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1 hour ago, chyantrils25 said:

Hospital Scene  Full (BTS)


this is why i love BTS cuz we get to see our playful/cheerful Hyo Joo...i really wish for an Eng sub for this if anybody found an Eng Sub kindly PLEASE share it hehe cuz their conversation seems to be so fun:w00t:



Badically the first part whereby LJS teased HHJ for asking the guy to take off his clothes since he felt got. Then LJS forgot to put on the heart rate monitor device.. Once he put it on, he hold HHJ hands and his heart beat went up to 130 plus.. hahahah that portion was so funny... 

LJS was soooo shyyyy and cuteeee 

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kamsahamnida @moomooz love how comfortable they are now and i'm glad that LJS does tease Hyo Joo back now & not just Hyo Joo teasing him:lol:...our OTP is so adorable especially BTS:wub:...ahhh waiting for a week is really a torture so here i am watching the episode 2 again for the 3rd time and it really touches me reading comments from the site i'm streaming in cuz they are all positive & they really do love W and W tops the most viewed show since it's pilot episode overtaking our drama rival:P

anyway thanks for visiting here:D 

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2 hours ago, chyantrils25 said:

Hospital Scene  Full (BTS)


this is why i love BTS cuz we get to see our playful/cheerful Hyo Joo...i really wish for an Eng sub for this if anybody found an Eng Sub kindly PLEASE share it hehe cuz their conversation seems to be so fun:w00t:


When LJS forgot about the device and hence there's no display of heart rate, Hyo Joo remarked that KC has died and she thanked everyone for watching 'W'. Hahaha, gonna give it to her that she's a darn fun person to be with. I really wanna see more of that genuine personality of hers. Sometimes I wished that she could just be a regular in some variety show but then I didn't want her to work so hard. :(  

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2 hours ago, chyantrils25 said:

Hospital Scene  Full (BTS)


this is why i love BTS cuz we get to see our playful/cheerful Hyo Joo...i really wish for an Eng sub for this if anybody found an Eng Sub kindly PLEASE share it hehe cuz their conversation seems to be so fun:w00t:


I LOL at the part where after Hyo Joo told LTH to take off his clothes, she said that she wasnt like that before (like telling another guy to take off his clothes), then LJS teased her that cuz you are in that age... its just sooo cute when LJS keeps on teasing at her age and our girl just seems so happy.... :lol:

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Thanks a lot @uknowahah @adeleyam it was already funny though i don't understand them and of course it's funnier now that you guys enlighten me about what they are talking :)...seriously how is our Hyo Joo effortlessly so funny and entertaining?......i remember when she guested in 1N2D when she was having a conversation with CTH & KJH in the tent cuz they slept outdoor she said that she's not a funny person then KJH replied what are you talking about?you were hilarious" i was like seriously she really doesn't think she's funny?:lol:

1 hour ago, uknowahah said:

Sometimes I wished that she could just be a regular in some variety show but then I didn't want her to work so hard. :(  

me too...her personality is just perfect in a variety, sometimes i feel that it's such a loss for not having her as regular in a variety show.....

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1 hour ago, adeleyam said:

I LOL at the part where after Hyo Joo told LTH to take off his clothes, she said that she wasnt like that before (like telling another guy to take off his clothes), then LJS teased her that cuz you are in that age... its just sooo cute when LJS keeps on teasing at her age and our girl just seems so happy.... :lol:

Love the way she laughs too. Like a little girl ~

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I watched the 2nd episode for 3 times too! hahaha..first was live stream (i rarely watch raw videos but this is absolutely an exception for me..i can't hold back ><), 2nd with subs and 3rd was when i dragged my brother to watch it and i watched along with him :D:D

And after watching the first episode, he instantly got hooked on the drama, said that it's really refreshing to have such an interesting storyline, hasn't watch one like this for  ages hehe

When LJS's heart rate increased exponentially, it reminded me of the guys from 1N2D, who wouldn't be fluttered :wub: aiigooo, HJ and JS sure have a lot of fun BTS, goofing around and teasing each other, so much chemistryyyy

There's one thing i have been thinking, do the readers get to read all Yeon Joo's monologues? Such as how can she go back to her world or what does she have to do in order to go back...hmm have been curious about it, might need to watch further to understand more abt how this webtoon thingy works :sweatingbullets: or am i thinking too much

anyway WED & THURS pls come fasterrrrrr :bawling:

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I really loved her in Love 911 and Always, her chemistry with her leading men were palpable and sizzling. She strikes me more of a movie actress than a drama one, although I did enjoy her in Brilliant Legacy as well. So glad to see her in dramas again and this time on W with Lee Jongsuk - they look cute together despite the 2 year age gap. I guess Lee Jongsuk just knows how to bring about the best in older women/ noonas LoL. 

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Hi every one ! i watched Ep1 and Ep 2 of W ... this drama is really perfect ! our young girl is so lovely and pretty like a real angel ! :heart:... i saw it scene that LJS heart rate increased but his heart rate did not increase so much !!!! one time i did want testing that how much is my feel to hyo joo ,next, i saw some one of cute photos of hyo joo . may be you do not believe my speak but next of i saw hyo joo's photo my heart rate got to 199.:w00t:..i very surprised !!:w00t:! my heart rate got to 199 just with her photo!!!! i'm thinking , if someday i visit hyo joo front of myself , in same time , what will happen for my heart ??? may be my heart will stop :sweatingbullets:!!!!!!. my heart rate really going up with our young angel Hyo Joo!!.... i can not wait for next wednesday and wait for see oh yune ju...........:tears:

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W-Two Worlds Episode 2 – I have a girl crush!

By amberkmuse | Dramas with a side of kimchi


There are certain things I expect going into one of my bias’s dramas.  First, there will be a lot of fangirling over said bias.  And usually, it is a given that that specific actor is going to be my favorite thing about any given drama.  Imagine my surprise when Han Hyo Joo (playing Oh Yeon Joo) bursts onto my TV screen and steals the show, as well as my love.  I think I might have a new girl crush.

Since I am really focused on Yeon Joo, I decided that I will dedicate this recap to her crazy awesomeness!  So join me as I bask in my favorite Yeon Joo moments of episode 2.

#1 Yeon Joo and her father.

b12.pngBefore we get to the good stuff (KISS! KISS! AWKWARD CRAZY KISS!) we have to mention the crazy elephant in the room.  Namely, Yeon Joo’s father who is having a mental crisis and trying to kill off Kang Chul.  We don’t really understand why other than the fact that his life has been taken over by this other world and he wants to destroy it.  There was some shouting that went along the lines “Blah blah blah…. I AM GOD OF THIS STORY AND I WILL SMITE HIM….. .Blah blah blah.”

(Read more at spoiler)


Since Yeon Joo saved Kang Chul when he was stabbed, Crazy Dad tries again by having a nurse paid to slip poison into his IV.  Crazy Dad’s underling calls Yeon Joo to commiserate with their favorite character’s impending demise……again.  Yeon Joo tries to talk herself out of being worried “It’s a comic.  Just a comic.” but next thing you know, she is dragged back into the other universe and rushes to save Kang Chul.


#2 Let me save you: part 2

Upon realizing that she is, yet again, in Kang Chul’s world.  Yeon Joo jumps into action. Sneaking into the hospital (which is just like her own workplace) and making her way to the VVIP section, she manages to burst in and stop the nurse just as she plunges the poison into the IV.  YAY!  Save Kang Chul is a success.  Unfortunately, Yeon Joo is not able to sneak away this time.


And so begins the most awkward game of cat and mouse.  Kang Chul asks questions, Yeon Joo denies, and he catches her in a lie.  Yeon Joo even starts spouting off things that were said in the comic but not in her presence.  BWAHAHA!  Yeon Joo’s expression when she realizes she had blurted out what Kang Chul said about her looks word for word.  Oh my gosh, I love how adorable these two are.


Yeon Joo is forced to use the “I saved your life and you owe me” card in order to escape without further confrontation.  But also agrees to talk further with Kang Chul when he is released from the hospital.   Phttt.  I bet she has no plans on keeping that promise.


But alternate reality fate has other ideas.  Sitting outside on the bus stop, waiting for the chapter to be finished so she can return to her own dimension, Yeon Joo goes through a time jump.  For her, it has been 30 minutes.  For the world, it has been two months and Kang Chul calls expecting Yeon Joo to keep her promise.


This scene was so cute with Yeon Joo talking to herself and being generally crazy while Kang Chul pulls out the charming leading man moves.  I think we deserve some serious screen capping to properly appreciate the cuteness level here.



#3 What does a girl have to do to close a chapter around here?

Frantic to get home, Yeon Joo surmises that in order to escape she needed to create a dramatic chapter finale.  This is a webtoon after all.  So when Kang Chul drags her into a boutique for a pretty woman moment, Yeon Joo channels all her inner crazy and smacks our sexy CEO.


Hahahahaha (literally wiping tears of laughter from my eyes.)

The hand slap achieves nothing except a “WHAT THE FUDGE” look from our leading man.  Yeon Joo decides that she needs to take things up a notch to achieve her goals.  Yeon Joo looks at Kang Chul, closes in, and smooches him.  The expression on Kang Chul’s face is priceless.



I love everything about this scene.  From Kang Chul not closing his eyes and staring at her through full lip smooch.  To Yeon Joo’s frantic glances around looking for the continued symbol that signals the return to her world.  Starting to panic when she doesn’t immediately spot it, Yeon Joo practically faints from relief when the image appears and runs back into the dressing room.


Kang Chul is left behind with a name badge and even more questions for the crazy doctor.


#4 Embarrassment level expert has been achieved.

For a while, I had forgotten that whatever happens in webtoonland, doesn’t stay in webtoonland.  Yup, that kiss did not remain their little secret.  Instead, it is published for everyone to see in Yeon Joo’s world.  Sure no one except her dad knows it is fiction taken from reality, but it is still extremely embarrassing for our leading lady.


#5 The father continues down the path of crazy.

Obsessed with killing of Kang Chul, Crazy Dad throws all his hired help out and leaves the house to work in peace.  This time nothing is going to stop his destruction of his comic book nemesis.


Except Kang Chul himself who somehow becomes aware of his world’s oddities.  Kang Chul is able to see the break between worlds and use a moment in time to get his car out of the way of a speeding truck of doom.  Crazy Dad’s crazy level jumps a few spots and we see a frustrated and shocked creator witnessing his character changing its own fate.  What will happen?  Will we have Kang Chul travel to the real world?  How is Yeon Joo going to survive the embarrassment of “the kiss” when she reunites with her dashing hero?  How are things going to progress next week?  Sadly, those answers will have to be gathered in 7 days.


My Thoughts:


I love Han Hyo Joo.  I love Lee Jong Suk.  I love them together and everything about this drama.  It is truly unique and entertaining.  A drama that I would suggest to everyone….. and not only because you will then come read my recaps, but simply because this drama rocks!

To Be Continued….


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9 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

 I guess Lee Jongsuk just knows how to bring about the best in older women/ noonas LoL. 

hmmm i don't think this is only the case,i can say that Hyo Joo herself can generate such chemistry with almost anybody...she had great chemistry with Lee Jun Ho who is younger than her by 3yrs (Cold Eyes movie) though they didn't had love line in their movie as well as with JJY of 1N2D who is also younger than her by 2yrs not to mention her great chemistry with all those actors who portrayed woo Jin:P

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 

wohoo! thanks @adeleyam for the article..i love the article and also amberkmuse the author haha can't blame you girl!our Hyo Joo is just so adorable! welcome to the club!(Hyo Joo fangirls!:D)

@qallee no need to ask for sorry we understand you...we're all on the same boat!..Oh Yeon Joo is as cute & as adorable as our Hyo Joo haha:lol:

Congrats to our girl! she's back in actor's Brand reputation list..and at 5th rank i believe she was out last month(?):w00t:

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Hey guys! I'm Ann. I've finally decided to make an account and join you guys. Heh, I've been a fan of HHJ ever since The Shining Inheritance came out. Really glad that she's back with 'W'. 

Interesting story line that is very appealing and got me hooked. The only thing that bucks me a little is that some keep complaining about her acting, saying that she's a bit 'over the top' with her reactions and all. While her acting in this drama is very different from what I've seen in her movies, I think she's doing a great job portraying her character. Who wouldn't go crazy if they were somehow transported into a different world? What is your guys' take on this? 

P.S: I hope the ratings will go up! UP AND UP!!!

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annyeong @ayleeannn welcome.gif?v=2 glad you finally decided to join us since you've been a fan of Hyo Joo for quite some time:D

ahhh those saying such negative about her reactions in W is just jealous and maybe her antis i mean Yeon Joo's situation in the drama is not the normal thing how are they expect her to react???


 Who wouldn't go crazy if they were somehow transported into a different world?

Exactly!plus the fact that she's such a fan of her dad's webtoon not to mention a Kang Chul Die hard fangirl...certainly i would've go madly crazy if i were on her shoes! for me she's doing such a great job and she's so cute and adorable PERIOD!:lol:


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33 minutes ago, ayleeannn said:

Interesting story line that is very appealing and got me hooked. The only thing that bucks me a little is that some keep complaining about her acting, saying that she's a bit 'over the top' with her reactions and all. While her acting in this drama is very different from what I've seen in her movies, I think she's doing a great job portraying her character. Who wouldn't go crazy if they were somehow transported into a different world? What is your guys' take on this? 


As for me, Hyo Joo's potrayal of her character is awesome! I literally burst into laughter everytime she do her monologue. All her facial reaction is on point. We shouldn't take those negative feedback seriously. Most of the comments I've read are all positive. It only means, most of the viewers appreciate her acting.:) For the ratings, Im positive that W will dominate the dramaland next week. :wub:

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Hi @ayleeannn! Nice to see new faces here! Welcome to this thread! 

Some people are just jealous of her and we dont have to care about them as long as we know our girl has put in her best effort in portraying the adorkable Oh Yeon Joo! Although some may still be bashing her, i still see some other people defend her in saying that her acting is not "over-the-top" because that will also be their behaviour when things like these happen to them! So dont worry~~ :D

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I feel like people are either going to love or hate Hyo Joo's portrayal of Yeon Joo. It seems that most people love her but there are a few who aren't sold on the acting. I love the character so far and she's really fun and entertaining and most importantly, super relatable; however, upon rewatching the episodes, I do hope that she kind of tones down the widening her eyes to express emotions better. It's the only thing that really bothers me but I think that's just kind of how Kdrama acting is lol because I don't remember her doing it in her films.

But I do agree with those that say her character is the harder role to portray so far in the drama. She's basically a fish out of the water reacting to incredulous, crazy situations while still having to be the primary source of comic relief. It's hard to balance genuine wild reactions to a crazy situation with"natural" comedic moments especially when said moments are written to be pretty meta/hammy.

I hope that she's able to prove the few critics wrong though because I feel that the scriptwriter is setting up great character growth for Yeon Joo. We already know that she lacks confidence in herself when it comes to being a doctor, so it'll be really nice to see her gain some confidence and also have the balls to stand up against her mother and go into art instead of finishing her residency.

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