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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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Orion said: The whole leo print collection is horrible, but the rest are nice.

The weight is a sad part though. He's not exactly 'Haunters'-level horribly skinny, but he's still very skinny. If it's what his body naturally stays like, it means he's fine, as it's healthy for him to be in that default state, but if he's forcing that for modelling or some other reason, then he should really give himself a break. He's not getting any younger and forcing your body is never a good idea.

But he does look healthy, at least. That's good.

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i m a newest fan of kang dong won. i m like currently crazy over him. i know him way before but just never cross my mind for some reason. after having a re runs of all his film. fan girling has appeared .i have read anything i could about him around the internet and watch almost all interview on youtube. is there anyone know his personality and stuff? like facts? i can't seems to find anything really about his personality. he looks really shy and akward? does he have any close cebelirty friends? any dating history? i would love to see his childhood pics too if there is any? i know i sound realli realli creepy but i hope you can understand me. i crazy about him :)

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xxyy said: i m a newest fan of kang dong won. i m like currently crazy over him. i know him way before but just never cross my mind for some reason. after having a re runs of all his film. fan girling has appeared .i have read anything i could about him around the internet and watch almost all interview on youtube. is there anyone know his personality and stuff? like facts? i can't seems to find anything really about his personality. he looks really shy and akward? does he have any close cebelirty friends? any dating history? i would love to see his childhood pics too if there is any? i know i sound realli realli creepy but i hope you can understand me. i crazy about him :)

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class="tit_detail" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 17px 0px 13px; border-style: none none solid; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-bottom-color: rgb(73, 79, 95); outline: 0px; font-family: Arial, verdana, dotum, AppleGothic, 'Lucida Grande', Tahoma, gulim, Arial, helvetica; vertical-align: top; line-height: 36px; width: 710px; font-size: 28px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 0px !important;"‘Snowpiercer’ director Bong Joon Ho tells “I thought of Kang Dong Won rather than Chris Evans”by pyn9167 Editor - August 17, 2013

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‘Snowpiercer’ director Bong Joon Ho’s unique casting proposal made many female fans’ heart to flutter.

In August 16th, there was the movie ‘Snowpiercer’ GV(Guest Visit). The GV was fabulous as director Bong Joon Ho, Jean Marc Rochette and Bejamin Legrand participated.

The MC of the GV asked “If you have the chance to change the casting of ‘Snowpiercer,’ who would you rather pick?” The answer of director Bong Joon Ho was “I already thought of that question. Gender can change so I considered Oh Kwang Rok to replace Tilda Swinton’s role. I expect the movie will become longer if that happens. Oh Kwang Rok doing Mason’s speech would take forever.”

He continued “The Curtis role of Chris Evans is very lonely and poor. So I thought of Kang Dong Won. But I worried about him getting tired fast after swinging axes all over the place. If he does that perfectly, he would look great.”

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credit pic : http://dimg.donga.com

‘Snowpiercer,’ which is originated from Jean Marc Rochette French comic, is about a story that happen in a train. The train is not normal as it is the sole survival area after new Ice Age came to freeze Earth. Chris Evans, Song Gang Ho, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton etc appeared in director Bong Joon Ho’s first Hollywood work.



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class="headline" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 24px; line-height: 1.21em; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Movie ‘Snowpiercer’ to have exclusive GV showing event

bnt newsbnt news – 2013.08.19

[by Chloe Yun / photo by Jang Moon sun] On August 16 Korean-American movie ‘Snowpiercer’ held an exclusive GV showing event at COEX MEGABOX, Seoul.
On that day, the original author Jean-Marc Rochette, Benjamin Legrand, and director Bong Joon ho attended having an interview with the press. 
When asked “Who would you cast for ‘Mason’ and ‘Curtis’ if they were Korean character,” Director Bong chose actor Oh Kwang rok for Mason and explained, “I would like Mason to be a guy like the original book and want to choose Oh Kwang rok for the role. But he is a slow talker so the movie might be much longer (smile).”
Bong also surprised the press as selecting actor Kang Dong won as Korean version of ‘Curtis.’ “I think ‘Curtis’ doesn\'t have to be played by an actor with a muscular body like Chris Evans. It would be cool if a cute, handsome guy like Kang Dong won holds an ax and manages the charismatic ‘Curtis’ character.”  
Meanwhile, ‘Snowpiercer’ is set in a future where an ice age kills off most life on the earth after a failed global-warming experiment. It tells a story of the last survivors living in the train ‘Snowpiercer’ that travels around the globe. The film opened on August 1. 

For more: bntnews.co.uk 

contact: news@bntnews.co.uk 
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Won Bin Known As The Celebrity Best Gamer
READ MORE AT 24-7 KPOP: 24-7kpop.com/2013/08/18/won-bin-known-as-the-celebrity-best-gamer/

I would like to fight him, one versus one on Street Fighter (Chun-Li is mine). 
On the August 18th broadcast of MBC‘s Section TV, a special corner dedicated to the various behind stories of celebrities was featured as the main topic. 
During the broadcast, the MC asked, “Who is the number one celebrity gamer”, in which all of the reporters and observers voted in actor Won Bin. It was reported that the actor would stay up very late or early in the morning) to enjoy his video games. 
He would invite people over in order to play games with them, which showed his dedication to gaming. 
Kang Dong Won was also picked as a runner up for the best celebrity gamer, as the people who saw him stated that there always has to be something related to video games when they talk to the actor.  :)
It seems like the two extreme introverts (they both record the awkwardest interviews of all time and never talk about their personal lives) of the Korean acting industry are having similar hobbies. 
SOURCE: wstarnews + Naver TRANSLATIONS: 24-7KPOP

Won Bin is the king of video games

by joe v
on Tue, Aug 20, 2013

In a recent broadcast of Section TV Entertainment News, one reporter answered the question, “Who is the game king among celebrities” -- and it turns out, it's Won Bin! The reporter explained:

 “Won Bin’s love for gaming is great. He loves gaming so much that he invites guests to his house to play games. It is known that he enjoys playing games until early in the morning. It was said that Won Bin does not say much and is consistently silent. He does not talk while he’s playing games but appeared to be in immersed in the game with a very happy expression.”

Another reporter added, “Both Won Bin and Kang Dong Won are stars who cannot be left out in a conversation about games. Kang Dong Won and Won Bin went to a PC Room (internet café) together to play games,” and, “There is a ‘Pretty Boy Meeting’ for those who like games. Kwon Sang Woo, Won Bin, and Kang Dong Won are those members.”

Netizens who came across Won Bin’s love for gaming commented, “Won Bin’s love for games, more than Lee Na Young?” “Won Bin’s love for games, I want to play games with Kang Dong Won and Won Bin,” “Won Bin’s love for games, not really into guys who play games but if Won Bin does it, it’s cool.”
(Source: Nate News)

Won Bin’s Love for Games “Calls His Friends Home”

n MBC ‘Section TV Entertainment’ which was broadcasted on the 18th, there was a new corner called ‘The Gamer Celebrity’, who liked to play games as a hobby.
On the day, in the TV show, a reporter picked Won Bin as the ‘The Gamer Celebrity’
The report revealed that Won Bin loves games so much that he called his friends and enjoy the games.

Kang Dong Won was also picked as one of the starts who love to play games.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest hannios

I'm not sure if anyone already translated and posted this but I'm trying to practice my translating skills/korean language so here you guys go if you're interested... there are probably some mistakes but this is my first time doing something like this so please forgive me! Some things didn't make sense when it was translated too... like cultural stuff, but yeah here you go! Here's the original article in Korean on ELLE Korea: (http://www.elle.co.kr/article/view.asp?MenuCode=en010302&intSno=8647)


Kang Dong-Won, still charming as ever

Just like in his movie <Haunters>, he seems to possess a special superpower. Although he has been absent for two and a half years, he has undoubtedly stayed by our side as 'the man that everyone desires'. It seems as though he has returned equipped with something stronger and deadlier, with an even more captivating and tenacious image. In one old-fashioned mansion in Paris, as his piercing eyes met the steel lens of the camera, we had only began to discover a part of his newfound strength. Though he is withholding it now, it is something that will continue to manifest from this point onward.

Last January 19th. He seemed to carry himself with ease and comfort as he traveled with <Elle> from Seoul to Paris. A very special pictorial was in place, with a team consisting of <Elle>, long-time acquaintance and world-renowned Japanese stylist, Tomoki Sukezane, and a photographer that Kang Dong-Won had worked with in the past, Takei. We had already began the serious work of choosing a collection with the staff in Paris. Two and a half years of absence was broken for the purpose of creating an all-new visual. And three months later, I got the chance to meet him again at a cafe in Seoul.  

You seem to have lost some weight since the last time I met with you in Paris near the end of January. You also look healthier.

KDW: Recently, I’ve been going to horse riding and action school… so I’ve been getting a lot of exercise and it seems that I’ve gotten a lot healthier and fit from that. I suppose I’ve gained some muscle too (laughs). I’ve been working really hard at horse riding and at action school.

There was a TV interview some time ago where martial arts director, Jung Du-Hoon, mentioned you. “There is a smoothness about Kang Dong-Won’s moves. Once, when Kang Dong-Won was shooting a scene requiring him to ride wires upward, it was as if a male lotus flower was flying up into the sky,” he said. You must definitely have some talent in performing stunts.

KDW: Well, I think I definitely do have some talent in horse riding. It’s fun. And they say I’m rather good (laughs). I’m getting most of my practice during horse riding matches and I have about three different horses that I ride. People usually ride just one... but they keep telling me to ride different ones so I’ve been switching between the three. In all the movies I’ve appeared in up until now, I’ve done most of the action scenes myself, so that will probably be the case in the new movie I’m filming, <Gundo>. Unless it’s a very dangerous stunt, where I might get hurt and discontinue or interrupt the filming schedule, I will probably be filming the scenes without a stuntman.

The filming of your next project with actor Ha Jung-Woo and director Yoon Jung-Bin, who is returning from his rest, should be starting soon. But before that, I heard you were acting in a short-film.

KDW: It’s a piece called <Hide and Seek> filmed with director Kim Ji-Woon, but filming has already been completed. I went in thinking it was a short-film but I think it’s shorter than that (laughs). We filmed for about a month, but right when we started filming, I pulled my hamstring so I suffered a lot. From start to finish, I had to constantly run for this film. There were so many chasing scenes that I thought I was going to die (laughs)! I had to run everyday, but because of my hamstring injury, I couldn’t even walk well... but I still had to run, so wow, I thought I was going to go crazy. Anyway, it ended well, safely… Safely? No, it ended after many complications.

Your counterpart in the short-film <Hide and Seek> is Shin Min-Ah. While this is your first time starring in a film with her, the cast of Shin Min-Ah and Kang Dong-Won together in itself is quite something already.

KDW: In reality, we didn’t film many scenes together. As the movie wasn’t very long either… We had some scenes together when we were acting as ex-lovers, but the character that I took on in the movie, X, is constantly engaged in a chase and is searching for something… so I just had to run around during the entire film. 

In the last two and a half years during your time away, do you think there is anything you lost? Opposingly, anything that you’ve gained?

KDW:  There is nothing that I lost. If I were to say I gained something, hmm… I suppose an opportunity to view myself from a new angle. I was able to clearly and realistically understand how regular people who are not celebrities, who are not in the industry, view me. I have this question, “What do people think of celebrities?” You know, that thought. It’s entirely different from what I thought was true up until now.

Have you and actor Ha Jung-Woo “matched harmony (?)” for your upcoming movie?

KDW: Nope, not at all yet. We only drank together. He turns out to be a very pleasant person. I like to drink too, so it was fun, as was being together. Our personalities are totally different, so it was really entertaining!

I discovered a surprising fact. Ha Jung-Woo is blood type A, Kang Dong-Won is blood type B. It seems like the two of you switched blood types.

KDW: Oh, really? He’s blood type A? Well, I don’t particularly pay much attention to blood types, but I suppose it could seem like our types have been switched. I think I know why. But I am a perfect model of a blood type B.

You mean you’re the perfect model of the problematic blood type B male?

KDW: Am I not up to that extent? Hmm, I’m not sure. Well, the people around me should know more than I do.

Do you go “Ook!” like a blood type B male?

KDW: Of course. Very much. But when I go “Ook!” it’s usually when I’m alone (laughs).

As his counterpart actor, what is a charm you have discovered about the unexpected blood type A and pleasurable Ha Jung-Woo?

KDW: He’s very funny! Fun, cheerful. Personally, I think humor code is really important in relationships, but because he’s so funny (tries to hold back laughter while thinking back on something), yeah, he’s really funny. It’s like he’s living in a different world than I am. The other actors that I’m filming with right now are mostly actors who have filmed together for <Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time>, but they all seem to be people who have lived in an entirely different world than me, so it’s hard to adapt (laughs). Worst of all, sometimes I even need translation while listening to them talk. I can’t understand some words altogether so I have to ask, “What does that mean?” A grand world of real men! Top men!

All of a sudden, I’m wondering about your closet…

KDW: It’s extremely dirty (laughs)! First of all, you say that it seems that I’ll have a lot of black in my closet, but there are a lot of bright colors too. I don’t wear it much, but I have a bright red leather jacket and even red pants. I guess I can wear it during Christmas (laughs). My shoe rack is also chaotic. Regularly, I make a big mess, then once in a while I clean everything at once so it’s probably dirty around 300 days and clean 50 days out of the year. I’m the type to organize things firsthand. 

How was Kang Dong-Won in his childhood?

KDW: I was a very good kid. I was a little mischievous, but I always obeyed what my parents said. I’m a perfect split of my parents. When people see me with my father, they say I resemble him, and then when they see me with my mother, they say I take after her. If I stay still, they say I look like my mother, and when I talk or move, they say I look like my father.

Without a lack, your appearance, personality, fashion and cultural sense… Everything about you seems so perfect, but when you view yourself, internal or external, is there anything that you would get rid of?

KDW: Umm… (thinks intently) If I get stuck on something, I think I get too absorbed. In thought. I think personally, it gets really distressing. It bothers other people, it bothers me.

10 years have already passed… how do you feel? But you’re the type who doesn’t look back too much, aren’t you?

KDW: Yes. Not much. The road ahead is long and far, so I’m usually the type to look forward. Truthfully, it doesn’t feel like it’s been 10 years. Maybe more like 5 years. It feels like that. But I’ll have to try even harder hereon. There’s nothing more than that. Even harder. Better pieces are coming in than before, so I’ll definitely have to work harder. Oh! It’s been a long time since I’ve done a proper fashion photo shoot. I’m looking forward to it.

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September 11, 2013
Shin Min-Ah and Gang Dong-Won's 'The X', first premiere in Busan International Film Festival
Source: Innolife Korea

Movie 'The X', directed by Kim Ji-Woon and starring Gang Dong-Win, Shin Min-Ah and Lee Som, is drawing attention. 'The X' is the first movie produced by multi projection screen X, and it will be first released in the 18th Busan International Film Festival. 
Starring Gang Dong-Won, who's meeting the audiences for the first time since he was discharged from military, popular actress Shin Min-Ah and a rookie Lee Som draws massive expectation. The movie for 30 minutes is about elite agent X receiving a mission from secret agent R to deliver an unknown thing. But agent R is found dead, and X's girlfriend Mia aims gun on X. The movie is going to be very thrilling.

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September 11, 2013
Gang Dong-won’s Short Film Invited to Busan International Film Fest
by Lee Hye Ji TENASIA

A Korean short film starring top Korean actor Gang Dong-won will have its world premiere at the upcoming Busan International Film Festival.
“The X,” Korean famed director Kim Jee-woon’s newest work, has been invited to the Gala Presentation section of the 18th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), which will kick off its ten days’ festivity in the city of Busan on October 3, the film’s promoter Younghwain said in a press release Wednesday.
The half-an-hour film centers on a strange case of agent X (Gang) on a special duty to deliver unidentified material to agent R. Actress Shin Mina made a special appearance as X’s girl friend.
While director Kim confirmed his appearance in the upcoming BIFF, Gang and Shin are still negotiating their participation in the renowned festival, an official with Younghwain told TenAsia over the phone.
Produced as the new project of Korea’s biggest movie theater brand CGV’s new video projection Screen X, the film is set to hit some 31 screens around the country next month.
Reporter. Lee Hye-ji hjlee@tenasia.co.kr
Courtesy of CGV

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class="headline"Kang Dong Won’s ‘The X’ releases mysterious looking movie poster

Source: http://ph.omg.yahoo.com/news/kang-dong-won-s-the-x-releases-mysterious-021400060.html


Kang Dong Won’s ‘The X’ releases mysterious looking movie poster

Korean short movie ‘The X’ (CGV Screen production) directed by Kim Jee Woon and starring Kang Dong Won and Shin Min Ah has recently revealed its movie poster.

To make the name of Kang Dong Won’s character ‘X’ stand out, the poster specially used X as the background with the silhouette making for a sharp contrast against it. The mysterious and convoluted atmosphere couldn’t hide the tension and nervousness, and left one really looking forward to seeing ‘The X’. The movie utilizes a new form of screening technology called ‘Screen X’ invented by CGV, and is thus drawing much attention already from the public.

‘Screen X’ is a change from the usual projection of the video onto a single screen. ‘Screen X’ is described as a multi-projection screen extending the original screen to its left and right walls. This new method will allow one to broaden their viewing angle, and at the same time enable them to enjoy an even more immersive experience.

‘The X’ will have its first screening at the upcoming 2013 (18th) Busan International Film Festival from October 3rd – 12th under the Gala Presentation program.

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The X screening schedule at the 18th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF):
- 4th Oct 2013 (Fri) - 5.00pm- 5th Oct 2013 (Sat) - 10.00 am
For more info : BIFF 2013

Program Note:
A man, X, discovers a dead body at the location he was supposed to deliver a bag to. His fiancée, Miah, snatches the bag and runs off with it, leaving X near death. X wakes up and sets out after her with the help of a colleague, Fingers. What’s the mystery, and why did Miah take off? For the uninitiated, screen X is a technology that allows for viewing from 270 degrees with additional space on each side of the screen. The first short film created for 270-degree viewing, The X was commissioned by Korean theater chain CGV in order to maximize visuals and show off the format.

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class="headline"‘The X’ releases teaser photos of Kang Dong Won and Shin Min ABy: Kang Da Ryung (Korea Star Daily/ KpopFighting.com)
Source: ph.yahoo.omg

Upcoming South Korean movie ‘The X’ has for the first time released teaser photos of Kang Dong Won and Shin Min A.

Following his discharge from national service, Kang Dong Won had chosen ‘The X’ directed by Kim Ji Woon as his comeback piece. In the movie, Kang Dong Won is cast as an elite agent and will be involved in several action scenes including riding a motorbike and fighting against 10 others alone, and flaunt his tough guy charms.

In the photos, Kang Dong Won is seen sporting a woollen jacket while wearing leather gloves, as he look puzzlingly at something from afar. Kang Dong Won looked especially manly and rugged with his matured facial features, and drew much attention from fans.

‘The X’ also marks a reunion for Shin Min A and director Kim Ji Woon, having last worked together for ‘A Bittersweet Life’ back in 2005. Shin Min A will play the role of Mia, who is the girlfriend of Agent ‘X’ (Kang Dong Won), and show off her unbridled charms.

‘The X’ was invited to the upcoming 18th Busan International Film Festival next month for the Gala Presentation segment, and will be revealed for the first time to audiences then.

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credit wanwan


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and good news, BIFF advance tickets of The X was sold out in 2 seconds!http://www.oeker.net/m/bbs/board.php?bo_table=garden&wr_id=1093071
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