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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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We're having a heat wave here in LA and today'y temps may just break records.  :-S Well, Californians are spoiled---anything above 90's (or 30C) is unbearable.  So I decided to stay in and keep cool by checking out our boy's latest pics.  It's not helping.  
His neck looks so smooth and soft..........t2807.gifAnd that sexy swagger.... smiley-love017.gifBxgC0KWIMAAZUCo.jpg:large
More of His Royal Hotness at Kyochon Bangkok 


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Guest prosperity

I know y'all might get mad at me for saying this but the female model gave me life.

I liked that she got all in his personal space, and I sensed that she made him uncomfortable in a good way. He was doing a lot of gulping lol.

I sense that he is very aware of what others might think and always keeps other people's opinions in the back of his mind. Thus I felt like he was holding back with her a little, but she wasn't having it and I loved that. He has never done such a "sexy" ad with a partner and it was good to see.

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Guest Rachel Park

That Guess ads killed me. Omaygaddd so sexy akkk i love it!!! That girl really help this men to develop his "sexy charm" in that ads. Which is good and seeing mino in this ads positively make our ovaries explode :))

Nowadays mino often wears tight cloths. His pants too that make me focus on something else (sorry for my pervert side) but please jebal i cant handle it anymore. He's getting sexier day by day that its so hard to handle X_X

Im waiting he reaches his 30's. Im pretty sure he'll become not just sexy, but sexyness, hotness, and gorgeousness just like hot men in 30's. Know im preparing myself to endure his explosive charm gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh weeeellppppppp

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LoL @prosperity Thanks to your comment, I took  particular note of his "gulping"  :))  I expected more "oomph" from Guess, and shucks why does it have to be F/W and they have to don too many layers of clothing?  :-qBut our babe looks hot and I agree, a bit held back in the skinship dept.---but that may be as directed, who knows.  
Some screencaps of the GUESS BTS VidBxivwEsCMAAdCtw.jpg:large


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@pixie0622:  I thought you wanted to keep cool.  Looking at MH would just make you warmer!  LOL  Wasn't it super hot in LA this weekend?  the temp in my car read 104 at one point during the day
@rachel park  I think he is only going to get better looking at he ages--as if that is even possible.  I really don't think that I've seen a better looking man--I'm wracking my brain trying to think of one.  

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gggaaaaahhhh, that Guess cf is super super hot, much hotter than the stills *steal @pixie0622 's fan 1sm222thirst_hot.gif  1sm222thirst_hot.gif  1sm222thirst_hot.gif *

I've watched it 5 times in a row  :\"> .
Let's share what you think/feel about this ad.
He is like acting in a drama because I can feel the character of this guy in the 1-minute ad. He is, of course, sexy, very attractive to girls. He has that strong power over beautiful young girls. He has them in his palm. They are ready for him. Just a snap of his fingers or a wink in his eyes at any girl, she will be his slave. But it's hard to keep him. There seems to be something else that occupies him. His business, or another girl ??? I don't know, but a girl can't have his all for her. That makes a girl suffer, but that also make him more attractive to her... he is the one that girls keeps reaching for but can hardly get.....

That guy is totally different from this guy:

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Guest Rachel Park

@CarolynH there's lot of handsome dudes  in k-industry right now. im already trying to make myself fell in love with other actor/idol. But its failed.
I dont know but theres somethin in mino. He's probably not the most handsome guy in the world. but theres a magnet to fall in love with him.
This love keep growing everyday, and sometimes its tiring lol open twitter often just to see any updates from him or not gaaaahhhhhh

Now this guy is getting mature. Remember when i saw him in secret campus he's just a tiny boy. But now he transforms into a sexy-gorgeous-handsome-hot-deadly man ^:)^

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