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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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[NEWS FEATURE:  THE STAR ONLINE MALAYSIA]Published: Thursday October 16, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM  class="headline" style="margin: 20px 0px 30px; padding: 0px; border: none; font-family: 'Droid Serif', Georgia, 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(32, 90, 152); font-size: 40px; line-height: 48px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Korean actor Lee Min-ho’s life on the A-list?w=620&h=413&crop=1&

More than just a pretty face, Korean actor Lee Min-ho exudes quiet wisdom as he contemplates his life on the Hallyu A-list.

It's a sunny and humid Sunday afternoon, and Korean actor Lee Min-ho is in one of Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre’s colossal exhibition halls addressing a crowd of over 700 adoring fans at an exclusive meet-and-greet event.

Although, the invite-only affair – which is hosted by Osim Malaysia – does come across more like a rock concert than a fan meet, what with the early queue just to get into the venue and the cacophony of screams within once the doors open.

Anyeonghaesayo, my name is Lee Min-ho,” the Seoul native humbly greets fans to another round of extended screams from the largely female audience.

The introduction is just a matter of formality really. There’s no doubt that everyone in the room probably know who Lee is. After the release of the wildly popular drama series Boys Over Flowers in 2009, the actor shot to stardom throughout Asia; becoming one of the torch-bearers of the Hallyu craze.

If Brad Pitt is a household name in Hollywood, then Lee is the Korean wave equivalent. The 27-year-old hasn’t let fame get to his head though, ever thankful to the fans who have supported him throughout his career.

“I landed a little late last night, but I’m very grateful to see my fans greeting me at the airport. I’m really happy to meet them through this event,” says Lee, who looks dapper in an all-black ensemble.

It is Lee’s third time on Malaysian shores. And as local conversation convention goes, he talks about food when he recalls his previous experiences here.

“Every time I’m here, I am served many helpings of satay and nasi lemak. I presume all of you can cook nasi lemak yourself here?” he innocently asks the crowd.

Of course, even if the women in the audience couldn’t, chances are they would have agreed with a resounding, “Yes”.

With his bright eyes, porcelain smooth skin, long toned legs and lanky physique (he stands at 1.87m), Lee fits the bill of a gush-worthy heartthrob that’s sure to set many hearts aflutter.

And that sort of begs the question: Does his good looks force him to work harder to prove his worth as an actor? The query garners a hearty boyish laugh from Lee.

“In terms of how looks play on an actor, I think that’s one of the things that is quite critical in an acting career. If it’s something that comes from me, my good looks that is, then I’m very willing to use that part of myself in my career,” he offers during a special interview arranged by Osim.

“There are definitely more pros than cons when it comes to how an actor’s appearance works on his acting and so far, it’s been a positive trait for me. Well, not because I’m handsome or anything, but in that it helps me portray my roles better on screen,” he adds.

Impresssive portfolio

Born in Heukseok-dong, a neighbourhood in Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Lee aspired to become a professional football player as a child. However, an injury during elementary school squashed that dream.

It was during his second year in high school that he finally found a new calling in acting and modelling.

Since then, the man has appeared in numerous drama series, with the latest one being The Heirs. The drama which featured a large ensemble cast, was broadcasted over 13 countries in addition to its native South Korea.

The roles he’s taken too, are commendably varied. From a young architect mistaken for a gay man (Personal Preference) to a vengeful guy who falls for a presidential bodyguard (City Hunter), Lee has been smart with the projects he takes on.

With an impressive portfolio, the fear of being a one-hit wonder once the frenzy ofBoys Over Flowers dies down was never really a pressing concern for him.

“I don’t think it’s a matter of living up to the success of that drama. The South Korean entertainment industry works in a way that there’s a maximum of two to three productions that an actor or actress can be involved in a year.

“Given the constraints, we really want to make the most out of the opportunities that we’re given. We really want to do well and it’s not only a matter of success. It also has to be a meaningful project that can help us grow as actors,” he says.

“I do have the pressure to want to do better, and I want to do well. But sometimes, it does not necessarily come with success as well,” he adds after a brief pause.

Lee is appearing next in the upcoming noir action film Gangnam Blues that’s scheduled for release later this year. He is playing a man who gets caught up in the power struggles during the real estate craze in 1970s Gangnam district. The movie marks the actor’s first leading role on the big screen.

“For dramas, there has to be a wow factor that excites the viewers every week. But with movies, we have a little bit more time to make the production more complete. This allows me the opportunity to delve deeper into my emotions,” he offers.

In person, Lee exudes an easygoing demeanour that’s in direct contrast to the relatively uptight disposition of the representatives from his entertainment agency who has accompanied him on this interview. [LOL]

In retrospect, the strict limits and restrictions imposed – from the deterrence of photography during the course of this interview to the vetting of questions – are probably necessary. Showbusiness, after all, can be equal parts actual talent and hard work and equal parts smoke and mirrors.

To date, Lee’s public image has been relatively spotless. The only major heart-stopping headline was in 2006 when a serious car accident left him bedridden for a long while.

In an interview with China’s Sina News, Lee opens up about that particular experience.

“For many people, the age of 20 is when they first reach adulthood and it’s a time full of ideals and dreams. But when I was 20, a lot of misfortune came along. I spent a year in the hospital and couldn’t move, and I was forced to think a lot,” he says.

That being said, the man takes the good and the bad in his stride, choosing to focus on the future instead of dwelling on past mishaps. Ultimately he’s in pursuit of family life. In past interviews, Lee has expressed wishes to have a daughter with the love of his life.

But when it comes to his future children hypothetically following his footsteps, Lee remains realistic about the competitiveness of the republic’s entertainment industry.

“For my daughter, I hope I’ll be able to make the decision whether or not she’ll be able to make it through in the industry,” the actor says as he casts a careful look at one of his agency’s representatives.

“If I feel that she probably won’t be able to make it, I’ll try to find something that she can be better at and enjoy doing as well,” he offers.

Lee has certainly come a long way from the minor roles in television dramas when he first started out. He reveals that he’s more involved with the direction of the productions that he’s a part of these days. [Good!]

Although he admits that he enjoyed the minimal responsibilities in his career’s earlier days, he cherishes the opportunity to express himself more to the audience in his current position.

“Was there a particular life lesson I wish I knew earlier on in my career? Well, not anything in particular because there’s no way that we can go back in time. I think I tried my best in every position that I was in, even back then.” [wow, how profound. good for you, MH---no regrets, no surrender!] 


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[NEWS FEATURE:  THE STAR ONLINE MALAYSIA]Published: Thursday October 16, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM 

class="headline" style="margin: 20px 0px 30px; padding: 0px; border: none; font-family: 'Droid Serif', Georgia, 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(32, 90, 152); font-size: 40px; line-height: 48px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Lee Min-ho’s candid confessions?w=620&h=413&crop=1&

988 FM, The Star’s sister radio station, posed some rapid fire questions to Lee Min-ho and got some pretty hilarious answers – in between jovial laughter – from the leading man.

Out of the three, which do you like most about yourself and why: Your smile, long legs or voice?

Long legs. I think they always work as an advantage for an actor to have long legs and be very tall. Even when I’m standing next to any actresses, I could have the ideal height differences with them and that works in displaying a dependable man.

What do you prefer to do if you have a day off, and why? Sleep, family gathering or friends gathering?

Well, I’ll take a nap at home and then meet my family and my friends together. That’s probably my ideal day.

Which Chinese artiste can you think of right now?

Andy Lau. I’ve never met him before, but I grew up watching a lot of his movies.

Which Malay phrase do you think means “I miss you”? “Saya cinta padamu”, “Selamat datang” or “Saya rindu padamu”?

Isn’t “Saya cinta padamu”, “I love you” in Malay? It’s the second one? Wait, third one!

Which of the following characters would you like to try out in a drama or movie? A cold-blooded killer, a playboy or a kung-fu fighter?

A playboy. Well, only because I’m not like that in real life and through acting, I would love to be one. [LOL]

What annoys you the most and why? Lack of sleep, hunger or not bathe for a few days?

All three will really annoy me. I think I’ll be really pissed if I can’t do any of the three. I can’t rank them.

Do you still recall the name of the female lead in Personal Preference? Geum Jan-di, Yoo Eun-soo or Park Kae-in?

This is too easy. It’s Park Kae-in.

Which of the following massage do you like most? Foot, shoulder or body?

Depends on the occasion, but I generally like a foot massage because it feels great.

What do you do when you’re relaxing on a massage chair? Read a book, take a nap or listen to music?

I listen to music across all genres and then just drift away without any thoughts in my head.

Which hairstyle from your drama series do you like most? The character from Boys Over FlowersThe Heirs or Faith?

It’s not the one that I like the most, but the hairstyle in Boys Over Flowers was really impactful and remains in my memory no matter how long time has passed.


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Re:minho Japan
1st day
As I did not intend to purchase any merchandise thus I only reach the veune at 5pm... Once there already can see a long snaking queue of minoz waiting to enter the venue at 6pm.  Concert will starts at 7pm.My seat was way up high at 2nd floor :(  Good thing it's in right in the middle and likely no guards would be bother to stop me from taking any videos. :P
Started at ard 710pm... He went off key right on the 1st song 1st part.  Guess he must be really anxious. But no minoz cares if he goes off key... everyone still scream and cheered him.  After the 1st song - he said his welcome speech and even did his signature good day sign.  Then more songs, a video of his photoshoot BTS... then more songs .... then he went backstage.
MC came on stage... seems like he is taking longer than usual to come out thus MC kept on talking.Finally he is out and there start the Q&A session.  He kept on fidgeting on stage... until at one point, MC asked him about it.He complained that the shirt is not comfy and very itchy.  Minoz below stage started to shout at him to remove his shirt... he took a peek into his shirt then said cannot! Then asked MC to quickly finish this section.  Haha... really adorable.  After the Q&A, it's Minho Happy Time.  He lucky draw a ticket and a minoz came up.  They are suppose to decorate the dreamcatcher.  Nothing special I would say.
Then it's royal pirates turn to perform... after one song... Minho is out again with his fast rock songs! All the minoz quickly stand up with him and dance together!   Another video came out... his recording BTS then more songs (it was especially hot during the "TRAVEL" song) 
MC is out again and it's promiz video.  Minho lucky draw 3 tickets and they all came on stage to received a present from him.  Not much interaction.
He said his Thank you speech and his last song.  Encore and one last song again.

2nd day I heard that the hi-5 session is at 2pm.... but I did not bother to go the venue so early thus I skip it.  Knows that i miss the chance to see him waving at the crowd :P
I reached at 4pm this time... entry to venue at 5pm and concert starting at 6pm.2nd day my seat is still on the 2nd floor but nearer and at the side of the stage.  I am much nearer the ushers thus I told myself I wont take any video today and just enjoy myself.  (I still took 2 videos as he is really funny and cheeky on stage)
Concert started right on the dot at 7pm.  Same songs lineup and almost the same welcome speech.When he came out with his white shirt - Everyone laugh and he himself also kept on grinning.  Everyone remembers about the itchy shirt yesterday. :p2nd day he seems more relaxed and confident.  No off key singing... and he jokes more with the MC.The game was much better too.... 1st he and fan needs to compete on using chopsticks and pick peas.  He was cheeky and playful.  at the end of the game, he even switch his & the fan's bowl.  Since he lost - a balloon was taken out and suppose to pop it.  He was very confident and says he is expert! But in the end, they had to try like 4-5times before finally pop it! 
I suspect becos of the upcoming typhoon, The recording BTS video was skipped and he did not go backstage to touch up before his promiz video n gifts.  He just stood at the stage and waited for the MC to come out.  Wiping his sweat on stage.  Minoz asked him to throw his towel to them... he made the action and got all of them excited but didnt throw out. :P
Same 3 lucky winners to received promiz gifts.  2nd day minoz seems more prepared too.  They chatted with Minho on stage and all linger around for a longer time with him.  One minoz wore a stick figure tee and told minho that this is his drawing! I think he forgotten he drew that before or something.  Very cheeky and playful conversation thru out.  
Overall - 2nd nite he was more fun and relax.  Perform better too.Minoz also more hype up on 2nd nite... the floor kept screaming and cheering him.  Those who went on stage also more daring and not so shy and stagefright.  thus 2nd nite was really good! :)

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This interview seems cute... at least they try to ask different qns.

ublished: Thursday October 16, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM 
Updated: Thursday October 16, 2014 MYT 11:02:17 AM

class="headline" style="margin: 20px 0px 30px; padding: 0px; border: none; font-family: 'Droid Serif', Georgia, 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(32, 90, 152); font-size: 40px; line-height: 48px;"Lee Min-ho’s candid confessions

988 FM, The Star’s sister radio station, posed some rapid fire questions to Lee Min-ho and got some pretty hilarious answers – in between jovial laughter – from the leading man.

Out of the three, which do you like most about yourself and why: Your smile, long legs or voice?

Long legs. I think they always work as an advantage for an actor to have long legs and be very tall. Even when I’m standing next to any actresses, I could have the ideal height differences with them and that works in displaying a dependable man.

What do you prefer to do if you have a day off, and why? Sleep, family gathering or friends gathering?

Well, I’ll take a nap at home and then meet my family and my friends together. That’s probably my ideal day.

Which Chinese artiste can you think of right now?

Andy Lau. I’ve never met him before, but I grew up watching a lot of his movies.

Which Malay phrase do you think means “I miss you”? “Saya cinta padamu”, “Selamat datang” or “Saya rindu padamu”?

Isn’t “Saya cinta padamu”, “I love you” in Malay? It’s the second one? Wait, third one!

Which of the following characters would you like to try out in a drama or movie? A cold-blooded killer, a playboy or a kung-fu fighter?

A playboy. Well, only because I’m not like that in real life and through acting, I would love to be one.

What annoys you the most and why? Lack of sleep, hunger or not bathe for a few days?

All three will really annoy me. I think I’ll be really pissed if I can’t do any of the three. I can’t rank them.

Do you still recall the name of the female lead in Personal Preference? Geum Jan-di, Yoo Eun-soo or Park Kae-in?

This is too easy. It’s Park Kae-in.

Which of the following massage do you like most? Foot, shoulder or body?

Depends on the occasion, but I generally like a foot massage because it feels great.

What do you do when you’re relaxing on a massage chair? Read a book, take a nap or listen to music?

I listen to music across all genres and then just drift away without any thoughts in my head.

Which hairstyle from your drama series do you like most? The character from Boys Over FlowersThe Heirs or Faith?

It’s not the one that I like the most, but the hairstyle in Boys Over Flowers was really impactful and remains in my memory no matter how long time has passed.


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Guest Moonrain

Morning! More Japan Concert Pics. He was having loads of fun, guess this was on the 2nd day  ;))
His signature dance moves :))e96697cajw1elc9vu20oaj20rs0rw0x3.jpgCr: Totomino

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Guest Moonrain

More from the Eider Album
Which year do you like best? i dunno why but i'm always drawn to photos of him taken in 2012, esp during the Faith era...maybe coz of his long locks.be30cae7tw1elcze5adnwj21kw17t4cf.jpgbe30cae7tw1elcze9e62nj21kw190amu.jpgbe30cae7tw1elczeab1vvj21kw19yqeb.jpgbe30cae7tw1elczegdyp6j21kw15jtjo.jpg
Cr: RainAMH

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Guest acrybaby

moonrain said: More from the Eider Album
Which year do you like best? i dunno why but i'm always drawn to photos of him taken in 2012, esp during the Faith era...maybe coz of his long locks.

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Annyeong, MINOZ! Thank you all for the updates  :-*
GUESS Fan Sign Event is today, right?  Hope we get to see lots of pics [-O<
Don't you guys find the rollout of G'70 release dates too slow?  Maybe I'm used to the way Hollywood films are rolled out---most international releases are usually announced in one fell swoop.  This is the first Korean film that I'm following so I'm getting impatient with the gradual announcements. I also notice that we don't have a release date in the Chinese-speaking countries yet (I assume that SIN would have ENG subs).  Maybe that's within the purview of the Chinese distributor who recently closed that historic deal with MO Vera.  Ah well....patience, patience, patience.  
New Poster [Fanmade] B0FJx6uCUAA6FA2.jpg:large
by Carol
Brighter version of Official Poster


cr as tagged

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