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Guest xvi3txl0v1ngx

I've always been attracted to guys who are more intelligent than me. i never thought about the guy not wanted to date someone not as intelligent than them but guys like to feel superior right? lol, so if they're smarter, they'll feel superior. I don't mind the guy correcting me, unless if i'm ranting, then it annoys me, but if not, i feel as if i'm in good hands, he can take care of me.

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Guest niki_k

I think I'd have difficulty liking someone who's intelligence is below my own...

So dating probably wouldn't happen.

But if he was "my ideal" in all other ways - and his intelligance was just "marginally" less intelligent than my own

(combined with a hardworking personality) I wouldn't mind.

But what are the chances? ^ ^;;;

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Guest -LoVe-

Well for me I never went out with anyone that were less intelligent then me, all the bfs i had were all smarter then me haha. But then I liked a lot of guys that didn't care for their work and just hung out and do bad things its partly b/c my hs I'm in its not much of a smart school o.o; But I'm in the honors program for it, so yeah.. ^-^;;

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Guest Sanada Yukimura

Guys do the physical work. Girls do the mental work.

Obviously if both parties are geniuses, there's going to be some conflict.

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Guest love_hurts


Well, it depends. I mean I am willing to date someone stupider than me.

That way, I will feel smart.

But really, girls do anyways. It depends how cute he is.

I mean, if he is cute. Who cares if he is stupid. I mean, I won't. Love the question.

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Guest chaoticrose

It would be far easier to have an interesting relationship with an intellectually stimulating person. I mean, humor’s important too, but humor also stems from intellect. Not that knock-knock-who’s-there kind of humor. Looks are only important for a first impression, but for a relationship, I guess you need a little of both? If you can't have both, go with the latter. I think it'll be tiring to explain when he doesn't understand something for the umpteenth time LOL.

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Guest xdeathberry

For me, being less intelligent's kind of an issue.

I mean, if their sincerity and hard-working-ness

out balances, I'm fine.

As long as they're not stupid.


If they're an idiot, heck no.

But I'd prefer someone whose

intelligence matches or exceeds my own.

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Guest 可愛い

hell yeah. especially if he's really hot. he can just stfu while i stare at him & make him my eye candy arm-piece @ the freakin mall.

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Guest ` ilytoo;

god no, i had a fling with a guy who was like stupid, and i couldn't take it anymore. i always had to explain things to him and when i say never mind, he would go " no no no no come on tell me" when i did he got confused!

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Guest juiceybox

It would depend on how less intelligent he was.

If he was a complete idiot, then I wouldn't cus I'd feel like.. I was talking to a brick wall most of the time.

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Guest Chanellas

It doesn't matter, as long as they smell nice. =]

I'm attracted to them for their looks, but I'd only stay for their personality.

I wouldn't mind if he was a complete idiot, as long as he isn't an ahole.

He may be an idiot, but he is nice. lol

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