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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Asking for a bit of help...

I start to watch SIK's drama series "A Man Called God", (gosh, he looks so gorgeous and charming!), I found a website which I can watch online but this website only allows viewers in the USA. I have to change to USA IP using my VPN but this slows down the speed and it takes a long time to load, and worse still there are commercials shown every 10 minutes! Wonder if someone can give me the download link or info on other online viewing websites.

Thanks in advance!

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Asking for a bit of help...

I start to watch SIK's drama series "A Man Called God", (gosh, he looks so gorgeous and charming!), I found a website which I can watch online but this website only allows viewers in the USA. I have to change to USA IP using my VPN but this slows down the speed and it takes a long time to load, and worse still there are commercials shown every 10 minutes! Wonder if someone can give me the download link or info on other online viewing websites.

Thanks in advance!

​I've PM'd you with links to couple of sites you can watch them on.

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Asking for a bit of help...

I start to watch SIK's drama series "A Man Called God", (gosh, he looks so gorgeous and charming!), I found a website which I can watch online but this website only allows viewers in the USA. I have to change to USA IP using my VPN but this slows down the speed and it takes a long time to load, and worse still there are commercials shown every 10 minutes! Wonder if someone can give me the download link or info on other online viewing websites.

Thanks in advance!

​I've PM'd you with links to couple of sites you can watch them on.


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Guest Ranaaa


I'm sorry guys but I don't agree with this whole Daehan being treated differently than his brothers.Because first of all, do you think SIK would want to do that to his kids? I don't think so. Like I said in a previous post, since not one has the same character as the other (but all good kids), it's how they respond to what they're taught. Daehan being asked to share is not because he's the "eldest" but because they're brothers. Sure, SIK may have said before that he wants Daehan to be the hyung that's why for example he let him take his brothers' hand, but it isn't the case nowadays since he's always held by SIK, isn't he? I'm pretty sure he wants them all to be responsible and not just Daehan especially now that they already understand things. Isn't that the same for all parents? Like SIK said and what we have seen in some episodes, Daehan is also stubborn which only shows he is just the same kid as his brothers. I don't agree that he's mature even for his age or compared to his brothers since how in the world can a 3 yr old be mature? He's the silent type and enjoys doing things alone. He likes to do things his way which could be a very good sign of being independent. And sometimes I actually think he likes Minguk more than Manse but that's just me.  :PI'm just saying his personality is apparent or more noticed because Minguk & Manse's personalities are closer to each other. 

Sorry if this post is a mess. This forum is so difficult to use in a mobile.

I am not saying that SIK treating Daehan bad. What i said is based on what SIK said himself. He admitted that since both Minguk and Manse needs more attention during their babies days, they (him and his wive) tend to make Daehan be more independent. and rather than complain or jealous, Daehan put a strong face and help his parents.

And when i am saying he's mature for his age, that means, he is more mature than most of other 3 years old kid. I am not saying he looks like 7 years old. How am i judge it ? because when both of his brother afraid in the hospital and getting shot, Daehan decide to sit alone on the chair while his dad were busy to comfort Mingook. and last episode, three of them were crying while getting shot, but Daehan was the only not held by his dad and his cry was only a short one, a few second weep. Mingook and Manse behave like a 3 years old kid but as i saw it Daehan behave more like 4 years old kid, Daehan understand that his dad are busy with his brothers that's why he's trying to behave mature by not crying more. that's why i called him mature, he understand his father's situation more than his brothers.

i am not critique SIk's parenting style. he's doing the best. I can't imagine having triplets ...it can't be help when the one had problem with their health getting more attention resulted the other one or two will be more independent. we can see in LHJ's case. Seojun was healthy when he was born, Seoun  had problem with his lung ( I think..i forgot). Hwijae tends to give Seoun more attention without intention to ignore Seojun. Seojun getting more independent and brave and mature than his brother. Once again, i am not critique LHJ nor SIK. it's just the way it is, it's what should be done. Parenting is the most difficult thing in the world, people can judge because they're not in their shoes. I am not judging...what i want to say is,  they doing based on the situation like any parents in the world and that's the result. we feel bad for the kids sometimes, but there's good side as well.and it's not like Daehan and Seojun was abandoned kid. he's just more independent.

Referring who's closer to Daehan, yes i think Daehan closer to Minguk because Daehan is quiet and serious, while manse is more playfull and carefree. When Manse playing around, Daehan does not like it (remember the strawberry incident). Minguk is in the middle between them, he can be playfull but he can be serious as well. Manse can't stand being serious too long lmao...but he's the favourite hyung amongst the younger kids because his easy going but responsible personality.

I am not saying that SIK treating Daehan bad. What i said is based on what SIK said himself. He admitted that since both Minguk and Manse needs more attention during their babies days, they (him and his wive) tend to make Daehan be more independent. and rather than complain or jealous, Daehan put a strong face and help his parents.

And when i am saying he's mature for his age, that means, he is more mature than most of other 3 years old kid. I am not saying he looks like 7 years old. How am i judge it ? because when both of his brother afraid in the hospital and getting shot, Daehan decide to sit alone on the chair while his dad were busy to comfort Mingook. and last episode, three of them were crying while getting shot, but Daehan was the only not held by his dad and his cry was only a short one, a few second weep. Mingook and Manse behave like a 3 years old kid but as i saw it Daehan behave more like 4 years old kid, Daehan understand that his dad are busy with his brothers that's why he's trying to behave mature by not crying more. that's why i called him mature, he understand his father's situation more than his brothers.

​I wanted to elaborate more on that post I made but since I was on mobile I gave up editing after 2 tries. :P
So, okay. I did not interpret it as you saying SIK treating Daehan bad. It was exactly that - treating differently. There's no difference in treatment just method/style. They're maybe being treated as best suited to their personalities but not really the difference that would the give the other triplet more than the other.  Different methods, but not different things. If it's about when they were still babies, then at least they're not being treated differently anymore. Minguk & Manse HAD to be taken care of when they were babies. It was not because SIK and wifey chose to and also not what made DH "independent". Remember, HE WAS ALSO A BABY just like them. He didn't know anything - about  being independent or helping his parents. To their parents he was a big help since he's not one one of those babies who cried a lot, so he did help them unknowingly. He's a silent baby and still is a silent kid now (although he now talks a lot sometimes). Even if Daehan wasn't the first-born, if that's really his personality then that's how he really is even if he was the one who came out last. Funny thing is, when you watch the video of them when they were born, it feels like you can tell from their personality today. Daehan was just silent, Minguk was crying but stopped when Daddy told him to (he's the most crybaby but also the one who listens the most), Manse had his eyes open (already being playful & cheeky).


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Their faces have become more rounded. lol Daehan is looking more like Minguk like in that counting with Dad part.


Such nice discussion!

Enjoyed reading it. Suddenly I feel like writing too, though it has been a long time since I wanted to write some sentences hoping to be accepted as a "Thank You" to ALL you friends for making me enjoy spending time here as one reader. Missed you and here when soompi was transferring and I had no access to here ...

Sorry if my following sentences are not directly related to the discussion above which is particularly about Daehan. However, I just want to mention something which for me is an example that makes me not expect Ilkook appa treat his triplets equally but try to satisfy their needs (I believe he has been doing his best already).

Actually, when I first discovered(!) the show: "The Return of Superman" last summer while searching something about my favorite drama: Jumong, and eagerly started to watch it from episode 34 when the Song family joined, the kid who out of the three caught my attention most was Minguk. It was not due to his cuteness actually, but it was because from the very first episodes I guessed Minguk is the type of kid who emotionally needs (and most probably will need) a lot of attention in the form of being kissed, hugged and touched. He has often been showing his affection for others particularly in this form (touching and hugging) too. While playing with his brothers he has made opportunities to be in physical touch with them, sometimes making them lie down and leaning on them. I just remember a scene when Daehan gave Minguk a small hug while Minguk hugged back but didn't let his brother go. In fact, all kids (let me say all human beings) less or more are in need of giving and receiving this form of affection but the amount of this need is different in different ones. Because of this feeling of mine about Minguk from the very first episodes I have felt much at ease whenever I have seen Ilkook appa kissing, hugging and stroking him and at the same time I have wished all parents consider how much any of their children are in this need and satisfy it properly.

If SIK gives Minguk more kisses and hugges and strokes him more than the other two because Minguk is in more need, it obviously doesn't mean SIK is not treating them justly. The thing is that he (most probably consciously) tries to satisfy a need as much as it it exists. I believe he is "consciously" doing so since he has proved to be thinking so much about his triplets and how to treat each of them the best way.


PS: I am not totally confident, but I think Minguk being less easy while touching animals compared with his brothers, Daehan and Manse, can be considered due to this side of his psychological characteristic too, since he is more sensitive when it comes to touching because touching fills him with strong emotions.

Edited by Ranaaa
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Song Il Kook Is Praised for His Great Parenting Skills by Child Psychologist 



A child psychologist has confirmed that Song Il Gook is truly a skilled dad and the way his triplets take care of each other is amazing!

A review of the most recent episode of “Superman Returns” by child psychologist Son Suk Han was posted on the show’s official website on June 11. He comments on the scene in which Song Il Gook teaches his triplets proper etiquette as they eat at the adult table.

Song Il Gook reinforces the lesson that he taught the boys in a previous episode by reminding them that they shouldn’t eat before the eldest at the table starts eating. Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Se all patiently wait for Song Il Gook to begin his own meal before they dig in too.




Son Suk Han says, “Since the triplets waited for Song Il Gook to eat before they started themselves, it proves that their previous successful meal wasn’t just an accidental one-time occurrence.”




He adds, “Dae Han picked up Min Gook’s drumstick and told him he’d take the meat off the bone for him, and then he actually did it. Their brotherly love for each other is amazing.”




“Also, Song Il Gook responded very well when Man Se was playing with his food,” says Son Suk Han. “Song Il Gook stopped Man Se right away and taught him the proper way to eat his food. It’s most effective to correct a child’s problematic behavior immediately after it occurs. Song Il Gook did not get mad at Man Se or raise his voice, and instead calmly pointed out the issue.”



You can check out the whole adorable scene in June 7′s episode of “Superman Returns”!


Edited by KonaBeans
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Song Triplets Become Super Athletes for Triathlon on “Superman Returns”

Song Triplets Become Super Athletes for Triathlon on “Superman Returns”

The upcoming 82nd episode of KBS 2TV’s “Superman Returns” will feature the Song triplets trying out triathlon sports with their father.

Song Il Gook is planning on taking part in a challenging triathlon that involves swimming for 1.5 kilometers, cycling for 40 kilometers, and running for 10 kilometers. He wants his sons to accompany him during the race, so he sets out to see which triplet is suitable for the individual sports.

In order to pick the strongest swimming candidate, the four of them head to a swimming pool. However, Song Il Gook encounters many difficulties while trying to get his sons to swim. Man Se refuses to enter the pool and ends up crying.

Moving on to selecting the cyclist, they use scooters to determine the best candidate. Min Gook was able to control his scooter very well and is nicknamed a scooter prodigy. On the other hand, Dae Han and Man Se incite laughter as they end up leaving their scooters behind.

Min Gook

Will Song Il Gook be able to successfully have his triplets join him during the difficult triathlon?

Find out more when this episode of “Superman Returns” airs on June 14 at 4:50 p.m. KST.


Edited by Chellsee
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Oh my!

It's summer time! Look how cool their outfits. Love it! :wub:



Credit to DC.

Wow triplet are jangg and appa so cool! I wonder how big their wardrobe is from head to toe everything is 3 sets! I mean is from caps/hats to shoes I bet its big! Appa lovess to style them and I'm picking up some tips from him for my future kids haha! The best of the best appa song:wub:


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