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[Drama 2007] Kimcheed Radish Cubes / Ggak-du-gi 깍두기

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Guest trang2431

thank you very much, cococrust. ^_^

can anyone please translate the conversation between SY and GH at the end of this ep? (when SY was crying)


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thank you very much, cococrust. ^_^

can anyone please translate the conversation between SY and GH at the end of this ep? (when SY was crying)


Jaewoo send his letter of proposal to her in that box of chocolates ..asking her that :

you are the first and last to me

and i too wish to become your first and last man

if you accept , please bring this ring with you to the park

i will be waiting for you .

GH : what 's wrong ,child? quick go

yes . women do teared when they receive a marriage proposal

SY: i am not going

GH : what are you saying ?

SY: i am worried , afraid

GH : worried about what ? afraid d of what ?

dont you like him ?

isnt this the day you been waiting for ? aren't you happy ?

SY: yes , i've been waiting for this day but

GH .. yes .. then ?

SY : it seem it wont work for me with ahjushi ..ahujshi will leave me

GH: what are you saying ?

SY: though things are like this now [meaning ..things are okay and happy now ]

but ..eventually one day ahjushi will leave me too

GH: leave you ? why are you having such thoughts !

SY " i can't receive love from anyone

GH: saya . what happen to you ?

SY: even my mother who is dearest in this world to me abandoned me

when ahjushi said he like me

though i was happy but yet i was very worried

what should i say when he say he love me

just like how my mother deserted me .

ahjushi will leave me too

he will leave me !

i dont want to be abandoned by anyone now !

i am not going ! i am not going !

GH : NO . Jaewoo will never abandon you !

SY : Even my mother abandon me ! My own MOTHER!

then SY went crying into GH arms ..~ she held her tightly

GH: your mother must be regreting now ! and will be getting her punhishment for giving up her child !

SY : i am not going .!

GH ..must be tearing her heart apart hearing her own child being so frightened of being abandon

" Child . omma had given you such a wound that will never heal for the rest of your life .sorry . i am so sorry .


- so sad ..the poor gal ! jaewoo must make her happy !~

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Thanks Shirley for the explanation. So sweet of JW and realy hope that she will be the only one for him!!!!

ya .^^starting at 14 min of the esp or so ..he was sending her home ! they been walking round the park twice haha because he cant bear to part ..and keep asking her to do one more round ..so she teasingly asked is it really so great to be with me ..and he said ~~ the most happiest moment in a day is when he is sending her home ~lol then saya wondered if their conversation is overheard by anyone .they will think they are so childish .

and jaewoo .told her ...people in love always say childish things ! ahh then she was curious and asked him ..is she really his first love ! .kek ..at first he teased back ..saying ..he too wonder why do all those women will let such a man like him off

..but then he went on to explain .how he always been lonely no friends ...play by himself .and studies alone .his mother left him and his sister when he was six year old to germany and suddenly come back with money to start her career .telling her children she inherited it from a granny .....her mother had cautioned him that ..since they become rich .there will be also ppl who will dislike them and to be on guard for people who are nice to them without reason or try to get close to them . he hear it so many times from his mother that it sort of become true and

in fact he was also been used by people who wanted to get close to him .

and hence .he live like that .being alone ... and he feel it is easiler to do everything by himself ..and soon it become a habit

exercise alone ..climbing mountain by himself ....he doesnt really feel lonely or pathetic with no one beside him .as he alraedy take it for granted .

when he is bad mood .he will only try to work harder or work hiimself out in exercise ...never sharing his emotions with others and that's how he grow up ...now he think about it .perhaps it is loneliness that make him that way

~~ but now its is okay ..he has saya with him and he realise being with someone can be such happiness . !! though he will feel lonely after sending her home and going home alone !

so saya ...confessed : me too . after we part , once i reach home i thnk of you and hope tomorrow will come sooner

AWWWWWWW that had him spellbound he so feeling magical someone need him as much as he need her i think ^ * .and hold her in his arms

JW: Saya , if only we never need to separate during the night ..and stay togehter for the entire night ..every day .

SY : hwo could we be together everyday [ ...lol .she must be tihinking he such a sweet fool ]

JW: let's not go home today .and stay here like this

but SY worried ahjuma will worried about her

that's why i he thought of the ulimate solution ..marry her and be his wife ! .so they can be together day and night . :rolleyes: he will probably be quite a clingly husband hahaha i think ..

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Thanks Shirley for the last scene of Episode 27 ! As for me,I downloaded it but it was cut on 45min so I didn't see it! I don't know why..

The proposal sounds like so sweet, I do think it will not happen in the reality (the first and the last one..)but yet, I want to believe on !^^

Seems like they are including more and more sweet scenes of JW and SY, but I'm afraid for the next...Some people are going to cry...

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Been sick lately :( so very thankful to Shirley dearie ^_^ since she has done most of the summary, I shall only post till the part she started. :D

Ep 27 Summary

The Grandpa who knows the truth recognized JW’s mum straight away. Pulling her & accusing her for causing the death of SY’s dad & granny & said her fortunate should be SY’s & wanted her to return to her at once. She even pushed the elderly man to the floor & left. Mother Jeong was looking depressingly at SY’s photo.

JW’s mum returned to her office & spoke sternly to her. She wanted her to call MK back to the office & while she was in her room, she recalled the Grandpa’s words. When MK was there, she asked how SY’s performance was. He answered she had been very hardworking, positive attitude & he had not spend enough time with her. He continued that he would be asking her for a meal. He then asked SY & JW out for a treat. JW was elated when he learnt about the gathering.

Once DS was done with his work & left the flower shop immediately. KS (male colleague) told MD that DS had fallen for SY. DS went to the bookstore to buy a book on computer. SY called back home saying she would be late coz she had a gathering & Granny joked was it a date with JW?

JY asked her mother how was the meeting with SY’s dad acquaintance. She replied that they are all the same, nothing satisfied with them. Then JY asked why her parents threw her in a temple & there must to be a reason. She simply blurted a reason.

While the three of them were having dinner, JW kept staring at SY, who was eating delightfully. His brother-in-law told him not to stare at SY & concentrate on his dinner. JW wanted his brother-in-law to help SY & he asked if how both of them been progressing. Both of them could be thinking of the KISS & reacted pretty shyly. JW then asked what type of progress he is referring. He answered obviously it was the mother & added that she had asked some of SY’s private matters like her father, grandmother & Mother Jeong.

continue from Shirley's....

ya .^^starting at 14 min of the esp or so ..he was sending her home ! they been walking round the park twice haha because he cant bear to part ..and keep asking her to do one more round ..so she teasingly asked is it really so great to be with me ..and he said ~~ the most happiest moment in a day is when he is sending her home ~lol then saya wondered if their conversation is overheard by anyone .they will think they are so childish .

and jaewoo .told her ...people in love always say childish things ! ahh then she was curious and asked him ..is she really his first love ! .kek ..at first he teased back ..saying ..he too wonder why do all those women will let such a man like him off

..but then he went on to explain .how he always been lonely no friends ...play by himself .and studies alone .his mother left him and his sister when he was six year old to germany and suddenly come back with money to start her career .telling her children she inherited it from a granny .....her mother had cautioned him that ..since they become rich .there will be also ppl who will dislike them and to be on guard for people who are nice to them without reason or try to get close to them . he hear it so many times from his mother that it sort of become true and

in fact he was also been used by people who wanted to get close to him .

and hence .he live like that .being alone ... and he feel it is easiler to do everything by himself ..and soon it become a habit

exercise alone ..climbing mountain by himself ....he doesnt really feel lonely or pathetic with no one beside him .as he alraedy take it for granted .

when he is bad mood .he will only try to work harder or work hiimself out in exercise ...never sharing his emotions with others and that's how he grow up ...now he think about it .perhaps it is loneliness that make him that way

~~ but now its is okay ..he has saya with him and he realise being with someone can be such happiness . !! though he will feel lonely after sending her home and going home alone !

so saya ...confessed : me too . after we part , once i reach home i thnk of you and hope tomorrow will come sooner

AWWWWWWW that had him spellbound he so feeling magical someone need him as much as he need her i think ^ * .and hold her in his arms

JW: Saya , if only we never need to separate during the night ..and stay togehter for the entire night ..every day .

SY : hwo could we be together everyday [ ...lol .she must be tihinking he such a sweet fool ]

JW: let's not go home today .and stay here like this

but SY worried ahjuma will worried about her

that's why i he thought of the ulimate solution ..marry her and be his wife ! .so they can be together day and night . :rolleyes: he will probably be quite a clingly husband hahaha i think ..

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Showing this week.....




source kdcon

Ep 28 Preview

JW proposed but since she had forgotten about her mum, SY could not accept his proposal. Seeing that KimHee (Mother Jeong) was guilty.

SuNam (JW's mum) knew SY was staying with KimHee, she was in a state of hysterical....




source kdcon

Ep 29 Preview

SuNam reached before Mother Jeong. She was shocked to see SuNam while walking together with SY.

SuNam treated like nothing happened but Mother Jeong was having cold sweat & could not even speak well......

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Thanks Shirley for the last scene of Episode 27 ! As for me,I downloaded it but it was cut on 45min so I didn't see it! I don't know why..

The proposal sounds like so sweet, I do think it will not happen in the reality (the first and the last one..)but yet, I want to believe on !^^

Seems like they are including more and more sweet scenes of JW and SY, but I'm afraid for the next...Some people are going to cry...

ahhh haha first and only ..well .it can happen for saya since she been living in the temple and out of touch with the outside world but for jaewoo .that must been quite ahem something for a man of his age to keep away from relationship ..lol but nothing not possible..considering his character before he met her ..it can be kinda of boring to be with him ..though still i should think he quite a good catch ..er what have all those women been doing !! lol i also wonder --;;;

but it was kinda of sweet and he tugged at my romantic heart when he said to her in the esp 25 ..she asked did he like her the monent he saw her at the temple ..lol and he said ...

nope . !

i liked you since my previous life just that we were reunited at the temple !~~ .

.hahhaa they do give him the most mushy lines ..but so sweeet ...

and i really do want the events to unfold soon ..i know it will hurt both of them sigh i wonder how they going to face each other and who will know the secret first ..[ and if she will also end up back at the temple again !! .i can imagine him chasing back tg the temple to stop her lol ] anyway .i think they will pull through this ....they cant live without each other

Been sick lately :( so very thankful to Shirley dearie ^_^ since she has done most of the summary, I shall only post till the part she started. :D

hope you take care and recover soon !^^ here some making of photos for next week coming esp ..i think there going to be the meet the parents session !! ...









is she wearing the ring ~!!


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Guest plumangel3

Queer i hope you get better soon! thanx again for the summary and previews :)

and thanx you Shirley for the scenes between SY and JW and the pics :D

they've both been so lonely in their lives but have now found each other to love ^^

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Guest SillyYun

sorry i just ask some stuffs..*confused*

so u babes mean like..

SY's mom remarries into the family, and their first two sons are not her sons, only the third son is Saya's half brother, meaning the mom and the current hubby give birth to him..whose the mom of the first two sons?

on JW side..so the mom adopts them? and does that mean that JW's mom doesnt have kids?

how come JW's mom's baby died instead of SY?

does that mean that JW and DongShik has both possibility of getting together with DS?

nooooooooooooooooooooo i want JW to be with SY..they are best match!

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The first sons are from the first marriage of Father Jeong, his first wife died very early...

And JW and his sis are not adopted but are Sunam's children, from her first marraige too..I think JW's dad died very early too...Then, she got married too with actually SY's father but he had an affair with Jeong mother and had a child with her...

At the beginning, SuNam agreed to raise SY as her own daughter but after her own child died, she didn't feel that way...and give up SY.

And for DS and JWboth are not related to SY..but I don't think now it's possible that SY fell in love with DS...

It's too late, DS !! ^^

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Guest SillyYun

^wow thanks cos i really got confused about their moms stories..so confusing

im still feeling blurry on JW's mom part..even tho u explained..i think i'll take time to absorb the story haha

hopefully SY will be with JW..

JW is just too nice

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The first sons are from the first marriage of Father Jeong, his first wife died very early...

And JW and his sis are not adopted but are Sunam's children, from her first marraige too..I think JW's dad died very early too...Then, she got married too with actually SY's father but he had an affair with Jeong mother and had a child with her...

At the beginning, SuNam agreed to raise SY as her own daughter but after her own child died, she didn't feel that way...and give up SY.

And for DS and JWboth are not related to SY..but I don't think now it's possible that SY fell in love with DS...

It's too late, DS !! ^^

Techinically DS and JW were in the same position with SY.

JW deceased sibling shared the same father as SY while

DS (living) sibling shares the same mother as SY.

JW mother was legally married to SY's father

DS father is legally married to SY's mother.

Here is the big difference

All of JW's relationships with SY are broken due to death and/or separation

All of DS's relationships with SY are still in tack and looks like they will be around forever.

Oh one last thing:

The granny stole DS's (step)mother's baby

While JW's mother stole the granny's money.

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