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Guest cutegurl87

Fans Meet in Japan :: Portion of Q & A

posted by boola in sjs thread @ www.hotelier2002.com

How Jisub and Kyu-in (dating now) are alike!

He's dating someone?!

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Guest Dahee Fanel

He's dating someone?!

Hi cutegurl! *waves* Nice to see you on this thread.

Don't worry, he's not dating anyone. :P "Dating Now" is the name of one of his dramas. Hehe. Calm down, chingu! :P

Prisci posted this translation on July 7:

[[My, I’m Fainting]] [*Dream Team*] Encounter 2 (2002/03/23)

From Youngsosa Café, JS Meet Section, article #7

Written by Hershey Chocolate, aka Daun

(Translated by Priscilla)

Hee hee~ It’s so hot today I left home early for work…

I’ve nothing much to do now.. Ho ho.

I had posted these encounter stories in the former Jisub site long time ago…It’s been so long ago it may feel out~dated… ^^

[*Dream Team*] Encounter 2

Hershey entered the center-stadium… I was feeling a little out of place…

Honestly before coming, I didn’t expect I'd be standing this close…

I thought I’d be happy if I just get to see Oppa’s face…

Chun Shiljang~~~ I really really thank you~~ * ^^ *

Chun Shiljang asked me to follow him…

I did, and he took me to the stand-by bench where Dream Team was sitting…

Chun Shiljang: (touching Jisub Oppa’s shoulders) This is Hershey…

Hershey: (rushing to show the prettiest smile) Hello~

(That’s all I could say --)

Jisub Oppa... He seemed surprised at my sudden appearance…

In a low voice he said “Yes~” and he bowed with his head…

Wow~ Hershey was about to faint.

Anyways, Hershey had eyes only for Jisub Oppa…

Don’t ask me if Dream Team won or lost… or who looked the hottest… don’t…

I was so busy staring at Jisub Oppa… I didn’t notice anything else…

I’m not exaggerating, it’s true… All I did was to stare at Oppa…

I couldn’t see anyone else… Try it for yourself, and you’ll see… Really.

Before the competition, there was a little warm up exercise…

He was practicing climbing the smoky ladders…

Next to him was a public Dream Team sportsmen…

This public sportsman… he looked like he was a monkey in his previous life… amazingly fast…

Jisub Oppa was next to him… Looking unsure… then he stopped altogether…

I think he was really shocked by the speed of the monkey like public sportsman… K K K K K

When the real competition began and it was Jisub Oppa’s turn, he stood behind the starting line so gallantly! It was an amazing sight…

The audience was cheering wildly…

The sportsman standing next to him… I don’t know who he is…

Anyhow, they started running inside the styro-foams…

Jisub Oppa was winning…

Jumping a smoky looking iron bar ladder… they were hand in hand… then Oppa started leading…

At the end of that high smoky ladder he jumped ~splash~ into the styro-foam filled floor…

Covered by all those styro-foams, he ran towards the final line…

Obviously at the end… Oppa won…

Of course he would~

Oppa… I think he gained many more fans through his participation at this Dream Team Event.

Including the Rick-Bi Girls who were standing next to me… K K

Regardless… Our Jisub Oppa… Today he looked really really handsome…

By the way, what I filmed through my 6mm Camcorder…

I’d like to show it to you…

Actually I was planning on sending this to his Official Site…

To ask them to upload this into their Video Clips…

But I’m sorry it can’t be…

What I took while standing at the audience section was blocked by the many bystanders in front of me…

The shots were off and very shaky..

And what I took inside the center stadium, you must have noticed in this Part II recount, that I couldn’t film much.

I was avoiding KBS cameramen, so I could only film one part where Oppa was running…

So the length of the tape is very short… This is it…

I couldn’t take many photo-pictures either.

The cameramen… they really hated seeing flashes going off during the event…

Besides, I was too far… let us consider this to be just a preview...

I talked a little bit to Oppa at the Parking Lot…

Hershey… she held Oppa’s hands… K K

But… It was so freezing cold I couldn’t feel anything…

How unfortunate… Either way, I was very happy…

Also, Jisub Oppa’s friend Park Yong Ha…

As expected of Oppa’s friend, he had a bright countanance~ much better looking than what’s seen on TV…

Still, in terms of looks, he couldn’t come near to our Jisub Oppa…

I was debating if I should take a picture with Mr. Park Yong Ha also…

Naeh~ how would I think of it while our Jisub Oppa was next to me! So I put the thought aside… hee hee

Hershey Chocolate Dream Team Experience ends here…

[EPILOGUE to follow...]

To read PART I, go to: http://www.xanga.com/contentlatest.asp?tab...s&user=Prisci4U

And this follow-up translation (also by Prisci):

[[i Am Distressed]] [*Dream Team*] BEHIND STORY…

From Youngsosa Café, JS Meet Section, article #8

Written by Hershey Chocolate, aka Daun

(Translated by Priscilla)

Ah… Dream Team…

To Oppa and to many of us, it was a program that has left us many scars…

Actually, when I posted my ENCOUNTER STORY at the previous site, I couldn’t talk about Oppa’s injuries.

Chun Shiljang told me not too, since many fans would worry…


> During the main competition… Oppa was doing great…

> He was so much faster than his opponent…

> But during the smoky ladder climbing, he was struggling to lead…

> And he jumped into the styro-foam field, crossing over his last obstacle…

> It was something like a mattress, as tall as an average person… It was really high…

> Oppa jumped over that and he fell backwards on the other side…

> I think that’s when his shoulders got disjointed badly… Although I’m guessing here…

> Anyhow, after winning, Lee Chang Myung was interviewing Oppa…

> “Mr. So Ji Sub, you’ve won… How are you feeling now…?” I think it was this kind of interview…

> However, Oppa was unable to talk much…

> That’s when I realized… Oppa’s hurt…

> Honestly, during the competition, I couldn’t tell at all that he was injured…

> Oppa must have run only thinking of winning…

> Anyways, when he went inside the waiting bench he kept on touching his shoulders and he looked he was in pain…

> It was obvious he was hurting…

> That’s why I called Chun Shiljang and I told him Jisub Oppa looked hurt…

> And that’s when Chun Shiljang started running… passing through other entertainers…

> Oppa walked down… towards the basement of the stadium… escorted by the security guards, with Myung Soo Oppa behind…

> I too followed him… I followed him crying so much I thought I’d die.

> Yong Tae Oppa went to look for the doctor…

> I… was so shocked and worried… Would he be alright?... Why did he have to get hurt?... I was so mad I wanted to die.

> Anyhow, I followed him. Jisub Oppa was sitting at the basement stairs and in a lot of pain… T T

> He kept telling Myung Soo Oppa that he was hurting… His face looked distorted and he kept on touching his shoulders…

> I was watching that and I was completely broken…

> Soon after, he went into the infirmary room with the doctor…

> When the doctor came out, I asked him if he’s alright…

> “It’s not too serious but he won’t be able to do any sports for a while…” T T

> ‘Nothing too serious’? Yeah right...

> So after Oppa got his first-aid treatment he went back to the stadium…

> He didn’t participate though, he just watched… From then on, he wasn’t able to take his right hand off his pocket…

> Oh My, I was so distressed…

> I gave up filming altogether… my will was gone… I just couldn’t make myself film a hurting Oppa…

> When I was almost done filming, Yong Tae Oppa told me to wait in the car so I went down to the parking lot…

> Diah and I were the only ones to make it there… The rest of the people, none of them got to see Oppa…

> Not too long after I got there, Oppa came down…

> But he looked so much in pain…

> I: “Oppa, is your injured shoulder OK?”

> But… trying to control his pain, he said: “My shoulder’s pretty messy now…”

> After this, Oppa went directly to the hospital…

> Yong Tae Oppa told me to wait for him near by while he too goes to the hospital…

> But the hospital visit must have taken him too long… he called me back and told me not to wait…

>”This is not looking good at all… tomorrow’s shooting will be impossible…”

> So after this, I went back to Seoul.

>I watched Oppa hurting with my own eyes…

>It was a really painful sight… I was suffering too, it was unbelievable…

>How I hate Dream Team now… every time I think of it my heart jumps~ scared…

>Please Oppa, don’t get hurt anymore…

To watch her complete DREAM TEAM ENCOUNTER STORIES by Hershey, go to:


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Guest Dahee Fanel

RmC posted this on July 7:

*** the words printed in red are my comments

From Women's joongang March/2004.

About 'So Ji Sub' - 100 questions & answers.

(All are written by So Ji Sub)

#1 Name : So Ji Sub.

#2 Birthday : 1977. Nov. 4

#3 School : Chung Woon University Senior.

#4 Favorate food : All chicken foods.

In these days, people hate to eat chicken due to the avian influenza.

But Korean government promised to pay a fortune if it occurs. So I keep eating.

#5 Food you can make : Ramyun(Korean instant noodle), mixed stew.

( I mix everything. such profound mixing technique! It's more delicious than it shows )

#6 Motto : "Winner's trick"

(A gold medalist, fell in drug once wasted his life. But later if he comeback succesfully,

his past life can be called 'hard but overcomed period'.

But if he fail to comeback, his whole life will be called just as 'an end'.

#7 nickname : Subsubi ^^ (from name, my fans call me like this, I like it.)

#8 Comic books you enjoyed : 북두신권(Fist Of The North Star), 캠퍼스군단(or 돌격 남자훈련소 Otoko Jyuku)

#9 Most favorate comic : 캠퍼스군단, Slam dunk (Kang Baek Ho's character is very helpful to my acting)

#10 Locations you go most : Apgoojung, near Hongik Univ.(home-_-)

#11 Person you respect : Mother.

#12 Favorate color : Purple.

#13 Favorate TV program : Friends(Sitcom), 'Happening in Bali'.

#14 Personality : Ummmm Quiet. I talk a little bit more when I'm drinking with close friends. hmm, makes me want to take him out for some soju

#15 Ideal woman : Person who has good sense, good at cooking.

I liked pretty girls before, but I'm changing as getting older. (pretty girl would be still good^^) uh-oh i cant cook

#16 Height, weight, blood, eyes : 182cm, 73kg, blood O, both 1.2.

#17 What you do first after wake up : Taking a shower.

#18 What you keep beside you when you sleep : Cell phone, remocon.

#19 What you do when you're boring : Dead body play, Web surfing.

#20 What you think when you see the mirror : Let's live with thanks always.

#21 When do you want to marry : At 33 years old. (I answered as 28 before, but now I'm 28 already.

How will I be at 33? I hope I must be married at least. )

#22 What do you want to shout in empty playground ? : Should I shout? I prefer silence.

#23 What do you want to present to your girlfriend ? : I myself.

#24 Favorate computer game : Starcraft.

#25 What you want to have most now : SLK (curious?)

#26 Favorate perfume : Versace Blue Jeans

#27 How many kids you hope in future : As many as my wife's health permits. lil Jisubs running around...

#28 When you think death : When I can't feel I'm alive.

#29 Your internet nickname : 'sonick' I sometimes meet fans at internet, but they don't believe I'm SJS.

I am sonick.

#30 Most favorate movies : Romeo and Juliet (1968 ver.) Nine half Weeks (1986) oh my! i love 9 1/2 weeks! what they did with all that food..

I want to be an actor like Mickey Rourke. I am collecting all his movies.

#31 Most primitive movie : Nobody can tell any movie is primitive.

#32 Most sad movie : Many. But I never cry. cheongmal? amazing how he can cry in all his dramas

#33 Most favorate persons now : family, friends, brothers... too many.

#34 If a person really loves you : depends on who she is. If she is who I really love, I will not lose her. my heart just melted...

#35 Favorate music : Hiphop. Currently OST of Happening in Bali 'My love'

#36 Bad point that you are a man : I can't enter women's bath room.

#37 Do you think you're hooked on internet? : No

#38 How long do you want to live : Till 70 years old. age that I can finish all I want to do ?

#39 Internet community you're active most : Fan club 영소사 Youngsosa

(영원히 소지섭만 사랑할래 love SJS forever http://cafe.daum.net/sojs)

#40 Happiness that you can get when you do an internet : I can feel love of my fans. Thanks!

#41 Constellation : Scorpio

#42 How do you overcome sleepiness? : I wish I could be sleepy. I don't sleep much.

#43 Which part do you see first when you see a woman : Legs.

#44 What words you hear most from women : Wow you're So Ji Sub!!

#45 What you're wearing now : Drama clothes.

#46 What you care about most : Family, friends.

#47 Favorate fruits : I like all fruits.

#48 Favorate song to sing : 'My love' (OST of Happening in Bali)

#49 Any good idea if you propose to your girlfriend? : I once was selected as number one of

"Celebrity who will make most romantic propose." I can't make my fans be disappointed.

But that's a secrete for my future fiance.

#50 Any name you hope for your future kids : 소 원 regardeless of boy or girl.(So Won means 'a Wish') JSAs any takers?

#51 Future job you hope : Hotel management.

#52 Your condition now : Worst, I caught a cold.

#53 What do you have in your pocket now ? : I have youth and dream.

#54 Experiences that you slept out of your home : Many.

#55 Favorite flowers : Tulips

#56 What do you worry most now ? : I feel a heavy responsibility to my acting.

#57 Favorite numbers : 32, 51

#58 When did you think you are smart most? : When highschool, I got a medal in swimming at National athletic meet.

#59 If suddenly your computer explodes after you wrote answers till here ?

: I must be very amazed, but I will write again from the first.

#60 Opinion to the homosexual love : I can presume their own world.

#61 Most painful moment : just before the operation of appendectomy.

#62 Your current property : various

#63 Personality that you hate : Critical & talkative person oops! JSAs are out, were all chatterboxes here( They may hate my quiet personality? )

#64 Food you can't eat : A welsh onion, especially a stew which welsh onions are floated on the top.

#65 Favorite books : Essays, 'Who moved my cheese'

#66 If your friend broke the appointment? : First I ask why, then tell he/she call me first next time.

#67 A burden to the money : Burden? well I may be happy if I earn a lot of money.

But I also believe that big asset is big disaster.

#68 Which do you prefer sunlight or moonlight? : I like all kinds of lights, I will not hide.

#70 What you want to receive as your birthday present : Digital camera (Sony 5,000,000 pixel)

#71 animal you like : Puppy

#72 Religion : None

#73 What you want to do in rainy day : Dead body play, of course.

#74 Monthly income : various

#75 Favorate season : Winter (because I like snow, I go to a snowboard even though I'm busy.

I become happy immediately as I see the snow while snowboarding.)

#76 Favorate words : Many ( Love, family, friends, friendship )

#77 Favorate sentence : "There's no destiny."

#78 How long do you sleep : 3~4 hours poor Jisub!

#79 Your first kiss : When I was highschool 1st year, in front of my girlfriend's house.

( I like kiss, both in real life and in drama, even though the feeling is totally different )

#80 How do you overcome the fear when you watch the horror movie? :

I keep thinking this is not real.

#81 How long do you contact internet? : Just web surfing, 30 min~ 1 hour.

#82 How long can you wait for the appointment : For my lover, I can wait till she comes. for you Jisub i wont ever be tardy

#83 Favorate clothing : Training wears, casual wears(Jeans and T shirts)

#84 Experience that you were beaten most : At highschool, I was beaten by 4 guys.

(No, I was not a gangster at school days)

#85 When do you want to contact internet? : Not much in these days.

#86 Your wish or your plan for the future : Being with my mom for long time,

paying full attention to the acting.

#87 If you accidently get 100,000,000 won : I will give it to mom and save it.

#88 Sports that you can do best : Swimming.

#89 How fast is your typing : I don't know, I never measure.

#90 How much can you drink liquor : Soju 2 bottles. (Korean thick liquor)

#91 Your hobbies : Snowboard, inline skating.

#92 Feet size : 280mm

#93 Meaning of your name : So(蘇 wakeup) Ji(志 meaning) Sub(燮 flame)

#94 Good point and bad point of your personality : Umm guess what? I don't know.

#95 Meals every day : Twice a day, few amount.

#96 What you can do better than others : Swimming, How to play by myself.

#97 Your first love : From highschool 1st year. I still remember something. Can I have a right not to answer?

#98 Country you hope to visit most : A country not famous, quiet, not crowded. please recommend!

#99 Comment to the readers of this answers : Thanks for reading #99 answers. only one is left.

Why don't you try this for yourself? It was a good time I could think about me and my surrounding.

#100 What did you think while answering? : I could remind how precious my people and things around me are.

(Translated by saturn)

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Guest AiraYan

RmC posted this on July 7:

*** the words printed in red are my comments

From Women's joongang March/2004.

About 'So Ji Sub' - 100 questions & answers.

(All are written by So Ji Sub)

#1 Name : So Ji Sub.

#2 Birthday : 1977. Nov. 4

#3 School : Chung Woon University Senior.

#4 Favorate food : All chicken foods.

In these days, people hate to eat chicken due to the avian influenza.

But Korean government promised to pay a fortune if it occurs. So I keep eating.

#5 Food you can make : Ramyun(Korean instant noodle), mixed stew.

( I mix everything. such profound mixing technique! It's more delicious than it shows )

#6 Motto : "Winner's trick"

(A gold medalist, fell in drug once wasted his life. But later if he comeback succesfully,

his past life can be called 'hard but overcomed period'.

But if he fail to comeback, his whole life will be called just as 'an end'.

#7 nickname : Subsubi ^^ (from name, my fans call me like this, I like it.)

#8 Comic books you enjoyed : 북두신권(Fist Of The North Star), 캠퍼스군단(or 돌격 남자훈련소 Otoko Jyuku)

#9 Most favorate comic : 캠퍼스군단, Slam dunk (Kang Baek Ho's character is very helpful to my acting)

#10 Locations you go most : Apgoojung, near Hongik Univ.(home-_-)

#11 Person you respect : Mother.

#12 Favorate color : Purple.

#13 Favorate TV program : Friends(Sitcom), 'Happening in Bali'.

#14 Personality : Ummmm Quiet. I talk a little bit more when I'm drinking with close friends. hmm, makes me want to take him out for some soju

#15 Ideal woman : Person who has good sense, good at cooking.

I liked pretty girls before, but I'm changing as getting older. (pretty girl would be still good^^) uh-oh i cant cook

#16 Height, weight, blood, eyes : 182cm, 73kg, blood O, both 1.2.

#17 What you do first after wake up : Taking a shower.

#18 What you keep beside you when you sleep : Cell phone, remocon.

#19 What you do when you're boring : Dead body play, Web surfing.

#20 What you think when you see the mirror : Let's live with thanks always.

#21 When do you want to marry : At 33 years old. (I answered as 28 before, but now I'm 28 already.

How will I be at 33? I hope I must be married at least. )

#22 What do you want to shout in empty playground ? : Should I shout? I prefer silence.

#23 What do you want to present to your girlfriend ? : I myself.

#24 Favorate computer game : Starcraft.

#25 What you want to have most now : SLK (curious?)

#26 Favorate perfume : Versace Blue Jeans

#27 How many kids you hope in future : As many as my wife's health permits. lil Jisubs running around...

#28 When you think death : When I can't feel I'm alive.

#29 Your internet nickname : 'sonick' I sometimes meet fans at internet, but they don't believe I'm SJS.

I am sonick.

#30 Most favorate movies : Romeo and Juliet (1968 ver.) Nine half Weeks (1986) oh my! i love 9 1/2 weeks! what they did with all that food..

I want to be an actor like Mickey Rourke. I am collecting all his movies.

#31 Most primitive movie : Nobody can tell any movie is primitive.

#32 Most sad movie : Many. But I never cry. cheongmal? amazing how he can cry in all his dramas

#33 Most favorate persons now : family, friends, brothers... too many.

#34 If a person really loves you : depends on who she is. If she is who I really love, I will not lose her. my heart just melted...

#35 Favorate music : Hiphop. Currently OST of Happening in Bali 'My love'

#36 Bad point that you are a man : I can't enter women's bath room.

#37 Do you think you're hooked on internet? : No

#38 How long do you want to live : Till 70 years old. age that I can finish all I want to do ?

#39 Internet community you're active most : Fan club 영소사 Youngsosa

(영원히 소지섭만 사랑할래 love SJS forever http://cafe.daum.net/sojs)

#40 Happiness that you can get when you do an internet : I can feel love of my fans. Thanks!

#41 Constellation : Scorpio

#42 How do you overcome sleepiness? : I wish I could be sleepy. I don't sleep much.

#43 Which part do you see first when you see a woman : Legs.

#44 What words you hear most from women : Wow you're So Ji Sub!!

#45 What you're wearing now : Drama clothes.

#46 What you care about most : Family, friends.

#47 Favorate fruits : I like all fruits.

#48 Favorate song to sing : 'My love' (OST of Happening in Bali)

#49 Any good idea if you propose to your girlfriend? : I once was selected as number one of

"Celebrity who will make most romantic propose." I can't make my fans be disappointed.

But that's a secrete for my future fiance.

#50 Any name you hope for your future kids : 소 원 regardeless of boy or girl.(So Won means 'a Wish') JSAs any takers?

#51 Future job you hope : Hotel management.

#52 Your condition now : Worst, I caught a cold.

#53 What do you have in your pocket now ? : I have youth and dream.

#54 Experiences that you slept out of your home : Many.

#55 Favorite flowers : Tulips

#56 What do you worry most now ? : I feel a heavy responsibility to my acting.

#57 Favorite numbers : 32, 51

#58 When did you think you are smart most? : When highschool, I got a medal in swimming at National athletic meet.

#59 If suddenly your computer explodes after you wrote answers till here ?

: I must be very amazed, but I will write again from the first.

#60 Opinion to the homosexual love : I can presume their own world.

#61 Most painful moment : just before the operation of appendectomy.

#62 Your current property : various

#63 Personality that you hate : Critical & talkative person oops! JSAs are out, were all chatterboxes here( They may hate my quiet personality? )

#64 Food you can't eat : A welsh onion, especially a stew which welsh onions are floated on the top.

#65 Favorite books : Essays, 'Who moved my cheese'

#66 If your friend broke the appointment? : First I ask why, then tell he/she call me first next time.

#67 A burden to the money : Burden? well I may be happy if I earn a lot of money.

But I also believe that big asset is big disaster.

#68 Which do you prefer sunlight or moonlight? : I like all kinds of lights, I will not hide.

#70 What you want to receive as your birthday present : Digital camera (Sony 5,000,000 pixel)

#71 animal you like : Puppy

#72 Religion : None

#73 What you want to do in rainy day : Dead body play, of course.

#74 Monthly income : various

#75 Favorate season : Winter (because I like snow, I go to a snowboard even though I'm busy.

I become happy immediately as I see the snow while snowboarding.)

#76 Favorate words : Many ( Love, family, friends, friendship )

#77 Favorate sentence : "There's no destiny."

#78 How long do you sleep : 3~4 hours poor Jisub!

#79 Your first kiss : When I was highschool 1st year, in front of my girlfriend's house.

( I like kiss, both in real life and in drama, even though the feeling is totally different )

#80 How do you overcome the fear when you watch the horror movie? :

I keep thinking this is not real.

#81 How long do you contact internet? : Just web surfing, 30 min~ 1 hour.

#82 How long can you wait for the appointment : For my lover, I can wait till she comes. for you Jisub i wont ever be tardy

#83 Favorate clothing : Training wears, casual wears(Jeans and T shirts)

#84 Experience that you were beaten most : At highschool, I was beaten by 4 guys.

(No, I was not a gangster at school days)

#85 When do you want to contact internet? : Not much in these days.

#86 Your wish or your plan for the future : Being with my mom for long time,

paying full attention to the acting.

#87 If you accidently get 100,000,000 won : I will give it to mom and save it.

#88 Sports that you can do best : Swimming.

#89 How fast is your typing : I don't know, I never measure.

#90 How much can you drink liquor : Soju 2 bottles. (Korean thick liquor)

#91 Your hobbies : Snowboard, inline skating.

#92 Feet size : 280mm

#93 Meaning of your name : So(蘇 wakeup) Ji(志 meaning) Sub(燮 flame)

#94 Good point and bad point of your personality : Umm guess what? I don't know.

#95 Meals every day : Twice a day, few amount.

#96 What you can do better than others : Swimming, How to play by myself.

#97 Your first love : From highschool 1st year. I still remember something. Can I have a right not to answer?

#98 Country you hope to visit most : A country not famous, quiet, not crowded. please recommend!

#99 Comment to the readers of this answers : Thanks for reading #99 answers. only one is left.

Why don't you try this for yourself? It was a good time I could think about me and my surrounding.

#100 What did you think while answering? : I could remind how precious my people and things around me are.

(Translated by saturn)

aww i know more on jisub now :)

and fans granted his wish of digicam!

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miss u too laura...

ah.. im feel so sorry about ur granny.. i read it at junjin thread.. ::hugs::

i made this wallie... enjoy everybody...



nice wallie!!^^

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Guest rochinipark

Thanx! It works! Do you know if there's a 350 mb version of Thousand Years of Love? It's so cute! I can't wait 4 hrs. to download one ep. I want to watch it as soon as possible... dying for more of SJS and SY.

i dunno where got 350mb.sory.

thanks saturn onni for those birthday clips :lol:

tis thread nowadays grow slowly as now got jisub addicts furum.hehe i'm jsa 047 :lol: .all ji sub oppa fans shld join tis club.

dang he look so cute in the bithday party lucky girls eloise & others who went.

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

^ Thank you saturn for translating the questions and thank you dahee fanel for posting those experiences. Although his answers are short, I know they're sincere and I love that about him! Thanx for sharing everybody!

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#15 Ideal woman : Person who has good sense, good at cooking.

I liked pretty girls before, but I'm changing as getting older. (pretty girl would be still good^^)

Oh nooooo, I can't cook! :lol: I will learn how to cook. I MUST learn how to cook! :lol:

#36 Bad point that you are a man : I can't enter women's bath room.

I cracked up laughing when I read this. Good answer Ji Sub oppa! :lol:

Thanks so much for posting those 100 things about Ji Sub oppa Dahee Fanel. Now, I know him a whole heap better. :D

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Guest luckycarrienew

miss u too laura...

ah.. im feel so sorry about ur granny.. i read it at junjin thread.. ::hugs::

i made this wallie... enjoy everybody...


'izzat'~~~~~``hugs :rolleyes::lol::lol:

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Nov/6 - dance time (Jisub was so shy to dance with fans)


Nov/6 birthday party highlight#5 - Jisub is listening to our letter which Youngsosa admin is reading.


highlight #6 - Fans are singing celebration song to Jisub.

It's a new song made for this event.


saturn's comment - ragarding the Chinese newspaper article of Nov/10 about BOF:

Dream plus M didn't pay any money to SJS, neither do BOF. So both contract have no legal meaning. So we fans don't need to care much. It seems Jisub doesn't want to be tied by any contract till his comeback.

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Guest Jeanwhale
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Guest Jeanwhale

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