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[Drama 2020] Good Casting, 굿 캐스팅


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Watch: “Good Casting” Stars Film Final Scenes + Bid Farewell To Characters In Last Behind-The-Scenes Video

Jun 21, 2020
by S. Cho

SBS’s “Good Casting” has released its final making-of video!


On June 19, SBS released a behind-the-scenes clip of the last few scenes filmed for “Good Casting.” The video begins with U-KISS’s Jun and Yoo In Young filming a kiss scene between their characters Woo Won and Ye Eun. After wrapping the scene, Jun comments, “Starting today, I have to part ways with Woo Won. To the staff members who worked so hard together with me and to Yoo In Young. Thanks to her generous understanding, I was able to adjust [to filming], and as a result, the atmosphere on set was so fun.”

He goes on to thank all of his other co-stars and the rest of the staff, saying, “I think there is just so much to be thankful for.”

The next scene featured is the emotional death of Byun Woo Seok (played by Heo Jae Ho), featuring the National Intelligence Service crew. Even after the director yells “Cut!” the actors are unable to halt their emotions.


Lee Sang Yeob, who plays Yoon Seok Ho in the drama, shares, “The filming of ‘Good Casting,’ which ran tirelessly from August 2019 to February 2020, has come to an end. We really worked hard and had fun while filming, and I believe that the viewers were also able to feel the same fun and emotion that we felt. In the future, please continue to love Lee Sang Yeob, as well as Choi Kang Hee and the rest of our ‘Good Casting’ cast. Thank you to the viewers who loved ‘Good Casting.’ You will be blessed.”







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Good Casting: Episode 16 (Final)

by Sunny


We’ve reached the finale and our spies have found themselves in a bind. With “Michael” within their reach, the team is frantic to get to him before their operation goes up in flames. Luckily, they’re not alone in their desire to bring Michael down, but this mission may come at more cost than anyone bargained for.




The mission hits a snag and Wang Kai turns on Mi-soon and Ye-eun as Chan-mi is startled by a knock on the door. Wang Kai’s men herd Mi-soon and Ye-eun away as Chan-mi boards the elevator. Gwan-soo tells Chan-mi he’s lost contact just in time for her to see her teammates ushered towards Wang Kai’s room. A quick frisk finds nothing on the spies and Wang Kai orders them killed. Mi-soon blurts a sniper is waiting on the opposite roof. Unconvinced, Wang Kai dares the sniper to shoot a vase on the table or he’ll shoot them.

Pacing at the end of the hall, Chan-mi receives a call from Mi-soon (who’s being held at gunpoint) to come in. When Chan-mi joins them, Wang Kai sneers he’ll be sure to fetch a good price if he hands them over during the phase 3 transaction. Chan-mi argues he can’t do that if he’s dead and says she brought a present to repay him for the one he’d brought last time (vis-à-vis the bomb vest on Cheol-woong). She motions and one of the thugs opens his shirt to reveal a timebomb strapped to his stomach. Wang Kai screeches at him to take it off, but Chan-mi brandishes a detonator and warns the bomb will go off in less than two minutes.



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Just completed the whole 16 episodes in three days hahahaha. I loved it and I am surprised that the thread is not moving as much even with the interesting plot. The show is really funny especially the earlier episodes. And despite it being about NIS and espionage, I like that Good Casting made the NIS trio seem very human with their flaws and mistakes.


I came for Lee Sang Yeob as somebody from the Once Again thread had been recommending him in this show. I was not disappointed. He is so loveable here. To be honest Lee Sang Yeob does not look his age at all and when he played the character's young self, he seemed really fitting for it thanks to his baby-face. I really enjoyed all the Seok Ho and Chan MI's flashback. They are definitely not the typical K-Drama couple but there's just so much to love.


I super loved Chan Mi's character too. Maybe I found her craziness somewhat relatable and if I had her fighting skills, I would definitely want to use it as often as her (especially all those prison moments and super love how she helped Mi Soon's daughter to teach those bullies a lesson)!


Woo Seok, Woo Won, Mi Soon and Ye Eun all added lots of humourous moments to the show too!


Sorry if I had not read through earlier comments but could the ending possibly lead to a sequel with it's unfinished case? It seems rather rushed towards the end and yet a number of draggy scenes (like the excessively long coin noraebang scene) so it did feel a bit odd there.


However overall, I would definitely recommend giving this a watch! It was very entertaining throughout all the episodes!

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Kim Ji Young Talks About Gaining 12 Kilograms For “Good Casting,” Her Son’s Thoughts On Her Fame, And More

Jun 29, 2020
by S. Cho

Following the conclusion of SBS’s “Good Casting,” actress Kim Ji Young participated in an interview with News1 to discuss the drama and her career.

“Good Casting” starred Kim Ji Young, Choi Kang Hee, and Yoo In Young as National Intelligence Service (NIS) agents. After being forced to be pencil-pushers for a long time, they finally get the chance to go out into the field again on an undercover mission.

Kim Ji Young made her debut in 1995 and most recently appeared in popular films “Extreme Job” and “E.X.I.T” before starring in “Good Casting.”

Given the extensive preparation needed for the intense action scenes in “Good Casting,” the interviewer asked if there was a particular reason she was drawn to this production. Kim Ji Young responded with a laugh, “To be honest, I went in thinking, ‘This is going to be easy,’ but it wasn’t. First off, when I received the script, I read it in one go. The role looked fun. It was both funny and sad and held a lot of different emotions.”


When asked about her action scenes, Kim Ji Young shared, “Kang Hee struggled more than I did. I think she endured double the amount I did. However, she has very good stamina, and she really enjoyed filming the action scenes. She doesn’t even sweat.” She added, “Originally, ‘stamina’ and ‘Kim Ji Young’ went hand-in-hand, but not anymore, now that I’m in my forties.”

After gaining 12 kilograms (approximately 26 pounds) for her role in “Good Casting,” the actress commented that she had not yet lost it all. She explained, “In the past, I would be able to gain a ton of weight and then lose it all within a month.”


more https://www.soompi.com/article/1409706wpp/kim-ji-young-talks-about-gaining-12-kilograms-for-good-casting-her-sons-thoughts-on-her-fame-and-more

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