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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Guest jellylovesfaith

Minho for Jeju air!524527_720657071320370_48805765_n.png

this is probably one of his best endorsements ever! they constantly keep giving us pics! 

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Guest Moonrain

sia3 said: Question: How many mothers are in this thread? I think you guys need to each cook something and courier it to Minho and feed him a little ~ but he still looks good here :P

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Guest Moonrain

Is there such a thing as too much exposure??? Not with LMH i guess  ;))
He's plastered on the bus! next thing we know his face will be on all Jeju Air Planes  :P 
Cr: Poororo


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alesia44 said:
@mtdt are you free? ;)) is there something interesting in this news?

李敏镐亮相上海自曝时间不够用 盼在中国买房 发布时间: 2014-03-17 16:43:55 来源: 网易娱乐


网易娱乐3月17日报道 (图文/上海报道组 三生凉茶 JJ)3月17日,韩国当红偶像李敏镐在上海为某品牌展台,一身黑西装亮相的他全程微笑,频频向台下观众招手。采访中,李敏镐自曝如今一个月有十几天的时 间都在中国,他笑言工作量太大,时间已经不够用了,“现在又要拍戏又要做粉丝见面会,好希望能拥有一台时间生产机,把时间买回来。”频繁亮相内地的李敏镐 表示,希望有机会可以在上海或者北京买房。接受网易娱乐采访时,李敏镐表示未来希望接演更多具有男性魅力的角色,他说:“那种为了梦想而不顾一切努力的角 色,是我很想尝试的。”

自从在央视马年春晚献唱之后,李敏镐频繁亮相内地捞金。继此前在杭州为某电商品牌站台之后,不到一个月的时间,李敏镐又现身上海为某电子品牌代言。发布会 现场,上百名保安将各个路口层层把关,每一位进入内场的嘉宾均需佩戴证件及品牌贴纸,期间有粉丝试图用伪造的证件入场,依然被火眼金睛的保安拒之门外。发 布会开始一个小时后,作为代言人亮相的李敏镐终于登场亮相。他全程保持微笑,频频与台下观众挥手致意,但是惜字如金,只是简单分享了一下自己使用该品牌的 感受。

随后,李敏镐来到后台接受媒体访问。李敏镐自曝如今一个月有十几天的时间在中国工作,繁重的工作量让自己的时间快不够用了。李敏镐笑言:“要是主办方能为 我做一个买时间的机器就好了,让我把时间买回来。”谈及对中国的印象,李敏镐坦言自己在中国的行程几乎都是北京或者上海这些大城市,“有机会想去中国的乡 下看一看,想看见有大树有绿荫的那种自然环境。”

虽然目前频繁亮相内地捞金,但是李敏镐表示自己将减少商演,准备自己即将于四月份开始拍摄的新片。李敏镐透露:“我还是一个演员,会以作品为主。新片是一 个发生在70年代的首尔的故事。这个角色不同于《继承者们》中清纯的高中生形象,它是一个真正的男人的故事,这个角色还会骂人,可能大家还没见过我骂人的 样子。”接受网易娱乐采访时,年近三十的李敏镐坦言自己并未考虑转型的问题,但是未来接演的角色会更突出自己的男性魅力,他表示:“我想在30岁以前,演 更多精彩而过瘾的角色。下一部作品,希望能出演为了梦想而拼尽全力努力的角色。”不过,李敏镐否认自己会在外形上变得更“爷们”,他笑言:“我觉得自己的胡子长出来不好看,虽然很想演有胡子的角色。”

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Guest HannaP

so many pics of him today. gotta love him in black. :)
last week i was choosing whether to buy the iphone 5s or the LG G2 and now i think i'll go to LG G2.  :D
MinHo for ISUN POTATO 10014576_723128964376009_1605002983_n.jp
i want! :x

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mtdt said:
- Next production, he wish to be able to act as a man that will work towards his dream at all cost.  (Hint??)
-  He declined that he will change his image to someone with any facial hair.  He thinks if he has a beard/moustache, he doesnt look good but he does wish to "act" someone with a beard/moustache.

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Guest HannaP

Lee Min-ho named No.1 Korean actor in China


By Chung Ah-young
Hallyu heartthrob Lee Min-ho has been selected as the most popular Korean actor in a recent survey conducted in China.

The actor garnered some 510,764 votes or 37 percent among a total of 1.35 million votes for his role of Kim Tan in the drama series “The Heirs” which ended in December.

The survey was conducted by the Chinese music and entertainment site Kugou.com for ranking the most beloved hallyu stars in the Korean dramas which have gained popularity in China.

Kim Soo-hyun ranked second with 469,948 votes for his character of Do Min-joon in “My Love From the Star” while Jang Keun-suk landed the third place with 159,940 votes.

Also, Lee Jong-suk earned 86,771 votes and Kim Woo-bin won 56,982 votes. Park Yoo-chun, singer and actor who is a member of K-pop group JYJ, received 17,278 votes.

Chinese media outlets are rushing to cover Lee Min-ho thanks to his growing popularity even though his drama ended three months ago. After rekindling the hallyu phenomenon with his drama “City Hunter” in 2011, Lee created a sensation with “The Heirs” in 2013, according to Chinese media reports. They also predicted that Lee’s popularity is expected to continue growing in China.

Lee has attracted more than 20 million Chinese followers on his Weibo account. Lee’s agency said that aside from Weibo followers, the number of his worldwide fans on his various SNS accounts stands at 13 million on Facebook and 7 million online.

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class="at_ttl" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; clear: both; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"Lee Min Ho Spotted In The Airport

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I thought he was gonna stay till the 19th.But he's back in SK. Ah MinHot and entourage seem to be in jolly good spirits.
Bi76HlbCIAI9x74.jpgIs it only me who thinks cute ajhussi bg was standing in that manner so our boy doesn't get  hit by the door like the last time?His position certainly gives off that vibeBi76blaCcAAH02L.jpg



cr as tagged

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adamfever said: Mimibecon said: Does anyone notice his expression is so touching here? I know he's acting in front of the camera only but there is a moment my eyes got teary. I don't know why I have the feeling his eye expression here is so deep and real, much deeper and realer than when he's acting the same in his previous dramas :-S.

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Guest justdelurked

Ma boy is looking ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS in black! :x LMH in black always reminds me of GJP! And, although he is not my fav LMH character, GJP is still my 1st love among all LMH characters! Besides, watching KT somehow indirectly increased my love for GJP, lol.

But he looks super tired leaving for china from Incheon; Looks like he's not getting enough sleep :(( :(( May be we should send him a cozy bed as a gift- He'll be so affected by it as he's always by fans' gestures and get more sleep! :D

I'm tired to death with studies but here I am drooling at this man I can never get! :(( Sigh..... Is something wrong with me???? :((

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