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[twdrama 2007] My Lucky Star

Guest pillowbox

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One of the best Idol dramas ive ever seen! definitely within my Top3

i cant believe i passed out on this drama for almost 2 years

for some reaosn the title aint that catchy

after watching Jimmy Lin's Handome Twins, i finally tried it..

dang! it was really really good!!

it reminds me a lot of dramas & movies ive seen before

hehe! its so packed with same scenes / plots from other dramas from TW, KR & JP

watching this is like a complilation of dramas ^_^ in a very good way

anyway, Jimmy Lin is uber gorgeous in here!

it feels great seeing him in an idol drama this time!

i hope he can do more idol dramas in the future

though i know that may mean less $ for him since he's a hit doing wuxia dramas

anyway, Yoo Hana was great too! she did really well for a first timer in a drama

i felt her heart the entire time..

some people are bothered that she's dubbed.. but i dont think it mattered

anyway its kinda fun guessing what she was saying in korean although the lines that i am hearing is mandarin

i hope Hana can do another TW drama (at least she's the lead in Idol dramas unlike in Kdramas where she is sorta like the back drop like what happened in First Wives Club)

anyway, has anyone heard if Jimmy tried to woo Hana??

I saw pics of Hana picking some1 up at the airport in TW while she's shooting MLS and they're kinda acting mushy together.

Is she with some1 at present?

coz Jimmy's still denying he is seeing some1 right now (though there are evidences he's kinda going out with the model Kelly Chen)

However, when Jimmy was asked during filming in 2006 about his ideal woman, he said it is Hana..

Im not sure if it is just fan service but i hope he meant it.

from the BTS clips, they look very comfortable with each other although there is a lil language barrier (hana's always trying to speak in putonghua). Jimmy loves teasing Hana.

dang! cant believe how playful Jimmy is despite their 12 yr diff.

im just thinking probably their relationship is like brother-sister love..

that sucks.

anyone care to enlighten me on this??

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just finish this drama in 2-3 days, love the drama, now im already missing it >.<

jimmy is so cute in the drama~ and i love his racing skills xP and hana is really cute and adorable in the drama esp during bts

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Guest ultraviolette.

I remember watching this with my cousin XDD

It was definitely very interesting!

I <3 Jimmy Lin in this drama X]

And Hana did a really good job of acting

even though she can't speak mandarin fluently!

I find it ok that she was dubbed...

But everyone has their own opinions..>>

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i watched this too.. but i shouldn't have read the synopsis on the first post.

it ruined half the show for me.... so i enjoyed the last half because i was waiting for someone to die in the first half...

this is one of the better dramas I've seen. I wrote a review of it on my LJ

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Guest Onesweetypie

i watched this too.. but i shouldn't have read the synopsis on the first post.

it ruined half the show for me.... so i enjoyed the last half because i was waiting for someone to die in the first half...

this is one of the better dramas I've seen. I wrote a review of it on my LJ

AHHH I KNO!! I read the plot on soompi and I'm barely on epid 4 right now!!! :tears:

I love this series so much.

One of the best I have seen for a while...

It's a wonderful combination of Korean + Taiwanese dramas! haha

Jimmy is effing cute! hahaha and Ha Na is a PERFECT match for him.

I love this couple to death <3333

Ima be glue to my comp for this whole week...

Can't believe I missed out on such wonderful drama :D

I'm so glad I decided to watch it ^^

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Guest swt_blue_dragon

I really enjoyed this drama!

I only watched it because Jimmy Lin was in it <3 He was so cute in it! hehe

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  • 1 month later...
Guest forumer147

Same with me I also watched it because of Jimmy Lin I don't even know the girl is but it is a great story, I wonder if Jimmy Lin is already married>>>

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Guest limelight

i loved this drama as well.

it was a really nice drama to watch.

and the korean girl did a really good job as the main actress :]

there were even some sad moments in there that made me tear up :[

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Guest MDelena

i just finished watching this drama (lol, yes, i know. im a bit behind) definitely one of the better dramas out there. quite refreshing and keeps you interested the whole time. funny, cute, different, heart-wrenching - the works. you really are able to sympathise and relate to the characters even though you will probably never be in their position. unlike a lot of other dramas i've seen, the whole cast did their part to make the drama so great.

props to yoo ha na as she was really natural and didn't overdo the cute factor that so many taiwanese actresses accentuate on. what i liked about it was that there was a little bit of a korean atmosphere to the drama, but still definitely didn't lose the signature feel of a taiwanese drama. i really did warm up to all of the characters and found myself rooting for a happy ending the whole time. haven't seen jimmy lin for quite a while, and if i remember correctly, this is his first modern day drama?

i found it amusing to think that yoo ha na understands very limited chinese, so during the whole filming of the series they didn't understand each at all. and i think to make the drama believable is a feat in itself considering the language barriers. there was chemistry between the all the cast members which makes the experience all the more enjoyable. definitely my favs would be yoo ha na and lee wei as they showed great emotional depth. the little girl who lived with yoo ha na also did a fanastic job.

i think perhaps jimmy didn't show as much of the character's emotions as i would have liked. this is a man who's lost 3 of his closest family members in terrible circumstances. a man who was overprotected as a child and as a result didn't have the freedom that we all so easily take for granted. he lost the ability to continue his dream as a racer due to an unfortunate incident and he would've been happy to lose that arm for the person he loved most but even she had decided to leave him. ultimately he lived a lonely and cold-hearted existence for 5 whole years of his life. i just felt that he wasn't angry enough when he needed to be, he wasn't happy enough when the character required and it took quite a while to actually see through jimmy's acting that his character really did love yoo ha na's character with all his heart. this being said, jimmy has extremely great onscreen chemistry with the main cast and demands you to fixed your eyes on him when he's on screen. and that's something that no amount of acting lessons can teach a professional actor. all in all, very well done by jimmy also.

i lost count of the number of scenes i fell in love with so there is plenty to look forward to. i also love jimmy's new hair do in the second half of the drama - much more handsome and sophisticated. i strongly recommend this drama, you definitely won't be disappointed. so if you're not watching for the great cast, watch it for the refreshing storyline and antipate your heart strings to be pulled at. 4/5 rating.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest mingdynasty

this drama is one of the best taiwanese drama's i've ever seen.

they matched up the characters perfectly.

I love jimmy and hana!!!!!!

they are just too cute together... :]

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Guest kounyia

I believe my lucky star was one of the only Taiwanese drama that i ended up loving. :]

Jimmy and Hana had so must chemistry together.

The story line was also very good. it didn't drag like most dramas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LittleMiss

I don't know if I've added my two cents in this thread already, but I'm gonna do it anyways.


This is one of my best five dramas of all time. I watched it when it came out and I still remember it to this day. Most movies and dramas, I don't remember much. But this drama is always so refreshing. I watch it again and I didn't get bored at all. What this drama has that most dramas in general lack is the fact that they keep you hooked. And I mean HOOKED. I remember watching it in the beginning and telling myself that I already know the ending. Because let's face it, for the majority of the dramas out there, it is SO predictable. But never once has this drama disappointed me. I love how this drama gives you so many curve balls! You never know what they're going to throw at you next.

I seriously loved Hana and Jimmy. It's so refreshing to see Jimmy in a modern day series. He is soooooooo sooooooo cute. And Hana and him are great as an on screen couple (of course I would like for that to turn into a reality too, lol). I think Hana is really pretty and I like her character. She has spunk. She's not the useless kind, the one that just sits there and does nothing when people are taking advantage of her. And Jimmy, I have to admit, although I didn't like the change of character 5 years later, it adds so much more spice to the story. I really feel that this drama does a wonderful job with the plot and the character development.

Gosh, I can continue gushing about how I love this series. I love series that aren't too over the top dramatic and series with romance and comedy. This series is totally great in all those aspects. I love this series so much, haha.

Seriously, this drama is GREAT. Watch it people.

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