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Guest bloopy_babo

Probably not. I would one - feel like super geeky or smartbutt if I see "intelligent" things, two - he would not get my nerdy/geeky/intelligent remarks.

I prefer similar or the same intelligence level.

I don't rule it out to not date guys who are as smart as me,

but I think it would make it easier.

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Guest therey

what differentiates a guy from a "friend" and a "boyfriend?" i always hear stories where some guy likes a girl but she only sees him as a "friend."

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Guest eeemily

what differentiates a guy from a "friend" and a "boyfriend?" i always hear stories where some guy likes a girl but she only sees him as a "friend."

hmm, for meeee i'd say..

as a friend, that just means she's not looking for a relationship/intimacy

just someone to talk to, hang out with but no kissing, etc.

boyfriend is definitely another level of affection.

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Guest RawrRawr

what differentiates a guy from a "friend" and a "boyfriend?" i always hear stories where some guy likes a girl but she only sees him as a "friend."


The difference is whether or not they like each other.


If a guy likes a girl, and it's not mutual, HE IS NOT HER BOYFRIEND.

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Guest MeiHearts

what differentiates a guy from a "friend" and a "boyfriend?" i always hear stories where some guy likes a girl but she only sees him as a "friend."

friend = just a friend

boyfriend = girl has huge crush on guy


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Guest Wendyyy

what differentiates a guy from a "friend" and a "boyfriend?" i always hear stories where some guy likes a girl but she only sees him as a "friend."

For me, the only difference are the "feelings."

If I don't have those I-Like-You-More-As-A-Friend feelings, then I can't see them as more than just a friend.

Different girls get those feelings for different guys.

It's like when a guy finds one girl attractive and another one not as attractive, but his guy friend argues that the other one is more attractive.

Everyone's different yea? :P

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Guest Christinaisweird

it depends on how "less intelligent" he was.

i'd probably do him and have a fun time partying with him but a real relationship just might not work, but on the otherhand it could just might since i could have a fun date with him and teaching all kinds of stuff.

so i just might seeing on how good looking he is and how dumb he is.

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I would, as long as "less intelligent" doesn't mean flat out stupid. I tend to associate myself with people who are far smarter than me, however.

That being said, one of my good friends isn't very savvy in academics, but she has the most fantastic, most mature outlook on almost every aspect of her life. I might be considered more intelligent than her, but, if I were a guy, I would definitely want to date her over me.

But, usually, I'm with a guy who is more attractive and more intelligent than I am. :P

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What does this mean?

Met a girl in class(univ). When talking after class, we sort of "clicked", as corny as it sounds.

Then today I ran into her in the library, where she was on a computer. I tapped her on the shoulder and greeted her. She offered me to sit down, and when I did, she almost immediately pulled out a chewy and started chewing lol. Then she turned around facing me directly, and during the ensuing conversation she would lean towards me and at times make friendly pokes on my arm.

Hmm..too early to tell? Or is she just a really friendly person with dental hygiene problems? Hoping its not though.

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Guest xangie

I definately wouldn't.

If I got better grades than them by slightly, then thats okay;;

but id hate it if i can't keep an intelligent conversation with someone.

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Guest XtremeNuisance

Less intelligent? Yes. (Going with your ranges here... "the guy is about 60-75% range student/the girl is about 75-90% +) Maybe... Depends on that gap. If he can get the gist of what I'm talking about and I don't have to explain myself all of the time, sure. If he's a fracking idiot beyond all belief, hecks to the nizzoh.

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Guest Angxizzle

really depends on how "less intelligent" he is then me..i mean if it's book smarts i can deal with but all around really stupid, no thanks ill pass. =]

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Guest redmoon123

for example:

the guy is about 60-75% range student

the girl is about 75-90% +

Hmm...If the guy is 60% range and I'm 90% range then, nope. Just a fling is okay but no for dating. I prefer a smart guy so he can do my homework :w00t:

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Guest junkers

If i put my arm around your shoulder, would you assume i have feeling for you considering were not that close friend, just normal friend?

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If i put my arm around your shoulder, would you assume i have feeling for you considering were not that close friend, just normal friend?

Well, it would depend on the situation. If I was crying at a funeral for my friend and you put your arm over my shoulder and gave me a hug to comfort me, I would not think of that gesture as anymore than what a close friend would do. However, if we were watching a movie together and you put your arm around me and, let's say, squeezed my shoulder from time to time, I might start thinking that you felt something more, but, at the same time, I would tell myself to stop being silly since that is also a gesture of comfortableness that comes with close friendships between girls and guys.

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Guest Naimie

There are two kinds of dumbness:

-Dumb because he doesn't get jokes or the modern jokes or etc.

-And dumb because he's not book smart or common sense smart etc.

I don't mind if he's the first one. Sorry but if anyone is dumber than me, I won't be able to stand it. It can be cute that he's so innocent and kind of a dummy, but if he's like "dumb as a blonde" then no thanks.

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Guest clear_blue_rain

depends on what you mean by "less intelligent"

i think in hs terms, it all depends on what classes you take... but thats that

if you're talking about relationships in college and on, then this intelligence is measured by how much general knowledge you have about the current issues and about general things cuz we all know that depending on what we majored in and such our expertise would be different... haha

but if this guy can't keep up a conversation with me because he's just plain dumb... i would not definitely NOT date him

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Guest artsifartsi

I would if it's not too bad. If he's just not as smart as me by a little bit, I'll definitely be ok with that.

But if he's just flat out stupid, I can't live with that. My boyfriend now isn't as intelligent as me, but he's

definitely considered smart. It actually feels good to be with him sometimes because I'm not so pressured

to be smart when I'm around him.

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