of entitlement. She exhibits the kind of attitude that she's somewhat owed or entitled to something and someone. For how can one explain that a young child can be so cunning when she maliciously altered the address of JS's adoptive parents in the US. How can someone so young be so deceitful and showed no remorse of what she did. As she grows older, and the steps/plans she makes to keep the deceit can only be motivated by greed IMO. Possibly, the kind of greed that knows no bounds. Yes, she has these nightmares but I don't think its guilt that is driving it. I think its more of her fear getting found out.

In my language (Filipino), there are different categories of greed - "katakawan" and "siba" (which can also refer to food), kasakiman (selfishness) and then there's what I consider as a higher level of greed in "ganid" and "gahaman" which the closest English translation to me is avarice. To parallel, KH is like a thief who got her loot with some help from her partners in crime but she's so greedy that she's not even sharing the loot with her partners. That to me, depicts "gahaman".

Lastly, I hope the writers don't make the antagonists with their shady characters suddenly grow a conscience and does a 180 degrees change, though I want them to be fleshed out. Since this is cable and JTBC who gave us Cruel City, I trust them to give us a fresh look into a simple story.

So thank you for giving me space and I'm looking forward to episode 7 & 8 this week.

P.S. Don't know if its just coincidence but one of our local channels here is running Stars Falling From the Sky starting this week. 


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Today episode was fun, JH rejected the tablet cover again although he loved the new one JS made for him because he was not able to contact her and waited for her in the front of her home for a while and then got angry seeing her with MK so he might just decide to torture her again by saying she should make another tablet cover.

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Can't write much right now, but just to put those of you without much Korean out  of your misery: KY's cunning scheme is to admit to JS who she is, but to explain that what happened is that while studying in America she met her current adoptive parents and hit it off so well with them that they wanted to adopt her. But they made it condition of that adoption that she forget all about her natural family, even if and when she returned to Korea. JS asks in shock whether KY's parents didn't know about this. KY replies with a superior smile that of course they knew all about it, since their legal consent was required, but they accepted it for KY's good. And she adds with a sneer, "You mean they never told you about it?" implying that supposedly keeping JS in the dark in that way shows they don't really regard her as family, and that thought clearly hurts JS. (It's that hurt in particular, rather than just shock at recognizing KY that JS is showing when MK meets her in the corridor and which makes him want to comfort her.

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I can see how frustrating it is not to know what's being said, but in the interests of getting subs that do much better justice to the quality of the writing than the current ones are doing, I'd be more inclined to suggest that DF shouild be in less of a rush to get the subs out, and do a better job of translating and editing them

I hope they won't use the same subber that did last week's episodes again.  Last week's subs had a lot of English grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, and there were inaccuracies that could have been avoided by applying a little common sense.

I already pointed out the mistake that made the cost of that tablet cover only one tenth of the sum that horrified JS and so created a mismatch between the dialogue and her behaviour (as well as making any alert viewer wonder why JS would then willingly pay out more than what the subber claimed the original cover would cost just to buy the right leather to make her own replacement article.) 

And at the end of last Tuesday's episode, in the part of the teaser for today which anticipated today's actual cliffhanger sequence, the subber decided that the crucial word in what Do Yeong suddenly recalled (apparently while she was gardening) was 나물을, i.e  "herb" plus the object marker, when in fact it was 나무를 i.e. "tree" plus the object marker. The sounds are very similar, especially when spoken so fast, but why on earth would Do Yeong call KY excitedly to tell her she'd "found their herbs"? Given a choice between "herbs" and a "tree", a tree should seemed a much likier sort of item to "find" again after all these years have passed. [EDIT, after watching the actual episode I now realize that the word was indeed  나무, tree, but plus the plural marker i.e. 나무들 not the object marker 나무를.  So instead of it referring to 'finding' one tree that 'belonged to' both of them, it meant two trees, one each, so to speak. ]
Mercifully, the same mistake isn't likely to happen in the subs for today's episode, because we get to actually see and hear what leads to this phone call being made, finding out at the same time that the teaser was, as so often, tricksy.

Because the words about "finding the tree" don't actually come, where they seemed to do in the teaser, as DY is gardening. What happens at that point is that DY, working in the yard, has a blurred recollection of Jeong Soo and herself talking about "your tree and my tree" whereupon  she makes two separate but equally urgent calls to KH, some time apart. The first call, which arrives just as KY has finished her successful presentation, is to ask her help to pin the memory down. DY asks can she tell her what a reference to "her and Jeong Soo's tree" might be about?" This sends KY into a panic. We see her driving frantically to the seaside villa and then running up into the woods behind the house, accompanied by a voiceover of her calling Jeong Soo [ EDIT in the episode itself it emerges that HK actually summoned JS to her office to try to tease the information out of her] to ask whether there was any "special tree near that lady's  beach house." Jeong Soo can't think of one (we realize why in a moment) but as she races up into the woodlands KY is telling herself that this "special" tree must have some sort of marker, and she's simply got to find its location before her ignorance of what must have been an important memory gives the game away. She's just found one false positive, a tree that is indeed marked, but has nothing to do with Jeong Soo, when DY calls her cellphone again. We see, but KY doesn't, that DY is sitting in her studio, and when we hear her say (paired with the right video segment this time) that she's "found their tree" we see that she's talking about a picture. We also see how terrified KH is, because she guesses that she's going to be expected to know all about this tree, but she hasn't a clue. And to complete her woes, HY adds "I'm obviously getting all my memories back piece by piece" which provides the cliffhanger line.

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