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class="entry-title" style="text-align: -webkit-auto; margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; "[iNTERVIEW] Actress Han Hyo-jooBy Jessica Kim | TENASIA

Han Hyo-joo

Korean actress Han Hyo-joo poses during a photo shoot with TenAsia in Seoul, Korea on June 27, 2013. [TenAsia/ Gue Hye Jung]


Actress Han Hyo-joo gained favor with the public as soon as she debuted through MBC’s sitcom “Nonstop 5″ in 2005. She then rose to stardom by playing the main female character to drama “Spring Waltz” and has seen a successful career since. All the dramas she took on, including “Shining Inheritance” and “Dong Yi,” were hits and scored high ratings. She also became the youngest actor to win the runner-up prize for best acting at MBC’s annual awards ceremony. Regardless of genre or time period, she pulled off all the characters she played in a style of her own.

After leading the success of “Dong Yi,” Han turned her full attention to movies. After starring in melodrama “Always” with actor So Ji-sub in 2011, she took on three movies within a span of a year including “Masquerade,” “Love 911,” and the recently released “Cold Eyes.” “Masquerade” saw over a whopping 10 million viewers and through “Love 911,” she showed another charm to her. Hence, it could be safely said that she has charmed everyone in both dramas and films. And “Cold Eyes” is good enough to allow her to continue to do so. She definitely didn’t get to choose her projects knowing what the outcome would be but almost every actor probably envies her good eye for choosing projects.


Q. First of all, the response [to your movie] is good. You all seemed very excited on the day you met with media after the press preview. 

Han Hyo-joo: It’s exciting. And I think us actors are excited because the movie has gotten good reviews. Jung Woo-sung has already pledged he will do something if the movie sees 10 million viewers (laughs).


Q. It seems that you have a really good eye for choosing projects. Everything you do is a hit. And I guess you could call it luck but it’s actually a great ability to have. Where on earth do you get that ‘good eye’ from?

Han : (Han’s agency BH Entertainment’s) CEO Son Suk-woo (laughs). I think I’m lucky. I really have a lot of good people around me. I think that once you have good work, good people, and just positive things going for you, it all builds up quickly. Good people help you meet other good people. And I think I’ve received a lot of help through such connections. I wouldn’t have been able to do it by myself. Of course, I do make the decisions but it’s definitely not just because I have a good eye.


Han Hyo-joo

Korean actress Han Hyo-joo poses during a photo shoot with TenAsia in Seoul, Korea on June 27, 2013. [TenAsia/ Gue Hye Jung]


Q. But you still make the final call. So what is it that is most important when you look at a project?

Han: The script. I think the first thing I do is to look at how complete is is, what story it’s trying to tell, and what effect it would have once it turns into a movie. Then I look at the character.


Q. You’ve repeatedly seen success with everything you do – from dramas to movies. But you may also end up forgetting about ‘failure’ once you keep succeeding although it’s impossible to succeed every time. Do you have any thoughts on ‘failure’ and what you’d do if you did fail in the future?

Han: I think I’m always telling myself that I shouldn’t be too disappointed even if that were to happen. And I think that’s why but my life has come to be about ‘Live by enjoying the moment.’ I’m all about trying my best to enjoy myself when I’m working on a project, regardless of the outcome. So I’m having fun with work right now too (laughs). It’s sort of a sense of ease I’ve come to have with life these days. And of course, I’m happy when I get complimented [for my work] but in a way, it feels very awkward. I don’t know how to react when I get complimented and I just get very embarrassed. Like you say, I get complimented everywhere I go these days, so I’m scared it may get into my head. It’s good to stay grounded. But nonetheless, I’m going to enjoy this moment to a moderate amount while it lasts, to the point it won’t hurt me, and return to where I was afterwards.


Q. “Cold Eyes” is a movie for you. That’s what the directors and all the actors said. But your harmony with everybody actually caught my eye more than just you. Does that mean you got emphasized less than you were supposed to?

Han: That’s not true. There was no more or less emphasis on me. It turned out in the way it was supposed to and I think it turned out to be a movie with good balance. In terms of the style of each character as well. It’s a movie that mixed in the characters well, with nobody standing out. That’s why I was very satisfied after seeing the movie. And I’m someone that likes balance (laughs).


Q. In the beginning of the movie, you showed an action sequence using a mobile phone. So I was hoping there’d be more but there wasn’t so I was disappointed. Nonetheless, I think it’s the first time you’ve done an action sequence where you strike a guy directly.

Han: I practiced at an action school for about two to three weeks but I want to show more [action]. I like using my body. Although of course, I don’t like to dance. Nonetheless, I have fun doing things where I get to use my body and I’m pretty competitive. But it wasn’t easy. It’s okay when I’m the one that’s having a hard time but there were times that I would actually strike a hit, no matter how much I had practiced. Plus I’m a newbie [with action sequences] so I ended up hitting for real while shooting the scene. That scene actually wasn’t even originally in the script but after reading it, I suggested it might be good for me to do an action shot in the beginning of the movie to give my character more impact. And that’s why we decided to do it but then I started worrying because a woman takes a man down, and it’s not worth doing if I won’t do a good job of it. However, one day, the martial arts director came up with the thought of using a mobile phone for the scene and I felt it would be perfect. It actually hurts a lot when you get hit by a mobile phone. I recommend women use it for self-defense.


Han Hyo-joo

Korean actress Han Hyo-joo poses during a photo shoot with TenAsia in Seoul, Korea on June 27, 2013. [TenAsia/ Gue Hye Jung]


Q. Your character Ha Yoon-joo in “Cold Eyes” doesn’t necessarily have to look pretty yet she still does. Of course, there’s some personal opinion involved in me saying this.

Han: I’ll probably get hated for saying this but after watching the movie, I thought to myself, ‘Director, why did you shoot me so prettily? You didn’t have to.’ But I’m still thankful. It shows his love [for the character]. But I don’t like being made to look pretty when it’s unnecessary. I also don’t like how female cops needs to have more masculine personalities. My character is someone with passion for what she does so I wanted her to look professional when she’s working yet seem a bit feminine when she’s not working. I also made her tone of voice seem slightly different for when she is working versus when she’s not. I wanted to bring out such details.


Q. But there were still some slightly excessively ‘pretty’ scenes to the movie.

Han: (Laughs) When director Kim Byung-suh shot it, he was very precise in calculating the angles to make sure I’d look pretty.


Q. What sort of actor is Jung Woo-sung? He was beyond our imagination when his movie “Beat” came out. Of course, I’m sure he’s not like that anymore but he still looks cool in the movie.

Han: The funny thing is that I noticed that the staff to SBS’s “Running Man” waited to take photos with him after we were done filming the show. And that’s when I realized he’s a celebrity that even members of filming crews want to take photos with. To me he’s just a senior actor, and we’re sort of like brothers (laughs). But of course, he’s definitely a movie star. It was like he was in a movie even when he was just walking around or not particularly shooting a scene. To the point I wondered what he would’ve done if he didn’t become a movie star.


Q. I’m sure that Seol Kyung-gu and Lee Junho (of 2PM) will be sad if I don’t ask you about them when I’ve asked about Jung Woo-sung.

Han: Yes (laughs). Personally, it was great getting to act with Seol. He reacted to whatever I did and brought out my acting in a way that made it seem better than it actually was. I really think I benefited from him a lot in this movie. Junho was definitely the youngest member of the cast. It was his first time acting so it would’ve been a problem if he turned out to be awkward and poor at his acting but he really pulled off his role perfectly. And he was also very pleasant and extremely hardworking. So it gave me an even better impression of him. The CEO to film production firm Zip Cinema said we look like four brothers and sisters. The oldest son, second-oldest son, the third daughter and the youngest. I think that sounds about right.


Q. Your film was a bit unique in the sense that it was directed by two people.

Han : It felt more reassuring. At first I wasn’t sure of who to talk to [when I got stuck] because there was a director here and there. But there was no cause for problem once they made their roles clear. And it rather felt reassuring to have two directors.


Q. The image you had in “Shining Inheritance” and “Dong Yi” are fading away. And at the same time, you’re showing different sides to you in movies. That’s why I’m looking forward to what new you’ll do next time but also want to see the sides to you that I saw in dramas. Yet there’s only one of you so it’s up to you to balance out the two for fans, no?

Han : I know that I came to be loved by many because of those dramas that you just mentioned. And I’d like to play the cheerful and friendly characters I played in those dramas again. But I’d like to challenge myself with different types of characters for films. This makes me seem like I’ve thought about this a lot, right? I actually haven’t though. I’ve just come to want to. Not that I can have things the way I want.


Han Hyo-joo

Korean actress Han Hyo-joo poses during a photo shoot with TenAsia in Seoul, Korea on June 27, 2013. [TenAsia/ Gue Hye Jung]


Q. Then it seems that your thoughts have changed a bit. You were asked a similar question when your movie “Love 911″ came out and your answer was, “I’m a devil. I’m going to do dramas if people say they like me in movies, and play soft characters if they say they like me playing strong characters.”

Han: (Laughs). I’m still a devil.


Q. Weren’t you into indie films at first? You started building on your filmography with small films such as “Ride Away” (2008) and “Ad Lib Night” (2006). 

Han : I like both art films and commercial films. I don’t think I’m more focused on one more than the other. There are a lot of things I realize through art films. And more than anything, I’m just scared of leaning on one side. I don’t want to seem too commercial nor too artistic. And this applies to my work but also to my life – I try to balance things. That’s why I sometimes envy people that go crazy over a single thing. Those types of people have aimal-like instincts and feelings. I lack that. And at times I wish I could go crazy, in an animalistic way, without thinking of this and that. But I don’t think I’m there yet.

Q. You even wrote the lyrics for the theme song to “Ride Away” and it made me suddenly wonder whether you’d want to try directing a movie someday.

Han: I actually do. But I think I’ve somehow turned myself into more of an actor. In the past, I wanted to try this and that out, like a curious kid. But I’ve gradually come to think I want to walk on the path of an actor. There are many more things I want to do as an actor now. Yet I’d like to take part in the musical aspect if I were given the chance to. It’s not like I’ll debut as a singer but it’s something I could do once in a while. And I’d like to appear in small films as well if they were good. [Q. What about money?] Of course I can’t ask for a lot (laughs).

Reporter. Hwang Sung Un jabongdo@tenasia.co.krPhotographer. Gue Hye Jung photonine@tenasia.co.krTranslator. Jessica Kim

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'Stakeout' takes the #1 spot again at the box office


'Stakeout' has taken back its #1 place at the box office!

The movie brought in 125,298 moviegoers on the 15th, pushing the movie to a total of 3,666,794 audience members and helping it reclaim the #1 spot. Staring on the 11th, it had lost to the Hollywood movie 'Pacific Rim', but 'Pacific Rim' dropped down to #2 with 123,480 watchers on the 15th, giving 'Stakeout' room to push forward again.

Stakeout' is an action film that revolves around a sector of the police department, which specializes in tracking and following a secret criminal organization. It stars the likes of Han Hyo Joo, Jung Woo Sung, 2PM's Junho and more.


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class="headline"‘Cold Eyes’ Tops the Box Office Again Over ‘Pacific Rim’


Pushing back fierce competitors, Cold Eyes once again found itself at the top of the box office.

The movie premiered on July 3 and became the number one watched movie at the time over Brad Pitt’s World War Z, but when Pacific Rim came out on July 11, Cold Eyes fell second.

However, as of July 16, the Korean Film Commission reported that Cold Eyes regained its number on position with 125,298 viewers just on July 15. The total number of spectators since July 3 is 3,665,794.

Cold Eyes is about a team of surveillance experts, who try to crack down on criminals based on everything they see with their eyes. Jung Woo Sung, Han Hyo Joo, Sul Kyung Gu, and 2PM’s Junho star in the movie.


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Actor Lee Jung Jin who be guest star on kbs 1 vs 100 sends a love call to Han Hyo Joo. He said that he interested in her cause she's attractive and he's looking opportunity to become her co-star.This show will be broadcast on July 16 at 8.50 pm.

He revealed his crush kkk

cr : fb

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Guest theresia_warner

class="post-title"The Top 10 Actresses With The Best Box Office Draw

1. Ha Ji Won

The support shown by moviegoers for Ha Ji Won hasn’t swayed. In an online survey presented by Max Movie and Daily Focus Newspaper, about 21,456 people responded that actress Ha Ji Won was this year’s “box office power winner.” This is the second year in a row for Ha Ji Won. Later this year, the actress will return to the big screen with movie The Huntresses, which will be sure to keep her in the top rank.

2. Kim Hye Soo

Though the actress only made the top ten in last year’s survey, “ten million movie” The Thieves (2012) gained a lot of popularity recently, and she also starred in the drama The Queen of Office (KBS2). For the second half of the year, the actress will return to the big screen as a Korean geisha controlling the political arena in The Face Reader directed by Han Jae Rim, with actors Song Kang Ho and Lee Jung Jae. Standing out alongside these two powerful actors, Kim Hye Soo will surely get another boost. It seems her box office power will exert force for quite a while.

3. Son Yeh Jin

Apart from last year’s results of 13.2%, giving her second place, it appears Son Yeh Jin took a hit this year. However, #3 isn’t a small feat, and with a role in the new drama Shark (KBS2), as well as the release of her new movie The Accomplice, there are enough chances for a comeback.

4. Gong Hyo Jin AND 5. Jeon Do Yeon (A tie)

Actress box office power #4 goes to “Gongvely” (Gong Hyo Jin + Lovely) and #5 is “Queen Actress” Jeon Do Yeon.

Following this year’s film, Gong Hyo Jin is planning to star in a new drama in August, The Master’s Sun (SBS). The Master’s Sun will be sister writers, Hong Jeong Eun and Hong Mi Ran’s new work. The Master’s Sun is a unique romantic comedy where a woman experiences all of the things mischievous and arrogant men cannot even see or hear. In this drama, Gong Hyo Jin plays the role of Tae Gong Shil who sees a ghost after an accident.

Without making any appearances since Countdown (2011), Jeon Do Yeon took charge with box office power #5, and is getting ready to reappear in The Way Home. In it, Jeon Do Yeon plays the role of Song Jung Yeon, who is a wife framed for delivering drugs, who is trapped in a prison in France. Actor Go Soo plays the role of a struggling husband Lim Jong Bae who tries to prove his wife’s innocence.


6. Jeon Ji Hyun AND 7. Han Hyo Joo (A tie)

After appearing in “ten million movie” The Thieves, Jeon Ji Hyun took the sixth place in this year’s box office power. Trailing behind at #7 is actress Han Hyo Joo, who starred in Gwanghae, the Man Who Became King (2012) and Love 911 (2012). The two actresses were included in the top ten last year and came in 6th and 7th place this year.

8. Kim Ha Neul, 9. Suzy, AND 10. Lim Soo Jung (3-way tie!)

Viewers chose actress Kim Ha Neul for #8 in box office power, Suzy for #9 and Lim Soo Jung for #10. Kim Ha Neul appears for A Gentleman’s Dignity (SBS), Suzy for Architecture 101 (2012), and Lim Soo Jung for All About My Wife. Through these films, the actresses proved that their names scream: “If this actress stars in this movie, then the movie ticket is worth it.”

Furthermore, Suzy is entering the “Box Office Power Top 10″ for the first time, which is a huge accomplishment. Suzy is currently starring in Gu Family Book (MBC). It seems Suzy may only climb further up the ranks in coming years.



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Guest theresia_warner

class="tit_detail"‘Cold Eyes’ dominates the box office….about to hit 4 million


The film Cold Eyes maintained its box office lead enhancing the status and prestige of the Korean film industry.

On July 17, the Film Council announced that as many as 3,785,904 tickets were sold for Cold Eyes in 720 cinemas across the country. It is now about to record over 4 million viewers.

The film, which is in fact a remake of 2007 Hong Kong film ‘Eye in the Sky’, is about detectives from the survillnace team of a special crime unit who work together to take down a bank robbing organization.


Through an early and solid promotion startegy with its main actors and actresses, it has succeeded in grabbing the attention of the audience long before the release date.


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Guest theresia_warner

class="headline"‘Cold Eyes’ continues to lead at South Korean box office


South Korean movie ‘Cold Eyes’ led by Jung Woo Sung and Han Hyo Joo continues to show its dominance at the local box office despite facing a formidable rival in ‘Mr. Go’.

According to statistics released by the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) today, ‘Cold Eyes’ had 114,383 ticket admissions for July 17th, which saw it topped the box office chart for 3 weeks in a row. It’s total accumulated admissions now stands at 3,900,251 as they look to break the 4 million mark.

‘Cold Eyes’ revolves around a hidden criminal organization that leaves no traces of its activities behind and the surveillance team of a special crime unit that seeks to hunt them down. The movie is described as a big budget action flick that offers viewers a rare glimpse on how surveillance teams work behind the scenes and the criminals who elude them with smart and nifty tricks. Their face-off from start to finish serves as the biggest highlight of the entire movie.

It was no easy feat for ‘Cold Eyes’ to top the box office chart, and was achieved despite strong competition from ‘Mr. Go’ which attracted 94,916 admissions to place second.

‘Mr. Go’ was aired 4,151 times at 840 cinema screens on its opening day, while ‘Cold Eyes’ was shown 3,109 times at 597 cinema screens, but the latter was still able to outlast its rival by 19,467 admissions. ‘Mr. Go’ had a big-scale preview screening, while costs for the creation of its gorilla character came up to 120 billion Korean won, but ‘Cold Eyes’ still came out on top in the end.

Meanwhile, Hollywood movie ‘Pacific Rim’ attracted 87,325 admissions, and saw its accumulated admissions clocking in at 1,692,673, and placed third. ‘World War Z’ was fourth with 29,938 admissions yesterday, taking its accumulated admissions to 4,996,520 and is now looking forward to breaking the 5 million milestone. Lee Si Young’s horror movie ‘Killer Toon’ gained 9,888 admissions to place 5th, and saw its accumulated admissions rising to 1,130,786.

‘Cold Eyes’ might have come out on top in the first sparring match with ‘Mr. Go’, but with the weekend coming up where families come in droves to watch movies, it remains to be seen on who will be the final victor.

By: Lee Zhao Tam


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Lee Hyun-woo, Suzy Support Legal Movie Download Campaign

By Lee Hye Ji | TENASIA
Good Downloader Campaign

From left, actors Ahn Seong-gi, Han Hyo-joo, Park Jung-hoon, Lee Hyun-woo, Yoo Ji-tae, Suzy and Cha Tae-hyun pose for a legit movie download campaign “Good Downloader Campaign.” [Good Downloader Campaign]


Young Korean stars Lee Hyun-woo and Suzy have teamed up to provide support for a legitimate movie download campaign.

The two, along with movie stars Yoo Ji-tae, Cha Tae-hyun and Han Hyo-joo, have joined star supporters for the “Good Downloader Campaign,” a campaign promoting the downloading of content through legitimate routes, the campaign’s head office said in a press release Thursday.

Including the campaign’s co-chairmen Ahn Seong-gi and Park Joong-hun, the seven stars gathered together to participate in the shooting of the campaign’s new TV commercial Tuesday, under the concept of expressing gratitude for legit download service users.

“It has been five years since this campaign was established in 2009 when illegal downloading was most severe. I appreciate all these fellow actors who weren’t hesitant to join this campaign with no compensation,” co-chairmen Ahn and Park were quoted as saying.

The newly-filmed “Good Downloader” commercial will hit the big screen, cable TV channels and online screens starting in mid-August.

Reporter. Lee Hye Ji hjlee@tenasia.co.kr
Editor. Jessica Kim

Courtesy of Good Downloader Campaign

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Congratulations to COLD EYES! Really a Box office hit!  <:-P  <:-P  <:-Ptumblr_mp87moU2y71qdcel5o1_250.gif

Now I'm hoping for a new drama for Hyo Joo. I miss her on TV. Last one was Dong Yi way back on 2010... Hopefully on the last quarter of the year or 1st quarter of 2014. :D

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Guest kaz11

thanks, everyone! tenasia interview is a good one.^^ and i think COLD EYES broke the 4-million mark already. yahoo~


haha they're holding 2pm's album. how cute are they? <3

cr: lee junho's twitter via cold eyes twitter

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‘Cold Eyes’ smashes 4 million mark

By Claire Lee | Korea Herald
Korean thriller film “Cold Eyes” attracted 4 million viewers in just 17 days, becoming the fifth domestic film to hit the record this year ― following box office hits “The Berlin File,” “Secretly Greatly,” “New World” and “Miracle in Cell No.7.”

The star-studded film, which stars actors Sol Kyung-gu, Jung Woo-sung, and actress Han Hyo-joo, tells the story of a group of detectives specializing in surveillance activities on high profile criminals. In the film, they together try to arrest the members of a bank-robbing organization. 
A scene from “Cold Eyes.” ( Zip Cinema)

Han Hyo-joo, whose previous roles include the visually impaired woman in Song Il-gon’s 2011 tearjerker romance “Always,” and the unhappy Queen Consort in last year’s box office hit period drama “Gwanghae: The Man Who Became the King” (Masquerade), delivers a plausible and nuanced performance as Ha Yoon-ju, a young, driven woman who becomes the newest member of the special surveillance unit of the police force. Soon after she joins the team, the unit is assigned to monitor the elusive James (played by Jung Woo-sung), who in fact is the ruthless leader of an international crime ring. 

Jung (“A Good Rain Knows,” “A Moment to Remember”), who has long been regarded a national heartthrob, presents an engrossing portrait of the lonely and complex villain. The role is Jung’s first villain in his acting career of some 20 years. 

Heavyweight actor Sol Kyung-gu (“The Tower,” “Peppermint Candy”) brings a lot of humor to the movie, by playing Ha Yoon-ju’s considerate boss, who is both caring and hilarious. 

Popular boy band 2PM member Lee Jun-ho makes his appearance as the confident, likable youngest member of the surveillance team, and surprisingly pulls off the role with ease. This is Lee’s second film appearance as an actor. His first was directors Kim Gok and Kim Sun’s 2011 horror “White: The Melody of the Curse.”

The film hit local theaters on July 3, and dominated the local box office ever since. It ranked no. 2 on Korean Film Council’s box office chart on Friday, beating Hollywood blockbusters “World War Z” and “Pacific Rim,” and local 3-D gorilla film “Mr. Go,” which came out on Wednesday. It garnered around 19 billion won ($17 million) at the local box office as of July 12, according to the Korean Film Council.
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