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An Announcement to Gentle Family

젠틀가족 여러분들께 알려드립니다!(필독)

안녕하세요~ 젠틀 가족 여러분^^


이것이 얼마만에 올리는 공지인지~~~

참 오랜만이지요?^^ 그리웠습니다!!


우리들의 그리움에 대한 보답일까용?

일국님의 특별한(?) 소식 한자락 없이 우리가 끙끙~ 앓고 있는것을 아셨는지

특별한 소식 하나가 날아왔습니다.


김좌진 기념 사업회가 주최하는 이벤트가 열립니다.

이벤트의 주된 목적은 따로 있지만(청산리 홍보 등등) 젠틀에게도 이벤트에 참여할수 있는 기회가 주어졌습니다.


아래 내용을 잘 숙지하시고,

많은 관심 부탁드려요~~^^



- 일국님과 함께 하는 일일 카페 방문 안내 -


1. 날짜: 3월 22일 금요일


2. 시간: 오전 9시 ~ 밤 21시까지 (변경될수 있습니다.)


3. 자격: 누구나 (젠틀 회원이 아닌 분들도 가능)


4. 장소: 서울시 종로구 관철동 280-1 커핀 그루나루 (청계천점)


5. 일일 카페 취지에 맞게 팬클럽 회원이 아닌 일반 손님으로 오셔서 음료 등을 구입하시면 됩니다.

   평소에 지인이나 친구들과 카페에 가듯이 편~하게요~^^


   일일 카페 수익금은 이벤트 진행비용과 김좌진기념사업회 후원금으로 쓰입니다.



* 꼭 숙지해주세요!


-. 일국님의 참여시간은 아직 정해지지 않았습니다.

    당일 운영진에게 직접 문의해주세요.



-. 카페 내 테이블을 장시간 오랫동안 차지하고 있어서는 안되겠지요?^^

    테이블 순환이 원활할수 있도록 많은 협조 부탁드립니다.



-. 젠틀의 행사가 아니니 해당 카페에 문의전화를 하시거나 소속사&기념사업회에 개인 문의하시는 것을 금합니다.

    양해 바랍니다.



-. 4월에 같은 이벤트가 다른 장소에서 진행될 예정입니다. 확정되는 즉시 공지하겠습니다.



-. 블로그나 트위터로 소문 많이 내주시고~!

    지인이나 친구들, 가족들과 함께 오셔서 의미 있는 시간 보내세요^^



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Hi, SIKers!
Dear Alex, my old pictures posted here, on soompi, disappeared  as image, remained only their addresses. I posted them from fb (Copy Image location on fb and Paste here in Insert Image box). I don't know why this happened; only a picture from twitter resisted!  :(  I tried to copy-paste an address, for  at least see that picture, but it didn't work. Can somebody help me?
Dear Pohhooi, thank you for announce, it's an event of Kim Jwa Jin Foundation, but google translate....  :((
Love you all, SIKers!

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Thanks @pohhooi for GeNtLe announcement.  I don't quite understand the content with Google translation and waiting for some good soul to pity us  :(.
@sousousong, I'm Asian ethnic living in US :).
@gabisikfan, I still see your images in this forum, Gabi.
Do you see the 2 images below?  because I do.
Such as http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/529875_523806840992701_1255902398_n.jpg

and this with address http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/14009_526393127400739_51224707_n.jpg


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Dear Kona, I see these two, but they are new. I'm talking about old pictures, from last year and so on. I suppose soompi changing in this new form affected them in a way I can't understand. I see your old pictures and others', but not mine. (example: go to page 600 or so and see if my pictures are there).

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Guest elisabeta

Hello dear SIKers!
Thanks Kona for SIK's interview in June 2012.Thanks Celia for the translation of your blog.To me it seemed very interesting.
Thanks Ardent for "your version" of TOE. It is wonderful.Recently I was contacted by a fan of Song Il Kook in Nigeria on facebook.
This lady has seen almost all his movies and he loves very much SIK.I asked her opera on soompi.com.
Thank you all those who love SIK for your post.
I will wish you well!


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Aloha SIKers!
Pardon my poor Korean skills, but pohhooi's announcement says a benefit for the Kim JwaJin memorial will take place 3/22/13 from 9 am - 9 pm at Koepin Kuerunaru (?) cafe.  Song Il Kook is supposed to make an appearance there, but specific time is not known.  Proceeds from purchases during the day will be donated to the memorial fund.    Other April events are planned and dates will be announced when confirmed.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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Thanks, METAL, for the info.
Still, no news about his next movie project.  What can we do?  He puts his career on third of his priorities.  
Thanks to everyone who are watching my edited version of Terms of Endearment.  It's not perfect but I tried my best.

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Dear Alex, you're probably right - fb and soompi made a lot of changes last year - but it's impossible to re-post all those pictures, they are very many and I don't know which and where were they, though I have most of them in a separate album on fb. I think I'd better let this go - but I'm sorry anyway.
Love you all, SIKers!

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Ardent, I'll download all your edited files and burn into DVDs.Awesome job, dear!
Gabi, I use FLICKR to store all my images.  Picasa or Photobucket would be a safe place too.

I know there are many picture holes in my old posts, because I removed them from my FLICKR without realizing they were posted somewhere else.I'm trying not to do that anymore.
Metaltiger, thanks for your explanation of GeNtLe announcement.  Short and precise.I'm curious about the events in April..

Mewre sent me a link with many Jumong's behind-the-scenes which I've never seen before.

Jumong in mask?  Prime Minister's confession.  

Back from the death:  Hae Mo Su visits the set.

Goofing in between scenes.

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Guest mae risong

Of love and the desire to see our beloved SIK again, I made ​​this video ..... to me than going to miss, so when I review a new film and gladly share it with everyone those who love him and miss him just like me ....

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KONA, like you, my works are for everyone to grab, post and download.  Just don't forget my name.  Lol!  I'll also burn them in DVD's so I can watch the drama to my heart's content.  I have to finish the editing in a rush before my PC crashes again.

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Drama of the week “Fermented Family”


Drama of the week “Fermented Family” (2011)

Directed by Park Chan-hong

Written by Kim Jee-woo

Network : jTBC

With Song Il-gook, Park Jin-hee, Lee Dae-geun, Kang Shin-il, Choi Jae-seong, Lee Min-yeong,…

24 episodes – Wed, Thu 21:00
Also known as “Kimchi Family”
In the vein of shows like “Gourmet” and “Pasta”, “Fermented Family” is a deliciously simmering blend of food and romance. Song Il-gook (“Land of wind“) and recently popular star Park Jin-hee (“Giant”) lead this family tale of two bickering restaurateurs who fall in love against the backdrop of a beautiful and traditional Korean restaurant. Lee Kang San is a high-maintenance restaurant owner who strives to make her restaurant perfect in every way. Ki Ho Tae is her part-time employee, a hot-tempered character who constantly clashes with Kang San. A rag-tag group of quirky people frequent the restaurant, drawn to its good food and atmosphere, and Ho Tae and Kang San, in their quest to make the restaurant a happy place that feels like family for customers, may find happiness and family in each other.

Broadcasting dates in Korea : 2011/12/07~2012/02/23


Available on DVD from YESASIA




Watch on DramaFever


Note : Videos may not be available in your country 

source : ohkpop

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