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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Wow, I just love this site and the people here ...with every rare still that comes out from GB, we see the creativeness of LMH followers.  I am not a creative person so I really enjoy and appreciate what you guys did, ...except putting LMH in women's clothes or turning him into one ... hate it :-L
Thank you guys.

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Guest jellylovesfaith

i just went from this200_s.gif 
to thistumblr_n7dybpes751sapkf6o1_250.gif

OH MY GOD!!!! that's what i call a transformation i mean WOAH. just look at that expression in his face! it looks so determined, as if nothing will stop him from achieving his goal, like he's a man on a life or death mission! If that's just a glimpse as to what we are about to see then i'm pretty sure we are in for a roller-coaster of feels!! I think now people will finally be able to see his brilliance and his full range in acting! okay i'm just go and squeal my head off for the following week :P  

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I'm watching City Hunter right now (not good for my health and nerves *smile*) and can't wait to see GB. I hope it will be in the cinemas around here (Switzerland). I love action/gangster movies, so I guess I'll love GB too.

The Guess and Eider pictures are great too. Min Ho really shows how versatile he is.

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Guest Moonrain

Lee Minho for Guess [HD]*sorry if repost64441a2fgw1ekl9xnlx9jj20rs15owoq.jpg64441a2fgw1ekl9xohygwj20rs15oqem.jpgi dont know how many times ive thought about and said this but i really want to do something to that damn neck :-SS


cr: MidnightSun

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Guest prosperity

@moonrain‌ They basically interviewed his fans, which I think is kind of sweet.

English version:

[sTARCAST★&fan] “Do you know three-year-old Lee?”…Days when we fell into Lee Min Ho

‘STARCAST’ met Lee Min Ho’s official fan club ‘Minoz’ on last 18th. They gave reasons why they could not help themselves liking Lee Min Ho. We could notice what image Lee Min Ho has to fans through that person.

How did Minoz fall into Lee Min Ho? We restructured the answer with fans’ talks. We marked their names in false names.

◆ “Lee Min Ho Over Flowers… How they fell in”

The start was from one episode of a drama. They became a fan after watching a drama coincidently. After becoming a real fan was due to various behind videos after liking him through a drama. Fans fell into Lee Min Ho within the drama making videos and fan meeting videos.

"Is that a Lee Min Ho’s fan official question? When did you like Lee Min Ho?" (Kim Minah)

"I first got to know him through 'Personal Taste’. I couldn’t watch ‘Boys Over Flowers’ since I was a senior high school student at that time. I fell into his eyes when I saw the first broadcast of 'Personal Taste’. I never liked an entertainer before but since then I still like him until now.” (Choi Hee Won)

"I liked him since ‘Boys Over Flowers’. I was curious who F4 would be in the drama since I liked the comic and they said Lee Min Ho was going to appear. I got more curious since I liked him in ‘Public Enemy Returns’. I liked him more since he matched well with the character. I got shocked freshly by getting to know ‘this kind of actor’.” (Kim Minah)

"I got curious of actor Lee Min Ho since ‘Faith’. I wanted to know about him more by watching the drama. I joined the fan café and watched all the former making videos. Then I realized that Lee Min Ho is very passionate and handsome.” (Park Soo Jin)

"Yes, I think many fans go through that process. We get interest in him through dramas and fall into him by watching various videos such like interview, drama making video, behind magazine shoots, and fan meeting videos. I get to like him more by seeing his daily images.” (Kim Minah)

"There are characteristics of fandom of each drama. ‘Boys Over Flowers’ was the most popular one among fans and 'Personal Taste’ was the one which made us get stabilized without the foam of the ‘Boys Over Flowers’. ‘City Hunter’ got loved by overseas fans, ‘Faith’ was loved by middle-aged fans in Korea and teenager fans were increased by ‘The Inheritors’.” (Everyone)

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Guest prosperity


◆ "Human Lee Min Ho…Twisted three-year-old Lee "

Fans were not only moved by actor Lee Min Ho. They said they feel bigger charm at human Lee Min Ho. They say that they get touched by his behavior of caring fans as the same since his rookie times until now. The point that he’s clumsy unexpectedly also makes fans fall into him.

"Isn’t Lee Min Ho so humane? He’s polite to every fans and one cannot stop falling into him." (Choi Hee Won)

"Yes, it is right. Fans cannot fall into one if one doesn’t have humane charms. I feel humanity when looking at his pictures taken at the airport. You know the Chinese airport happening in last 2012, right?” (Kim Minah)

"That’s true. There were many fans at the Chinese airport and he also fell down by holding up a fan that fell down. He also eye contacts and handshakes with every fan in Korea too.” (Park Soo Jin)

"His fan service is really amazing. He tries to talk with fans briefly even at hard situations. It’s really thankful at fan’s position. So I think ‘I like a quite decent person’ every time like that.” (Kim Minah)

"It’s a word to make you laugh, but he’s a type of person which bodyguard dislike. LOL. When you look at the airport picture, Lee Min Ho is laughing but the bodyguard is crying. They say the bodyguard has become old when you look at the picture of him coming home by finishing the schedule.” (Choi Hee Won)

"He also has twisted image. He has matured image when just looking at his face, but he’s like a baby. His unique laughter and habits are cute. He touches his sideburns and open his mouth during an interview which he’s like a baby whenever he does that although he’s a man." (Park Soo Jin)

"So that’s why his nickname is ‘three-year-old Lee’. LOL. Innocence that doesn’t match with his age. He rumored himself when he fell at the PaekSang Arts Awards and fans edited those photos of him. Fans kept on saying he’s really cute that time.” (Choi Hee Won)

"He’s really cute when he gets red after dancing at the fan meeting. After saying all these things, I think he’s a consistent person since his rookie times until now. His polite images whenever meeting fans are praiseworthy… and good to see.” (Kim Minah)

◆ "Fan’s daily life…cycle same like the actor"

The period which is called ‘forced diet’ among fans is when Lee Min Ho appears in a drama. It is because fans spend the busiest time. They stay up all night watching the live broadcast and also replay it. Then a week passes by so quickly like that.

"How do you do when drama starts?" (Park Soo Jin)

"If there’s a Wed-Tue drama, I watch it live on the broadcasted day. I search for the drama reviews on Friday and watch the replay on weekends. They say spoilers, right? I guess about the next story by looking at those previews and spoiler articles. They week passes by like that.” (Kim Minah)

"I don’t make appointments on weekdays when the drama starts. I make them when the rerun ends at the weekday night time. I don’t go to get-togethers at the day of the broadcast since I have to watch them on live. If I couldn’t see them on live, I watch it although it’s late. I watch them twice before I go to sleep." (Choi Hee Won)

"That’s right. So that’s why we call it ‘forced diet’ period. I don’t shoot dramas, but I live the same cycle with the actor. LOL. I get to stay up the night seeing the live broadcast, replay, and various data. Then I lose my appetite. But there are some people who gain weight by eating late-night meal.” (Kim Minah)

"Did you give tributes when the drama started?" (Park Soo Jin)

"We cannot give them individually but with individual fan club’s name. But it’s hard to give them since the competition is fierce. Lunch box menu is fixed. Since he has cucumber allergy we put them out and put in meat. He likes every meat.” (Kim Minah)

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Guest prosperity


◆ "Fierce fan meeting ticketing…Our secret?"

The most nervous time of fans is when the fan meeting ticketing stars. Since the competition is so fierce, getting the ticket is like getting a star from the skies. It is because overseas fans also compete with domestic fans. They said (although it’s not easy) just emptying one’s mind is the quickest way.

"Isn’t the fan meeting ticketing so fierce these days?" (Kim Minah)

“It’s so hard to book it wheter it’s due to my slow hand or that I’m nervous. I fail after clicking on although I know the 2nd line is the keenest. I regret then I didn’t get the middle row. I shouldn’t be greedy but it doesn’t work like my mind.” (Choi Hee Won)

"That’s right. It keeps on saying there’s no seat available whenever I do it…." (Park Soo Jin)

"If I don’t get the ticket, I search until I get it. At 2 am, there are usually tickets that are cancelled, so I click on infinitely. I look into the fan site since there might be transferred tickets. And although it’s only a small amount, there are tickets sold at the scene so I try to get it no matter what.” (Choi Hee Won)

"Tip of ticketing is emptying one’s mind. You get to sit at the 2nd floor if you lose all the front seats due to greed. I get to worry ‘whether there would be my seat’ since fans come from overseas too.” (Kim Minah)

"I think overseas fans come to Korea and the other way round too. We ask local people or acquaintances if there’s an overseas fan meeting. They get them instead of us since we’re same fans.” (Park Soo Jin)

"It’s the same with the fan signing event, right?" (Kim Minah)

"It’s impossible now when it was done by staying one night up in 2010. Since overseas fans come, the competition has become fiercer. We have to stay 2 nights up now. The agency tells us not to do it, but we can’t help since its first come, first served.” (Choi Hee Won)

◆ "One wish?… Be an actor like now"

We asked them whether there is a wish toward Lee Min Ho lastly. After thinking deeply, they shook their heads. They say that he’s enough for now. They only wished him to be an actor just like now as he wishes.

"What kind of actor do you think Lee Min Ho is? I think he’s an actor that accepts criticism. If you compare his former pieces to recent ones, I get to see he has improved more. I feel happy that he show results from his effort.” (Kim Minah)

“I agree with you. Lee Min Ho has said in the 'Personal Taste’ DVD that he acts like this in this scene and like that in that scene. He explained the process of analyzing the character and I thought he was a hardworking actor.” (Choi Hee Won)

"So I don’t have anything to wish from him. I just want him to live the actor’s life which he gets satisfied. He’s not going to just act for 1~2 years so I believe he would act for a long time.” (Park Soo Jin)

"I agree with you too. I wish he would take various roles if he could. I wish to see him act loose roles that fits well with his actual personality and the role of an idle which he wishes to do.” (Kim Minah)

“Everyone thinks the same. He’s enough for now so I hope he takes various roles until he joins the army. That’s the only thing I want from him." (Choi Hee Won)


The link has the pics that I left out.

I think his Korean fans sound just like us :)

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Guest myhepyending

Hi Minoz~~~~

Is there anyone here from Malaysia? I want to know about his OSIM event in Malaysia. Anyone knows where can I get the info about this event? I really want to meet him. I'm planning to meet him at the airport too but i don't know anything about his flight schedule to Malaysia. Please...someone help me :((

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Guest Moonrain

Thanks @prosperity for bringing it here. we minoz are one and the same  ;) even though we're not officially one. cough*step-children*cough
That GB photo is still haunting me, he looks dejected and in pain. i cant stand watching someone being beaten to a pulp, what more if its Minho. and he's gonna meet a sad ending, which means death right? ouch, that's gonna break us all :(

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@moonrain - I think LMH's hair has a brain on its own!!!! =))  =))
LMH looks so serious and manly in that GB poster  . . .  then his wayward hair stole the moment . . .  and when you commented on it, I truly had a good laugh!!! I agree, LMH wouldn't like it at all!!! :)) But he has to live with, it is his hair . . .  and Minoz I guess are absolutely having a blast viewing it - so adorable if I may say so.  Can I possibly claim that hair guys? ~ though I love his dimples and his eyes, I think I am now hooked with his wayward hair too!!! =))  :x

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     I was shocked and saddened to see this blog site called Crazy9Drama close down. I believe it was originally created by the Faithlings. I really enjoyed reading their posts and will surely miss it. And I hope they reconsider and re-open the blog.      Some of my favorite posts are about Lee Min Ho's airport fashion; here are the links to the 2013 and 2104 airport fashions they posted.  

Last post:
[28.08.2014] New Zealand >>> Korea


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itemprop="name" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.2em; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 1.6em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Varela, arial, sans-serif !important; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 252);"Lee Min Ho gives off a mature vibe in new Gangnam Blues still

by KrisE

on Mon, Sep 22, 2014
Why excuse me, Mr. Lee Min Ho! You look awfully mature and masculine in this new Gangnam Blues photo/still of yours! 
Look at him all tanned and with a shadow of facial hair! Unless you were hanging out with Patrick Star under a rock in the middle of the ocean, then you're probably aware that Lee Min Ho has been working on a film titledGangnam Blues, where he plays a character who's all mixed up in gang and political issues during the 1970s. 

This is an exciting look for Lee Min Ho, isn't it? Hopefully the character is as mature as his look. What do you think? Should Lee Min Ho go for a mature and masculine concept from now on or stay with the clean-cut "Flower Boy" image he's so popular for?

KrisE! @K_Kisses_KrisE

(Source: Showbox.co.kr)
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