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Which Language Would You Choose?

Guest aphotic twilight.

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Guest themadhatterdoll

My first language is English,

and I took three years of french. I can manage reading it rather well, but my teacher was horrible, so if someone spoke to me I'd be like, "Huh."

My Dad never taught me Vietnamese.

I started learning Japanese on my own in tenth grade.

And my friends are trying to learn Korean and I'm picking up some of that.

Whenever I'm fluent in French, Japanese, and Korean,

I want to learn Vietnamese, language and culture,

because my Dad was always to busy to teach me/

doesn't care about culture.

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Guest neshpa

I'd actually want to learn French. I think no matter who the person is, the French language will always sound very suave and sexy, haha.

Currently I'm learning Japanese because I had to pick a language to learn at school. In two years, I haven't learned much except how to say "I'm ____", "I like cheese," and "Shut up you crazy mother effer."

I guess you could say I'm self teaching myself Korean but I'm not very set of learning it every day. Although I do know how to write in Korean :ph34r:

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Guest x3pinay

Since I wanna be able to understand the things

I watch without subtitles, I want to learn Korean.

But I'm actually taking a Japanese class right now

and just self-teaching myself Korean. These two

languages are pretty similar in some ways so

its not hard to learn it simultaneously.

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Guest asianami


Korean is much harder in pronounciation in my opinion. Only thing about Japanese is all the chinese characters with their reading, but other than that pretty easy.

Personal preferences of either's culture also influences decision.

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Guest reuniw

^Yeah, I agree with the above. French is such as sexy language. LOL

Right now, I'd love to learn: French, Japanese & Chinese. With the changes in my interests, the languages will change as well.

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Guest adagio12

why not learn both?

but maybe not at the same time though... XD

Learning new languages takes effort and lots of of practice.

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Guest esxtee

Definitely Korean and Japanese. :)

I wouldn't mind French or Spanish though. I really want to learn those languages more.

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Guest IlikeChicken

Korean is a lot easier than Japanese to me

But I would want to learn Japanese because I like Japanese game shows lawl

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Guest xdeathberry

I'm an English speaker, so I want to work on enhancing my Korean vocabulary. lol

I also want to learn Japanese, and I'm currently learning French in school.

I know a little bit of Spanish, but not that much.I should work on that too.

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Guest suppaazn

In terms of actually using it outside in the world, I would choose Japanese because it's more common than Korean and it will help you will international businesses (well, any second language will help you).

In terms of speaking it, I say Japanese has easier pronounciations.

In terms of writing it, Korean is easier (Japanese has hiragana, katakana, and kanji). But if you know chinese, kanji wouldnt be as much trouble.

Currently, i'm learning Japanese (I too was debating if I should learn Japanese/Korean). It's ironic because I don't listen to Japanese music or watch much Japanese shows but I'm a korean music/drama freak. >__<

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Guest mon cherie

Korean, first.

It's interesting.

Japanese is a bit tougher with the different styles.

But I would eventually want to learn both if I was super determined to learn.

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Guest velvetsky


yups definitely korean,

and than japanese

but it sounds so hard and difficult to learn though

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