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Guest lenakeem

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Guest nana544

Awwwhhh I'm in love with my Shinhwa boys :)!!!! They never failed to make me laugh/giggle. They are still acting like when they were much younger---always having fun and joking and fooling around....How sad that I won't be able to attend their reunion concert, but I'll be there in spirit :)!!!!

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Guest bidhart

http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/i-m-a-shinhwa-changjo.html hey changjos lets support our SHINHWA boys by signing this petition. come on sign sign. This is another way of showing our love to them for their 2012 epic comeback . Please spread this too... ;)

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I hope this thread will be back up and running quickly... i am happy that shinhwa is started rehearsing, hopefully their dancing aren't rusty... LOL. minwoo is composing, and they are soon going to be recording songs...

i cannot wait once they are coming back and appearing on variety shows, and music programs again...

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Wow..I haven't been here in a LONG time...

Procrastination of studying for finals have proved to be worthy because I have stumbled upon this thread again!!

Thanks so much for posting the twitter updates and pictures!!! I'm even MORE excited now..Knowing that they've been practicing already!!!!!!

I can't wait until this thread picks up and is up and running again!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest, I don't really go to the official group threads much and rarely leave comments if I do but oh my gosh I'm just so excited for Shinhwa's March comeback. About 2.5 months left until their comeback and I'm so exciteddd. They are my first loves and the group that got me into Kpop so they're always an exception <3 Love them since elementary haha and I'm in college now. Time sure flies but they'll always have a special place in my heart even if I get distracted lol Being here just brings back soo much memories . . . X-Man, Love Letter, music videos, performances, behind the scenes dorkiness (seriously these guys together are the epitome of chaos lolol), fanfics etc....First boyband to show me what the true meaning of bromance/friendship is lol


Can't wait for the legends to return :wub:

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hiyeah all. I don't frequent the thread as often as I used to be but hopefully with Shinhwa's coming back we can revive this thread a bit more? :D

folks a few more updates..... I'm posting those that are related to the group works but there're lot more at each members individual thread so feel free to visit if you're hunger for more :lol:


2011.12.21 MinWoo’s FB update


혜성인 녹음중이고 난 디렉보는중이고…간만에 느끼는 전율~^^

Hyesung is in the midst of recording and I’m directing… It’s been a while that I feel shivers~^^ (of excitement)

Credits Minwoo’s FB & amyliaz@shinhwachangjo.net (for translations)


2011.12.22 Eric's FB Status Update


Eric: I was sleeping but my phone kept on ringing, so I answered the call to see what was the matter. “Hello, this is @& Insurance. I have a few questions to ask, is it alright to speak for a while?” -- “Ah it’s not very convenient right now” -- “Sir, it will only take a short while” -- “It’s not that but it’s not convenient now” -- “These are just some very simple questions” -- “I’m now in Japan and it costs a lot, for Japan it’s about 1,500KRW (per minute)” -- “Sir, thank your for your participation” *doo~ doo~*….. The jerk who woke me up from my sound sleep.

Kim Do-hyun: Ah.. Quick-witted Mun Jung Hyuk indeed~!

Eric Mun: I’m really in Japan ㅎ Are you guys recording right now?

Kim Do-hyun: I know.. ㅋㅋ Recording and Shinhwa’s recording.. I dropped by to see Hyesungie and Minwoo’s recording.. My uncle passed away so I have to get to Samsung Medical Center.. The guys will be recording tomorrow too..

Credits: Eric’s FB page

Translation: Absolut Shinhwa


2011.12.30 MinWoo’s FB update

연말..가요시상식...망년회..다들 정신이 없을때 난 지금 맥주한잔에 부활을 꿈꾸는 중~2012년 임진년 신화로 왕창 쓸어버리 겠어

The end of the year..music award ceremonies…year-end parties…while everyone is crazy busy, I’m having a beer and dreaming about revival ~ In 2012, the year of the Dragon, Shinhwa is going to wipe out everything

Credit: Minwoo’s Facebook + Kim Dongwan Tumblr (Eng Translation)


2011.12.30 MinWoo’s FB update


넌 어디서왔니?

Where did you come from?

Edited version for a brighter picture :D


Credits: Minwoo’s FB & amyliaz@shinhwachangjo.net for translations + allaboutshinhwa for the edited version


2011.12.31 MinWoo’s FB update


Eric: Fire~!

Minwoo: Okay

Junjin: Everyone, receive lots of blessings ♥_♥

Hyesung: Please receive lots of blessings (aka happy new year) ;)

Minwoo: Next year, it is said to be a good year for goat. Since there are 4 of us (who are goats), it will be awesome~ Receive lots of blessings love you~♥ everyone

Hyesung: Goat goat goat

Credits: Minwoo’s FB & amyliaz@shinhwachangjo.net for translations


2012.01.01 Liveworks CEO Tweet update (3 tweets)

새해 첫일정을 신화의 안무연습으로 시작합니다^^ 많이 걱정했는데 혜성이의 몸이 가벼워보이는데요 공연때 셔플로 몸을 풀어서일까요? ㅎ 모두들 새해 복 많이 받으세요

컴백이란 말이 너무 흔하게 되버린 요즘...심지어 한달후에 다시 나와도 컴백이란 표현을 쓰니까요... 신화는 정말 의미그대로 진정한 컴백이네요^^

공연때 할수도 안할수도 있지만 예전 안무들을 거의 전부다 리뷰하고 있습니다 오늘은 무려 "너의 결혼식"^^ 몇년만인지 저도 기억이 잘안납니다 과연 컴백공연에서 볼수 있을까요?

First schedule of the year is Shinhwa's dance practice^^ I was worried a lot, but Hyesung seems to be fine- Perhaps it's because he warmed up with some shuffle dancing? Hehe Happy New Year, everyone.

The word comeback is used so easily these days... They even say comeback to those who're coming back in just a month... But Shinhwa's really going to be making a comeback^^

We don't know whether they'll perform all of them at the concert or not, but we're reviewing all the dances of the past. Today's the day for "Wedding"^^ I can't remember how many years ago they last performed this. Will they be able to perform it at the comeback concert?

Credits: Liveworks CEO’s Twitter + Shinhwa.biz for translation


I hope CEO Lee will tweet a photo of tonight dance practice *fingers crossed* :lol:

And here to revisit Wedding, one of a very hard dance choreography :Phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oxE9ZMnvk0

Shinhwa has been started recording for the 10th Jib for 2 weeks now!!! I also heard Junjin mentioned at his Shanghai/Taiwan Fanmeet that the members meet up about 4 times a week to discuss/work on the comeback :wub:


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[12.01.01][News] Boy groups battle! 2012 comebacks music preview

The hottest war in the 2012 music industry is about to unfold. Many rookie groups are expected to debut in 2012 and they are about to face the best boy groups, they will also have to battle pop singers. In addition with the return of the 'Kings' in this new year, the music industry is about to become better than ever.

(unrelated info omitted)


Juniors move aside!! longest-running idol group "Shinhwa" is here

In 2012 there is nothing bigger than this. Is the longest- running idol group Shinhwa comeback. Shinhwa will be releasing a new album in March, this makes it their 10th regular jib, this includes broadcasting activities, this making it a major comeback in the music industry. At the same time they will be holding an Asian tour starting in Korea then Japan, China and other 5 countries.

Shinhwa will be celebrating their 14th Anniversary, since their debut they still have the same original members, and have never replaced any, making Shinhwa a unique team. Shinhwa had recently focus on solo activities but just last year they establish 'Shinhwa Company', this company is being overseen directly by members, and are working on their comeback step by step. Shinhwa last released album was the 9th back in April, it has been 4 years for Shinhwa's last released album. Now they are working on the release of their 10th album .

Shinhwa's comeback will be warmly welcome among those involved in the music industry. Shinhwa has no need to compete with their junior, although, the music industry there is so much competition, Shinhwa's comeback will make a general positive impact in the music industry according to the music officials.

Officials stated, "Shinhwa comeback will serve as good role model for younger boy groups. Shinhwa is really a legend and we wonder what Shinhwa will bring to the music industry. We are really looking forward for their comeback".

From the dawn of this New Year the music industry will be shaken with competition, how will it go down. Eyes and ears of music fans are ready, the music industry of 2012 is heating up.

Source: Joynews24

Credit: Shinhwa Nation


[12.01.02][News] "1st generation idols" KPOP legend returns"..'new wave' is about to begin "Shinhwa"


Shinhwa will be celebrating their 14th Anniversary this year. Shinhwa will comeback after member Lee Min Woo is released in February. In March 24 they debuted as a boy band. Shinhwa, began preparing for this comeback since a year ago.

Moreover, Eric, Kim Dong Wan, Lee Min Woo, Shin Hye Sung, Jun Jin and Andy are direct owners of "Shinhwa Company", which was establish last year. The company structure is to work together, Eric and Lee Min Woo are the representatives in charge of Shinhwa Company, and they will oversea all Shinhwa activities and Shinhwa comeback plans.

Also, Shinhwa will be releasing a 10th regular album. Followed by a Anniversary concert in Seoul, followed by an Asian tour in Japan, China and other countries.

The meaning of Shinhwa's comeback is huge. In the late 90's beginning of 2000 the 1st generation of idols founded a new wave from China to Japan. A path where now the juniors are able to ride easily, thanks to those 1st generation idols that smooth and polish that rough road.

Of all six members (Kim Dong Wan and Shin Hye Sung which are under the same agency) have been steadily active. The other are under separate agencies. However, rather than breaking up, they have worked 'separately' . They have been working on their solo activities, yet because they understand and respect each other, they still a great team. Shinhwa's marketing strategy, and idols of today, pray that they will walk the same way.

1st generation idol 'Shinhwa' has been walking with strong force for 14 years. With that path polished, specially this year, the 1st generation idol and the 'new Hallyu' will be all in harmony.

If you ask whats the recipe for group Shinhwa: 'truth and respect'. We hope that this younger groups imitate 'Shinhwa'. Here, H.O.T., hope this would lead you to make a comeback.

A Shinhwa official, "Shinhwa who debuted 14 years ago, will be making a comeback, they listen to each others ideas and are writing their own songs". They respect each others' opinions, the group with 'Eusha Eusha', that's the secret of longevity.

Source: My Daily

Credit: Shinhwa Nation


[12.01.01]Longest lasting idol group Shinhwa full scale comeback in March, "members are secretly recording for the new album"

With the members discharge and news of comeback in march, Shinhwa has already officially started to prepare.

Shinhwa representatives hinted to Newsen on the 2nd, "Members are now recording for the March comeback album."

During the second half of 2011, members Eric, Kim Dong Wan, Shin Hye Sung, Lee Min Woo, JunJin, Andy established "Shinhwa Company", and announced that Shinhwa will continue activities under the name of Shinhwa company.


Shinhwa, the longest lasting group, has a history span of 13 years. Before military, members have already promised that they will make a comeback after discharge. With members discharge one by one, they are keeping their promise, project in progress.

Shinhwa will release their album in mid March and March 24th, they will be holding their 14th Anniversary concert. Shinhwa company was established on July 01st 2011, with Eric as CEO. After Lee Min Woo's discharge in Feburary, he and Eric will hold the position of CEOs, leading activities expected to take in the Shinhwa Company.

On the other hand, Open World Entertainment, which holds the copyright to Shinhwa, will have the license of Shinhwa's overseas concert. They have already started planning for overseas concerts.

The CEOs of Top Class Entertainment (Eric's agency) and Liveworks Company (Kim Dongwan and Shin Hyesung's agency) have also become Shinhwa Company's directors. While Top Class Entertainment have been given the task of promoting and managing Shinhwa, Liveworks Company will take care of album activities, concerts and promotions.

Credit: Newsen + Allaboutshinhwa

whew, the media seems to heat up a 'battle' huh? :P

I'm just happy SHINHWA manage to keep their promise from their last concert before fulfilling military duties. For me, holding their 10th Jib in my hands + seeing SHINHWA onstage & TV shows once again is enough already. Everything else: charts, awards.... are just icing on the cake, really! :)

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^Thanks phiphi69 lol I actually have seen all of these already XD been going on a Shinhwa rampage since the comeback just got narrowed down to 2.5 months...excitement just keeps pouring in. To be honest I've been distracted a lot these past four years but I guess it's one thing about being a SHCJ though...you can just do whatever you want because you know they will always keep their promises no matter what so you don't have to worry or anything but go about your own business until they make an epic comeback XD

I can't waaaait for them to be on variety shows too. They're like the variety kings. Hopefully they get to host their own or something of that sort. I can imagine it's going to be the weirdest/randomnest/funniest show ever lol they're all so much like a child at heart anyway. :wub:

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Guest sunnydays.

Thanks for the news articles, Phi!

I am preparing myself for their comeback! I'm super excited. It's been so long since I've fangirled so hard over Shinhwa hahaha.

Jen., i'm with you! So excited to see them on variety shows. I miss watching them goofing around. They are really good at pretty much every single game... such talented, competitive, & athletic men. :P Even though they're older now, I hope they haven't lost their boyish tendencies!

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^Thanks phiphi69 lol I actually have seen all of these already XD been going on a Shinhwa rampage since the comeback just got narrowed down to 2.5 months...excitement just keeps pouring in. To be honest I've been distracted a lot these past four years but I guess it's one thing about being a SHCJ though...you can just do whatever you want because you know they will always keep their promises no matter what so you don't have to worry or anything but go about your own business until they make an epic comeback XD

I can't waaaait for them to be on variety shows too. They're like the variety kings. Hopefully they get to host their own or something of that sort. I can imagine it's going to be the weirdest/randomnest/funniest show ever lol they're all so much like a child at heart anyway. :wub:

wooo you're quite updated then hehehe Yes I can't wait to see their stage & the variety shows as well, which they're really good at when you put all 6 together in 1 show, I can expect chaos, even men in their mid 30's :wub:

Thanks for the news articles, Phi!

I am preparing myself for their comeback! I'm super excited. It's been so long since I've fangirled so hard over Shinhwa hahaha.

Jen., i'm with you! So excited to see them on variety shows. I miss watching them goofing around. They are really good at pretty much every single game... such talented, competitive, & athletic men. :P Even though they're older now, I hope they haven't lost their boyish tendencies!

Sunny!!!! I'm glad to know you from SMW & Eric's thread :)

1 thing I really wish to happen is for ShinCom to set up an official homepage to inform us all with the upcoming schedule and activities. May be it's already in their plan but I hope to see it sooner than later cus we're less then 80 days to the 14th Anniversary. Not sure if it's true but the 10th jib is released on Mar.14?

Hope SHCJers start posting more cus I know there're quite a few of us here on Soompi :D

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I don't know if anyone seen this (sorry if it's reposted) but I thought it's super uber cute and cause I haven't seen it before LOL


I <3 ShinChangs.

And does anyone know where I can get my hands on JinDy's strong heart episode with english subs? I found the second part of it but the first part is missing =(

sunnydays. Me too! I actually don't realize how much I really really miss them until now and it kind of makes me wanna cry lol being so emotional like this. I doubt they've lost the playfulness/randomness/weirdness...judging from all the pics/captions and translation of group chats I've seen...I can definitely say the boys guys we fell in love with is still here =P They've definitely matured but they are still children at heart. Children in grown men bodies <3 haha I knoww. I actually want them to be on talk shows more and spill more Shinhwa tales because those are hilarious! I'm crossing my fingers to see a Shinhwa special on RM with all six actually *hoping* lol

phiphi69 I think more will post as the date nears? eeeeeh! I'm so excited.... rewatching everything....always spazzing on twitter XD

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Did you guys hear?!?

Shinhwa will be hosting their own variety show!!!

I wanna cry......They never disappoint!!

And apparently they're receiving more than one offers?? Are they?

I'm so exciteeeeeedd!

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Yup, yup! I just read about it too! With their comeback, album, annnnd variety show - this will definitely be their year!


Shinhwa's been talking about their March comeback for almost a year now, and there are now talks of a variety show to accompany the return!

According to industry officials, Shinhwa will be starring in their very own variety show through jTBC sometime around March to coincide with their comeback album release. The program will begin airing after SNSD‘s ‘SNSD and the Dangerous Boys‘, but the title and format have yet to be decided.

Shinhwa has had their entire group guest on variety shows before, but this will be their first time running their own show.

Shinhwa’s representatives stated, “We have received an offer from jTBC but we are actually receiving other offers from the three public networks as well so we’re trying to balance everything out.”

Source + Photo: CBS via Naver

Translation: allkpop

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Guest lenakeem

wow i havent been here in forever, i used to spend hours in just this thread back in the day :P

i used to be crazy_korean, but i got it changed to lenakeem, so i hope that doesnt confuse anyone, not that

anyone actually remembers me from back in the day, bahahaa.

anyone want to make pretty posters for the first page? its been a while since ive updated the first page..oops :sweatingbullets:

suggestions are welcomed!

i cannot wait until their comeback, they were my first love, since 3rd grade. and ive faithfully been waiting

for their comeback and its finally here, oh how the time flies.

shinhwa > any other boyband ever created

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