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Dear GY,


I keep trying to stay here for you. I keep telling myself that seeing your face will get me through my problems in real life.


But it's hard.  I will always love you. Even if I'm not here on soompi supporting you, I'm still here. Even if I stop being your fan. I will always think of you. Sometimes I do want to quit being your fan. I feel like I don't fit in with other GY fans. That's all. I wish you could cure my depression, but you can't. It consumes me. I don't know what else to do. You don't  need me as your fan. I'm just a loser. Right?

And you don't look like a loser. I just don't think you need me. I don't think I'm good enough to be your fan. I'm going to try to figure out how to leave you without hurting myself. I'm just not good enough to be your fan. I'm not good enough to even look at you.





Not Related to GY:


I noticed no one has posted anything about GY after I said I was a black gy fan. Maybe I'm just crazy. But this is making me worried. I apologized. I tried to be funny and post funny reactions to things about him, but it's not working, and no one here cares. So I was right. GY fans here don't like black GY fans. I know I sound ignorant, but I can't help it. It's hard being a black GY fan because I get cautious about other fans here. "Did they stop posting because of me?" I know everything isn't about me, but I couldn't help it. I don't know what's going on. You can say, "She is so negative." or "She never says anything positive." Well, you're right. When  your life sucks how can you pretend it's not? 


@Noor90 You said once GY comes back, his fans will reunite. Well, I think that's stupid. A lot of people like their bias even when they aren't doing anything. Why GY fans only like him when he's active? Are they even his real fans? i don't think so.


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10 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:

Is it just me or he looks good from every angle? We can't even see his face and he still looks good!


All the brands that hired him have recognized that quality! :D 








7 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:

"Did they stop posting because of me?" I know everything isn't about me, but I couldn't help it. I don't know what's going on. You can say, "She is so negative." or "She never says anything positive." Well, you're right. When  your life sucks how can you pretend it's not? 


It is alright to rant when you are down. I think it could be that people are plain busy and have not visited the thread. There is really no rule that one has to post.


7 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:

I wish you could cure my depression, but you can't. It consumes me. I don't know what else to do. You don't  need me as your fan. I'm just a loser. Right?


It pains me that you are having such a hard time. This thread may help to vent out your feelings.



There are a few threads in general discussion section where people might help you when you are feeling down and angry. 


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Some of you GY fans here are saying, “Why does that crazy person post so much Han Ji Min in GY’s thread?”


Well, I’ll explain.


1. She is GY’s co-star

2. She’s beautiful. 

3. I’m learning more about her as an actress and person

4. GY likes her. He doesn’t hate her

5. She’s talented

6. She is @tok-soompi bias. @tok-soompi is always showing her support for GY here in his thread. Yes Han Ji Min is her bias. GY is not her bias but she shares information and pictures and updates and articles for me and other GY fans here. She is kind. 


So please. I hope that explains everything. I’m not posting her photos because I hate GY. I will always love GY. Can’t I have a little fun with HJM? If I’m offending anyone please let me know. 


Edit: And I watch Age of Shadows a lot. I love GY in that movie. His hair! He's so sexy in Age of Shadows. His clothes. His voice.

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Getting ready for my date with GY tonight. No you can't see my face. I'm ugly :D.  I'm not pretty like his female co-stars.


And no this is not my real instagram account. This is just an account I don't use. So please don't think I'm creepy. What am i saying? I am creepy! Hahahahaha I hope GY will accept me :) 



YAY!!!! I'm coming for GY!!!


Wish me luck. This is my first date with GY. :D


credit: khun_buckwheat


Edit: GY looks so hot in this picture. Like seriously?! Look at him. Please. He's so sexy. HELP. Those tattoos. HELP. They aren't even real tattoos but they make him look like a sexy bad boy. And he's biting his finger. And his abs. OK! I can't do this anymore GY.

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19 hours ago, staygold said:


All the brands that hired him have recognized that quality! :D 





  Reveal hidden contents




It is alright to rant when you are down. I think it could be that people are plain busy and have not visited the thread. There is really no rule that one has to post.



It pains me that you are having such a hard time. This thread may help to vent out your feelings.



There are a few threads in general discussion section where people might help you when you are feeling down and angry. 


Sorry I didn't answer earlier. I'm glad all the brands that hired him have recognized that ability. That he looks good from any angle :D.


I love the SSG CF. I love the faces he is making, and I love how professional he looks, and of course I love serious he looks. I love his hair. I love the way he places his hand on his chin as he thinks. And I love how he faces us and raises his eyebrow! I also love GHJ in this. Her yellow umbrella is so cute, and she looks cute of course! :).


So you think it's alright for someone to rant when they are down. Yeah I guess you're right. GY's  thread or page(what do we call it?) might be quiet because everyone is just busy. You're right. There is no rule that says we should post in his page. It's just when I see his page so quiet I start to think that his fans don't love him unless he's active, and that hurts my feelings. I don't want anyone to leave him :(. Even though he isn't active I still like him as much as I liked him during Goblin. I'm not a random fan. I'm trying to be a real  fan to him. I only think of him. This is pathetic. And I like sharing my thoughts about him here, and I like coming here to see new pictures and updates from him! More about posting. I've seen other pages or threads where people post a lot. I guess I'm jealous. And to me posting means that people like that page. I fear no one likes that page.


Ever since I came here, people have posted less. I'm always bring everyone else down with me, and I'm always getting sad and depressed. Would you visit this page if you saw someone like me posting? I make his page look less inviting, and I'm crazy. So a lot of people might get turned off by his page. That's why I think it's best for me to leave his page sometimes. If I leave, maybe more people will come around and share their thoughts and feelings about him. Hahahahhaa. I just hate when people only like him when he's active. I think he should matter when he's not active too. And since GY is taking his time to choose his next project, no one will ever like him. And his page will become inactive. I don't want his page to become inactive. I try to post as much as I can, but it looks like I'm talking to myself about GY. Maybe we should all just leave his page alone. Let it become inactive, and let it become a ghost town. I think threads/pages get closed if they are active. I hope that doesn't happen here, but it looks like  that might happen. I guess people are just too busy to update it. I might get attacked for this, but whenever I ask people why they don't post in GY's page, they always say, "I'm busy." It makes me so sad. I feel like it's an excuse.  I hope I'm making sense to you. 


Thanks for posting his SSG update.


It pains you that I'm having such a hard time? I'm sorry. I just don't feel like GY needs me. I feel like if I disappeared as his fan, it would be for the best. I just don't feel like he needs me here in his page. I'm just a bad influence on him. Thanks for the link to thread on having a place to rant. I don't think it'll help me though. My problems are too much. I don't think anyone can help me. Sometimes I want to hurt myself. Commit suicide, because I'm so unhappy. Because I'm worthless, because my life is a waste. Because I'm a waste of space. but then I think of GY and I want to live another day. I want to see his face. I want to see him happy. I want to see him become successful. I want to see him get married. I want to see him have children. I always ask myself, "How did I find this man?" or I say, 


"I'm so glad I found him. He's been the light in the darkness for me."



Thanks for recommending me a few threads for when I'm feeling down or angry. But it won't help. No one can help me there. I'm too far gone. Imagine, everyone in my real life has already given up on me. I mean my family. I don't have any friends in real life. I wish I was married. I wish I had children. I have no personal life. I just sit on my computer staring at GY's page, staring at GY pictures, watching GY's movies over and over. All I do is talk about him to my family. But they don't like him. No it's not because he's an Asian man. My family likes other Asian men. They just don't like him. I have cried over this, and I have begged them to watch his dramas and movies. The only drama they watched with me was Goblin. That's when I became GY's fan :D. I started to search him on the internet. My dad said, "I like Goblin." He can't pronounce GY's name. :D. He only knows him as Goblin. But my dad doesn't want to talk about GY for hours. I don't have anyone I can talk to about him.


Sometimes I say, "Do any of you hard GY struggled?"


My family doesn't respond. Or "Did you know GY also suffers from depression?" They won't respond to that either. And "Look at this picture of GY." Won't respond to that either.


And here online, I can't make friends with any GY fans. I'm sorry, but GY fans are rude. And they don't accept new fans like me. I might not know him as long as them, but I'm still his fan, but they don't respect me. And they make me want to give up on being his fan.


Know how I found this place? I typed GY forums in google, and it brought me here. Well, this place is disappointing.


So I guess I'll just keep him to myself. Lock him away in my heart. Sometimes I pretend he's having a conversation with me. 


See? I'm too far gone. There is no one who can help me.


And I want to talk about GY's personal life, but no one will talk about it with me.


Like, "What kind of women does he like?" or "Does he like hugs?"


@staygoldAgain, thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to talk with me.




Can't forget this:


credit: gong_yoo_joseph


I wonder when this was taken?

Ahhh. My lovely man. Wish I was this kid :D. Then he could pat my head too.


Edit: Editing because I have a hard time expressing my thoughts and feelings...

Edited by 2handsintertwined
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@2handsintertwined i wish you had nice date with GY , it's so cute ^_^^_^

GY pic with this kid was taken in late 2013 or beginning of 2014 . i love all GY pics with kids , he's sweet with them . i think he'll be great daddy :rolleyes:

About GY fans , of course they have their own life , can be busy and some may like other actors beside him but once GY has new project they all gathered again . Now they aren't gathered because there's not any GY news , no project , no interview , no event , no no no then what 'll they talk about if GY himself isn't active. He only shoots CF . And yeah it's not enough for me and i guess it's not enough for other fans . Since last August he doesn't have anything new . i wish i can go to korea and tell him please Show your face or appear in anything , we miss yoooooooooooooooooooo

On 11/2/2017 at 10:21 AM, 2handsintertwined said:

I love the SSG CF. I love the faces he is making, and I love how professional he looks, and of course I love serious he looks. I love his hair. I love the way he places his hand on his chin as he thinks. And I love how he faces us and raises his eyebrow! I also love GHJ in this. Her yellow umbrella is so cute, and she looks cute of course! :).


i love GY expressions too , his facial expressions & his eyes can show his emotions " Sad , happy , depressed" even without talking 


On 11/2/2017 at 10:21 AM, 2handsintertwined said:

ut they don't like him. No it's not because he's an Asian man. My family likes other Asian men. They just don't like him

My family doesn't know there're Kdramas or k-movies . At least your family agreed & watched Goblin . if i told my family about Goblin or GY , they would think i am insane . so my state is worse :D:D

On 11/2/2017 at 10:21 AM, 2handsintertwined said:

"I'm so glad I found him. He's been the light in the darkness for me."


i never knew that GY is like light in the darkness for you . well i think you're right too his smile alone can make us smile with him & can make our day shine . 

Everyday After i wake up in the morning , i  check his new pics or even his old pics .unfortunately i am so busy these days to post them but i'll try to be more active , be more good fan 



@staygold thank u sister for new updates 

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The travel story of Gong Yoo and his best friend MYQ to Kanazawa, Japan




 A bookstore in Kanazawa, Japan






Actor Gong yoo  sitting on a quiet train without anyone






Best Friend MY Q was in this trip




















































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19 hours ago, tok-soompi said:

@Noor90, omg! How i wish to see him with his own child.  He just look too fun to be with.  And his child will have a very handsome papa. :D

And it seems he'll  play with his kids too ^_^


Gong yoo with kids part 2






I love this pic so much , it'll be GY look when he'll hold his own kid for the first time :wub:






GY & Kim Soo Ahn had the best chemistry 



Playing with this child model during shooting CF



Speechless :heart::heart:










I love how he used his popularity for good activities 


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Koreans Vote Which Stars They Want To Give Pepero To On Pepero Day



With Pepero Day (November 11) only a day away, a job portal specifically for part-time employment conducted a survey from October 27 to November 9, asking users which star they would like to give Pepero to.

The questionnaire received 3,286 votes from people in their 20s. For the male category, Gong Yoo took first place with 29.3 percent of votes, narrowly edging out Park Bo Gum by just 0.1 percent.




Pepero Day is similar to Valentine's Day , They exchange pepero snacks in this day . :heart:

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