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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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Soosee15 said: adlyn13 said: What the heck ~X( X( LMH did not just turn down an opportunity to work for Hollywood along side Brad Pitt!! Really dang man!!! Brad Pitt is my Hollywood Bias that would've been the best thing in my life, but I guess he wants to better his English I guess, still I am not happy Wae wae my two biases working together would've been so epic for me
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@Kris Silva That's good to hear, thanks!  Is GB's ticket price higher than others?  I keep seeing higher per capita sales for GB.Someone shared a screengrab of a recent online ticket booking in SK.  This particular theater is fully-booked for a Monday evening showing =D>

005udKnYjw1eou6ov520zj30xc18g13z.jpgcr 超级小妞-Yorie

Our dear Minho has arrived safely in AKL and lookin' none the worse from the long-haul flight ;;)005udKnYjw1eovm71yfjcj30u01hcqag.jpg

005udKnYjw1eovlpc4xbyj30jh1hctdn.jpg005udKnYjw1eovlqfcrrsj30qy1hc7da.jpg"Superqueen" posted this, too.  It appears that she was on the same flight as MH to AKLhearta_org.gifIf only Minho saw her cute socksheia_org.gif005udKnYjw1eovlro90crj31w02iohdt.jpg

cr 超级小妞-Yorie wb

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@pixie0622, I was about to click on Awesome on your post, when I saw Minoz with Minho socks.   :)) Is she stalking/following him to NZ ? Wow, and in first class seats too.
Yes, I noticed that too.  For some days that Ode topped GB in Box Office, GB has a bigger revenue share but less admission count. It must be because more adults watch GB at late night showing, and the evening hours and adult tickets are more expensive than student / matinee ones  ?   
Back view... I claim his nice behind.  

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Guest margiestevens16

Omg, im sooo jealous with superqueen right now!, lol @pixie0622‌ i actually want to say most of us dont look that good after a long haul flight?, but lee min ho ,still look fresh and so handsome no matter how.

I want those socks!!

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@Kris Silva And I greedily lay claim on this.Do you see what I see? >:)694c55d8jw1eovewfwe5aj219l1sfnp5.jpg

More Pics at AKLFA says that he's much warmer this time---bigger smiles, good mood :x :xa7c31b47jw1eovo8e2736j20dc0hsjth.jpg Could be because he didn't have to walk around needlessly or wait for the airport bus.He had a limo pick-up this time.  Good job, Starhaus/ Eider! :-bd6815f232jw1eovnxbrj0qj20f00qojtd.jpg
cr as tagged
@margiestevens18 http://www.amazon.com/Sesock-Lee-Minho-Sock/dp/B006HBTPA2  ;))

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Guest minomi11.1987_dd12

Hallo everyone,

I came here to claim this super close sexy ears :))

He always extra good looking and cool in black outfit
cr. Logo

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class="content-title" 14 Great Drama OSTs
A good OST can make or break a drama. Great OSTs can make the emotion onscreen even more intense, and they also serve as a way to keep experiencing a drama even when you’re not watching it. These are some of my favorite drama OSTs. P

(skipped unrelated.....)

credit : soompi news

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I would really like to know what this article says **wink wink at @zinnia, can you be our savior, especially the last part. You don't need to translate every thing, just give us the gist of it**:
There seem to be a lot of quotes about the action scenes in GB from different online publications/media outlets

I don't know about you, but this article showed up on my computer only for some seconds then blanked out, so I paste it here for your convenience. 

‘강남 1970’ 속 액션은 달라도 정말 다르다?…‘생존액션’ 키포인트 정리

기사입력 2015-02-03 08:19 | 최종수정 2015-02-03 08:20


1970년대 서울, 개발이 시작되던 강남땅을 둘러싼 두 남자의 욕망과 의리, 배신을 그린 유하 감독의 ‘폭력 3부작’ 완결편이자 이민호와 김래원의 만남으로 기대를 모으는 액션 드라마 ‘강남 1970’(제작: ㈜모베라픽처스, 쇼박스㈜미디어플렉스 | 제공/배급: 쇼박스㈜미디어플렉스 | 각본/감독: 유하)의 액션 장면들이 관객들의 뜨거운 반응을 일으키고 있다.

영화 초반부 전당대회 액션을 시작으로 빗 속 액션, 야산 액션, 룸살롱 액션, 목욕탕 액션, 창고 액션, 도박장 액션에 이르기까지 쉴 틈 없는 리얼 액션으로 관객들에게 긴장감과 짜릿함을 선사하고 있는 것이다. 억지로 꾸미지 않은 날 것 액션의 생생함과 이민호 김래원의 몸을 아끼지 않은 열연은 “같은 남자가 봐도 멋있다”는 반응과 함께 남자 관객들의 인정을 받으며 여자 관객들까지 사로잡고 있다.

해바라기’의 오태식을 기억하는 관객들은 “역시 김래원!”이라며 커다란 만족감을 드러내고 있고, 스크린을 압도하는 표정과 기럭지로 완벽하게 액션을 소화한 이민호의 이미지 변신에 놀라움을 표하며 아낌없는 찬사를 보내고 있다. 또한, 가진 것 없는 ‘두 젊음’ 종대와 용기의 땅을 향한 욕망을 그려낸 만큼 기존의 영화에서 건달들이 사용하는 보편화된 무기가 아닌, 1970년대 농경 사회에서 우리가 쉽게 접할 수 있는 농기구나 토속적인 도구인 대검, 우산, 도끼, 괭이, 삽 등에 이르기까지 지금까지는 볼 수 없었던 ‘강남 1970’만의 특화된 무기를 통해 땅과 생존에 대한 이미지를 더욱 극대화 시켜 관객의 뇌리에 깊이 남기고 있다.

특히 ‘강남 1970’ 액션의 하이라이트로 꼽히는 진흙탕 액션 장면은 ‘신세계’의 엘리베이터 액션, ‘신의 한 수’의 얼음 액션에 이어 관객들에게 강렬한 인상을 남기며 호평을 이끌어내고 있는 것은 물론, 스크린을 통해 꼭 봐야 한다는 추천 세례가 이어지고 있다.


영화를 관람한 관객들은 “멋지게 보이려 연출하지 않은 날 액션인데 김래원, 이민호가 간지가 쩔어서 액션이 아주 볼만함”(네이버 영화_bett****), “마지막 진흙탕 액션 씬은 꼭 스크린으로 봐야 진가를 알 수 있음.”(네이버 영화_may9****), “남자들은 꼭 봐라 실터치 액션이더라 대형화면으로 볼만하다 이런 영화 언제 또 보냐 여자들은 안구 호강할꺼임 작품 돈 안 아깝더라”(네이버 영화_book****), “김래원 연기야 해바라기 때 입증 됐고 이민호 눈빛연기 액션 쥑입니다. 간만에 볼만한 액션 누와르.”(네이버 영화_7210****), “액션 매니아 꼭 보세요 시간이 언제 지나갔는지 모를 만큼 재미났어요 오랜만에 나온 상남자 영화”(네이버 영화_rina****), 역시 유하 감독거라서인지 액션에 특화됐네요 배우들 연기도 좋고 진흙탕 액션은 죽이네요”(네이버 영화_nahj****) 등의 반응으로 <강남 1970>에 대한 극찬을 아끼지 않고 있다.

1970년대 서울, 개발이 시작되던 강남땅을 둘러싼 두 남자의 욕망과 의리, 배신을 그린 유하 감독의 거리 3부작 완결편이자 이민호와 김래원의 만남, 정진영 김설현 유승목 김지수 등 연기파 배우들로 짜인 탄탄한 조연진의 호연으로 기대를 모으는 ‘강남 1970’은 지난 달 21일 개봉 후 박스오피스 1위를 질주 중이다.

김재범 기자 cine517@

@zinnia , would you mind letting us know what is the general reception of GB and Minho's role in it in Korea? What I really want to know is if he is seen as a serious, potential actor (as opposed to an idol actor), gaining more respect from the people in the movie industry. Thanks a bunch.

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This is last update from korea? Gangnam 1970 is number 1st?

Gangnam 1970 shooting but I don't know what they said#江南1970# 常言道好男人三大招:逛街能拎包,颜值刷爆表,还有接吻会弯腰。[偷乐][偷乐]哼,但这些在终极大招面前都自惭形秽了!为了照顾女方身高,@李敏镐 便使出终极大招:挖小坑[笑哈哈][笑哈哈]!每一个肯为女方挖小坑的人都是上辈子折翼的天使,遇见了就爱他吧。


CR : http://www.weibo.com/u/5272047214

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@alovebof  Welcome back, chingu!  You have yet to give us a report on how Gangnam Blues is doing and being received in Thailand  ;)
YES, Gangnam 1970 is back to #1 of SK Box Office on Feb.2 and has officially reached 1.8m views in under 2 weeks,  The good thing we're seeing is that it still has the most number of screens despite entering its 3rd week <:-PAs we've often said here, we're hoping that the movie has legs to stay opened for many weeks even if it doesn't stay on top of the standings.Based on news articles, interest on the movie is building on the recommendations of those who have seen it.  Someone we know was recently spotted watching it ;))


The G'70 Behind the scenes photos you posted can be labeled as PERCEPTION vs REALITY.No.23 above >>> The blocked shot (I think she's supposed to kiss him here) >>> PERCEPTION.First Pic and No. 22 >>>> show the REALITY >>> They had to dig a hole for Minho to stand in so he "shrinks" enough to create a better height-proportioned shot.  =))  I actually think it's an ingenious way to resolve what could be an awkward shot.  
This kinda reminded me of this shot.  Poor Long Legs Oppa :))


The Auckland photos you posted is labeled Mission Bay which is a suburb--Minho may be staying at a nearby hotel.  Not sure if he was just excited to see the ocean....(or maybe forgot that the young girls who usually litter the bay in bikinis on weekends are still in school)...because he's definitely not dressed to enjoy the beach.  :))
cr as tagged

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itemprop="name"9 Korean coffee chains you know because of your K-drama obsession

It's now almost impossible to watch a K-drama and not see a well-marked coffee shop in the background. Here is a list of some of the most common chains that appear in dramas time and time again. How many of these names do you recognize?

(skipped unrelated...)


3. Mango Six (As seen in Heirs)



I. Want. That. Mango. Smoothie. You have to admit that the Mango Six product placement in Heirs sure was effective. It may have been over the top, but I'm still craving a taste of that mango drink! But seriously, Mango Six and their mango smoothie is everywhere in that drama.

source : dramafever

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Hello Chinggus! I read this review of GB from GB thread. @Almondcroissant‌ wrote this: For a noir film, this is not as dark and bleak as I thought it would be. It can actually be a mainstream gangster/action movie. So on that score, it was a bit of a letdown for me if compared with say, Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai's noir films which truly fit that description. Having said that, G 1970 is thoroughly watchable. In fact I watched it twice. The first time was a blur because there were so many characters, and to be honest, all the men, and there were plenty of them - gangsters and politicians - did start to look like one another after a while which made it difficult to understand the plot and storyline, not to mention having to read the subtitles fast left me a bit confused. To overcome this, it helps as someone said, to study the character/relationship chart first. When I watched it a second time, I enjoyed it much more because the story and characters became clearer to me. The action/fighting scenes are very realistic and well executed; there is a lot of blood and gore. Yoo Ha keeps the fight scenes exciting and new with different settings and weapons, for example with saw dust thrown into one of the scenes to enhance the thrill and of course the epic mud fighting scene. The pace of the movie is tight and well controlled although I think the editing did leave some parts patchy and not as smooth and seamless as it could have been. Character development was a bit wanting too. For example, I feel Jong Dae's decline to an ambitious cold hearted killer was not explained well enough; I was not fully convinced of his character's need to become what he became. If you think the movie will be all dark and bleak, don't worry, there are moments of lightness and some humour even. For those who are more conservative, do be prepared for some graphic sex scenes. Kim Rae Won shines as a baddie but I think this has to do with his "bad boy" look in the first place which makes his character believable but KRW does play his character effortlessly and it is testament to the good actor that he is. Jeong Jin Yeong who plays Jong Dae's adoptive father is also an excellent actor - very controlled in his acting yet conveying volumes - pain, regret; you really get that he wants to leave his gangster roots behind and live a simple life. It is tougher to see Lee Min Ho as a gangster, but on the occasions when he is out for blood and you see the anger and raw emotions - that's when he really stands out. It helps that he is not an all out baddie; he did not start out as a gangster and his psyche is such that he would not have been one if circumstances and fate had not dealt him such a hand. So he can be excused for looking exceedingly handsome while wielding a knife. I think overall it was a major transformative role for him and he truly delivered. Aside from anger and ferocity which he conveyed well, he also spoke volumes with his eyes when channelling ambition, despair and emptiness. You have to watch his eyes; it's all in his eyes. All in a great performance for a breakout role such as this. In fact, after sharing his pain and loss as Jong Dae, I had to get a dose of fresh air and made my way to the Innisfree store downstairs to look at his standee (he's their global brand ambassador) - there he was standing, smiling, fresh faced and youthful, with his Kim Tan look and that was when the contrast of characters really hit me, it was like i was looking at 2 completely different people, and that was when I realised he had really managed to change his image for the movie and he had done it very successfully. Forgive me for rambling about Min Ho; I am a fan! The last scene is touching, poignant, symbolic and very well done; a fitting end to a rollercoaster movie. On the whole, kudos to Yoo Ha and the cast; it was quite a ride!

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adamfever said: I would really like to know what this article says **wink wink at @zinnia, can you be our savior, especially the last part. You don't need to translate every thing, just give us the gist of it**:
There seem to be a lot of quotes about the action scenes in GB from different online publications/media outlets

@zinnia , would you mind letting us know what is the general reception of GB and Minho's role in it in Korea? What I really want to know is if he is seen as a serious, potential actor (as opposed to an idol actor), gaining more respect from the people in the movie industry. Thanks a bunch.

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