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Banang Bekurapak Bruneians


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Guest Belleeza

attention!!! i own page 9!!!!

o yeah!! i own page 9!! cn u believe it!!! oooo yeah!!! ahahaha!!

serre i own page 9!!! thanks to you!!!! lols!!

hmm-- yeah-- i fainted~~n YEA!! MY MOM LET ME DRIVE TODAY!!! WHEEE!!!! (bt nt driving alone~~ *sigh*)~~~ bt still i cant go to tvxqbfc meeting today~~ coz i dun wanna bring my mom along!! i must be crazy f i did!! muahahahahahah!!

once again~~

thank you serre for letting me posting afta you!!!!! khamsahamnida chingu!!!!

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Guest aqi112

Serre >> haha. I used to say new faces but I kinda felt weird saying new SN. Lol. I was busy with my AS exams too. Lol. I only linger around in the fanfic section when I'm free during my exam months. Hehe. So yeah. I only read some updated fanfics.

Liza >> you faint?? Its a miracle that I fainted too in the toilet on friday morning when I was getting ready for the dawn prayer. Thank god I manage to get up and unlock the door.And I still felt dizzy up 'til today. Even aijae got sick that morning before the meeting. Yeap, she still comes for the meeting. I havent got hold of the news yet. Will ask her later.

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GO BELLE!! XD haha... I knew you could do it; I was secretly hoping you could own the page heehee :D yea, it would feel a little sunny bringing ur mom along lol

SeviE: you could wait for post#180 and then you post after that XD

angelic: twice already? oooh... no pity for you KIDDING!! hahah XD


IF you are a BRUNEIAN, don't bother... -__-||

IF you are NOT a bruneian, PM ME and tell me your real reason > I PROMISE I won't bash you up >> the most that I'll do is cry on your shoulders :tears:

IF you are a MODERATOR, PM ME and/or just post here and elaborate on this 'resources/wasting space' thingy will you?

I'll be waiting for your replies, whoever you are ~ :D

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awwww... i wonder who voted 'No! ... it's a waste of space. Not a very nice thing to do now, is it?

aqi- you fainted in the toilet? That's dangerous. Thank god you managed to get up. I knew someone who slipped in the toilet and passed away cos he hit his head quite hard. So kesian..

ahhh... I'm sooooo bored! I don't know what else to do.

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Guest Belleeza

hehehe~~~ still so hapiiee coz i own page 9~~ dun bash me ah~~huhuhuh

what!!!! someone voted NO!!!! siapa kan tu yg voted 'no' atu?? klw bukan bruneian,im sure urg atu sasak coz our thread is moving~~ ahahahahaha!! i hope urg yg sed 'no' atu nda paham wat am i talkin abt~~ (coz f she/he do--oh mann~~im sure aku kna kick out fm here!! heheheh----hope dats nt happenin to me) p im sure u girls tau wat am i talkin abt~~ ahahaha~~

angelic n seviE>> mianhae chingu~~ u r late dis time~~ nxt time,im sure u girls will dpt ur turn again~~ hehee~~

serre>>> eheheh~~ thank you once again for givin me a chance to own page 9~~lols~~ n dun feel bad abt the current situation~~

aqi>> u fainted too?? omg!! bt u r luckii dat u manage unlock the door~~me fainted right infront of my bedroom door~~ luckii my dad came n checked me over dt morning~~ i must be blackout for abt 5min~~ nw i super okie!! woah!! aimi oso damam wah?? wat happened to us?? nwy,do look afta ur health aqi>>drink a lot of water n jgn lupa ur meal~~its important~~ take care okie!!


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^ hahaah its ok lah.. its not a big deal. im quite lucky with owning a pg :P u wait.. im sure i'll get it again one day. eheheh

oooh 200 more posts and i'll reach 1000. i think i can do it b4 uni start (cos then i wont go online as much). i've been posting like mad during the hols. i think i started round 300+ and now its 800 already. i must be super duper bored. hahaha

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angelic, yeah, it's kinda bothering actually... <_< I wouldn't really miind if it's a bruneian but the place is open for anybody; that would really bother me is that if that person is a moderator :sweatingbullets: if he/she really wants to know the results than he/she should still be following our conversation right now =.=

oooh, GO ANGELIC for 1000 posts :D I went up from 300 to 500+ because I was bored once before XD

belle: relax there; I'm still waiting for anybody to PM me XD awu, aku pun sasak jua pasal ani HMPH! nda kali sal bhs katani LOL!

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Guest SeviE

^ hahaah its ok lah.. its not a big deal. im quite lucky with owning a pg :P u wait.. im sure i'll get it again one day. eheheh

oooh 200 more posts and i'll reach 1000. i think i can do it b4 uni start (cos then i wont go online as much). i've been posting like mad during the hols. i think i started round 300+ and now its 800 already. i must be super duper bored. hahaha

Hehe. Atu baru ya namanya spamming! hehehehe ;)

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Guest Belleeza

angelic>>> GO FOR 1000!!!!! kmi suport ko ni!! heheh~~ me?? reach for fifty th sja dlu eh-- ahahahah!! (oh--bermimpi aku ah~~ i din post anywhere except for here!! heheh~~pemalas wa aku ani~~ i've bin a silent reader tah gny slama ani~~ heheh)

serre>>aku pun sasak tu kan urg yg memvote ah~~ 2 buting g tu yg ckp no!! haish~~ (wah mental slajur aku ah~~) ahahaha

sevie>> how r u?? how's japan?? lols!!!

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^ iatah wah 2 lg tu *pissed off* >_>

sevei, I forgot to ask, how was japan? I heard in the news sultan went to visit our ship landing(?) there... could it be the one you are in?just curious here XD

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Guest SeviE

ah yea, japans fine. Just a lil bit cold during nites.

Sultan visited Bubuk ship, in sodigora. Mine is Belanak, and we're in Honmoku. But some of our lucky staffs went there and paid a visit to see sultan. Lucky them!

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^ really? aw... I thought you get to see him; it would be cool meeting him outside brunei XD cold? oh, is it the cold season now? :o take care yar, wear more clothes and take care f yoru health; I see two bruneians hanging around here had fainted >_>

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oooh i love seeing this thread so active! it's so lively now that there are more ppl chatting here. i remember i was contemplating of talking to myself. hahah

sevie: yeah u can call it spamming. lol

liza: yay! i've got a supporter! weee heee.... lol I'll support you too. im sure you can get 50. try posting on the humor and the food section. thats where i normally spam. and the general discussion as well. good luck!

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Guest SeviE

I bet dalam humor section, u only say 'hahahhahahaha' or 'lol (20 char.)


Argh 2 weeks and 2 days, and il be home!! yeeehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

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^yeah most of the time that's what i say in the humor section. sometimes i go through the trouble of saying "oh that's funny. lol" or "i didn't see that coming. that was a good one". hehehehe i don't think there's anything else to say in the humor section. i mean what kind of comment can u write anyway, rite? hehe

i have about another month before i leave for malaysia. again. so boring! i don't really wanna go back there but then i just wanna finish everything up.

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Guest Belleeza


sevie n angelic>> wahahahaha!!! sure sure!! i try to spaM nxt time!! coz rite nw im still not in mood for spamming~~ lols!! i do spAm a lot in some forums~~ heheheheh~~ i do love spamming~~ wakakakakakaka nwy thnks for the tips guys!!!!

angelic> go for 1000!!!!!!!!!! spamm more!! lols!!

sevie>> u shud aim for 200 posts now~~ lols~~ me n angelic will support you lah~~ lols!! n watch out for ur health!! cold is no good mah~~

serre>>hayooo!!! yeah2 me n aqi fainted~~ bt we r okie now!!! lols!! u too better watch out for ur health too!! n yeah,Do posts more!! aim for 600!! n cara yg paling mudah utk dapat 600 posts atu is by>> sPam!! wahahahahahahahaha

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Guest Belleeza

^good!! keep on going girl!! hahaahah!! kmi sukug nie!! aku td spaM jua n now aku reah udh 50 for posting this post!!!

ahaahhahahah!! suka ku eh!!!

wakakakakakakakakakakaka~~~~~~~ luv it!! lols!!

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