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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Ahahaha I love that the 1N2D boys are still bringing her up even after months since her appearance. If this goes on, the new PD just might have to call up Hyo Joo and ask her to appear per their contractual agreement :lol:

Junho's face lmao. I think he's the biggest fan of hers out of the 6 by far with his "If you can't have it, break it" attitude towards her and him asking for her autograph those years ago lol. Then there's him sitting on her airplane seat and taking selfies in it LOL. I would've done that too though, no lie ^_^ 

But yes, Hyo Joo excels in solemn acting. She emotes so well with her face and her eyes and it's done so subtle and naturally. She's never been a "good" crier, in the sense that she can't well up lots of tears in her eyes, but she cries deep from the heart and it aches. To me, that feels a lot more organic than holding the Niagra Falls behind your eyelids. 

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Aww, Joon Young. <3 I wonder how he felt when his voice was the soundtrack to Yeon Joo's makeout session with Kang Chul at the police station. :lol:

Episode 10 is my favorite so far; coincidentally (?) it's also the episode where I feel Hyo Joo was able to show off her abilities the most (kind of like how episode 5 was Jong Suk's). I remember an old interview of hers for Always, when she talked about how the director wanted her character to be more cheerful but she felt that she couldn't be that cheerful because of the character's internal pain and damage, and that she and the director worked to sort of get a middle ground for their interpretations. I feel like Hyo Joo excels at complexity like that also, like showing that emotional damage even within a character's cheerful personality, and I think for actors (and personally for me as a viewer) it's more interesting to play and watch nuances in a character rather all black and white. I posted here before that I was worried about the "I don't know why we had to break up" line in the preview, and I'm relieved that it was indeed much better in context. :D

The motel room scene is my favorite scene in the show so far, mostly because of Hyo Joo. The part where she had to bend her head and wait for the tear to properly fall on him before kissing him was a tad awkward though. :lol: Oh well. It was still excellent overall.

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Ahahahaha the way JJY leered at KJH when he said the girl's name is Hyo-joo, he was SO getting a rise out of him :D:D:D Out of all the 2D1N guests these duo are definitely the biggest fanboys of Hyo-joo, awww. I do hope she goes again, and gets tricked into signing another contract to appear again LOL.

Yeah ep.10 is also my favorite episode of W, I am so happy that all of Yeon-joo's inner strengths have finally surfaced in ep.10 (and continued on in ep.11!), it gave me strange satisfaction when our hero was pleading for her to come to him as he laid there bleeding to death (okay now I sound cruel). Ep. 10 was also the first episode that I saw a lot of rave comments from casual/neutral viewers for Hyo-joo's acting. I personally thought she did more than fine in the previous episodes, but I guess emotionally wrought scenes like the ones KC/JS had in ep.5 are the kinds that will showcase an actor's skills to even viewers who are less observant. Some people criticize her crying scenes in earlier episodes and such comments seriously annoy me, but I guess everyone's just got different preferences since I myself loathe over-dramatic crying (wailing like someone has taken out your kidney when in fact it's merely a bad break-up), and prefer more realistic, genuine kind of acting. 

As W is ending I really hope HHJ gets an Instagram, though I do understand why she's hesitant to do so =(  

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I am also a fan of Hyo Joo's acting of an emotionally distaught person with cheerful personality. Brilliant legacy raised my admiration for her and Dong Yi strengthened it because those were 2 different generes. she had 2 act out same emotion (a cheerful person challenged by a series of unfortunate events in life) but delivered differently from the other. Like in Dong Yi, she was a servant but she was able to  imbibe a hintnof elegance in her character even during her servant days. 


In W, I love the angst I felt in those scenes when YJ was so near KC but she couldn't do anything. She miss him, she wants to touch him... But she knows she can't. The longing...the sadness in her eyes.... The pain of knowing she was erased from her husbands memory... You can read them all in her eyes... And I love it that the pain did not render her incapable of providing help to KC as well as those people who were shot. 



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Lol if the new PD is as daring as PD Yoo was, I could imagine him tricking Hyo Joo into another contractual agreement XD I really hope we get to see her appear on 1N2D soon again. Some people didn't like that it was basically just a 3 hour fanboying episode, but I personally loved it LOL. I think her future appearance will show more of her competitive edge, especially if they're in teams again. 

Are there any chances that Hyo Joo and LJS might appear on 1N2D? lol Running Man is fine too... but I just love seeing the 1N2D fanboys :3 

I hope we'll see Hyo Joo in an action movie soon too, or even a thriller. She brought up doing something like Lee Young Ae's Lady Vengeance during the Love, Lies promotional period. If she could be in something like that, that would so cool.

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I can't think of any reason for 2D1N or RM to invite HHJ and LJS together unless they co-star in a movie, or another TV drama that is on KBS or SBS... It's already quite amazing that the 2D1N folks have mentioned HHJ twice- and LJS once for being the (annoying) guy that HJ kissed haha- during W's run, as W is on a competing TV station. I would of course love to see the two appearing on either show together, since the contrast between these two when on variety shows would be hilarious, and if they are on 2D1N together it would be even funnier since we can expect some animosity (for entertainment purpose, of course) from the HHJ fanboys towards the guy who she's kissed so many times xD 

Really hope HHJ's next project is an action or thriller! If not a movie then a drama on cable, where shows are usually much more edgy than those on the big three.

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True, true about W being on a competitor station. I'll be hopeful for the small chance that W's popularity will make KBS or SBS go "meh" and invite them anyway lol *crosses fingers. 

5 more episodes of W and I'm not ready to let it go yet T-T Does anyone know if they'll air the remaining episodes in 3 weeks or will they air it in 2 with episodes 14 and 15 on one day and 16 on the last day?


Also, how cute are they?


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I got that sudden realization too last week... W will be over in a few weeks time. I can't remember how I survived the weeks without her on my screen.  :tears:

I love Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and one of my favorite Korean film remains to be Oldboy. I remember Hyo Joo presented a film award with Park Chan Wook once - and I wondered if they interacted behind stage. Personally though, as much as I love Park as a film director, I don't really want Hyo Joo to work with him. He's work can be quite suggestive. Same goes for director Kim Jee Won and Kim Ki Duk. On the other hand, I'd love to see her working with either Kwak Jae Young or Bong Joon Ho! 

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9 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

Ahahaha I love that the 1N2D boys are still bringing her up even after months since her appearance. If this goes on, the new PD just might have to call up Hyo Joo and ask her to appear per their contractual agreement :lol:

Junho's face lmao. I think he's the biggest fan of hers out of the 6 by far with his "If you can't have it, break it" attitude towards her and him asking for her autograph those years ago lol. Then there's him sitting on her airplane seat and taking selfies in it LOL. I would've done that too though, no lie ^_^ 

But yes, Hyo Joo excels in solemn acting. She emotes so well with her face and her eyes and it's done so subtle and naturally. She's never been a "good" crier, in the sense that she can't well up lots of tears in her eyes, but she cries deep from the heart and it aches. To me, that feels a lot more organic than holding the Niagra Falls behind your eyelids. 


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@ohnoitscindy the remaining 5 episodes will air as normal. Its final episode has already been set, which is on September 14. Eventhough W is so popular they didnt even extend it for atleast 4more episodes. Huhu! But I dont want also the quality of the drama would suffer just because of the extension. Hopefully there will be new project for Hyo Joo soon..

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On 27/08/2016 at 1:02 AM, adeleyam said:

This video is at the MBC homepage~ one of the BTS videos..

You can watch it here: http://m.imbc.com/program/mboard_view.aspx?bid=1003357100000100000&objid=w_sketch&listid=2562354&title=7JiB7IOB7Iqk7LyA7LmY

Hyo Joo appeared from 1:12 - 2:22

Hyo Joo was saying "its funny" but speaking in her own form of (alien) language and LTH imitated her so they laughed..

And at the last part where Hyo Joo hit LTH is because he acted like he wrote the address on the note but in actual fact he wrote nonsense... :lol:

I just love this shipment.. hyoju unnie seems very closed with other co-star.. love W soo much:wub:

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Hyo joo updated her weibo with her photos taken when filming for the underwater scene.. :D

어렵지만 즐거웠던 수중 촬영!
나오는건 짧았지만 하루종일 촬영했어요ㅠㅠㅎㅎ 이날 함께 고생해주신 많은 스탭분들께 감사의 인사를~!

出来的场面虽然很短, 但是这可是拍摄了一整天啊 [泪] 这一天,所有的工作人员们大家都辛苦了!! #W两个世界##韩孝周#

Had fun filming even though it's tough! (Laugh)

It was only a short scene but we filmed for the whole day ㅠㅠ hh (cry) All of us worked hard that day!! #WTwoWorlds##HanHyoJoo#





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@starfield Seeing the two of them together on RM or 2D1N is a dream for me; I know it's very unlikely. T__T I would slightly prefer Running Man because I love Hyo Joo's super-competitive side; on the other hand, there's Jung Joon Young. :D But alas.

@ohnoitscindy The MBC people are such a tease, releasing that tiny clip but not uploading the whole video (yet!?). I hope they upload it today. T___T

EDIT: OMG the clip is up! http://imbbs.imbc.com/view.mbc?list_id=2562627&page=1&bid=w_sketch

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On 8/29/2016 at 4:36 PM, adeleyam said:

Hyo joo updated her weibo with her photos taken when filming for the underwater scene.. :D

어렵지만 즐거웠던 수중 촬영!
나오는건 짧았지만 하루종일 촬영했어요ㅠㅠㅎㅎ 이날 함께 고생해주신 많은 스탭분들께 감사의 인사를~!

出来的场面虽然很短, 但是这可是拍摄了一整天啊 [泪] 这一天,所有的工作人员们大家都辛苦了!! #W两个世界##韩孝周#

It was a fun time filming even though it's tough! (Laugh)

We filmed for a whole day but it only showed a little bit (cry) We all worked hard that day!! #WTwoWorlds##HanHyoJoo#



Hyoju unnie is really deabakk.. beauty plus talented:wub:

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Aw she looks like a baby seal in the first photo of her in the water haha

Thanks for the photos and the translations @adeleyam! You are the MVP of this thread haha

I seriously don't know how we went 6 years without her on the small screen lol. I wonder what her thoughts are about doing another drama. Perhaps we'll get our answer in the post-W interviews she'll give. And maybe we'll get some new CFs and new project announcement ^_^ 

Thanks @isapuilai for the clarification. So it will end on a Wednesday aka W-day, I guess that's quite fitting lol. I also read that that day is LJS' birthday too. The cast and crew will probably have a wrap-up party in celebration of the last episode and for LJS' birthday. But what will they air the following day though? Hopefully a special full of new BTS scenes :D 

Thanks @Ondine for the video link! I see LJS has picked up Hyo Joo's infectious bad dancing XD It must be so very hot because they all look miserable, even the crew members lol. I hope ratings will reach 15% so they can be rewarded with a nice vacation after the drama ends.

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@ohnoitscindy I'm crossing my fingers for a BTS special! I don't think they'd start airing the replacement drama on a Thursday, right? Or has that happened before? :sweatingbullets: Yeah, they all looked rough, especially the crew and extras (since they don't have people fanning them in between takes I guess, haha). Their bad-dancing together is just so cute. :D

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@kaz11:My friend , i am not new member!! But thanks for saying "welcom" me !... How you could guess i am a lover boy of hyo joo??....... What is your meaning about lower extremities ?????????!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!!! Please do not speak about one thing of hyo joo ! I love all things of her ! She is my angel and my Goddess forever ! She is my only reason for living !

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