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@st4rdust @paolaadl He's truly come to his own in this part. His sensitives are spot on with him switching easily and confidently from emotion to emotion. 

I am really looking forward to seeing his very past life self full of confidence. I know, he can blow it out of the water!!!

@giegie the first two from scent of a woman.

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2 minutes ago, Princi_86 said:


@st4rdust sorry for cutting down your quote. I was going to post my thoughts as ceparate comment but since you have brought it I will continue. As to Kim Shin requesting meeting with King in private. Actually they were in private when King was handing sword to General. Why he hasn't even tried to bring that conversation? And before...how can you talk about the love if you have never shown or talked about your love? He hasn't reached the King when he was letting him to get marry his sister? Even before/during/after wedding? I can't believe it was that impossible. And General ended up trying to come closer to King to explain him after he has already told him that he's traitor and he should stop. After King has hinted General why for he's sending him to war (to protect Queen). And he was still proceeding to King. And now he makes Grim Reaper who's kind and caring feel his burden and pain of sins from  past even more by telling that both he and his stupid half-brother were loving that child? I agree that King was stupit hesitating Queen's love but how on earth he can notice Generals and dead brother's love?

 sorry I don't know how to address the rest of your frustrations... but I do share many of it myself.. hehe

I agree that Kim shin going back was not a wise move. It was a direct move of treason. Even his sister thinks so. I can't see a better way out of that situation for him. Thats why I blamed the late King. He gave Shin an impossible task to accomplish. He left his younger half-brother to be raised by a snake, and then didn't get rid of the snake, but asked a good man to watch over him from afar, and yet for that man to keep it a secret. I really cannot see the logic of that request... Maybe he was too far poisoned to be thinking straight... haha

But if KS didn't do it, well we will have no conflict and therefore no drama hahaha

One thing I can suppose is, when the late King arranged for Kim Sun to be married to the young king, there was no such thing as meeting parents, chatting etc... it was basically from what we saw... the young King sneaking in to see how his bride looks like, and then she was brought to the palace. It was just fortunate that the two of them could feel that they love each other, but other than 'love at first sight', there really was never enough time for her to become a positive force in his life. Compared to Wang Yeo, who cannot even tell her the truth about not wanting her to take the medicine for his own good, Wang Yeo 2.0 - the GR was so much better at expressing his feelings to her. hehehe... he basically just says whatever comes to his mind... *swoon*

And actually in the past, many generals did marry their daughters, sisters to the King, so that they can be an influence for the betterment of their families. It is unfortunate but true. The young king really had no way of knowing who was the ones who is true to him. I think he believed Kim Sun to have loved him, that was why he was so torn up over her death? 


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@Princi_86 agree with everything you said

yes WY life sucks the most. KS living for 900+ year with servants and wealth. I would trade life with him 

Wang Yeo on the other hand tormented for the rest of his life after his wife death and then he is being punished for 600 years then become a GR for 300 years

After making Yeo felt guilty,KS happily go vacation with his gf (I was like huh he still can go vacation ?) 

KES seems to just randomly put the scene for the sake of lovey dovey moment although it doesn't make sense haha 

yes,WY asked KS to kill him is because he thought he deserve the punishment not because he is a coward

he also didn't chase Sunny because he accepted the punishment from Sunny


thanks for arranging the food truck for us :) 

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20 minutes ago, st4rdust said:

 sorry I don't know how to address the rest of your frustrations... but I do share many of it myself.. hehe

I agree that Kim shin going back was not a wise move. It was a direct move of treason. Even his sister thinks so. I can't see a better way out of that situation for him. Thats why I blamed the late King. He gave Shin an impossible task to accomplish. He left his younger half-brother to be raised by a snake, and then didn't get rid of the snake, but asked a good man to watch over him from afar, and yet for that man to keep it a secret. I really cannot see the logic of that request... Maybe he was too far poisoned to be thinking straight... haha

But if KS didn't do it, well we will have no conflict and therefore no drama hahaha

One thing I can suppose is, when the late King arranged for Kim Sun to be married to the young king, there was no such thing as meeting parents, chatting etc... it was basically from what we saw... the young King sneaking in to see how his bride looks like, and then she was brought to the palace. It was just fortunate that the two of them could feel that they love each other, but other than 'love at first sight', there really was never enough time for her to become a positive force in his life. Compared to Wang Yeo, who cannot even tell her the truth about not wanting her to take the medicine for his own good, Wang Yeo 2.0 - the GR was so much better at expressing his feelings to her. hehehe... he basically just says whatever comes to his mind... *swoon*

And actually in the past, many generals did marry their daughters, sisters to the King, so that they can be an influence for the betterment of their families. It is unfortunate but true. The young king really had no way of knowing who was the ones who is true to him. I think he believed Kim Sun to have loved him, that was why he was so torn up over her death? 



@st4rdust I'm not telling General or KS was bad person. not at all. He had his own good motives. I mean that present KS's line that he has tried to reach the King before was nonecence. If he wanted to do it, he should do it before that day. Well, even from what we have seen he could reach the King while last was sneaking to see Kim Sun. He was there and no evil eunuch around.I know that then there wouldn't be the story inteslf. But...KS has chosen this as his own excuse and one more stab into WY's heart, that he has tried to reach him before. That's what I'm telling here. He has chosen to many excuses and stabed GR/WY too much tbh. It's egoism from my pov. And he died without given WY his forgiveness leaving him suffering even more. And he was the one who said that he has realised that WY wsn't the only one who has done mistakes and sins that day. But he made WY now to think that it's only his own fault. Agree, we can blame former King for giving wrong order to KS, but KS said by himself that he was trying to meet WY...


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I just want some justice for Grim Reaper, who became better person then anyone out there in that drama lol. And all he's receiving is a punishment from people who he has loved the most and Idk how he will ever forgive himself after all trash KS has poured on him. There is no justice or happy ending for GR if he will not forgive himself for things WY done in the past. And KS in ep13 killed all the hope for him to find forgiveness to himself.

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@Princi_86 group hug for you, dear. I hope you feel better soon

I still surprised with WY's suicide. But then, I realized it was the biggest trigger which made him as GR. I always wondered how he ended up being a GR. Yes, he killed KS and fams indirectly but killing his own life is a big sin... but I glad he did it bcos it gave us more angst and conflicts to himself at the present time. Eventho' the punishment was so much to accept but I'm okay with it since it gave moreee complexcity to GR character. And the way LDW portrayed the hopeless WY was a prove that he was capable to receive another angst moments. Siddy09 already stated that LDW competed with himself from previous eps. KES loves GR or LDW himself is such a big Q's for me. After catching up GY for 5 years, maybe after this she'll catch LDW, LOL

I stopped posting at Goblin's thread since the second half dramas aired. Too many posts to catch up 

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@puuuumash @winterdew I had watched his work My Girl long time ago. At that time, I am not really attracted to him yet. Hehe. Maybe because I was more invested into the their storyline and OSTs but not for the actors. For his other work, I has searched for Roommate, and somehow I found his Kang Koo's Story. I love it! He's so hot and cool. I love him and his character here. It was such a waste that it has 2 episodes only.:( 

@Princi_86 About the ending for our WangSun couple, after I watched the special episode, somehow I am rooting for their happy ending lol. Anyway, I don't mind how it will be as long as it is satisfactory and gives some fairness to our couple.   

@longleg Me too! At first I watched Goblin for GY, but after Ep 3, I almost dropped the series if not because of GR character. LDW's portrayal as an awkward and gullible GR that makes me stay with this drama  I don't have any problem with other characters because they all acted well. The only problem for me in this drama is slow development of the story. Draggy and repetitive for GB-ET couple, almost-no-plot for GR-Sunny couple and too many insignificant flashbacks especially the Goryeo scenes. (and too little scenes for Sunny and DH) -_-

LDW Acting

I saw some critical comments on LDW's acting. Some commentators mentioned that his portrayal as King is not really convincing whilst other commentators are quite surprised and satisfied with his acting. I wonder why there are mix receptions on LDW's acting. Is it because of his past dramas? I only watched My Girl and Kang Koo's Story in which his characters are totally different in both. So far, his acting is acceptable (since I set GR character as the breakthrough lol). Anyone can share their opinions on this? I welcome both negative and positive responses since each person has their own perspective.


P/s: I want to put some gifs here, but I don't know how. :cold_sweat:



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Hi all,

I love all your posts and welcome to the new comers!

Princi, I had similar thoughts as you as well so I decided to put a post up here. I had also given up to post things on the goblin thread as there is too much ET and KS posts even talking about ET's hair extensions that I got annoyed and someone even said that I should not talk about non character related posts which is unfair as there are tons of gong yoo non character related things in there. It is sad that there was not a lot of posts about WY even though he had such a stellar performance in episode 13.

Actually, I think it would be quite hard to explode into tears like that on a production set, and he was like crying most of the episode. I even thought if I was in that position with so many people on set that would be really hard to do. Actually, I think after crying so much he seemed really physically drained and was kinda of sick looking at the end of the episode. I think he really did give it his 100% and really put himself into character for those few days so he could really get into character.

I agree with you that WY should not be the scape goat for everything that has happened. His pure grim reaper character free of baggage and memories just shows that if he had not been nurtured by a demon from birth he would not have turned out that way and he might have even been friends with general Kim Shin and have been allowed to fall in love properly with Kim Sun. How could anyone who is trained and grows up with the devil demon who's skill is to bring out the darkest desires in humans, turn out to be normal? Even Kim Shim would turn out to be a monster. I am just hopeful that there is a twist that the female grim reaper is holding a secret that might redeem him, like maybe, he actually didn't commit suicide and there had been a darker secret that PJW and she had actually killed him before he died from suicide, and the gods had somehow got it wrong. I actually think the punishment of 600 years of torture and 300 years as grim reaper is much worse a fate that the goblins. And grim reaper was actually trying to help everyone else that is why he was punished with regaining his memories. It is sad if he has all his memories, cannot be with Kim Sun and has to live the rest of his life in misery, although he geniunely feels remorseful and is currently a just and kind person as the grim reaper. But why would KES make him so likable and adorable in the first half of the series if she is going to completely tear down his character in the second half? I still have hope that he can be redeemed somehow.

Honest Opinions ET -KS: Actually, I have asked my husband repeatedly if he thinks Gong Yoo is handsome and what he thinks of Kim Go Eun because he is the most neutral and honest person. He said he does not think Gong Yoo is good looking but he does look manly and Kim Go Eun looks so common and average. So for me although she could pass as a nice and friendly smiley best friend, I do not find her attractive or sexy as a female although I am a woman myself. And Gong Yoo looks like my uncle. So when I watch their parts its like I am watching my best friend kiss and hug my uncle, and my uncle has sneaky naughty looks like a kid when he gets affection from her, I just want to fast forward their parts all the time which I can when I rewatch episodes. I know I could probably not post this in the goblin thread as I would get slaughtered but this is my honest thought. I mean Gong Yoo could pass as her dad too, as a parent or a guardian, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot see him as her lover. And the thought of them having sex just disgusts me to a high degree. So all the buzz about their romantic kiss in episode 13 is just hype in my honest opinion. But I appreciate that koreans have different tastes so thanks to them, the ratings can be helped and this helps LDW. So thanks for that.

About LDW, I know that it is not like ideal he is taking a second lead role. He himself said he had thought about it long and hard before he made his decision and after he did, we all knew the lengths he went to convince KES to give him the role. I really hope he also takes a main lead role next time and makes a good choice. My fantasies which are not realistic, has even imaged him in  Sexy Dior Home or Chanel tv ad with Johnny Depp's daughter or being discovered by a hollywood director and being the first korean actor to win an oscar haha. He has such unique beauty by international standards, he is the first male actor I have considered to be beautiful, of course he is handsome too.

He had to take this grim reaper role as a means to an end, because he could not keep going down the same path of taking lead roles in low rating dramas or variety shows, he had to regain popularity first before making the next move. I have to give it to  him, his foresight to appreciate this second lead character of the grim reaper is so cool and he made the grim reaper role even cooler. I love the scene in episode 13 where he is protecting Kim Sun from PJW. He looks so sexy in that black hat, like nobody could look so sexy. The fact that he is not even more popular than he is now always surprises me. Moreover, he is amazing in all the BTS scenes because he is ridiculously cute and funny in real life. It is already a great miracle that he is receiving so much love in this role and hopefully kneitizens will fall in love with him more like the international fans do. Sorry for the long post here guys.




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2 hours ago, st4rdust said:

In a way, I wonder if the writer wanted to show us that, Generals, guardians or parents, if you love your child from afar... you cannot save them from the corrupting forces beside them? How are you going to watch over or guide them? Wang Yeo's half-brother said the most stupid thing " I loved you by ignoring you." hahahahha excuse me, i need to unroll my eyes from my eye sockets... I blame him. That is the guy who caused it all. 

I am hoping for a Happy Ending for our drama loving Reaper/Wang Yeo. He really can use one. Afterall he took his own penance so seriously that he even tries to stop himself from laughing. 


@stardust sorry for cutting your post. This part had me rolling. Its true though. Why the heck did he just not fire evil eunuch and talk to his little brother? Haha. 

1 hour ago, Princi_86 said:

I agree that King was stupid hesitating Queen's love but how on earth he can notice Generals and dead brother's love?

Maybe I'm weird but I don't see ANY logic in it. If Yeo's brother had really loved Yeo he should have asked Shin to protect him openly. If Shin was ever going to open Yeo's eyes on PJW he should have done it. And now he tries to put all weight of that day on Yeo's shoulders. Honestly I liked KS's character and I was sympathizing his fate and I thought that after 900 years he realised that it wasn't only Yeo's fault but his as well, but when he has ended up turturing Yeo even more then he has received during 20 years after Queen's death + 600 years in hell + 300 years as GR by telling him that it was ALL Yeo's fault and ended up telling that he's coward that asks for death? Coward? I can understand people calling his suicide cowardice though I still disagree. But after innocent GR found out what he did for his beloved Sun and friend Goblin and hearing what a trash he was from his closest friend and how he hates him...after that asking to kill him it's not cowardice. It's desire for Shin to have his revenge and delete him from this earth since he's sure he's no longer deserves being on that earth. And it's KS who has made him to realise it the most. 

After that he stabs GR's heart even more by revealing that (OMG) he and his brother loved Yeo making GR Yeo feel even more miserable and not worth to live.

Then he asks GR to protect his sister leaving on the date with ET....after making GR/WY realise that he's trash and telling his sister that WY is trash. 

And as the final act before turning to ashes he stabs GR even more by telling "Finally your General is reporting about his brave death". Leaving GR with all his hate for himself.

After all this I don't believe neither in General Kim Shin's nor in Goblin Kim Shin's love to Wang Yeo or Grim Reaper. And people want Grim Reaper to FINALLY show that he's not a coward and do smth to help KS and ET. To redeem himself. And excuse me, but what GR was doing all this time? He has constantly messed with his duties and even after being puting on hold with them he still tries to protect ET dissobeying God's orders. And they still call him coward and that he should prove that he's not the same Wang Yeo the King and he should redeem himself? For who? The only person who has really loved him was Kim Sun and the only person he owes smth is Kim Sun. He has already payed back Kim Shin by protecting ET and revealing who his sister is.He has payed way more then KS deserves after putting all fault on WY's shoulders.


Sorry for cutting your post @Princi_86 . I agree with some points. If i recall correctly, my mother's advice: if you don't express your love (or any other type of emotion), no one will know. Express it with words, because sometimes people misinterpret or simpy dont understand actions. I try to follow my mother's advice. Sometimes i can, sometimes i can't. But its good advice non the less. It makes me think when i see others and try not being judgmental.

Ok back to the post. I cant recall KS saying grims is trash to sunny. Which part was this? And KS said those words before he turned to ashes just to complete the story i guess. It was the kings order previously. Not really necessary to be said now. But oh well it just kinda hammers the weight of the situation. 

I dont quite agree with him asking to be killed by KS. Yeah he feels guilty, but he needs to also remember all the good he made in the 300 years as grims. I just dont like it when someone asks to be killed. Anyone really.

I do feel the same about KS, grims, the-lame-loving-from-a-far-dead-brother, and evil eunuh all have a share for the killings at the palace. I dont like that the blame is skewed only on grims shoulder. Huhu.

On the other hand...

As for the royal's death by poison..come on..seriously after several deaths you did not investigate at all? Why was no one caught. Why? Whyyyyyy? Yes, it became a back story for the lovable grims and his devastation leading to his death. I just can't phatom why no one took action or put any thought for the death if multiple royal family members since the beginning. Where on earth were the royal doctors/physicians? Were all of them corrupt like evil eunuch? Was everyone in that palace corrupt? Omg..i just cant.


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@st4rdust maybe @Princi_86 referred when KS said that Sunny still protects the fool a.k.a GR in present time since I didn't recall KS and Kim Sun talked after her wedding. 

@miecha About LDW's acting, I'm on positive side, he was daebak as WY for the past 2 eps and made me cried. Just ignore the negative comments

@Puppywookie love your post!! Indeed, I also loveee LDW could take a part in a great movie with famous writer and director like Park Chan Wook or Bo Joon Ho, or maybe just a little part in Wong Kar Wai movie is also fine for first step. Or if he'll do drama, please, pick up carefully, he should proposes to Song Jae Jung writer or choose the female lead with star power like HJW or SHK. That's my dream OTP. Anyway, don't worry abouth the first lead couple, I believe, at the end of Goblin, people will talk and praise about the bromance rather than romance, LOL

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After several attempts Soompi LDW fans have succeed in arranging fan support with food truck on set. It was long and hard ride to organise it from overseas. Gladly we have Korean fan who helped us to make it happen. Food has been succesfully finished but Wookie was filming all that time. But his manager came to food truck and took some pics and food for Wookie. I hope we'll receive greeting autoghraph from Wookie in upcoming days. 

Thanks to 

@wishbone26 @lhl_lilian @angiemty @winterdew @joyezz  @akbuttercup and all those besides this forum who has helped us to achieve the goal. And for all those who have inspired us here and outside as well! It's just a first take. Let's hope that next one will be more successful and we will be able to organize food support when filming schedule is not that tough as today's one and someone from our side will be able to attend set and greet Wookie. let's be positive and continue to support Wookie!

Some pics from set:





Some more under spoiler












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Thanks Giegie for the reply!

Actually to be honest I think LDW acting as the king was great and showed his remorse to kill his queen but the back story of the king to me was a little disappointing, it just showed him moaning over the death of this wife and then committing suicide like a coward. It could have shown more about how he was cleverly tricked by PJW and the female grim reaper and also the reason why he allowed his beloved wife to be shot by an arrow if he had been so in love with her in the first place. I also agree that there are huge holes in the back story that just don't make sense. Why not just kill PJW, the previous king or he could have done it or he could himself when they found out the truth, just backstory makes no sense and just makes him look like a fool and does not redeem his character at all. KES could have done much better here.

Since the ending is so out of our control. I have decided to write one here.

1.Turns out Wang Yeo did not commit suicide, but PJW had tricked the gods into believing so and the truth is found out by either the female grim reaper disclosure or by PJW confession.

2. Then gods feel sorry he had got such a punishment since his greatest sin was supposingly suicide but it was revealed that was not what happened. So they over punished him.

3. As a reward he gets turned into an angel for the day. He gets huge white wings and turns into a beautiful white angel with his abs revealed and spends the day with Sunny.

4. Then as another reward he gets to marry Sunny and then end up having 10 kids together to fill the whole house which is also LDW's real life dream to have so many kids. They will get Lee Dong Gook's kids to make a special appearance including Daebak and they will have cute clothing that look grim reaper ish. We will have cute scenes of LDW being a cute dad and carrying 2 kids in each arm.

The end







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@giegie @miecha so far I can't believe in bromance anymore. Even before episode 13 the only person who has expressed concern, connection and real support to another was Grim Reaper. Kim Shin in past and Kim Shin now should learn how to express some feelings. And after all he has told Grim Reaper in episode 13 I don't know how writer will bring back bromance. And I don't want Grim Reaper to be the only one who's seeking for forgiveness. Kim Shin did wrong to him in episode 13. I hope he will understand and will ask GR for his forgiveness. If not, then bromance will be over for me and even if they will end up being friends but KS will not accept that he was wrong, it'll still will be over for me. And I swear I loved it all 12 eps even though Grim Reaper was the only one who has shown his feelings. Since I don't believe KES will find time to resolve it in that way, I think I will not remember this bromance like the best bromance in kdramas which all 12 eps I thought was the best :tears:

OMG why he should suffer that much. KES?:tears:

This moment was really touching and beautiful, but KS's words to WY killed me and I'm sure killed GR/WY:


@giegie it's a bit easier after expressing my feelings but it still hurts that I'm almost the only one who thinks that KS has treated GR wrong in present. 

I will reply on other posts a bit later.

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@Princi_86 and the teams, great job for delivering the food truck to Goblin set! Awwwwwwww.... such a yummy and lovely night snacks! I hope Goblin team enjoyed it too! Tteokbokki and korean sausage was the best for the cold winter night! I'm new to LDW fandom, is it the reguler activity every year or when his new projects came out? I joined some SHK's and SongSong's projects but none of them was delivering foodtruck bcos it ended up on donation projects

Anyway, about the bromance, I think KES will make it happen again. Maybe when KS meet God at next eps, he will realize on how much WY suffered and ended up killing himselt at Goryeo era and then they will forgive each other. LMH and KWB also great friend before they fought for same girl. LOL. I know I sound so cheesy to compared it

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@giegie I will not believe in bromance unless KS will realize and tell WY that there was his fault as well, not only WY's. but who cares about logic lol. All people actually need is skinship and hot kisses. As to the Heirs bromance, KES has anded it not the best. We haven't seen them becoming friends again. At least here I hope she'll get their friendship back for the sake of all thos ppl who were watching show just for bromance. Even is there will be no logic involved and KS will not realize that he should ask for forgiveness as well. Just bring it back for the fans sake. In that case I will feel dissapointment and unjustice for GR huh but all others will be happy.

As to fan support, such projects are done on a permanent basis by fans on drama or movie sets to support fave and the team. Wookie's official Korean fc always do this, sometimes Chinese Baidu fans, Japanese Fan club. We are doing it 1st time. But it's the hardest to international fans to arrange it. 1st to raise funds and 2nd to make it happen there in Korea. And moreover due to latest laws in Korea it's forbidden to promote such thinks so agencies neither are not releasing news about fans food support or posting in SNS accounts anymore. Some actors take pics near food trucks

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If i have to choose one scene out of all Wookie's scenes , i 'll choose the king scene , Wookie's gazes and his pitch were beyond perfection for me

@Princi_86 @winterdew @joyezz what a yummy food , Wookie is lucky to have you :heart:

@princi_86 KS was at fault coz he didn't show any persistence to talk to KS , he took his family's death so easily and he didn't acknowledge WY's jealousy and immaturity 

WY was at fault coz he took an horrible decision rushy without proper investigation,but i want to know how did he find out he was wrong and what made him commit suicide after these years ?poor WY he need to be loved,

Both suffered and get punished for 900 years , it was hard on both 

in present i think both loved each other but both have a different way of expressing their care toward each other but maybe our GR was more sensible and emotional in his words 

i think WY need to forgive himself first and love himself first and we need heroic scene for our GR 

asking to be killed by KS wasn't a coward action yet his way to ask him to take revenge on him

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