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4 hours ago, violina said:

go straight to 1:40 or -1:04 of this video.

No way - every video with LJG I watch from first second to the last. No skipping!

So he was cooling himself. Strange. He's cool enough, fridge won't help. :wink:

4 hours ago, violina said:

I will forever be grateful he never messed up his eyes.

Me too. So many koreans did it and it seems that phoenix eyes are so unique. And so beautiful. I have a thing for such eyes. :wub:

3 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

My family is weird.  We use that word as a term of endearment....a lot. 

I'll try to remember that but don't be angry if I ask again in the future. :wink:

3 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I don't mean to...I had a rush job I had to complete today.  And the damn power went out a few times due to inclement weather.  But all is quiet now.  So I will try to catch up! 

I know, I know! But we miss you. And miss our lovely chart. I hope you'll find a lot of time to catch up with us. :)

1 hour ago, Roseflorie Pena said:

im just a silent and secret fan of him until i discover this forum and i want to contribute

God bless soompi! I had the same thing but here I am and I can share my LJG crazyness and no one stopped me (ladies here are all v. kind). :D 

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Hi guys,

I've been a LJK's fan ever since I watched Iljimae, but I've never posted in this thread. I don't have time to go through all 1845 pages, but I've read enough in this forum as well as other sites to know the ordeal LJK's been through. But I still don't understand why he's being put through such an ordeal.

To be honest, I'm one of those fans who wasn't happy when his dating news came out. I should feel ashamed, because I must be one of those selfish fans who do not feel happy when their idols start dating. Then I watched JHB's Happy Together interview, and I realized she was a sweet woman, and I really liked the way she talked about JK. So even though I didn't really start cheering for them, I kinda felt happy that he might have found the right woman. But I did think that if they ever broke up, I'd feel happy.

When I read the news that they've broken up, to my surprise, I did not feel happy AT ALL. Far from it, I felt so sad and sorry for LJK. Breaking up with the woman you loved, for whatever reason, is sad. I can't even imagine what he's going through right now. I'm sorry for not feeling bad for JHB, because I'm not her fan. Yes some (not most) of his fans and the IU-LJK shippers have been horrible to her, and she does not deserve all that hate just because she was dating him. But when I read the horrible comments people make about JK, calling him a jerk for "not being able to protect the woman you love from your crazy fans," I felt so so sorry for him.

The netizens don't know the reason why LJK and JHB broke up, they just jumped to a conclusion that all of LJK's fans are horrible, and he is a jerk for not being able to control his fans. What do those people expect? That he should have scolded and insulted his fans for throwing all the hatred at his girlfriend? Had he done that, would those so-called netizens have praised him? No, I very much doubt so. Seriously, how do they expect idols to live? Idols are also human. They might be richer than most of us, they might have the love of millions of people around the world, but at the end of the day, they'll still want to find the ONE PERSON that truly loves them and will be with them for the rest of their lives. And LJK totally deserves a chance to find his true love.

I've been reading a lot of information about LJK but I still don't understand why Korean people hate him so much. Because of the way he acted in a show with Park Min Young? Because of the dating news? How can you hate someone for reasons like that?

I do hope LJK will continue to be strong and get through this crisis. I hope he knows that he still has a very strong fan-base, and we'll always support him no matter what happens. We'll fight hatred with love. He's one of those rare actors who are truly talented, and if Korean people can't cherish a treasure like him, we his international fans will.

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@doodoofan7, well I don't think he is hated that much in Korea. The hate of this year come from the horrible timing of Dispatch releasing the dating news just after (or was it during ?) that My Candy show, where the editing and LJG natural friendly-flirting nature made people criticizing him to be the way he is when he has a girlfriend. (so those people can't tell the difference between a tv show and real life it seems, and tvn just threw him under the bus and covered their a** by saying he didn't tell them he had a girlfriend. - when he obviously didn't have too). So from this time, some people see him as a player. And now with all the hate comments on JHB and the break up news, as a coward who can't protect his gf from his crazy fans. - but pointing fingers at him for that might be from international fans and not necessarily korean people (but not sure).

So yes, it seems that after his second peak of popularity last year and the initial good response on My Candy, the dating news just didn't do him any justice. The timing couldn't have been worse. I'm hoping he is doing alright right now and enjoy the shooting of CM despite everything.

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On 9/2/2017 at 1:33 AM, cedarwood said:

I'll try to remember that but don't be angry if I ask again in the future. :wink:

Hahaha hehee ask away!  

On 9/2/2017 at 1:33 AM, cedarwood said:

I know, I know! But we miss you. And miss our lovely chart. I hope you'll find a lot of time to catch up with us. :)

I keep getting RUSH jobs so it's keeping me away from JG goodness. :(  But I am getting paid...so that's good! ^_^  I have updated the chart for Episode 9 & 10



I have looked at the remaining spots...and didn't find any in Episode 11 or 12.  One I thought would be really easy is teasing NaNa Hwang.  They have been so neutral together so boo!  And I know he has probably done a snicker...and the loading the gun...did he load it at the driving range?  OR empty it?

I should probably rewatch.  :tongue:  


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ok so many pages to backread... seriously i need more free time!!!

On 30/8/2017 at 2:23 AM, cedarwood said:

There are 2 possibilities that there is something that actually can. First we have to imagine - Wang So living happily ever after with his Hae Soo and their daughter. Just imagine this!

And second thing I hope one day will come - LJG having his own princess. :wub:

Btw I think after the last episode we'll need to pick a shirt LJG looked the most gorgeous. It will be a v. long process... :D

Just thinking about WS living with HS and their daugther makes my hear ache!!! :cry: about the shirt, purple one seems to be in vogue right now... though i think it has strong contenders (somw white ones...)

On 30/8/2017 at 4:03 PM, violina said:

Ha, are you giving me a challenge, am happy to oblige.Just you wait till I dig into my archive of JG goodness, and il slay you with my meaness:wink:.You know for those who are musicians.Those with long slender fingers are the best to play stringed instruments(Piano, Guitar, Harp..etc).So while I wait for more Hyun Joon to come out, how about some JG stringing away on a guitar:

As for his relationship with guitars here is what he had to say some time back:

Ok just a thought: while every other actor is going for the cliche "doctor, lawyer, chaebol roles".I just thought how nice it would be if JG took a role, in a movie as a musician.Not an idol like singer but a proper musician.I know drama wouldn't do well, ratings wise.But a movie, it would be a box office hit, if the plot is tight with the right co-stars too.Put your voice and dance skills to use oppa and use them in your acting.

JG playing guitar!!!! :love: i'm dead... there's so much of him i still don't know or haven't seen... thank you for the interview link and if someone has a nice vid of him playing guitar please shareeeeee

On 30/8/2017 at 4:19 PM, cedarwood said:

Hmm... musician was in Mary stayed out all night and I heard it was successfull drama. But it was years ago I'm not sure if a drama about musician would do well nowadays.

i watched Mary stayed out all night (in my crazy about Jang Geun Seok times) and it wasn´t a successfull drama. bad ratings (i think they plague my life, is it me? do i bring bad luck to my actors?) 

On 31/8/2017 at 1:43 PM, haniiiii said:

@Linda Gunawan OK, so I scanned through the video :wink: The first words he says (when passing the cars) he is saying Thank you, I will eat well. And then after the meal when the video focuses on him, he is thanking many times and expressing he likes the gifts and that the fanclub worked so hard to make this, he is also saying he enjoyed the meal very much and that he will continue shooting the drama well after this. And also hwaiting :D:D 

And if you would be interested in the Korean text on the pictures, banners, or the coffee stand etc., here we go: :D 

First picture - Lee Joon Gi Chinese family support union

the banner on the coffee shop: Here are drinks that are even cooler than Hyun Jun

the side banner (purple one): In this hot summer, Chinese Lee Joon Gi family came to cheer everybody up

the banner standing at the entrance to the buffet: Eat a lot! Criminal minds is awesome. Chinese family is cheering everybody.

the big long banner in the buffet place: Our eternal - one pick- actor Lee Joon Gi

and text with those little "Lee Joon Gi" paper stand on the tables: We always choose Lee Joon Gi, and another one: Never skip your meal time.


btw I noticed he has Crocs (or Crocs like :D) shoes again, he really loves them lol. But they are comfortable indeed :) 

Thank you for the translations... as always. btw next wednesday i'll start studying Korean. i'm so excited about it! i can´t believe i'll be studying again tough... 


On 31/8/2017 at 7:59 PM, violina said:

Long live the set Moodmaker and extra King!!!! criminal minds ep 9-10 BTS

a. lol he really is still a child:D:).I mean look at a 35 year old man doing this:

b. and what is he doing here?cooling himself?

Love the gifs!!! thank you so much. btw didn´t he said in episode 1 v live bts that he can´t get mature or something like that?

On 1/9/2017 at 1:39 AM, violina said:

Just to assure you.Dont worry too much.Stay calm and have faith in our favourite artist.He will be ok.Yes his rep has been shaken slightly and he has gained quite a few antis,  but JG is loved and acknowledged by the non-fan Korean general public, this is more important even more than just having a huge fanbase(which he still does).Thats not going to go away anytime soon, just because of a show(ear candy) that is watched by less than 1% on a cable channel.

CMK was number one naver trending last night.Four of the CMK video where in the top 100 last night.One of them had JG in it.Even when people were still gossiping about his private affairs, people still tuned in to watch the first broadcast and it had high ratings.I can agree that the low view on vlive has a little to do with the hit at his rep.But for low CMK naver views even with JG in it, this is more to the fact that this is not the genre many people like, there is no love line, its an ensemble cast rather than just two leads, and its a crime procedural with episodic storyline rather than your regular kdrama cop show with a single plot tying everything together.

Also if his rep was so damaged,you know who would have been first to drop him and sue him for breaching his contract? Lotte Model.But just yesterday, Lotte released a picture of him promoting an event:

Here is the link to lotte website: 


Also for this, One,remember, he does on average one project a year, so i wouldnt think he is already eyeing a new project.Two, although technically he is  considered a commercial actor, since he mostly does TV drama than movies.But he does not do alot of CF's already, whether damaged rep or not.On his off days, like when he is not filming.He does alot of magazine editorial shoots but rarely endorses company ads.If you are his longtime fan, you should know why(to put it mildly he had an unpleasant situation in the past that probably made him adverse to doing loads of CFs).

Also have you ever wondered why although he is a commercial actor, why we really dont know, how much he earns per episode, per year or even how much he is worth?My speculation here; but i would like to think he doesnt like such things such as ads or talk about his wealth and stuff or even his private life overshadow his work as an artist.He takes his work seriously and doesnt want just to be a top celebrity star, but viewed as a serious artist who is dedicated to his craft.Look what he said here.This is what he said when he was even at a higher peak of popularity than he is now:

I also dont believe he earns way less than some of these newer popular actors thats why we dont hear about his earnings, when he is just as popular and one of the most sought after leads to star in dramas.He makes the rounds on all three public channels(KBS,MBC,SBS).Also TVN had no reason to go through with putting him in CMK,if he was such a liability to their channel.Park Min Young also made a clarification which had loads of support from k netizens about her friendship with JG and Candy show.

Most importantly, what really caused a huge hit at his rep was his relationship revelation.But everyone who can at least be objective(and they are many even in Korea), knows that everything that happened, from the announcement to the breakup was due to external circumstances rather than anything he or she, did or did not do.

So in summary, I also worry about him sometimes, but in celebrity world, its not so black and white.So its useless exhausting yourself with worrying.Keep being positive.He will be fine.

Thank you for sharing your POV. i tend to always worry about him and his career and everything (i'm the worrying kind) so your words give me a lot to think. and i am sure he will be fine. i'm sure he can overcome everything. and he has so much love around the world to support and cheer for him


On 1/9/2017 at 6:07 AM, glassnokamen said:

Thank you @haniiiii for the eplanation :):) What a pity... I'll love to have the DVD of my first (and I'm quite sure not last :tongue: ) LJG FM :D:D:D

Oh at first i thought it was the dvd too!!! and was so excited about it (i must have that dvd no matter what) to have a dvd of my first and as you say not last LJG FM would be like a dream come true... but i'm happy to watch a new thank you mv meanwhile...

On 1/9/2017 at 7:27 AM, haniiiii said:

@glassnokamen Happy to help. By the way, Encore was my first (and oh my god absolutely no way the last :D) LJG event as well ♥ I wish they released some DVD. I still remember how the staff was still going up and down the aisles and checking if somebody was making photos or videos. And if they found somebody, they really took them out... OMG, such a nuisance. I was not in the standing part, there it was better I heard. But in all the seated part they were just so strict and crazy -_- So I am patiently waiting for their official DVD :lol:

i was in the standing part and i watched 2 girls beside me being dragged out because they were filming/taking pics. so i'm sure there will be a dvd. crossed fingers

On 1/9/2017 at 9:44 PM, pixelsticks said:


@antoniaclamens when did HJ fall down chasing a guy?  

when he was chasing the first suspect, he jumps over him and they both fall down the stairs (epi 9 minute 30:15)

@Roseflorie Pena @doodoofan7welcome here!!! :heart:

On 2/9/2017 at 0:54 AM, glassnokamen said:

IG update... He likes that fans are using Photoshop on his picture :D:D

my sister and i were debating the meaning of those IG posts... maybe he's testing us fans because he's planning on going blonde????!!!:w00t:

5 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Hahaha hehee ask away!  

I keep getting RUSH jobs so it's keeping me away from JG goodness. :(  But I am getting paid...so that's good! ^_^  I have updated the chart for Episode 9 & 10

I have looked at the remaining spots...and didn't find any in Episode 11 or 12.  One I thought would be really easy is teasing NaNa Hwang.  They have been so neutral together so boo!  And I know he has probably done a snicker...and the loading the gun...did he load it at the driving range?  OR empty it?

I should probably rewatch.  :tongue:  


yayyyyyy never thought i would make it to the chart. lol!!! about HJ teasing NH... i don´t know how they didn´t take advantage of the awesome posibilities. about your lasts questions i guess i need to rewatch too

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Drama viewership ratings for the week of Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 2017

LINK here : http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/09/drama-viewership-ratings-for-the-week-of-aug-28-sept-3-2017/




Wednesday, Aug. 30      
Manhole 7 KBS 2.0%
Hospital Ship 1 MBC 10.6%
Hospital Ship 2 MBC 12.4%
Reunited Worlds 25 SBS 5.4%
Reunited Worlds 26 SBS 6.8%
Criminal Minds 11 tvN 2.0%
Thursday, Aug. 31      
Manhole 8 KBS 1.4%
Hospital Ship 3 MBC 8.9%
Hospital Ship 4 MBC 10.7%
Reunited Worlds 27 SBS 6.3%
Reunited Worlds 28 SBS 6.5%
Criminal Minds 12 tvN 2.5%
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4 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Thank you for the translations... as always. btw next wednesday i'll start studying Korean. i'm so excited about it! i can´t believe i'll be studying again tough... 

@antoniaclamens Wow, that is awesome news! Will you study at some language school or by yourself? Good luck with your studies! And if there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask me :wink: 

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1 hour ago, haniiiii said:

@antoniaclamens Wow, that is awesome news! Will you study at some language school or by yourself? Good luck with your studies! And if there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask me :wink: 

Just because you girls are talking about it, where did you study korean @haniiiii? By yourself or in a school? I don't think we have a korean school here in Italy :( There are several Japanese school, but not korean.

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5 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Thank you for the translations... as always. btw next wednesday i'll start studying Korean. i'm so excited about it! i can´t believe i'll be studying again tough... 


WOW Antonia!!!!! So you'll be able to listen to allllllllll the interview and fantastic korean stuff without waiting for sub... and when you'll go again in Korea you will be able to understand all :D:D:D:D

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1 hour ago, glassnokamen said:

Just because you girls are talking about it, where did you study korean @haniiiii? By yourself or in a school? I don't think we have a korean school here in Italy :( There are several Japanese school, but not korean.

@glassnokamen Answering your question ^^ (could be helpful for @antoniaclamens and others too) I think the moderator will not kick us out haha, since this is still JG related (see below) and also - this way all of us fans can study and understand our beloved real actor JG :D 

So basically, I started studying by myself, we have some language schools with Korean in my country, because a lot of Korean companies are here (Hyundai, KIA, Hanwha etc.), but they go super slow in those language schools, I endured there one month and ran away :D Now I study Korean at a university, but still, most of my studies are based on self study (plus talking/writing on Kakao Talk with my Korean friends). I can recommend you nice (and free) material which I study from: 

http://talktomeinkorean.com/ - a lot of videos and material for learning, free materials, but also materials to buy, ebooks, real books etc., very good listening real life conversations (Iyagi) also for beginners

https://www.howtostudykorean.com/ - intensive learning of Korean, a lot of vocabulary, also with well made practical sentences. The structure of the lessons fits me very well now when I already know something :) 

https://www.koreanclass101.com/ - there you have to  pay a few dollars after one week, but they have nice structure of lessons covering everything and explained well. This was my total beginning, but it helped me incredibly lot.

Of course I have also many textbooks - Ewha, Sogang, Active Korean, from the Korean university where I studied last semester etc.

And a "grammar bible" for every student - Korean grammar in use. It has three levels and there is explained all the grammar you need from total beginning to more advanced levels and also for TOPIK purposes. (ehm, you can buy that book, or you can download it on the Internet)

Btw, do you know that Lee Joon Gi contributed to one set of Korean textbooks? It is called Hello Korean, it is for beginner students and it looks awesome, it has three books total ;) Joon Gi's voice is as a soundtrack for listening exercises plus there are many photos of him in cultural sections of the book etc. (oh, how nice is that. Even when the book contains what I already know... it is so tempting for me to buy it :D)




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@haniiiii @glassnokamen I will study at the Korean Academy here in Venezuela.  Every Wednesday 2 hours per week.  It will be a whole year just Basic I,  there're 3 more courses. So,  it will be slow. I don't think I will be able to understand without subs for a long long time. I tried to learn a little bit by myself but right now I only know a few words and some letters /characters. When I was in Korea I found out that I didn't know anything. Lol.  But I will try my best,  because I really want to understand everything about JG,  and there are so many interviews and stuff not translated. So I'll be very happy if I manage to improve a little 

@haniiiii thank you for your kind offer :) I will ask you for sure...  And thank you for the links. I want books so much..  I can't believe I lost the opportunity to buy them when in Korea. Learning Korean while listening to his voice must be heavenly 

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Between 2am - 3am Korea time Joon Gi was active on Instagram and he unfollowed to 20 people, now he follows 38 people. This is the full list of people that Joon Gi unfollowed.

Yoo Seung Chan (he is a close friend of JG), @seungchane
Mithra Jin
Jeon Hye Bin
Ji Chang Wook
Park Min Young
@kwon.0428, He works for Namoo, I'm not sure if he's a director or manager.
So Yu Jin
Lee Yong Suk (Iljimae PD)
Tony Hong (Hong Seok-cheon)
@johan.n.b, he is a Joon Gi's friend and he appears in this pic that Robert Holley posted some time ago (https://www.instagram.com/p/BKUHCbBAPjy/?taken-by=holleyinkorea)
Kim So Yeon
Lee Sun-Bin
Yoo sun
Go Yoon
Taylor Swift
Justin Timberlake

It is so rare that he has unfollowed CM cast and some of his close friends, I hope he is well.

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2 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

I will try my best,  because I really want to understand everything about JG,  and there are so many interviews and stuff not translated. So I'll be very happy if I manage to improve a little 

@antoniaclamens 화이팅! Hwaiting! Bad news is, that our dear JG usually speaks really fast :unsure:^_^ Good news is, that on YouTube you can slow down the speed of playing haha

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1 hour ago, lisethvr said:

Between 2am - 3am Korea time Joon Gi was active on Instagram and he unfollowed to 20 people, now he follows 38 people. This is the full list of people that Joon Gi unfollowed.


Lee Sun-Bin
Yoo sun
Go Yoon

Wow, why did he unfollow his current acting colleagues and NCI teammates? He used to like some of their posts and also responded to their reactions to his posts (Yoo Sun and her first/seventh comment on one JG's post, I still remember that :D). It is a bit strange.. but well, it is his IG, he can do what he wants. I just hope it is his doing and not some hacker's doing :)

Btw, @lisethvr how did you know list of all of the people he followed before? Did you printscreened it? Cause you are really awesome to know that. B)  I would realize Joon Gi unfollowed some people if I saw 38 people instead of 58, but I would know only a few of those who are gone now. (Well, Hye Bin, right, I would notice she is missing there :D and the CM colleagues too). Good job! :) 

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1 hour ago, haniiiii said:

Wow, why did he unfollow his current acting colleagues and NCI teammates? He used to like some of their posts and also responded to their reactions to his posts (Yoo Sun and her first/seventh comment on one JG's post, I still remember that :D). It is a bit strange.. but well, it is his IG, he can do what he wants. I just hope it is his doing and not some hacker's doing :)

Btw, @lisethvr how did you know list of all of the people he followed before? Did you printscreened it? Cause you are really awesome to know that. B)  I would realize Joon Gi unfollowed some people if I saw 38 people instead of 58, but I would know only a few of those who are gone now. (Well, Hye Bin, right, I would notice she is missing there :D and the CM colleagues too). Good job! :) 

I knew the people he was following but I did not have memorized the ful list and when I realized that the unfollowed 20 people I tried to remember those who were gone  and I could only remember 14 or 15 people, so check some fan accounts that follow all the people that Joon Gi follows and then I could identify them all.

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