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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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Guest jellylovesfaith

IT'S THROWBACK THURSDAY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this time it's a little bit different. This post is not going to be about the dramas he's already done, but about the dramas that he will (or hopfully might) eventually do. So after mingling his way through his fair share of arrogant rich teenagers, metrosexual hotties, crime fighting masked vigilantes and of course time travelling, lighting emitting generals from the glorious past, Minho is finally playing the role of a the tragic gangster – a fallen hero. That’s a pretty wide range of nifty roles he’s got under his belt but what about the roles of the future? Could he repeat roles or will he do something completely unexpected? With Minho you’ll never know but here are the Top 10 Roles That Would Be Awesome If Minho Played Them (that title totally made sense in my head but evidently doesn't in writing..whoops).

10. The Ordinary Guy


I want him to play this because he genuinely seems to want to play a slacker who just shuffles about him his pyjamas and slippers and well… that could be fun. Right? It would certainly be interesting to see what he can do to the character, how he could make it his own. Plus he’s been type casted as an actor who gets to play ‘special’ character – yunno what I mean: super-duper rich bad boys with a heart of gold or insanely hot crime fighter with a tragic past. So to see him play a completely ordinary guy with nothing going for him in life would be very interesting. Plus he’d finally get to sleep more on set :D

9.  The Police Man


You have to admit, a guy in a uniform wielding a gun is just oozing with sex appeal. And just picture Minho in the full uniform, looking all smart and insanely cool. He’ll be fighting for justice and peace but could also be one of those strict no-nonsense types that get everything they want done with a well-timed death stare. And we all know how lethal his death stare can be. It would literally be one of the coolest shows ever. Murder, mystery, Minho…makes for a good combo I’d imagine.

8. A Patient Battling a (Terminal) Disease

photo hunter15-00068.jpg

Not the most uplifting of roles I know but imagine the possibilities that he could exercise on the role. He’d a have a field day with it. He could explore what it means to be alive, what it means to live life, what we truly lose when we die and whether death should be feared at all. It would mostly be doom and gloom so it would be better for a movie, but as far as acting goes, a role like this could really test him and he’d be excellent at it. Minho can always manages you to punch you in the gut with his emotional suffering on-screen so think how powerful it would be if his character has more reason to be suffering internally. I’d cringe while watching (if it was any other person I would not even watch it) but for some reason, I feel as if Minho would do wonders with the role.

7. The Doctor


(There are literally no pics of him as a doctor but hey he's at least wearing a scrub in this right?)

What’s a patient without a doctor? Minho has shied away from medical dramas his entire career so it would be nice to see him in one, playing the incredibly smart doctor that everyone pretty much wants to be but miserably fails at becoming. Because I’m not buying for one second that he would be the naïve, inexperienced intern – he could be that, but it would be a much less interesting role. If it were up to me I would prefer something along the lines of House – in which Minho would get to be bitter jerk for a reason – but a show like Grey’s Anatomy or even Good Doctor doesn’t sound too bad either. Hospital politics is always a bit more interesting than all the other politics because it can mean a question between life and death so Minho doing something along those lines would be utterly superb. Plus, brainy is the new sexy, so Minho darling, talk nerdy to me.  

6. The Consulting Detective


This is just me trying to make my Sherlock + Minho dream come true, but in my defence, it would be pretty spectacular wouldn’t it? I mean if he were to take the persona of Sherlock-type figure, he could literally be an arrogant, condescending jerk all the time and get away with it because of his incomparable genius. Plus throw in a guy who has good chemistry with him and they could be the ultimate Bromance Power Couple :D Why I really would like something like this is because it would give him a great opportunity to take all of his talents to the next level. Just look at him in the picture. Doesn't he look every bit the brilliant consulting detective? And well, how wonderful would it be to listen to him fast talking in that beautiful voice of his, as he blows our minds with his amazing deducting skills? Anyone with me on this one? Anyone at all?  

5. The Football Player


Work it Minho work it :P

Because….Just because…. No really. Imagine how happy he would be to do something like that! And a very happy Minho makes a very happy me, so I really would like to see him play a footballer (however unlikely it may seem)


5. The Korean Godfather


The master puppeteer that controls everything and everybody. The person who knows everybody's secrets and manipulates everyone to do his bidding. A person who is at the same time a faithful and trusted friend and a dangerous and deadly foe. A person who is pretty much the god of his turf – scaring and checkmating everyone around him. It would be amazing if he got the chance to play a character like that. I’m, not talking now, but maybe in a few years when he has more experience. It would be a challenging character definitely, but it would be exhilarating to watch him pull everyone's strings to dance his dance. 

4. The Superhero


I know, I know it’s kind of childish but who hasn’t given this some serious thought? I highly doubt there would be a k movie involving superheroes (is there one?) much less a drama but it would be awesome to see Minho with powers. He does a great job in Faith with the few moments of power usage he gets but every time he does it, it leaves me wanting for more because we simply didn’t get enough of it. It could even be a sort of origin story that would depict his struggle to maintain and hide his powers and also to serve justice and destroy corruption – actually it could be almost anything, if it meant that he has some special powers. All I can say is, it would be awesome to see him take down some enemies from who knows where and at the same time maintain a cover. CH does a lot of this, but it would be wonderful to see it being taken to the next level, with mind-blowing super powers added to the equation as well.

3. The City Hunter. Again.


I’m 50-50 about this one because as much as I want Minho to do new, totally unrelated projects, I want him to do a second season of CH too. It was just so spectacularly amazing and it ended at a perfect place for a sequel. You know you want it too :D Honestly CH is just waiting for a second season and what gives me hope is this: Minho did the rich-chaebol teen two times, which means that there would be a chance that he’d do this or something like this again. Right? (actually don’t answer that, I don’t want my heart to be crushed). If so, all my dreams would come true. It could be the City Hunter fighting crime in general in his own low key, low-tech way, rather than just ousting out corrupt politicians and being this national hero that sort of defines the nation type thing. *sigh* if only this became true… That being said, and since there could be a chance that he’d take another role like that (after all who knows? CH was after all one of his biggest successes), it would be heaven   wrapped in a small bundle if it did happen, but at the same time, I don’t really want his to reprise the role or a similar role again. Different is good and it keeps your career new and interesting…..but yunno… it’s City Hunter…. Urgh it’s so conflicting when you want something to happen to badly but equally want to prevent it from ever occurring at all costs. But hey if he does do it again, despite whatever i may think about doing different projects, i'd still be the first to party like it's the end of the world :P

2. The King


Okay so anyone who has briefly even heard of Minho knows that he is the unofficial king of Asia so it would be totally appropriate for him to actually be the king in a saeguk. I know not many people like period drama and I know not many people thought Minho could manage doing it, but he proved them all wrong by being absolutely amazing in Faith. Which is why he deserves another try at a saeguk drama (which hopefully won’t be as big of a flop) and a try at being the king. I really want to see him experience the corruption of his land and the ill-effects that power entails by actually being a bit corrupt himself. Seeing him battle his inner demons in a fierce struggle to maintain his integrity and morals, all the while being pressurized into being a puppet king to the advisers, and yet somehow managing to overcome it all to be one of the greatest leaders ever– that would be an amazing role for him to play. Plus imagine how awesome he’d look in ceremonial hanboks? We didn't get nearly enough of those flashy and extravagant robes in Faith so here’s hoping that one day, he’ll go back to a saeguk and blow us all out of our minds. Again. 

1.  The Villain


(murder...murder in his eyes! It still blows me away how those eyes can go from rainbows and happiness to cold hard hatred and deadly revenge)

Think CH’s Evil Daddy mixed in with an extra spiteful Ki Chul. A character than is hell-bent on seeking revenge, avenging corruption yet is also marred by his own ambitions. A character that has no limitations, no boundaries, no ethics and yet somehow manages to have to a heart buried underneath all that nastiness. I think Minho could definitely pull it off – and highly convincingly at that too. Remember the time when he (SPOILER) almost let the Prosecutor’s Dad die? When he just walked away? (END SPOILER) That moment was epic because it truly felt as if he’d danced with the darker side, especially since murder murder murder was in his eyes. Of course if he were to play a villain, I’d only want it to be on two conditions, the first being that he still remains the main character and the second being that his character would be a complex, multi-layered villain who has valid justification for what he does. A villain that makes you questions your own morals and ethics. Think Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness, think Loki in The Avengers, think Joker in Dark Night (actually I don’t think Joker had any justification, but you cannot deny the fact that he was layered). This would of course be the ultimate test of brilliance – making you feel for a character you are meant to loath, but if anyone can do it, it would be Minho. Just imagine how alluring and mesmerising it would be to let him convince us in his evil way, that he really has a heart of gold inside, and just when you start to believe, twist it into some dark disturbing joke. I would LOVE to see that because it would be a true testament to all his talent. Here hoping someday he’ll get to play a deep, dark, complex villain. (A girl can always dream :D ).

Hope you guys liked it :D And whatever project he does end up choosing, it's assured that he'll absolutely rock at it 

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alesia44 said: Lee Minho sends support message to Korean Football team in World Cup 2014.

"부상 없이 모든 경기를 잘 치러내시기를 바랍니다. 태극전사 파이팅! 월드컵 선전을 기원합니다"

English translation? I think we have to wait some english site release this article or maybe someone want to translate this? :D


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Another Update for LMH's B-day by Bench ;))

cr to BenchTM

#leeminhobirthday: Do you want BENCH to bring Lee Min Ho back? Then show your love this Saturday! This event will be recorded and will be given as a birthday present to Lee Min Ho! See you there.

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Lee Minho sent his gratitude message to fans for their love and support in Gangnam Blues filming location.

서포트 끝날 무렵....미노가 보내준 마음... 멘트보고 울컥... 우리가 더 고맙고 감사해요. 울 배우 힘내요!! @ActorLeeMinHo pic.twitter.com/wVk9QH0Lfn

— 민호야누나다일루와! (@minnuwa0622)

June 19, 2014BqgOoeICIAAA0fP.jpg
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Guest guadi

Kim Tan, the fashion icon ;)
Does anyone think that jacket look so tight on him? That was my first thought when I saw him wore it at the ranch. The pants too ;;)
And speaking of high heels 

Got these yesterday. Never in a million years did I think he would be my fashion inspiration. Well, now he kind of is :))

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=)) LMAO @guadi Yeah I didn't imagine you wearing those heels!  Minho does affect our sanity.  Funny, now that you've confessed, I have to admit that I too caught his fashion sense 

My first buy for the summer 

;))  V384270.jpgJust the top, mind you. Thought if I wore this, Minho might magically appear infront of me :P


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@moonrain  :((  Waah, you're fast girl---got that pic for avi!  Isn't he dangerously sexy in that photo?   =P~  =P~ Looking so manly yet vulnerable  =P~  =P~ I actually saved that in my iPad last night and placed it on the pillow next to me.  How depraved was I!!!!  ~X(  =P~

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Guest guadi

@pixie0622 - I'm glad I don't live in China or Korea because I would be buying everything he endorses :))
I'm still on the hunt for this jacket. 

Me thinks you need one of these ;))

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Guest Moonrain

Haha @pixie0622‌ ive been wanting to uuummm do something to that neck for the longest time.

@guadi‌ Im drinking tsingtao beer right now. Minho really is an effective endorser, though it's still not confirmed if hes gonna endorse the brand. Dunno how to post a pic thru mobile. it tastes good btw :)

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From SUPHIER (minus the shoes)BqgCBhzCAAADZb7.jpg:large
Frpm OZINGBqhYv7NCQAEWN11.jpg:large
cr as tagged
Love his new haircut!  It's so versatile that he can look different with just minor changes in styling.  Note the different kinds of look he was able to achieve in the ads for Suphier, Bench and Ozing and of course in the more dramatic styling in last Sunday's FM.  

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