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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

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yay! yamapi got a haircut~ <3 (I really didn't like his long hair.)

Finally the dragon zakura pair comes true~

I always wanted them to get together in DZ but it never happened even though she was clearly in love with him. but all that happened was yamapi showing a bit of interest, it was disappointing >-<

I can't wait, only a few more weeks.

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^KYA!!!!!!! thats not a school uniform... its a regular suit....

my god i love him in suits.... X__X *dies*

omg he totally reverted back to his high school looking days!!

wow that hair cut really made a huge difference~!!

totally different from his kurosagi days!!

i can't wait till this comes out!!!

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Guest dyzxD

jinpi0409; omgg thank you soo much for the picturess!!!

where did you find them!? but wowowowow he looks SO hottttt

waaaahhh i keep on falling in love with him deeper and deeper..

how can he look SO good ? *goes mad*


& yes i've seen his new performances! he looks young and i really like it!! :D hehe

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For me, I am SOOO happy no more Maki with Yamapi. Maki has enough of Yamapi, let someone else have a turn with Pi. Actually, I am just excited that Pi is doing a ROMANCE drama with a new girl. I can wait for Pi's acting in this. Even though I have so much homework to do, Pi just made my day.

I think I might be the only fan who doesn't want Maki and Yamapi together. I like them individually as actors, but not together. For some reason I don't feel ANY chemistry between them. I'm about 1/2 way through "Kurosagi" and I'm finding myself getting annoyed more and more with the forced romance. Everytime Maki’s on screen it seems like she's morallizing or whining. Uhg! I think maybe she’s just too young for the role, or something. But anyway, looking forward to this new pairing, hope the drama will be funny!!

HEEHEEE...he's too cute...i could just eat him. :ph34r:

XD but yaaay for a new drama for yamapi.....i've been eating up his other ones @___@ oh how i wish SARS would be faster with the "...totsuzen, arashi..." drama....it ended at a HORRIBLE spot at the end of episode 3 X__X

OMG, I KNOW! I was watching that yesterday morning and it got to the end and I freaked! I’m trying to d/l the next episode without subs just to find out what happens. I’m really liking his character in that drama, I hope the storyline doesn’t disappoint! (is there a thread for it? off to check...)

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^ o so thats why they haven't been uploading it on crunchy roll~

i was wondering why they stopped at episode 3....

(the episode that gave me a heart attack)

is there an official thread for totsuzen?

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^ o so thats why they haven't been uploading it on crunchy roll~

i was wondering why they stopped at episode 3....

(the episode that gave me a heart attack)

is there an official thread for totsuzen?

they're still in the process of subtitling it, I read, so we have to be patient. and no, doesn't look like there's an official thread for the series. I wonder if there's enough interest to start one? I'm liking it, so far!

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Guest Maia-chan

I think I might be the only fan who doesn't want Maki and Yamapi together. I like them individually as actors, but not together. For some reason I don't feel ANY chemistry between them. I'm about 1/2 way through "Kurosagi" and I'm finding myself getting annoyed more and more with the forced romance. Everytime Maki’s on screen it seems like she's morallizing or whining. Uhg! I think maybe she’s just too young for the role, or something. But anyway, looking forward to this new pairing, hope the drama will be funny!!

OMG, I KNOW! I was watching that yesterday morning and it got to the end and I freaked! I’m trying to d/l the next episode without subs just to find out what happens. I’m really liking his character in that drama, I hope the storyline doesn’t disappoint! (is there a thread for it? off to check...)

Nope you're not the only one! I like Maki but not a Yamaki. I prefer Yamapi-Masami because truthfully to me, they ooze chemistry & sparks even though they're not together in Dragonzakura. So yeah, Masami is still my favourite actress for Yamapi.

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Nope you're not the only one! I like Maki but not a Yamaki. I prefer Yamapi-Masami because truthfully to me, they ooze chemistry & sparks even though they're not together in Dragonzakura. So yeah, Masami is still my favourite actress for Yamapi.

I really need to watch Dragon Zakura, I guess! I have it d/l'd, just need time to watch!

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Guest cpopbaby19

^me too. .___. my friend told me i should watch dragon zakura. .___.

^KYA!!!!!!! thats not a school uniform... its a regular suit....

my god i love him in suits.... X__X *dies*

omg he totally reverted back to his high school looking days!!

wow that hair cut really made a huge difference~!!

totally different from his kurosagi days!!

i can't wait till this comes out!!!

hahaha. yeah, but he still looks hot! *swooons* :w00t:

gawd. seeing Yamapi on pics makes me wanna watch the drama more..!!

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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Guest dyzxD

^ omgg i cant waitttttttttt :D

he looks good and she looks beautiful!!

waah !!!!

yamapi marry meeeeee !!!!

thanks for the pic :D

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eeeeeekkkkk she's soo lucky!!!!

kya!!*imagines yamapi getting married*

that's the day my heart breaks and when i would feel most happy for him!!

but seriously... i can't wait till this drama comes out!!

sooo excited!

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy


Whoa... she looks so diff. fm her DZ days. She looks mature while YamaP looks like his chibi days. Anyways, finally a romantic-comedy. Can't wait! It seems like YamaP has a destiny w/ his female costars. I'm glad it's a different actress this time, but for next time, lets try someone he has never costarred w/ before.

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