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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Reminder: don't forget to vote :D (10 clicks for each of them): The Most Handsome Kdrama Star 2017 (currently 2nd round) http://namesns.com/entertainer/view.html?num=194620&star_num=171&share

and The Best Kdrama 2017 (currently 1st round)


Btw, I will watch MLSHR ep 3 today or tomorrow... school duties didn't allow me to watch it earlier. Look forward to some photo review ^^


and I cannot forget phototreat for voting soompi girls. :wink: 



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Once again, very long fangirling observations and the moments I liked about MLSHR ep.3 and definitely-not-a-review thingy.


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

Why should I? <<<yes Wang So…why? I know you say you don’t know her, but you like holding on to her….huh?>>>

I loved his voice, so much suppressed anger and disdain in it! The eyebrow lift!! Soo looked quite comfy in his arms, didn’t she, :w00t: or is it just my fangirling self seeing things?






Did I see Goryeo "manner hands" here? :ph34r:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

Ahhh…the redrum planning room!  Queen Yoo is one hot tamale showing us some elusive torso while getting out of the bath. Here comes her evil son Yo . He dries her hair, makes her tea, yet she wants to know more about So. She wants her son on the throne…but she doesn’t say which one…does she??

Well, she never considered So as her son after the accident, did she? So it’s either going to be Yo or Jung, I guess.

Random observation: Yo came into his mom’s bathing chamber(?)/ area without announcing or asking permission! Isn’t it a bit weird? Or is it normal in Goryeo times?:crazy:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

9:50 He’s back….WS all fuming and ripping sleeves.   Enter Yeon Hwa to attend to his wound.Bless the writer/director for having her wipe his angular face.

Bless them indeed , So was *Blue searches for proper adjectives to describe his beauty and fails* beautiful. Even through the mask and hair covering his eyes, JG’s eyes are piercing. :wub:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

Hey Princess, he has been wondering about you. Lucky!

What did So mean when he said that he often wondered about what kind of woman YH would grow up to be? Did he mean it in a complimentary way – how she is caring towards him when everyone else is afraid of him or shuns him? Or is there something else – did his heart waver too?

Random observation : It amazes me how YH is able to talk and insult while constantly smiling, doesn’t her mouth and cheeks hurt? :blink:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

Wook & Lady Hae  talk about how Hae Soo makes them feel. Wook is a Richard Simmons for not realizing how his words of joy can harm his wife until too late.

Snake Wook saying that Soo makes him happy – I can understand it to a certain degree, she is a ray of sunshine. Then he says, “I wait until I see her”!!! Saying that in front of his wife??? :crazy: Look how uncomfortable and upset she looked! He is definitely a Richard Simmons!:angry:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

14:50 LOVE this scene! Hey…Chae Ryung is wearing a skirt! And with one look, Wang So scares her off and leaves Hae Soo alone with him.  She blabbers, he grabs and demands,

When Soo leans away from So scared I couldn’t help but think how it is all going to change in about 11 episodes. How she is the one who’s going to initiate the kiss! :w00t: :w00t: But making us wait 14 episodes is a bit cruel don’t you think?<_<


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

And here we go again with Wang So telling Hae Soo to “forget” what she saw.  It’s his favorite word of the week! Hae Soo gives So the dagger look <<hehehe>> and tries to leave.  Wang So tells her to not grace his presence again…but she’s had it…and lets him have it.

I loved So’s incredulous look at Soo when she is ranting; he also looked a tiny bit impressed with her. Is it because no one ever tried to speak up to him as he is feared, yet here she is, always questioning his actions, throwing him off balance?


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

He smirks, but he quivers as well and he tries to leave yet she says the lines that will reach him.  “Is it a crime to want to live, why are you picking on me?”

This must have resonated with So. After all, he knows how difficult it is just to survive – he has been doing it his whole life, isn’t he?


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

21:57 The Uncalled 4: King Taejo, Moo, So & JiMong in the throne room.  WS gets his hall pass and gets the OK to stay in Songak for a bit!  WooHOOOOO!!!

It breaks my heart to see the unbelieving look in So’s eyes when the king asks about his wound; how he pauses before answering because he cannot believe it is real;  the unsure and timid way he answers – completely different from the self-assured way he usually talks. :tears: :tears: And then, the tone changes when the king questions why he helped Moo. I love how quick and subtle the change was. And finally the tiny relieved smile when the king granted permission for him to stay in Songak! :wub:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

23:30 This Damiwon Tea bath is sponsored by Crayola! See the new colors…all over the princes???

 …and all over the sweets(?).

Random observation :  what were the colourful sweets(?) the princes were eating? Anyone? They looked pretty and yummy! eat-smiley-face.gif?1302011348


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

29:40 Finally, we get to know a bit more about Baek-Ha.  He’s an artist, drawing what he sees in the village for his daddy. And what does he see, Jung street fighting.

Random observation : what has Baek Ah done to his hair? How has he tied it – looked a bit messy to be honest. :wacko: When he was sketching the street fight, how or where did he keep the ink bottle? In the previous shot they showed so many times he dipped the brush in the ink, right? :blink:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

33:00 Baek-Ha is a renaissance man. Not only can he draw, and is handsome but he is a musician as well!?  Ahhh and he has a crush on Lady Hae.

More like unrequited love?


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

35:45 Boy’s Night at the Morgue <<<see my Criminal Minds reference>>> So, Moo & JiMong figure out the assassins were fallen tongue-less monks.  WS corners Yo and gives us the sexiest accusatory convo close-ups ever <<<how can I do something wrong and have him grab me>>> When he asks Yo if their Mother is behind this…Yo…pauses and for a flicker… and gives it away. 

Everything you said. He looked so devastated and disappointed when he knew the truth. And I love your CM reference - miss the sweet :wub:  HJ and his running so much. 


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

WS fumes & watches his mommy give Jung all the attention, and those violins play….uh oh! <<<violins=Richard simmons is gonna happen>>>

It just hurts to see a hiding So watching Jung being playful with E/Q Yoo with longing:tears:. Is that the moment he decides to save his mom by killing the monks – a chance to gain the approval of his mom, so he too can be with his mother the way Jung is?


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

39:40 Sweet scene between Lady Hae & Hae Soo  where she encourages Lady Hae to put on makeup and go out with her hubby.

Random observation : during the flashback , I couldn’t help but notice that when the phone fell down from Soo’s hand, it was not broken at all – not a single crack on the screen! How is it possible?? :blink: I need a phone like that!


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

44:20 Hae Soo & Wook at the Pharmacy/Drug Store. geek-smiley.gif?1292867602

Heheh. We too say "pharmacy" in my country, if you say "drug store" people would look at you suspiciously. :ph34r:

Snake Wook says that a woman shouldn’t have a scar on her body. Why did I never notice that before? Isn’t it foreshadowing how a scar is going to be used against So and Soo? So has been ostracized because of a small scar; It is a scar which helped Soo escape the marriage to the king; and it is the same scar which prevented her marriage with So! And I refuse to talk about how snake  Wook crosses line and applies medicine himself. 


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

They both put Lady Hae to bed  <<poor girl, they didn’t take out her hairpins, one toss to the right/left and it will hurt like a mofo!>>

Heheh, I noticed that too! Not only the hair pin, even her hairstyle looks painful to sleep with.


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

Hae Soo goes to pray at the stones….and to confess she is falling for Wook. <<<bad Soo>>> She sees Wang So…all angsty on a rock. But leaves him there. <<<bad Soo>>>

So sitting in a rock alone, faced with the dilemma of what to do with the info he has – Moo or Yoo? Poor baby always caught between a rock and a hard place.


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

51:00 Wang So is riding his horse to a temple. He enters, and no one is around.  Or??? He centers himself, closes his eyes and all hell breaks loose! <<<video game>>> Assassins, assassins, everywhere. And the Kill Bill fight commences. Wang So…swirling and twirling again.  Weapons in every hand, shoe, etc. stabbing and throwing, dashing and dicing, slicing each dude down.   <<<Ok…I want him on my side in a fight>>>.  His look is so intense!

I’ve been waiting the whole episode for this scene. JG is magnificent in this scene. :wub: The way he calmly asks who the leader is and tells him to come out; and the way he screams “Who is it?” he is simply perfect in all the angles! He is fierce with blood on his face! And the way he twirls the sword! He gets hurt again.







On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

Yet that damn door exploding open revealing the Head Monk made me Laugh Out Loud! But Wang So’s bloody smirky quivering face brings me right back.  RAWR!!! He 360 degree swipes and slices the leader.

And my god, the way he says “You have lived off the queen. So die for the queen.”  The way his voice softens at the end in a sinister way and that tiny smirk! :love:






I like the way how they filmed the blood seeping and spreading on the monk’s back from the wound by the second – it was the only colour in otherwise almost black and white scene.


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

And he’s burning down the house. He’s quite the scary killer.

The way he dejectedly walks after burning down the place, as if he is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. His ethereal beauty!! The OST!!!





On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

<<<and I am unnerved that I enjoyed it so!>>>

Me too! I usually don’t like or watch bloody scenes, but this one, I repeat many times. There is something so beautiful and graceful about the whole scene. *looks at JG with heart eyes*

Random observation : Isn’t it funny how they sensor even a small knife and blood in dramas set in modern times but no censor at all in historical dramas even if it is long sharp bloody sword? :tongue:


On 10/26/2017 at 3:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

8:45 <<<such a scene>>> Out of focus, violins playing…a shadow of a figure enters Queen Yoo’s bedroom. It’s bloody Wang So. <<<not just a British accent, he really is bloody>>> With a small smile on his face.  And it ends……ARRRGGHHH!!!!

I love how they have filmed this scene. How first it just a shadow figure and then it solidifies (just like his future?!);  And his Voice! the way he says “It is me, mother.” in a somewhat sing song voice; and finally the way his face is focused; that smile and those eyes, they hold so much emotion. Is there something like pride in them, because he saved his mother from being accused? Is there something like hope in them, that finally his mother would acknowledge his love for her and his efforts to save her?







Thank for bearing with my fangirling on JG’s talent, beauty and his Voice :love:. I’m afraid I was not able to convey what I am feeling clearly.  And thank you @pixelsticks, whose review made it easy for me to post my ramblings, again! crazy monkey 054


@pixelsticks have I ever told you how much I love your emoji reviews? I love, love your take on this drama – it’s hilarious and refreshing! 


LpPNf4f.png  Look how beautiful JG is! love onion head 

I couldn't resist posting this picture. :D


* All image credit to original uploaders.

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My photo comment of ep 3 MLSHR is here :D


First of all I have to say: the divine beauty of our 4th prince in this episode... speechless :wub:



I also like Wang So's profiling work in this episode. He had a lot of tasks indeed:


1. to profile if Hae Soo is threat or not at the beginning of the episode

2. to profile Wook when he put down the sword 
3. to do profiling work at the murder scene in the bamboo forrest with Wook

4. to update profiles of his father (who really let him stay in Songak for longer time), Ji Mong (damn, that guy was right), and later also of his older brother (that guy is a murderer!) and mother (the queen is the root of evil)

5. to profile the possible murderer by observing the dead bodies and then --> to find the real culprit. But unfortunately it is not so easy just to point a finger at him and say he is the bad guy. Right, 3rd prince is not an easy guy to deal with haha


I have to say, that JG looks so cool and sharp in the opening scene. His cold jerk attitude was actually really attractive :) 




Oh my, the princess is really lucky to touch the prince's face :tongue:




And Lee Joon Gi side profile... could not help but capture it again. Enough is never enough with these :wink:



All of the episode was full of Wang So's facial expressions. I guess definitely more than 50 shades this time haha


I call the next photo "A Smirk In The Morgue" panda 29 



And soon after a blood bath begins, lol. Lee Joon Gi was so cool in that fighting scene. He was like a fantasy hero dancing a brutal (but somehow really nice to watch :D) death dance.


So handsome even when covered in blood, our real actor JG :D 




I am looking forward to the next episode much :D Hae Soo and Wang So will have "eating out" on the rock hahaha and the iconic "nae geosida" (She is mine) will be there as well. Yahooooo B)

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3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Well, she never considered So as her son after the accident, did she? So it’s either going to be Yo or Jung, I guess.

Random observation: Yo came into his mom’s bathing chamber(?)/ area without announcing or asking permission! Isn’t it a bit weird? Or is it normal in Goryeo times?:crazy:

It's here where I think she is curious about So....and wonders if he can be brought in to mold/use/pawn, etc. You know....instead of Queen Yoo being completely freaked out by his bloody Monk rampage...if she would have been truly evil and embraced it....uh oh...what awful could have befallen that storyline!! 


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Did I see Goryeo "manner hands" here? :ph34r:

Am I a dork?  What are "manner hands?"


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

 But making us wait 14 episodes is a bit cruel don’t you think?<_<



3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

he also looked a tiny bit impressed with her. Is it because no one ever tried to speak up to him as he is feared, yet here she is, always questioning his actions, throwing him off balance?

He could have used Eun's line "No girl has ever treated me that way before."  <<<haha>>>


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Isn’t it foreshadowing how a scar is going to be used against So and Soo?

This whole drama = SCAR  (physically and psychologically - characters and viewers)


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

JG is magnificent in this scene. :wub:

He really is and I don't understand how it wasn't highlighted all over the internet/SBS/Award Shows, etc. It's even hard to find on youtube, etc. It's a travesty because it's a bloody gorgeous choreographed and filmed fight sequence! 


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

I like the way how they filmed the blood seeping and spreading on the monk’s back from the wound by the second – it was the only colour in otherwise almost black and white scene.


Nice observation!


3 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

 And thank you @pixelsticks, whose review made it easy for me to post my ramblings, again! crazy monkey 054


@pixelsticks have I ever told you how much I love your emoji reviews? I love, love your take on this drama – it’s hilarious and refreshing! 


Ahhh.... @bluelilac1214!!! <<<hhhhuuggsssss>>>>  I'm glad that we got to "meet" and connect over this brooding handsome character!  Thank you for reading and digesting my ramblings.   And being a positive, fun light in here! 


2 hours ago, haniiiii said:

the divine beauty of our 4th prince in this episode... speechless :wub:

Here here!!


2 hours ago, haniiiii said:

the princess is really lucky to touch the prince's face :tongue:

Dang Yeon Hwa/Kang Han Na.  I'd actually love to see her do another drama with JG.  Their sparks would be amazing!


2 hours ago, haniiiii said:

I call the next photo "A Smirk In The Morgue" panda 29 

It was one of my FAVE smirks of his....


2 hours ago, haniiiii said:

I am looking forward to the next episode much :D Hae Soo and Wang So will have "eating out" on the rock hahaha and the iconic "nae geosida" (She is mine) will be there as well. Yahooooo B)

Oh...and his oh so cute...do I grab for the basket or not? Yes I was a complete dork and fell hard that episode. And was pissed I had to wait 10+episodes for some mutual affection! 



Not this angry....but close!!!!  <<<look at those facial muscles!!>>>>

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Stunning. Credit:ins f12_masa





If anyone can help to translate this? I read from elsewhere that this was taken on the day JG went to the aquarium. The owner of the post spotted him and upon ending of the show followed him to ask for a photo. His manager said no, but JG said they are with children, and took the photo with them. She said he was very warm, :wub:he asked them if they were on vacation and when they are going home etc. She also said that he has such a small face. Because of the children, they managed to have the photo.

Hmm..that give us idea. We should bring the children with us when we go to see him or his fm:D

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12 hours ago, Lynn11 said:

If anyone can help to translate this? I read from elsewhere that this was taken on the day JG went to the aquarium. The owner of the post spotted him and upon ending of the show followed him to ask for a photo. His manager said no, but JG said they are with children, and took the photo with them. She said he was very warm, :wub:he asked them if they were on vacation and when they are going home etc. She also said that he has such a small face. Because of the children, they managed to have the photo.

Hmm..that give us idea. We should bring the children with us when we go to see him or his fm:D

@Lynn11 Actually you don't need any more translation. This is exactly what both of them wrote :D hahaha


Btw, good idea with those children lol. I am not ready for this mission :tongue: I should start by having some children first :lol: 

@zi4r is smart and soon will be ready to meet our JG oppa and get all the photo making benefits :D What about rest of you, girls? Are you ready? B)


JG loves kids, kids love him :wub:


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Ok ok ok ok ok I saw episode n.3! It was so awesome!


Okay before I start swooning over LJG - I can't stop appreciate how Kang Ha Neul did his job. He's perfect don't you think? I love those scene where the drama shows how slowly he falls for Soo. He thinks she's funny (even when she cries because she saw people being murderded), she uses words he doesn't understand (stress hahahhaha) and step by step he forgets himself. He's a bit torn between being faithfull to his wife and new crush. He of course could have consorts but he's different and he wants to be different. I don't know how to explain that but in this episode we really see that he's totally into Soo to the point when he should shatut his mouth. I mean he says that she's funny, she makes him joyfull, she says inapropriate thing... the trouble is he says that to his wife and he's as if he never noticed that. Poor Myung Hee. She's not bad woman. She chose to marry for love and doesn't want her husband to suffer too much but she can't hide it's painful to her that he talks about other woman before her and that she sees the crush that gets stronger.

I can't wait to see the moment when Soo realizes that the "nightmare" she described to Myung Hee is happening now - and she's the bad girl in this nightmare. Even if Myung Hee is too noble and realizes her husband loves her more like sister not like a wife - it's still painfull to watch. 

Also I love that he and Wang So immediatelly thought about Yo when Soo mentioned a person in a fur. And then Wook tried to provoke Yo and make him admit his crime - did you see that? As if he tried to tell him: "I know it was you".

Now to LJG - ok, can we stop repeating about his perfection? No, you're right - he's perfection. I totally love every little move of his facial muscles, every sad smile, every tear in his eye, every emotion Wang So tries to hide but LJG does his best to show what's happening inside. See the scene with Ji Mong and king Taejo? His father asks him about his injury - the reaction is only like half of the second. Of course he says that he's fine, it's nothing serious etc. etc. But I'm talking about this less than a second moment that happens in his eyes - or one eye to be precise. That surprise that his father asks, that in some harsh way he cares if he lived or dies. It wasn't a question like "oh dear, are you ok? show me your injury - are you sure it doesn't hurt anymore?" No - it's simply asked question but to Wang So is probably like heaven opening its doors. SOMEONE finally cares, finally is interested. Maybe he stopped feeling like an unwanted dog anymore. He still is like a wounded animal. And I just noticed - he's always dressed in black and the cloud of black hair makes him even darker. He's like a grim crow among colourfull parrots. And a bit like a puppy who was treated badly and doesn't trust anyone - he's like: "don't touch me or I'll bite!" but at the same time he longs for petting. And after that he'd be the most faithfull puppy in the world. In time Soo will pett him in the right way and he'll love with all his heart, body and soul.

LJG is one of those actors who are able to show all those emotions perfectly. 

On 25.10.2017 at 11:33 PM, pixelsticks said:

<<<now off to replay that Kill Bill scene again….for research purposes>>>

Research you say? :wink:

That gif is sexy as hell. Strange what a warrior with blood on his face can do to woman's heart. :wink:

On 26.10.2017 at 3:50 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

it’s illegal how he gets more beautiful every day. love onion head

See? See? I always said we should put him in prison for that! Illegal beauty is a crime. We should...  oh you know nightshifts are all mine!

On 26.10.2017 at 6:08 AM, antoniaclamens said:

They continued airing the original version (that is "International Version") until episode 5. It was from episode 6 on that we have 2 versions of every episode,  they were aired the same day: the original version in China and other countries (International Version) and the edited version in Korea (SBS version). Did i make sense?

So... there are 3 versions????

Where to get them???

On 26.10.2017 at 6:08 AM, antoniaclamens said:

And I love love the pretty pictures... now for those who doesn´t want spoilers from the DVD set don´t watch this... i watched and cry...that moment was so beautiful and touching and tearful :tears:

Ok he made me cry. :tears:

(Not to mention I can't listen to this song without crying.)

On 26.10.2017 at 6:08 AM, antoniaclamens said:

About Kill Bill references... please don´t compare. I admit that i haven´t watched the full movie but i did watch some scenes (i don´t like Tarantino's movies) and they are nothing like my precious episode 3 killing scene! the only thing they have in common is of course they both have lots of killing!!

I'm a fan of some Tarantino's films but not Kill Bill. And I agree - the scene in ep. 3 isn't like KB's scenes in any way.

On 26.10.2017 at 6:08 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I loooove Severus... and i don´t mind his looks btw :tongue:

I don't mind it either.  Actually... I didn't care how he looked as long as he was Severus (except the scene at the end of book n.3 where he wanted a medal and behaved like sulking princess :wink: ).

On 26.10.2017 at 10:05 AM, glassnokamen said:

And in the second photo He wear one of my favorite color... And he's gorgeous  :wub:

A question - when LJG doesn't look gorgeous? Think carefully. You have 2 years for an answer. :wink:

On 26.10.2017 at 4:13 PM, violina said:

I know right...It adds a lot more depth to the story

WHAT! I saw that scene... I'm sure of it... but not this time. Not in my ep.3! crazy-monkey-emoticon-079.gif?1292792400

When this scene happens? In ep. 3? When exactly?

On 26.10.2017 at 4:20 PM, violina said:

But the more important one(can you see it^_^):

Of course we can - it's his hair. Right? RIGTH? crazy-monkey-emoticon-089.gif?1292792402

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Soo looked quite comfy in his arms, didn’t she, :w00t: or is it just my fangirling self seeing things?

No, you're right! He keps her by her shoulders if she wanted to break free she had her change - moving her feet (kicking) or hands (at least pinching!) and she did none of those things - and a moment age she bites an enemy to free herself. So... she didn't want to stop him to keep her close tehehehehe. :D

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Did I see Goryeo "manner hands" here? :ph34r:

Remind me what's that?

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Well, she never considered So as her son after the accident, did she? So it’s either going to be Yo or Jung, I guess.

Yes but that's exactly the point - she may not considered but she gave him life and in the end it was her son who became an emperor. You know... the only thing that you can say to queen  Yoo after So's coronation is... "IN YOUR FACE, B****!" :lol:



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Daily reminder :D Don't forget to vote for our oppa (10 clicks for each of them):
The Most Handsome Kdrama Star 2017 (currently 2nd round) http://namesns.com/entertainer/view.html?num=194620&star_num=171&share

and The Best Kdrama 2017 (currently 1st round)


Vote, vote and make JG dancing happily haha :wink:



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Korean netizens finally acknowledging the sageuk that shook the international community last year...a year too late but still some freaking recognition not like we need it..we can judge for ourselves but still..MLSHR..get that love baby!!!




Despite its low viewer ratings during initial run, 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' is some netizens' life drama?

The end of 2016 to the first half of 2017 was full of a variety fusion, youth historical dramas, while the second half is comparably dry in the historical drama field in favor of more modern, relatable genres. 

Which may be why some netizens have struck up a conversation about a drama which aired back in August of 2016 - 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo'. The Korean remake of a Chinese novel starring IU, Lee Jun Ki, Kang Ha Neul, and more witnessed relatively low viewer ratings for the duration of its 20-episode run, the highest being at 11.3% for its final episode, and the lowest going as low as 5.1%. 

But one netizen recently took to an online community to confess, "The ratings may have been low, but those who've seen it know. It's truly sad and heart-wrenching and I cried every time I watched it. It's my life's drama." 


And a huge amount of netizens agreed to the confession! Others said, "As someone who watched both 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' and this, I preferred 'Moon Lovers'", "I cried and cried when I watched this during its run, and then marathoned it 5 more times", "My mom kept marathoning this drama after she watched it the first time", "Because 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' was in the same time slot, I started by watching the main broadcast of 'Moonlight Drawn by Clouds' and watched re-runs of 'Moon Lovers', but then I ended up switching it the other way after a while. Seriously my life's drama", "It's good and it's sad and I personally love tear jerkers so I enjoyed this a lot", "I don't like dramas but 'Moon Lovers' is my life's drama, it's still my phone background", and more!


Netizens who have not watched 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' expressed their curiosity at the hot topic, and said that they will give it a try soon. However, fans recommended that if you're a student, you absolutely must not watch it during school term, but wait until break or vacation. 


Did you watch 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo'?







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2 hours ago, cedarwood said:
On 26/10/2017 at 3:20 PM, violina said:

But the more important one(can you see it^_^):

Of course we can - it's his hair. Right? RIGTH? crazy-monkey-emoticon-089.gif?1292792402

Hehehe..of course its his hair:Dmmmm that gives me an idea..you wicked woman!why did you make me think of something my little "innocent" mind shouldnt even think about now..how about a "black trouser" parade to compliment that precious gif..looks good at all angles..all seasons, 



back as late as 2017





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On 10/25/2017 at 8:27 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Episode 3 Review:



1) To me this episode is all about Wang So killing the monks scene

2) This episode had too many Wook scenes and so little of So for my tastes

3) With this episode started my love/hate relationship with Soo

I was going to quote what I agree with, but then I would have to quote the whole post. Thank you for the lovely pics and gifs. :wub: But still, I couldn’t not quote this:

On 10/25/2017 at 8:27 AM, antoniaclamens said:

This is just because i love So's lips 

don't we all? :love:


On 10/25/2017 at 8:27 AM, antoniaclamens said:

It's a great scene for itself, it lets us saw once again how much So is hurting because of his mother, and more important: for the first time Soo saw how he feels about his mother. And that's why she can react the way she did in episode 4.

Aargh! Never watched that scene before. Why do I feel like I missed a very important scene? *shoots daggers at PDnim :angry:* is it included in the international version? Where can I see it?


On 10/26/2017 at 9:38 AM, antoniaclamens said:

And I love love the pretty pictures... now for those who doesn´t want spoilers from the DVD set don´t watch this... i watched and cry...that moment was so beautiful and touching and tearful :tears:

I know I have said many times that JG looks beautiful when he cries and I love his crying scenes. But oh my god, this, to see him cry in real life , it just hurts so much. To see his tearful smile in the end, it just breaks my heart :tears: :tears: :tears:. Poor baby, how hard it must have been for him during those times. I never ever want to see him sad or tearful like this in real life.


On 10/26/2017 at 1:35 PM, glassnokamen said:

How  cute!!!! And finally He eat some carb!!! :D:D And in the second photo He wear one of my favorite color... And he's gorgeous

He looks so sweet and beautiful! :love: He should not be allowed to be this good, no-no-smiley.gif?1292867644 I mean, it’s not healthy for my eyes to have hearts in them whenever I see JG’s pics!

I'm sorry, I know this has been posted already, but he looks so lovely and innocent love onion head , I just had to post it again! 




On 10/26/2017 at 6:39 PM, violina said:

Here is an am sexy and I know it HJ

Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!


On 10/26/2017 at 7:50 PM, violina said:

But the more important one(can you see it^_^):

His hands and back, since we don't talk about them much? innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381 innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381 innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381


On 10/27/2017 at 9:58 PM, pixelsticks said:

Not sure if you all are checking out the #leejoongi hashtag on IG lately.  There are many Halloween themed JG's floating around.

Where’s yours? I've kind of been waiting to see yours.. waiting onion head


On 10/28/2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

It's here where I think she is curious about So....and wonders if he can be brought in to mold/use/pawn, etc. You know....instead of Queen Yoo being completely freaked out by his bloody Monk rampage...if she would have been truly evil and embraced it....uh oh...what awful could have befallen that storyline!! 

More bloody fights? More sinister smirks, eyebrow lifts and sarcastic comments from Wang So? Gwangjong with evil smile rather than the heartbroken smile? More episodes to show all the nefarious plans and palace politics? More interaction between So and Soo because she’s his person and he wants to spend more time with her and he would not allow anyone to come between them (:ph34r:aka less Soo/snake Wook moments:ph34r:)? More kisses between So and Soo? So and Soo getting married because he has his mother's clan's support too? Ah, the possibilities….


On 10/28/2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

This whole drama = SCAR  (physically and psychologically - characters and viewers)

Exactly! Yet, we watch it again and again knowing that we'll definitely cry a whole dam and our hearts will definitely break into tiny pieces! crying1 onion head


On 10/28/2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

He really is and I don't understand how it wasn't highlighted all over the internet/SBS/Award Shows, etc. It's even hard to find on youtube, etc. It's a travesty because it's a bloody gorgeous choreographed and filmed fight sequence!

It is in situations like these that I don’t understand Koreans’ preferences. Are they that averse to blood and fighting in dramas? The whole scene was bloody gorgeous! JG was perfect, not just in the action scene, but his acting was out of this world – he shows so many different emotions with his eyes, his whole face and even his Voice for such a short scene (it was so beautiful, the scene felt short to me!) And yes, I'm keep mentioning his Voice, because even though I know it is beautiful, I didn't notice how much it conveyed the emotions when I watched this particular scene for the first time - I was too immersed in the visuals.


On 10/28/2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

I'm glad that we got to "meet" and connect over this brooding handsome character!



On 10/28/2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

Thank you for reading and digesting my ramblings.

I should be saying this to you because I ramble; you review. -_-


@pixelsticks and @cedarwood



9 hours ago, cedarwood said:

See? See? I always said we should put him in prison for that! Illegal beauty is a crime. We should...  oh you know nightshifts are all mine!

Yes, you do have a valid point there. Oh, you can take the night shifts, no problem. I’ll just have to be there with him 24/7 to protect him from you girls! :tongue:


7 hours ago, violina said:
9 hours ago, cedarwood said:
On 10/26/2017 at 7:50 PM, violina said:

But the more important one(can you see it^_^):

Of course we can - it's his hair. Right? RIGTH? crazy-monkey-emoticon-089.gif?1292792402

Hehehe..of course its his hair

Well, his hair is pretty too. :wink: I think I represent all of us here when I say I love you and your “black trouser” parade. panda 29panda 31

*Image credit to original uploaders.

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Which K-Drama Character Could Help You Survive A Zombie Apocalypse?



Stumbled this one and looking at it JG is falling behind. Maybe you want to have some fun and vote for him. :)       

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As you may have seen many repost about no sharing no uploading of the video clips from DVD 'Thank you Again', I seek your understanding not to post them on any social media if you find them. This dvd set is an exclusive item, it is unfair to those who paid quite a huge sum to purchase it.This free flow of sharing will also affect dvd sales.Those who are interested can still get their copy at the following link



The set comes with a message card, in which we have translated it.However, as a respect to copyright, we do not upload the photo of the message card.

We only share the translated text. This is for those who bought the dvd set, this is JG words of thanks to them.



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On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Random observation: Yo came into his mom’s bathing chamber(?)/ area without announcing or asking permission! Isn’t it a bit weird? Or is it normal in Goryeo times?:crazy:

Well... looking at what was happening there seeing your mother naked wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Remember that Yo WANTED Yeon Hwa as his bride. And So married her. And the girl was in love with So. Tiny detail - she was their sister.

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

What did So mean when he said that he often wondered about what kind of woman YH would grow up to be? Did he mean it in a complimentary way – how she is caring towards him when everyone else is afraid of him or shuns him? Or is there something else – did his heart waver too?

I think at this point his heart didn't waver - she was just kind to him and v. delicate. And he wasn't into Soo then. So...  he was more like "interesting, nice, beautiful woman" (they all apparently had no problem she was their sister). He discovered Soo's merits later. But I think if there was no Soo there would be v. nice love story between Yeon Hwa and Wang So.

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

It amazes me how YH is able to talk and insult while constantly smiling, doesn’t her mouth and cheeks hurt? :blink:

No idea but that makes her creepy. 

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Even through the mask and hair covering his eyes, JG’s eyes are piercing. :wub:

And if you could believe it - they can be even more piercing. Like lasers. Remember that LOOK when he realized the girl in front of him is his daughter? Just... WOW!

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

But making us wait 14 episodes is a bit cruel don’t you think?<_<

Think differently about it - it was worth waiting. :wub:

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Wook says that a woman shouldn’t have a scar on her body. Why did I never notice that before? Isn’t it foreshadowing how a scar is going to be used against So and Soo? So has been ostracized because of a small scar; It is a scar which helped Soo escape the marriage to the king; and it is the same scar which prevented her marriage with So!

What makes me frustrated is that is only woman's scar - So's scar never was an issue when it comes to marriage. And it seems that the king can have as many scars as he wants but nooo, not his woman, no way.

Btw WHY? Why a woman couldn't have a scar? Is it because those times were so dangerous that scar-less (?!) body was considered beautiful? But if we're talking about king's marriage - weren't there thing more important???

I'm just curious.

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Not only the hair pin, even her hairstyle looks painful to sleep with.

I only noticed then that MH looked in Wook's hands like porcelain delicate doll. She looked so fragile and small!

Btw - what is mofo?

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

He is fierce with blood on his face! And the way he twirls the sword! He gets hurt again.

I'm so shallow - I can only think how incredibly sexy he looked with blood on his face. *hides under carpet* They won't find me here...

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

The OST!!!

Btw is there the instrumental from the background of the fight with monks? I mean in the OST?

On 27.10.2017 at 7:42 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Random observation : Isn’t it funny how they sensor even a small knife and blood in dramas set in modern times but no censor at all in historical dramas even if it is long sharp bloody sword? :tongue:

I've noticed that too - it is strange. In modern dramas knives aren't censored as long as you cut tomato with it. But against other person - it's blurry. But no censoring swords. I don't mind that - I'd hate to see blurry sword. It's just funny and strange when you watch dramas and don't understand the idea behind that censoring.

On 27.10.2017 at 9:30 PM, haniiiii said:

Enough is never enough with these :wink:

Bless you for thinking this way. :wub:

On 28.10.2017 at 12:03 AM, pixelsticks said:

This whole drama = SCAR  (physically and psychologically - characters and viewers)

And those seen and unseen scars. Wang So has many scars visible on his body. But I wonder how many scars he has in his soul. Countless!

On 28.10.2017 at 4:03 AM, Lynn11 said:

that give us idea. We should bring the children with us when we go to see him or his fm:D

Oops... that's hard for me - where will I find a child? That will like me? That I will like???

21 hours ago, violina said:

you wicked woman!why did you make me think of something my little "innocent" mind shouldnt even think about now..

Your inno-what? angeldevil.gif

21 hours ago, violina said:

how about a "black trouser" parade to compliment that precious gif..looks good at all angles..all seasons, 

I really appreciate your black trouser parade. Let's just face it - our man is slender however we look. Btw I read somewhere he doesn't like his legs, that they are fat or something. Silly baby - they're not fat - those are muscles made from over 30 years of doing taekwondo. I love his legs and what he can do with them. :wub:

14 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

His hands and back, since we don't talk about them much? innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381 innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381 innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381

Yes. Def. his hands and back. Of course. :wink:

14 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Oh, you can take the night shifts, no problem. I’ll just have to be there with him 24/7 to protect him from you girls! :tongue:

I'll just wait till you're so tired you'll fall asleep and then... prrrreciousssss...


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10 Spooky Korean Dramas To Watch For Halloween


Halloween is just around the corner, and these 10 K-Dramas are a must watch for you to get in the spirit!


4. Scholar Who Walks the Night

Scholar Who Walks the Night is about a scholar (Lee Joon Gi) who is on a vampire hunt seeking vengeance for his beloved.




(skipped unrelated.....


source : Koreaboo

LINK to read FULL article : http://www.koreaboo.com/buzz/10-spooky-korean-dramas-to-watch-for-halloween/

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