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[Current Drama July 2024] UMI NO HAJIMARI/THE BEGINNING OF THE SEA 海のはじまり-Ren Meguro; Izutani Rana; Shinobu Otake; Furukawa Kotone;


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15 hours ago, CarolynH said:

Stopping in to say that you're doing a great job with this thread @MayanEcho


Agree! Well done @MayanEcho :yay:


6 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Who would have thought that an episode can be fleshed out from braids, hair care and styling, and hair accessories? That's Ep05 of UNH.


Allowed myself to be "spoilered".


I am not surprised that my guess what Mizuki died from was correct. It was foreshadowed already in ep 2 when....


Yayoi said to her colleague that it's very important to go the gynecologist to get pap smears regularly and was scolding the colleague for not going.


At that point I knew already that this was probably what Mizuki died from.


Which in a way I don't really like, because it's making it look like it was Mizuki's fault she succumbed to the illness.This doesn't sit well with me.

And Yayoi indirectly criticized Mizuki this way as well.


Am gonna be honest that there are parts of this drama that are rubbing me the wrong way. The previous reveal being one of them. But there are other things as well which is the reason that I found myself FFing ep 4 already.


As much as I want to love this drama, there are aspects of it that I just don't find that great - and it's the writer's fault. No offense. Just my opinion.


One of the main issues I'm having is the way that Umi's character has been written. I just can't believe they would make her into a happy-go-lucky girl after her mother has passed away. It just doesn't feel realistic in any form or shape, and that one little scene where she finally cries in Natsu's arms is one of the few realistic scenes we see.

But are you telling me that she's going to happy all the time and go on with her life like nothing has happened when she lived only with her mother who has now passed away? And she accepts Natsu and Yayoi just like that? And that her child character is written like she's the adult here giving life advice to Natsu and Yayoi?

Losing your parent at that age is going to cause a lot of trauma and we're not seeing any of that....


I just find it unrealistic and confusing tbh.


My second main issue is how Natsu's and Yayoi's relationship is being depicted. IRL a relationship like theirs would not work, but it's being glossed over in several scenes. When Natsu is probably going through the toughest time in his life (losing his ex and finding out he's a dad after 7 years), it feels like he's not really getting the support he deserves and he's the one supporting Yayoi more. And when he's going through a life altering experience, we get to see his romantic relationship grow closer instead of focusing how he's growing into being a dad.

I do not understand why they love each other either. Their relationship feels very superficial.


I would like to go into detail about the writing here, but I will restrain myself. 😬


I am close to dropping this drama, but I will still check out ep 5 and make my decision after that.


Sorry peeps. :( As I said, I wanted to love this drama, but can't. :( 


EDIT: I was interested in learning more about the writer's writing style to understand if it's just me who is missing the point here, so checked out reviews about Silent. The people who didn't like Silent had similar comments about that drama as I have about this one. "Underdeveloped characters, superficial relationships".

I have a feeling this writer is one who you either love or hate. Don't worry peeps, I had the same issue with Hospital Playlist even though it seemed like the whole forum loved it :sweatingbullets:

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32 minutes ago, partyon said:

I am glad that my guess what Mizuki died from was correct. It was foreshadowed already in ep 2 when....


I rather think it's not because Mizuki didn't really care of her health, but more of her not having enough funds or the time. It was implied on when Umi asked her when will she have her hair fixed too.


35 minutes ago, partyon said:

Losing your parent at that age is going to cause a lot of trauma and we're not seeing any of that....


I just find it unrealistic and confusing tbh.


RL, I did see some kids who acted similarly to Umi. They didn't cry during the funeral or while with other people, but grieved in private. If it was due to long illness, young as they were, they've unconsciously started to "let go" long ago. They do grieve the longest too.


43 minutes ago, partyon said:

I do not understand why they love each other either. Their relationship feels very superficial.


Apparently it was mutual attraction according to Yayoi 😅 It's kinda difficult since past eps they were more like friends, but Ep05 had shown them two when there aren't issues, like a return to that meal they're sharing before Natsu received the call informing him of Muzuki's demise. 


49 minutes ago, partyon said:

instead of focusing how he's growing into being a dad.


He will, hopefully, seeing that he's going to spend his leave in the Nagumo residence.


52 minutes ago, partyon said:

The people who didn't like Silent had similar comments about that drama as I have about this one. "Underdeveloped characters, superficial relationships".

I have a feeling this writers is one who you either love or hate


Ehehehe, yeah, in Silent there were instances of that. I could gloss over it as "it's part of a human to be either steadfast or fickle-minded" after watching plenty enough Cdramas. 😆


That's just me though as I tend to watch more closely the character being played, how it's played by the actor/actress, the expressions they make, the eyes in particular, even if the story is going south or nowhere. 🙂

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41 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

I rather think it's not because Mizuki didn't really care of her health, but more of her not having enough funds or the time. It was implied on when Umi asked her when will she have her hair fixed too.


I would agree normally but Yayoi was seen scolding her colleague for being too scared to go for a check-up... Which to me implies that Yayoi was indirectly scolding Mizuki and implying that Mizuki caused her own death through her actions.


41 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

They didn't cry during the funeral or while with other people, but grieved in private.


Agree, but we don't even see her grieve in private. She's being depicted unrealistically mature and unlike a 7 year child in many ways. I've not seen a single child not be affected and impacted in major ways after the loss of a parent. Especially if it was the only parent you have. It's devastating and all children will have some kinds of reactions. Having her skip around and laugh and be happy in all other scenes except for one makes me feel like the writer has little understanding of child psychology. In real life I would take the child to a grief counselor to start working through the situation if she was acting this way because it would imply that the child is in total denial and needs help to work though her emotions in a healthy manner.


41 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

That's just me though as I tend to watch more closely the character being played, how it's played by the actor/actress, the expressions they make, the eyes in particular, even if the story is going south or nowhere. 🙂


Yes, I think we all have different preferences when it comes to dramas. I'm not patient at all if I'm not feeling a drama's writing and acting. For me both have to work, and I am especially allergic to underdeveloped or unrealistic characters, as well as, toxic relationships. I think that's why I gave up on most rom-coms and romance dramas.... Almost all depict relationships that would need a LOT of work IRL.

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11 minutes ago, partyon said:

She's being depicted unrealistically mature and unlike a 7 year child in many ways. I've not seen a single child not be affected and impacted in major ways after the loss of a parent. Especially if it was the only parent you have.


It can be the way she was brought up (mostly in the company of adults, not much with other kids outside of school), Mizuki treating her more like a peer and not a kid, plus elderly grandparents who are more than 60 years old age. 


It can also be a cultural thing? 🤔 If the people around are stoic, then the child would mimic their ways too. The Nagumos and Umi after funeral were shown to immediately return to the " normal life" and routines. 


They're greatly affected for sure, but they respond and react differently on losing a parent... same with major changes like leaving friends, moving residences, or a parent who won't be in the same household anymore.

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22 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Are you alright there? 


I haven't heard yet from my Cali folks about it.

Thanks for asking.  LOL, I didn't feel it.  I was at work which is about 30-40 miles from the epicenter.  


@MayanEcho and @partyon--you guys already watch ep 5 :astonished:  I'll catch up Thurs or fri

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8 hours ago, CarolynH said:

Thanks for asking.  LOL, I didn't feel it.  I was at work which is about 30-40 miles from the epicenter.  


Oh my, that's good then. It's very scary when it's strong and you're near the epicenter.


8 hours ago, CarolynH said:

you guys already watch ep 5 :astonished:  I'll catch up Thurs or fri


@partyon didn't see yet. 😅 I watched last Monday.



"The cumulative number of views for episodes 1-4 of 「Umi No Hajimari / The Beginning of the Sea」, which airs every Monday at 9pm, has surpassed 20 million views. 


"The spin-off 「Ani To No Hajimari / The Beginning With My Brother」 has also surpassed 3 million views. 


"By the way, the population of the two prefectures and four prefectures of Kansai is about 22 million people...!! Thank you for your support!!" 【W/Google translate】


Happy birthday Mr Riji Go!



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13 hours ago, CarolynH said:

@MayanEcho and @partyon--you guys already watch ep 5 :astonished:  I'll catch up Thurs or fri


No I haven't watched it. I just read @MayanEcho's spoiler. I will watch ep 5 once the subs are out. To my knowledge, they aren't out yet.


20 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

They're greatly affected for sure, but they respond and react differently on losing a parent... same with major changes like leaving friends, moving residences, or a parent who won't be in the same household anymore.


I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.


I am standing by my opinion that I wish we'd seen a more realistic depiction of Umi as a child who lost her mother and see her heart heal. It's more focused on Natsu's and Yayoi's journey it feels like. That's fine if one is more into romance (which I'm not, as many know - lol).

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1 hour ago, partyon said:

I am standing by my opinion that I wish we'd seen a more realistic depiction of Umi as a child who lost her mother and see her heart heal.


IMO, the scriptwriter might be writing it the Japanese way of dealing with matters like a child losing a parent i.e. how would the remaining parent or guardians take over the care and upbringing of the child, do they try to keep semblance of normalcy, still do the familiar things? Who will look after the child? If it's the mother who died, can the father take care? If not, which aunt, uncle, grandparent will take which child? Also, what do they tell the kid while they too are grieving?


Aiya, it can get too complex in Asian households. 😌


In my mind, the funeral scenes in Ep01 are making a comeback in Ep05. 🫠


The child/children would be comforted, told that another day and time, you'll meet Mama or Papa again; dry your tears, Mother or Father is watching from above; you will make it harder for her/his soul to move on if you keep crying; we are here for you, you should not worry and do your best to be happy again; Dad or Mama passing away happened for a reason, once you grow up you'll understand why it happened.


Heard all these and more when I used to tag along into wakes the grans would visit. Sigh.


Often, when the funeral is over, they return to school immediately if they're studying. Do they actually get the chance to grieve all they want, cry all they want? More often than not they can only do that until the funeral. When it's over, they have to return to what's considered normal. They too would be encouraged to pay respect to the shrines, offer prayers, visit the graves of the departed.


But Umi, she wasn't crying at all in the funeral. Neither did she after. So it was right that Natsu opened the floodgates that made her cry because she has to face the reality that the passing away of Mizuki is permanent.


I'm curious if Mizuki got her child to be ready for the time she dies, what did she tell her, how did she talk about it with Umi, what to expect afterwards.


As of now I'm happy to see this drama even if the story isn't happy, because I've yet to see a miscast. 😅

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@rocher22 I kinda feel bad that their earlier collab movie together, "Phases of the Moon", didn't have a scene as light as this one. 😅


But when did this Meme have a light drama or movie again, after the very wholesome BL rom-com "My Love Mix-Up"... 🫠 

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44 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


I kinda feel bad that their earlier collab movie together, "Phases of the Moon", didn't have a scene as light as this one. 😅



Such a lovely scene...  :wub:





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I just finished ep 5!


I do like that Yayoi is supportive (providing Natsu with conversation starters--he is a rather awkward communicator, teaching Natsu how to braid hair).  I did find it odd that Yayoi didn't know Natsu hadn't told his parents about Umi.  How much do they communicate?  Then again, Japanese aren't really open with thoughts and feelings.  Once at his family home, I thought it funny when Natsu blurted out that he had a baby.  I love Yamoto! It was sad to find out, maybe not surprising, that MIzuki had no one but coworkers to turn to when she was struggling.  Yamoto took to Umi so quickly.  She's lucky to have him as an Uncle. 

One thing I agree with @partyon is the lack of character development.  At this point we know the most, surprisingly, about Yayoi. I'd like to know more about Natsu.  Sure's he's good looking, loyal and a nice guy, but what else attracted these two women to him.  Both have strong feelings about Natsu.


I also noticed that Umi is seemingly unaffected by her mother's death.  I think I mentioned it after watching ep 1.  

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1 hour ago, CarolynH said:

I did find it odd that Yayoi didn't know Natsu hadn't told his parents about Umi. 


To be fair with him, Natsu wanted to tell them in person with everyone in the household present to hear him out. 


1 hour ago, CarolynH said:

Then again, Japanese aren't really open with thoughts and feelings.


True, it's intrinsically ingrained, as much as they value their privacy.


1 hour ago, CarolynH said:

It was sad to find out, maybe not surprising, that MIzuki had no one but coworkers to turn to when she was struggling. 


I'd like to know her reasons too, whether she felt she was that bad of a daughter that she won't ask for parents' help (they surely wanted to assist her), or she wanted to be independent as much as possible and raise her child without interferences, or that she won't ever tell Natsu he has a kid after perhaps she realised how hurtful the way she broke up with him.


Understandably her co-workers felt she was abandoned, but then, it's doubtful Mizuki opened up to them about her parents and Natsu.


1 hour ago, CarolynH said:

I'd like to know more about Natsu.  Sure's he's good looking, loyal and a nice guy, but what else attracted these two women to him. 


Surprisingly, up to Ep05, even if it's Natsu who's the main character, the focus were more on Mizuki, Yayoi, Akane, lately Yukiko, and of course, Umi. I'm curious if Ep06 onwards the shift will be more of Natsu and his relationship with Umi now that he's embraced the fact of him being a single father.



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16 hours ago, CarolynH said:

I just finished ep 5!


Me too :dorakiss:

16 hours ago, CarolynH said:

One thing I agree with @partyon is the lack of character development.  At this point we know the most, surprisingly, about Yayoi. I'd like to know more about Natsu.  Sure's he's good looking, loyal and a nice guy, but what else attracted these two women to him.  Both have strong feelings about Natsu.


TBH I'm kinda FFing Yayoi's scenes. From a story telling perspective, her character doesn't add much value to the story. Her character feels superfluous and boring to me. Maybe it would have been different if we hadn't seen Mizuki's and Natsu's big love story in ep 1? 🤷‍♀️Still her journey doesn't really interest me at all.


Instead it would have been more interesting to have even more flashbacks of Mizuki and Umi, as well as, more scenes of Natsu's background and family. I still don't understand what purpose Yayoi serves?


16 hours ago, CarolynH said:

I also noticed that Umi is seemingly unaffected by her mother's death.  I think I mentioned it after watching ep 1.  


Yes, I remember that you did mention that. I just think that the writer missed a huge potential here and should have read up more on child psychology when writing the script.

We've seen her cry once and in ep 5 she was worried for 2 seconds about potentially having to change schools. Shocking I know.


And please, please, please, stop having Umi smile in every single scene. It feels too forced.


14 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

I'm curious if Ep06 onwards the shift will be more of Natsu and his relationship with Umi now that he's embraced the fact of him being a single father.


The whole drama should have focused on Natsu and Umi - that is the point of this story. Too much time is being spent on side characters. Am FFing those scenes the best I can.



In ep 5 we had the writer mirror a lot of scenes. Did you notice?


-> Mizuki helping Umi get ready in the morning and putting her hair in a ponytail (not having time to braid it). Saying she can't afford to go to the salon

-> Natsu's mom saying she was in the same situation when she was raising Natsu alone




-> Natsu braiding Yayoi's hair

-> Mizuki being well off with no kids, stepping into the hair salon. Overhearing the single mother's discussion.


In the braiding scene, I actually felt that the writer was being a bit disrespectful towards Mizuki (again! I still can't get over the pap smear talk), but I guess she was including it on purpose.


Have an inkling that we're seeing some foreshadowing again.


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41 minutes ago, partyon said:

Instead it would have been more interesting to have even more flashbacks of Mizuki and Umi, as well as, more scenes of Natsu's background and family. I still don't understand what purpose Yayoi serves?


Cross fingers for that shift to Umi and Natsu, since much as I can enjoy the fluffy moments of Yayoi and Natsu, I'd rather there be more of father daughter from Ep06 onwards. I also want more of Mizuki. Trailer Ep06 showed her pregnant, so definitely more flashbacks. Natsu and Umi would also visit where she and Mizuki lived.


One more thing, I wish Yukiko didn't blame Natsu that much, since he too, was only 20 that time, a young man who was dumped and made a fool. He'd never think of trying to find the ex again after that kind of break up.



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2 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

I'd rather there be more of father daughter from Ep06 onwards.


Yes, let's hope the story shifts more to them now. It's their journey together, and there has been surprisingly little shown of it so far.


Saw comments online where people said that they were skipping Yayoi's scenes. So not just me who is not interested in her.

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22 minutes ago, partyon said:

Saw comments online where people said that they were skipping Yayoi's scenes. So not just me who is not interested in her.


Mizuki is way more interesting than her. 🙂 She's the character to watch out for. Plus I like how she expresses herself.


Yayoi is... predictable. Not that it's bad, but she's also out of it to want to be Umi's mother when she and Natsu haven't talked of marriage yet. I mean, she and Umi get along well, but she shouldn't get ahead of herself either  What if Natsu and she doesn't end up together, then it will be like losing again another child.


There are times I can't help but think Yayoi is more suited to Tsuno. 😅 Well, Natsu is a quiet guy but we saw him blooming and alive when he was with Mizuki. 


I wonder if there will be twists in the next episodes?

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