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[drama 2006] Alone In Love 연애시대

Guest yeohweping

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Guest chiahooi

This must be one of the few dramas where I actually felt like I could sit down and watch it all without the motivation of a pretty face. I love this drama to bits because of the way they tackled 'love'. The characters appealed to me because you could feel what they felt, their downfalls and their happiness. Such true to life characters they were. Son Ye Jin impressed with her role, she acted Eun Ho in a great way. She was a realistic woman for once instead of being another weeping beauty in a melodramatic drama. Gam Woo Sung was excellent as Dong Jin, as he always is. The minor characters hined, Eun Ho's sister was hilarious and Dong Jin's best friend was a great partner in crime for Eun Ho's sister.

Excellent stuff, I want to see more mature Korean dramas devoid of those weepy made-to-just-make-you-cry moments. Everyone shines, high recommended!

I totally agree with starsinmyeyes. This is really a high quality drama, with some 'British humour' in the show. And the supporting actor/actoress also acted well in it! Really a different kind of plot from the typical korean heart-tearing drama, yet I'll still in tears several times. I'm a big fan of SYJ, and get to know GWS here, and he acted superb! And couldn't stop to give good credits to this drama! One of my fav drama of all time!!

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SBS '연애시대', 4월중순 일본 전역에 방송

2007-02-20 posted by Louis in iyejin


[마이데일리 = 장서윤 기자] 작년 3월 SBS에서 방송돼 반향을 불러일으킨 감우성·손예진 주연의 드라마 '연애시대(극본 박연선, 연출 한지승)'가 오는 4월 중순 일본 전역에서 방송될 예정이다.

'연애시대''의 제작사 ㈜옐로우엔터테인먼트 측은 20일 "'연애시대'를 일본 KNTV를 통해 4월 중순 방송하기로 최종확정했다"고 밝혔다.

일본 KNTV는 지난 1월 ㈜옐로우엔터테인먼트와 드라마 '연애시대' TV 방송 및 부가판권에 대한 계약을 맺어 향후 5년간 일본 내에서 이에 대한 권리를 행사하게 된다.

한편, 일본 방송에 앞서 20일부터 22일까지 3일간 마이니치신문, '주부와 생활', KNTV등 10여개 일본 매체가 한국을 방문, '연애시대' 의 출연진 감우성, 손예진, 공형진, 오윤아 등과 한지승 감독, 노영심 음악감독 등을 만나 취재할 예정이다.

[오는 4월 중순 일본에서 방송되는 드라마 '연애시대' 사진제공=SBS]

(장서윤 기자 ciel@mydaily.co.kr)

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손예진·감우성 '연애시대', 日언론 집중조명

2007-02-20 posted by Louis in iyejin.com



지난 한해 네티즌 사이에서 최고의 드라마로 뽑혔던 손예진-감우성 주연의 '연애시대'가 오는 4월 일본 방영을 앞두고 현지 취재진들의 집중 조명을 받고 있다.

'연애시대' 제작사인 옐로우엔터테인먼트에 따르면 일본 마이니치신문, 주부와 생활, KNTV 등 주요 언론매체 10여곳이 드라마의 주연 배우 등을 취재하기 위해 20일 한국을 방문, 오는 22일까지 열띤 취재 경쟁을 벌인다.

일본 취재진은 주연 배우인 감우성, 손예진, 공형진, 오윤아 등을 만나 취재하고 한지승 감독, 노영심 음악감독, 그리고 제작사인 ㈜옐로우엔터테인먼트의 오민호 대표를 인터뷰할 예정이다. 또한 드라마의 주요 배경이 되었던 장소들도 방문, 취재할 계획이다.

옐로우엔터테인먼트 측은 "이같은 주연 배우뿐 만 아니라 감독, 제작사 등 드라마 전반에 대한 높은 관심은 그동안의 배우 중심의 취재와는 사뭇 다른 모습"이라며 "이는 현지 언론 사이에서 '연애시대'에 대한 높은 기대를 시사하고 있는 반증"이라고 기대감을 표시했다.

동명의 일본소설을 모티브로 한 드라마 '연애시대'는 헤어지고도 사랑의 끈을 놓지 못하는 남녀의 이야기를 담아낸 로맨틱 멜로드라마로 오는 4월 중순 KNTV를 통해 일본 전역에 방영될 예정이다.

/정진호기자 jhjung@joynews24.com

IT는 아이뉴스24, 연예스포츠는 조이뉴스

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Guest frankie38

I just completed watching this wonderful drama. I am still feeling great about Son Ye Jin and her performance. I really thought she was going to commit suicide and that she could not go on living. That just made the ending all that more wonderful.

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Guest crazyMuka

^ooh. i'm waiting on my paycheque... then i'm going to get the boxed set. argh. can't wait.

alone in love is one of my favorite dramas... it's a lot like japanese dramas, which i prefer over all the other asian dramas...

there's not too much climaxes... not too much suspense...

the storyline is a plateau, and the minor characters are not just minor. they actually remain with you even after an episode has ended.

i really liked the relationship between dr.gong and the younger sister of SYJ... :)

i read a review once that this drama has a charm that's rarely found in korean dramas...

everyone should give this a chance. this didn't get too much ratings in korea, but it should have... it's great!

*nods in agreement* :). This is one drama that I'm sure I have to own it on DVDs as well, and I never bought any drama before. It just shows how excellent Alone in Love is. I've been away from the Kdrama scene for more than 2 years because I got tired of all the melodramatic storylines and weepy characters in helpless situations (my mother is watching the Sad Love Story right now and gosh, their tears can flood my neighborhood!! Can it get any cornier??? o.0;) This is the drama that drew me back. Alone in Love is one amazing drama in the aspect that it avoids most of the cliches and beautiful faces and builds a storyline that is heartwarming, humane and very clever. The slow pace never bothered me; in fact, its slow pace is really appealing to me because it makes the situations all the more realistic, and the inner feelings of the characters all the more relatable. This drama also feels very Japanese to me (I guess because it's partly adapted from a Japanese novel?) There's no major revelation, no evil character; the drama is not showy, it doesn't try too hard to please the audience nor does it try to color life rosey with beautiful love stories that only happen in a fairy tale. What it does is to tell a story about life of two divorcees and it does so wonderfully. And the characters... they're what make this drama so memorable. Every single character is realistically depicted. I truly hope there will be more mature Kdramas like this one in the future. Currently, I feel that Dal Ja's Spring is a pretty good show as it doesn't take itself very seriously and the characters are quite charming, but it's still too comical and loud sometimes.

Ahh, I should give praises to the actors as well, all of them was amazing. I was really impressed, not that I had doubt about their acting abilities before, but they sure did excellent jobs! It sure deserves the #1 spot at Twitch :D. It's 2nd in my list of top dramas for 2006, only behind Kekkon Dekinai Otoko a little.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest angel2nyt

first time posting here, i watched this drama a month ago, and i must say, one of the best dramas ive ever seen

it was very realistic and you could actually feel what the characters are feeling.. the characters were also very well molded(must give props to the original writer)

son ye jin and gam woo sung were both excellent here..

also lee ha na and the musical director.. hahaha i want to credit her (yes she is a she) she always chooses the right background music for one scene

and by the way, the ending part was really cute, when the young girl asked 'what is love' and their whole production was suppose to answer

i actually enjoyed this more than jumong because it wasnt long and torturous

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Guest dramaok

can anyone spoil me the ending? i don't quite understand the ending!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

in the end eun-ho and dong-jin get back together and a few years have passed, and they have one child, with another on the way... the drama ends with the two of them having a picnic in a park, watching their first born running around on the grass, while dongjin watches, and eun-ho who is pregnant, smiles..

beautiful haunting drama. beautiful ending. perfect drama. had me crying buckets but i learned so much and laughed tons in between.

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Guest lemonginger

this drama is beautiful! i felt so close to the all the characters as if they're real people around me. i still miss them after finishing the series.

i dont know why i bursted into tears at the end of ep15. maybe because my emotion was pulled to extreme and what he did suddenly was out of expectation....

have not had such a great roller-coaster ride since a long long time.

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Guest Satine_Ross

this drama is beautiful! i felt so close to the all the characters as if they're real people around me. i still miss them after finishing the series.

i dont know why i bursted into tears at the end of ep15. maybe because my emotion was pulled to extreme and what he did suddenly was out of expectation....

have not had such a great roller-coaster ride since a long long time.

Couldn't agree more!!!! This serie is superb with the great stroyline, so as the cast. :D

Everything seems to be real and touchable. No miracle,nothing happen by accident. So we can feel the way characters feel.

when Yejin was heart- broken in Epis 15, I feel like i was heart broken too and yu know epis 15 really made me burst into tears. :tears:

Cheer for this serie!!!!

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Guest tian82

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! now i fully understand the ending!!!!! finally they r together again...with 2 child in tow!! (^v^)

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Guest dramaok

i love the ost..but can't find the lyrics...sob sob

here are some:

Lyrics of 'Thank You' sung by EH during DJ's wedding.

After learning from JP where DJ's spent the night in the hospital and how DJ didn't want EH to handle the stillborn's affairs just in case "a mother would never be able to forget such an experience", EH was very grateful towards DJ.

Amidst scenes of DJ hugging Dong ee in the room, here are the lyrics that EH was singing ....

To you, I think I have said too much already.

I don’t even know why I have so much to tell you, it just keeps coming.

My words are sometimes ahead of my heart and I sometimes find it hard to breathe, even then I still have more to say. (Translation difficulty here, sorry)

No matter how hard I’ve try, I just could not understand my heart.

Something always will go wrong and it ends up hurting you.

But it is better than if I didn’t even try.

At the end of it all, I just want to tell you this ….

Thanks, really, to you.

Why is it so tiring?

I’ve bit around the bush too much, I almost forgotten what I want to say…

Really, thank you.

Thanks, really, to you.

Why is it so tiring?

I’ve bit around the bush too much, I almost forgotten what I want to say…

Really, thank you.

Something that JP said to EH struck me too. JP was saying whilst EH was able to grief over the stillborn and felt the pain of loss through her body, DJ was unable to accept Dong ee's death.

I saw a chinese translation of the song Sweet Sorrow...and I translated the chinese translation into English...so it maybe a bit off somewhere. But I love the song and the lyrics which I feel are very appropriate for DJ and EH. So here they are:

아무리 생각해도 난 너를 - 스윗 소로우 (Sweet Sorrow)

아무리 생각해도 난 너를... 无论怎么想我还是.....

아무리 생각해도 난 너를... 无论怎么想我还是.....

잊은듯 눈감아도 난 너를... 仿佛忘记似的紧闭双眼我依然....

아닌듯 돌아서도 난 너를... 转身装做素不相识我却仍然....

조금만 솔직해도 난 너를... 更加坦率一些我还是....

그렇게 아파하도록 너를... 那么让你痛苦

이렇게 바라보도록 如此望着一切

쓸쓸한 눈으로 다만 웃고만 있었지 用你伤感的双眼微微地笑

아무리 헤어져도 난 너를... 无论怎么分手我还是.....

매일 또 이별해도 난 너를... 每天都在跟你分开我依然.....

이미 넌 꿈이래도 난 너를... 就算是我梦中的身影我依然....

정말로 끝이래도 난 너를... 这一切就要结束我还是....

한번만 용기내도 난 너를... 鼓起一次勇气我依然....

그렇게 아파하도록 너를... 那么让你痛苦

이렇게 눈물짓도록 如此流下眼泪

다시는 다가가 차마 안을 수 없었지 我却没有勇气去拥抱你....

나 이대로 더 있으면... 我如此站着

이대로 머무르면... 如此原地踏着步

너를 더 사랑할 것 같아 我会更加爱你

나 이대로 더 있으면... 我如此站着

이대로 바라보면... 如此深深望着你

떠날 수 없을 것만 같아 我会更加离不开你

내 작은 어깨 위로 나 너를... 在你无力的肩膀上

언제나 힘이 되도록 너를... 为了能够给你勇气

따스한 햇살처럼 나 다시 또 다가가 감싸... 像温暖的阳光一样 我要重新拥抱你

나 이대로 서성이면... 我如此踌躇着

이대로 눈물지면 如此流着眼泪

너를 더 사랑할 것 같아 我会更加爱你

나 이대로 더 있으면... 我如此站着

이대로 바라보면 如此深深望着你

너를 붙잡을 것만 같아 似乎就可以抓住你

아무리 생각해도 난 너를... 无论怎么想我还是.....

아무리 생각해도 난 너를... 无论怎么想我还是.....

아무리 헤어져도 난 너를... 无论怎么分手我还是....

매일 또 이별해도 난 너를... 每天都在跟你分开我依然.....

잊은 듯 눈감아도 난 너를... 仿佛忘记似的紧闭双眼我依然....

아닌 듯 돌아서 난 너를... 转身装做素不相识我却仍然....

이미 넌 꿈이래도 난 너를... 就算是我梦中的身影我依然....

정말로 끝이래도 난 너를... 这一切就要结束我还是....

No matter how I still…

No matter how I still…

Pretending to forget and close my eyes I still …

Turning my back and as if we have never known each other I still....

Even being utterly honest I still...

…..bring you so much pain.

Looking all around

Smiling gently with your sad eyes

No matter how we part I still.....

Even though we are separated I still.....

Even if this is in my dream I still....

Even if all these are going to end I still....

Gathering all my courage I still....

…..bring you so much pain.

As tears roll down my cheeks

I still don’t have the courage to hold you....

As I stand here

Right at the same spot

I will love you more and more.

As I stand here

Watching you intensely

I will find it harder to leave you

On those weak shoulders

Just to give you courage

Like the warm sun, I am dying to hold you again.

I am hesitating

Crying like this

I will love you more.

As I stand here

Watching you intensely

So close that I could almost touch you

No matter how I still

No matter how I still

No matter how we part I still

No matter that we are separated I still

Pretending to forget and close my eyes I still

Turning my back and as if we have never known each other I still....

Even if this is in my dream I still....

Even if all these are going to end I still....

Thank You - 손예진 son yejin


너에게 나 너무너무 많은 얘길 했나봐

나도 모르는 내 속에 끝없는 욕심의 말들 내마음이 앞서

내가 말을 앞서 숨이 차고 그래도 남아있는 것 같아

왠지 해도해도 내맘 알아줄꺼 같지 않아서

자꾸 겹겹이 칠하다 덧나기만 하는 상처 차라리

그것보다 모자란게 나아 그래도 꼭 하고 싶은 이말

고마워 정말 너에게 왜 그렇게 힘들었는지

너무 많이 돌아와 잊고 있었던 말

정말 고마워

고마워 정말 너에게 왜 그렇게 힘들었는지

너무 많이 돌아와 잊을뻔했던 말

정말 고마워

neu eh ge na neo mu neo mu mat eun ye gil haet na bwal

na do mo reu neun nae sok eh ggeut eup neun yok shim ee mal deul nae ma eum ee ap seo

nae ga mal eul ap seo soom ee cha go geu rae do na mah eet neun geot gat ah

waen ji hae do hae do nae ma ah ra jul ggeot gat ji ah na seo

ja ggu gyeop gyeop ee chil ha da deot na gi man ha neun sang cheo cha ra ri

geu geot bo da bo ja ran ge na ah geu rae do ggok ha go ship eun ee mal

go ma weo jeung mal neo eh ge wae geu reot ge him deul eot neun ji

neo mu ma ni dol ah wa eet go eet sseot deon mal

jeong mal go ma weo

go ma weo jeong mal neo eh ge wae geu reuk ge him deul eot neun ji

neo mu ma ni dol ra wa eet jil bbeon haet deon mal

jeong mal go ma weo

to you i seem to have said many many words too many

my heart continues to be greedy without my understanding

it remains even when my words stop my breathing

because i try and try and still you don't seem to understand my heart

the wound that only gets worse as i treat it over and over

i am not to recover but these words i want to say regardless

thank you. why it was so difficult for you.

these words that came back too many times and are getting forgotten

thank you really.

thank you. why it was so difficult for you.

these words that came back too many times and were almost forgotten

thank you really.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lindaskoh

Hi, enjoy watching this drama! I have problems downloading episodes 6 and 16. The clubbox files don't move even after a few days. Can someone upload these files again or tell me where i can download from? Thanks alot!

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Guest lovegoodfood

adore Son Ye Jin and Gam Woo Sung...they look compatible......Son Ye Jib look good next to his co-star...from Bae YJ to Gam Woo Sung....and even Jo In Seung.....She is amazing la!!!

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Guest koregurluver



01 만약에 우리

02 보내지 못한 마음 (노영심 곡)

03 Breeze (이재훈 곡)




(Credit Koreanwind)

plese another link for this series' OST.. i love their songs in here.. thanks in advance :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest quexido

Definitely one of my favorites. :blush: I remembered not being able to recover from the show because I felt so drawn to the characters and their lives. What's more, this drama was so beautifully filmed, with many moments of subtleness and powerful scenes, kudos to the director! esp like the way each episode began by revealing some little new information to the audience, which sort of gave fresh perspectives as compared to those formed after the previous episode.. this was quite obvious because I watched the whole drama in one continuous shot.. Alone in Love reminded me of Japanese dramas in general :sweatingbullets:

Absolutely loved the chemistry between the leads! The supporting cast did a fabulous job as well, esp the sister and the doctor! woohoo great comic relief. ;)

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Definitely one of my favorites. :blush: I remembered not being able to recover from the show because I felt so drawn to the characters and their lives. What's more, this drama was so beautifully filmed, with many moments of subtleness and powerful scenes, kudos to the director! esp like the way each episode began by revealing some little new information to the audience, which sort of gave fresh perspectives as compared to those formed after the previous episode.. this was quite obvious because I watched the whole drama in one continuous shot.. Alone in Love reminded me of Japanese dramas in general :sweatingbullets:

Absolutely loved the chemistry between the leads! The supporting cast did a fabulous job as well, esp the sister and the doctor! woohoo great comic relief. ;)

I remember going through that slump too. I just felt so devastated the series was finished...

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Guest charlesriver

I love this drama. The actings were superb. It feels like watching a long art film....

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