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@Puppywookie You raised many interesting questions, chingu! I think both scenarios can be very exciting, but I'd more inclined to go with Scenario 1, that WY was King and Sunny was Queen. It ties in nicely with all the clues we've been given so far. But who knows, there could be a twist somewhere :) But let's say this is true. Like @giegie said, even after hundreds of years, KS still seems determined to find out who the King has been reincarnated as. That says a lot about how much he resents the King, and for sure it's gonna lead to some massive conflict between them. And if KS could have things his way, he would certainly not let WY and Sunny be together since the King was the one who ordered to have the Queen killed, and the Queen was someone who was clearly important to KS. And without even considering external factors/parties, WangSun would already have many differences between them. For one, like you said, WY would have so much guilt and pain to deal with if he was indeed the one who killed the Queen in his past life. And at what point would Sunny find out about her past? And when she does find out, would she ever be able to forgive him? Maybe there's more to this story than meets the eye; the King could have been severely misled by his councillor. But still, it is a grave sin on his part, and I wonder what he would have to do to redeem himself and win back her heart. I also wonder about who will be the one who saves him. For the Goblin, it's clear that when the sword is pulled, he turns to ashes... but it's likely he will return somehow. But for the GR, is there a way for him to escape his immortality and end his reaper duties for good? Can they go back to being humans?

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Can somebody please give a gist of what LDW and YIN are saying in this video? Pretty please.:wub:

Also, isn't it ironic that despite Sunny and GR being the lead second leads, they have a much more gripping, discussion worthy story to deliver. Unlike the leads whose discussion can't get beyond age difference and high school romance. Blah!

@Puppywookie I am reading your post..will reply with my POV.:)


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My friend has sent me. She knows I love this moment. It's popular Korean kdrama blogger's tweet:

Even when Lee Dong Wook simply lies still his face is stunning. When he sleeps or got caught in the rain or simply lays he's always beautiful. It's the law of the beauty - if you're beautiful you will be beautiful always. 


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2 hours ago, siddy09 said:

Can somebody please give a gist of what LDW and YIN are saying in this video? Pretty please.:wub:

Also, isn't it ironic that despite Sunny and GR being the lead second leads, they have a much more gripping, discussion worthy story to deliver. Unlike the leads whose discussion can't get beyond age difference and high school romance. Blah!



@siddy09 I have asked friend to translate. Hope will get translation tomorrow. But I don't think there will be something special since it was their first day of filming. Although they feel themselves so comfy. I bet that's because they're both lol personalities. 

I think that GR and Sunny storyline is definately more mysterious and deep then leads' and for sure both WY and Sunny are cliffhangers of this show. That's great but on the other hand because of this we're getting slower developement of their relationships.

@winterdew @triplem I think he tries to avoid touching mostly because of his ability to see past life + it's his 300 years habbit. Remember with Goblin he was avoiding touching as well but in the last episode he was about to hug him lol. I guess WY needs time to relax and forget about his fear of seing past life when touching other person. And when he'll forget then they'll touch each other...and most likely he'll remember his life. That will be painful.:((

@selenette I have read maybe not every post but for sure about ring and bridge. I like the theories of bridge meaning. It makes a lot of sense ^^ 

@Puppywookie @siddy09 will try to reply on the topic of King and Queen and their possible future in Goblin's thread later. But I should say that after episode 6 I'm totally confused who is who there. oh...


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hi guys I am back hehe

Image result for lee dong wook gif

whoa our thread become so lively

@selenette @triplem @siddy09 @Puppywookie  @puuuumash welcome to our thread :w00t:

So we finally have some WangSun scenes and they are great in every scenes.I've been watching their scenes repeatedly. I feel like the main couple still hogging too much screen time though

I really loves the fact that Sunny is just a normal human with no special power.It makes their relationship more interesting. I loves how she purposely makes him jealous by complimenting DH. Jealous WY is the cutest haha





such a cute GR :blush: I want one please haha

his mind control power come in handy haha he shouldn't use it too often though 





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Omg, Wookie's naturally red, kissable lips are becoming the talk of the internet :w00t: Laughing at that gif of the scene from Bubblegum where he rubs his lips to show that the redness is not from lip tint. Ahhh, Wookie and his perfect features :wub:

Sharing with you guys the translated article from OneHallyu as well as the funny comments:

His lips always look red and moist in the currently trending drama, Goblin.
I guess I'm not the only one who thinks so.. This is the related key words that come up if you type his name in searching engine:
Lee Dongwook's lips
Lee Dongwook's tint
But it turns out that he doesn't use any lip tints!!
This is a scene from a tvN's drama last year, 'Bubble Gum',
where Ryeowon said to Lee Dongwook
"Your lips.. Do you use any liptints?"
and Lee Dongwook answered "They usually look like this" after rubbing his lips with the back of his hand.
It still looks red and moist even after he rubs it..
-Ah.. His lips..
-I like you, Grim Reaper..
-His lips are so pretty.. Grim Reaper, I like you..ㅠㅠ
-Hul.. Where does that last gif come from..? Shall I try to watch Bubble Gum..?
-I was really curious about this and all of his fans said that his lips usually look like that.. I'm really jealous of him..
-He went to a Chinese acupuncture and they said that his lips look red because of the heat in his body..
-He reminds me of Im Siwan.. He's also pale and his lips are always red..
-That lips.. are mine..
-Why hasn't he shot any CFs for lip tints? 
-Bubble Gum was a really good drama..<3
-I'm really jealous of himㅜㅜ His lips look beautiful..
-You all have to watch Bubble Gum.. It's the best drama I've ever seen in my entire life..
-His lips are such a scene-stealer.. Because they look really prettyㅠㅠ
-Ah.. He looks really handsome, I'm speechless..
-How could his lips look like that..?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-That makes no sense.. I can't believe that..
-I love you, Grim Reaper.. Let's get married..
-*sighs*.. My lips are blue-purplish..
-Can I steal his lips..?
-I'm really jealous of him..ㅠㅠ He's pale and his lips are really red..
-Why does the last gif look heart-fluttering to me?ㅋㅋㅋ
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@joyezz Welcome back, chingu! Missed you and your funny gifs :) I also like the fact that Sunny is a human rather than a supernatural being. We'll get to see how she reacts when she finds out he's a grim reaper... and then about his past. It'll be angst-filled, but it'll be interesting to see how they overcome their differences to be together. And yes, jealous WY is so cute :wub: I think this is the first time Wookie's playing a character with an adorably naive/jealous side, right? We saw a bit of that in Park Ri Hwan in Bubblegum, but it's different here and in a good way.

@triplem What an interesting comparison! Haha. Thanks for sharing! Not too sure but I suppose their facial structures, and maybe to some extent, their eyes, are a teeny bit similar? I still think Wookie's more handsome though :)

@siddy09 Same here, chingu. I think that WangSun seem to have a more gripping storyline. Of course, there should be more to the story, but I feel that at this point the way to resolve the obstacles between the lead couple is quite simple--ET pulls out the sword, KS turns to ashes, but it's likely he will return somehow. But for WY and Sunny, there are so many more obstacles they have to overcome, both from their past and present. I can't wait for their story to develop.

@Princi_86 @triplem Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that scene, chingus ^^ Makes sense that it's both out of habit/fear/shyness that he doesn't want to touch her. @Princi_86, good point, I can definitely see him letting his guard down once they've fallen in love and allowing himself to touch her. Omg, just when we think things will finally fall into place for them, he will see her past and begin to remember everything :tears: Also, that blogger's caption accompanying that beautiful picture of Wookie is so fitting and wonderfully written :) Love love love that picture too.

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@triplem yea he looks like Johnny Depp and John Mayer but I think Wookie is cuter :blush:

@winterdew so people notice his lips huh? how bout the deep eyes,protruding nose, killer jaw,great skin and cute front teeth,tall and fit body,wonderful personality,great acting,deep sexy voice,his sense of humor and I bet he smells good too haha I have a lot of faves but he is the most perfect one 

Image result for day dreaming gif

Sunny is the most relatable character to me in the drama 

ET can see ghost and DH has been living  with a goblin since young haha Sunny is the normal one compare to the rest of them :)


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Another article on his lips :)

"Lee added that he doesn’t think having red lips is necessarily a good thing." WHAAAT? What could possibly be bad about having naturally red lips, Wookie?! Hahaha.

@joyezz I agree with all of his physical and character attributes that you listed. C'mon, viewers of Goblin, we know his lips are irrestibly attractive but do notice his other features and attributes too hehe ^^

Lee Dong-wook reveals secret to his red lips

Viewers of the ongoing TV drama “Guardian” have wondered for a while what lip product actor Lee Dong-wook uses. 

Lee, who plays the grim reaper in the show, is killing the role with his pale complexion and contrastingly red lips -- the latter having attracted enough attention for an autocomplete feature for search word “Lee Dong-wook tint” to appear on Korean online portals.



This is not the first time the 35-year-old was noticed for his luscious lips.

Lee had previously been questioned for the secret to his perfectly full and red lips, to which he gave an answer last year on camera while addressing the fans of his then-show, “Bubble Gum.”

In a broadcast meant to communicate with the viewers of the “Bubble Gum” drama, Lee’s co-star Jung Ryeo-won brought it up that many female fans are curious about Lee’s lip care formula.

Lee then stepped closer to the camera and rubbed his lips with his hand, saying, “I didn’t apply anything.”

He said he was simply born this way. 

“My lips were this way since childhood. An oriental medical doctor once told me that people with a lot of heat in their body sometimes get this kind of red lips.”

Lee added that he doesn’t think having red lips is necessarily a good thing. 


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12 hours ago, triplem said:

I believe it's a combination of both..he was definitely afraid / "Shy"  of Sunny touching him but also it has to do with his abilities. I can't remember exactly but he did the same thing when they both first met at the bridge when buying the ring and I think he did not want to shake her hand as well.

Thanks for the warm welcome @winterdew and @MaysoonD

 Thanks for the warm welcome, too, guys... @Princi_86  @joyezz  @MaysoonD  and @giegie  (btw, hello there Joseph Gordon Levitt)... 

I find it interesting that @triplem mentioned this scene, as it shows how shy the Reaper is, as well as how more and more uncomfortable his ability to see people's past has become for him. 

Before, he didn't see the past-seeing ability as a nuisance, he probably reveled at it, he could lord it over Deok-hwa and Kim Shin ("Hey I can see your past, you know. Careful not to annoy the heck out"). But I'm sure he'll get to the point where he wanted to hold Sunny's hand, kiss her, etc etc


Regarding the red lips (hi, @Puppywookie!)

My sister and nephew have naturally red lips, too. So I understand why Lee Dong-wook said it wasn't  always good.. Yes, it is related to body temperature, but there's a catch to it. These two people in my family, they're easily feverish when they're tired. Their immunity isn't that good either,my sister had a liver dysfunction once... it was related to her metabolism.

I hope Lee Dong-wook stays healthy for always. Btw I don't mean to scare you guys... I apologize.

Edited by selenette
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@selenette I love your "etc etc" :w00t: But it's not in KES dramas *sigh*. The hottest scene I have seen in her drama was good kissing scene.

@heyel thanks for sharing!!!

To invest more in this topic.Here is Korean Tweet (with any hashtags even) with Wookie's blond hair.

Tweet says that he looks so hot, so noble and like a vampire.




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29 minutes ago, selenette said:

 Thanks for the warm welcome, too, guys... @Princi_86  @joyezz  @MaysoonD  and @giegie  (btw, hello there Joseph Gordon Levitt)... 

I find it interesting that @triplem mentioned this scene, as it shows how shy the Reaper is, as well as how more and more uncomfortable his ability to see people's past has become for him. 

Before, he didn't see the past-seeing ability as a nuisance, he probably reveled at it, he could lord it over Deok-hwa and Kim Shin ("Hey I can see your past, you know. Careful not to annoy the heck out"). But I'm sure he'll get to the point where he wanted to hold Sunny's hand, kiss her, etc etc

I imagine when he finally touch Sunny and he sees the queen,he will slowly remember his past 

It will be a very emotional scene :bawling: looking forward to Wookie's acting

@Puppywookie It would be great if they notice his acting skill too :)

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6 minutes ago, joyezz said:

I imagine when he finally touch Sunny and he sees the queen,he will slowly remember his past 

It will be a very emotional scene :bawling: looking forward to Wookie's acting


@joyezz  Yes it would be very, very emotionally draining, and I trust the actor of Lee Dong-wook's caliber, that he would slay the scene! Actually I'd rather see The Reaper beset by many memories at once, it would shock him and it would fit the definition of "immortality as punishment".

Dang it I'm sadistic.:bawling:



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@winterdew brought such interesting topic, as fans, we already notice LDW's red lips. I remember his old explanation about his red lips when IU asked him. LOL



I'm glad that now.... K-nezt finally noticed his beautiful figure, I hope they'll also recognize his acting skill

@joyezz welcome back dear! Yes, jealous GR is one of the cutest jealous guy I've ever seen in drama

@selenette  Hi too from JGL's fan eventho' I rarely watch his movies nowadays, LOL. Thanks for the further info about blood temperature, OMOOO.... I hope your sister is now fine after the liver problem. Just like LDW said, he's a hot temperature type which made him get sweat more than normal temperature person, I agreed that it influenced his metabolism too. I also hope he always stay healthy

@Princi_86 @heyel OMOOO... thanks for the gifs and pics. I love blonde-days's LDW, LOL. I watched Roommate and quite surprised when he dyed his hair, but as time goes on, I did love his blonde style just like now with his curly bangs. LDW is the only K-actor who could nailed all kind of hair styles perfectly so yeah, @joyezz even he went bald or had nightmare hair day, he always look best. LOL. And I agreed in that blonde pics, he look alike as part of the vampire-clan.

@selenette The flashback of the king and the queen is one of my wishlist for Goblin's next eps. GR will be the one who finally realize Sunny's past life and then it'll bring back his memory about his past life, I just.... afraid it'll make GR avoid Sunny again

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