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[drama 2006] Alone In Love 연애시대

Guest yeohweping

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2006-09-02 At the 33rd Korea Broadcasting Prize ceremony, sbs TV drama "Alone in Love (2006)" won 2 awards (the best drama & the best music). Its music director Rho Young-shim (who is playing the piano in the following video) and musical actor Seo Tae-hwa who also played a professor in the drama presented a live concert to celebrate the ceremony.

YAY! Congrats to Alone In Love for winning the two awards!

I didn't know the professor/actor Seo Tae-hwa is a musical actor hehehe.. what a nice surprise :)

AIL music is definitely deserved the awards... no doubt. ^^

Thanks homura for bringing us the great news + those caps from the supplement disc! hehehe..

Looks like the DVD boxset is a real treat for all of us AIL fans :)

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Last year's First Edition of our Annual Awards saw a total of 8 people voting in the Drama category. This year, to spice up things a little, I invited many more: we go from the usual Soompi Secret Task Force and JSAddicts (more than a dozen), a few Twitch regulars (another half dozen), and a couple of friends of mine from offline (Thanks!). Of course as those who participated in the poll come from all sort of places and age range varies incredibly (from some Soompiers probably in their teens to a couple of friends of mine touching their 40s), but that's the cool thing about these things: we all can have fun picking out the year's highlights, and then open a little the debate. I want to thank everyone who participated -- and while we're there, sorry for making you wait so long, most of these were sent in early to mid June -- and of course you're invited for the Year End Special, with the REAL Top 10. Note that people had the option to vote for shows that are still broadcasting, which is why you see things like 주몽 (Jumong) on the list. Thanks to Min-Hee, Taka, Dahee and Cyberman for adding a few comments as well (which were taken from their Top 10 lists). Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines:

[Note: 10 Points for No. 1 down to 1 Point for No. 1]

10.043 Points

서동요 (The Ballad of Seo Dong), SBS

Cyberman: It started out slow but gathered up steam around episode 30, and got going pretty good for a while. Acting was uneven at time but saved by the veterans.

Taka: You know, it started so bad I often wanted to stop watching, but as you were so confident about Lee Byunghun I continued. Well, that was a good idea. The string of episodes between 34 and 36 are some of the best TV all year-round.

09.043 Points

안녕하세요 하느님 (Hello, God!), KBS2

Min-Hee: Despite losing itself in the second half, and selling the original short, this was a good show. Touching and well acted.

08.049 Points

신돈 (Shin Don), MBC

Cyberman: The execution of this show is so awesome and the script so audacious, I think this one's going to be hard to top.

Min-Hee: Fantastic sets, incredible acting, and I cried all afternoon after finishing this. Unforgettable.

Taka: Best Sageuk since Hur Jun. Son Changmin is magnificent here.

07.050 Points

Dr. 깽 (Dr. Gang), MBC

Dahee: This drama should have a big warning sign tacked on to the beginning of each episode: Beware. Yang Dong-Geun's acting is addictive. See, without that warning, I ended up falling for this drama simply because of him. Well, okay, that's not really fair - this show certainly has its moments of magic, such as when the little yellow chicks are thrown up into the air in an early episode, Dongmakgol-style. But it didn't seem to fulfill its potential. Then again, I've only seen five episodes, so what do I know? With the hope that it will become the magical show that it keeps promising to be, I'm waiting it out, and nominating this for slot number three.

06.090 Points

주몽 (Jumong - Prince of the Legend), MBC

Cyberman: This show is already off to a flying start and the 4th episode picks up the pace again.

Taka: As a fellow Sageuk fan, I must say this is impressive. And Kyun Miri is hot.

05.106 Points

궁 (Princess Hours), MBC

Dahee: I have to say this here and now: Newbies who have the same amount of acting capacity as a stick are annoying. And unfortunately, this drama is led by a veritable amoeba of such newbies. Still, it certainly looks good, and the veterans did well, as always. I must admit that I enjoyed a few of the comedic scenes, but overall, the molasses-slow plot and aggravating melodrama did not sit well with me. Remind me again why there's going to be a season two?

Cyberman: Much much better than I had expected. The young cast at time fell down but overall quality of the show was pretty high.

04.147 Points

굿바이 솔로 (Goodbye Solo), KBS

Dahee: Each character in this drama is alone. Alone in their problems, alone in their insecurities, alone in their dreams, alone in their sorrow. Yet as I watched, it was as though my empathy for them and my understanding of their emotions created a change in me so that, rather than me being by myself, watching people who are alone, I was suddenly suffering with them, and they in turn were suffering with me. This is not a drama about fictional people in a fictional place and time. Each and every character is as real to me as my mother, my friend, my neighbour. Perhaps it was simply the artistry of the writing and the acting that affected me so. But whatever it was, it touched me in a way few dramas do; it possessed that certain magic that I'm constantly looking for. An absolute must-see.

Cyberman: Only seen a few episodes but they were of high quality. Had I finished the show, I would have probably rated it higher than Bad Family.

Min-Hee: I only started watching Noh Hee-Kyung Dramas because someone kept shoving them down my throat [Ed. I wonder who that might be - X], but I'm hooked. Great characters, dialogue that you don't forget easily, and wonderful acting. Now I'll have to start watching all her older Dramas, damn you.

Taka: You know, with all the young actresses getting fixed through surgery... did Kim Minhee get her mind exchanged with some other actor? She's so good and cute in here I wanted to hug her. Loved Lee Jaeryong's bad richard simmons gangster with a heart of gold. Usual magic from Noh Heekyung.

03.151 Points

마이걸 (My Girl), SBS

Dahee: Pure, heady entertainment. It started off on a remarkably good footing, with its hilarious shenanigans and Lee Da-Hae's cramp-inducing acting, but inevitably it slowed down and fell back into the very cliches it had previously been making fun of. Still, this is great for putting you into a good mood, and some scenes just might make you cry a little. Thanks for making me smile and distracting me just a bit from the realities of the world.

02.163 Points

불량가족 (Bad Family), SBS

Cyberman: I really really like this show. Not many shows bring tears to my eyes but this one did (that means I really like it.) Kim Myung-Min is awesome and so is Nam Sang-Mi. The veteran support cast was great too as was the little girl who played Narim. There were a few weak spots here and there but never too distracting.

Dahee: Honestly, this felt more like a sitcom than a drama. With its hilarious characters (aided by the great acting), episodic situations and heartwarming core, I was reminded of some of my favourite Korean sitcoms of the 90's. May I just say that Kim Myung-Min, with his side-splitting portrayal of the gangster with a soft heart, Oh Dal-gun, has become my new hero? He really carries this drama, even through the bad (the occasional sappiness and uneven footing). For putting a very, very big smile on my face, and for taking a different view of the idea of "family", I give this an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Taka: Just a good old Korean-style family show, with a few interesting twists. Funny, touching and well acted.

01.177 Points

연애시대 (Alone in Love), SBS

Cyberman: Once again, I only watched a couple of episodes but was very impressed by the writing and the acting.

Dahee: Love. It's a tricky emotion to pin down, and many dramas have tackled the subject, to varying degrees of success. It's easy to fall in love, as many *ahem* lesser dramas out there readily show, but how easy is it to maintain it, to define it, to have the courage to follow through with it? Alone in Love faces these problems with both humour and heart, and thanks to the great acting (especially by Gam Woo Sung, although Son Ye Jin certainly takes centre stage in the last few episodes) and the thoughtful writing, it succeeds in catching both the viewer's heart and mind. I seriously considered nominating this for the number one spot, but my conscience wouldn't allow my personal taste to interfere. Still, I must give this as much of a standing ovation as I gave Goodbye Solo. Just divine.

Min-Hee: Great show! Son Ye-Jin and Gam Woo-Sung look great together, and I was particularly impressed by Lee Ha-Na. What a lovely character, and a lovely Drama too.

Taka: Gets that Nozawa feel just right. Finally Son Yejin strips herself of those boring melodramatic roles, and tries something a little more realistic. Very enjoyable.

Credits to Twitch+N&M @ news thread

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Guest globosapien

^ooh. i'm waiting on my paycheque... then i'm going to get the boxed set. argh. can't wait.

alone in love is one of my favorite dramas... it's a lot like japanese dramas, which i prefer over all the other asian dramas...

there's not too much climaxes... not too much suspense...

the storyline is a plateau, and the minor characters are not just minor. they actually remain with you even after an episode has ended.

i really liked the relationship between dr.gong and the younger sister of SYJ... :)

i read a review once that this drama has a charm that's rarely found in korean dramas...

everyone should give this a chance. this didn't get too much ratings in korea, but it should have... it's great!

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i'm watching this drama, up to eps 7. I've been curious about this drama, since both actors are well-known. I must say the title and the theme to me is such a turn off, but i watched eps 1, and i found myself can't stop watching ^____^ no idea if this has a happy ending (please no spoiler for me) i didn't read previous posts, i must say that this is the first drama i watch without knowing the ending first

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Watched this drama because of all the raves and I have to say I like it a lot. All the scenes are beautifully shot and is very realistic. Like the part where DJ seemed to have gone into depression, complaining about how monotone life is (sleeping, eating, working, sleeping). I'm sure all of us have gotten that at some point. And EH's unhappiness after DJ got married to the other girl, she became quiet and even said 'life is such a drag'...

I cried at the part where Song Yun Ah's daughter got off the car, run to DJ, hugged him and cried. It showed how he has affected her, and she became happier and opened up more after her short time of interaction with him.

And how can I forget Doctor Gong and EH's sister? They provided all the comic relief in the drama. I love this scene where Doctor Gong was talking to his university crush, she asked him whether he has anyone and EH's sister came up to them, sat beside him and introduced herself as her 'honey's honey.' OMG I laughed so hard at that scene! There are tons of other scenes I love but I wouldn't mention them in case I spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet.

The drama starts off slowly but never draggy, all the character's issues are addressed, everything is perfectly wrapped up. Please watch it if you haven't, it will not disappoint.

In spite of their age difference, I think GWS and SYJ pulled this off perfectly. If only there will be more dramas like this... :wub:

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I have just finished this drama and I really enjoyed it. It's different from the usual romance...this drama dwells into heart wrenching issues of a couple who are divorced and yet, they still love each other.

I cried so much towards the ending of the drama because I could feel the pain both parties had to go through when they tried to come to terms that they have found their own life partners and had to really move on....

I cried at the wedding when SYJ sand the song, I cried when she went back to her home to collect her composition book, I cried when there were the flashbacks of their happier time....whole lot of crying.....but it was such a heart warming story too.

Great acting from Gam Woo Sung and Son Ye Jin.

I am glad Son Ye Jin departed from her usual weakling roles and took on this mature, serious role in Alone in Love, which displayed her acting skills.

The other character which was a nice suprise was the sister ...can't remember her name...I think it's Lee Ha Na (??).....she's so quirky and funny and adorable in this drama. She and the doctor provided the comic relief in this drama. She reminds me a lot of Kim Ha Neul.

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^ Great find, I love that pair. I'm now re-watching this drama. I got up to ~ep5 when it was airing but didn't have time to see the rest. Now I can take my time to savour the scenes.

renni72 - Yeh the sister does have a bit of a resemblance to Kim Ha Neul's comedic roles, but I prefer KHN in more somber roles... :P

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Guest renni72

princessrach - thanks for sharing that CF of Dr Gong and EH's sister.....i was impressed with their pairing in the drama....

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Guest ilikestupid

near the end of episode 12 when lee dong jin is sitting down in the restaurant with his new girlfriend right after all those flashbacks there is a song playing in the background that is sung by some girl. does anyone know the name of this song? it sounds like dongbangshingi's hug but i don't know the name... anyone know?

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near the end of episode 12 when lee dong jin is sitting down in the restaurant with his new girlfriend right after all those flashbacks there is a song playing in the background that is sung by some girl. does anyone know the name of this song? it sounds like dongbangshingi's hug but i don't know the name... anyone know?

"The Magic Castle(마법의 성)" was originally sung by "THE CLASSIC" in 1994. (Dongbangshingi revised it)

There are various versions of this song, and the young boy-version (Not girl) was used in this drama.


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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

I think this drama is worth watching,interesting, funny & more realistic :P Dr.Gong is soooo funny :lol: I just watch up to episode 5 right now, of course I will continue watching this drama.... ;) I hope is a happy ending.... :unsure: SYJ & GWS look good together in the drama.... B) Lee Jin Wook soooo YUMMY.... :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


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that's so sweet of GWS's wife to bring snacks for the staff...aw..

and GWS looks so cute in those DVD captures...those dimples! Thanks for sharing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just finished watching this drama last nite! and i thought it was one of the BEST DRAMAS i've ever seen! ...it's not your typical korean drama, where there are elements of amnesia, a love contract or someone dying in a car accident...this drama is just realistic and at the same time very enjoyable to watch, the drama and the comedy elements balances it out...even though it's kinda slow paced, i think it was still amazing because it captures every emotion in every scene!....while watching it, your tears are just gonna flow without even noticing it..it's that real!

all the main characters gave their best and did a great job!..i also love the music especially the one from episode 13 where eun ho was reminiscing about her life with dong jin at their house!..awwwww..im gonna cry again!..that song was just perfect!...

overall, i gave this drama 5 stars, two-thumbs way up! and would defenitely recommend this to everyone! ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest alcyone

i finally finish watching...it's a rollercoster ride from the beginning till the end...my emotion went up and down >.<

by the way,does anyone have the lyric and translation of the ending song Sweet Sorrow - No Matter How Much I think, To You...I Am

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