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[OFFICIAL] ♥Lee Dong Wook♥ Yoo In Na ♥ Pichi Couple/Ointment Couple

Yoo In Na

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I paused the Insta post on my 22" desktop screen and was able to capture an image of the necklace. I tried to post my screenshot here but I'm not tech saavy enough to do it (if CTRL-V doesn't work). But it is a tiny key. I did a quick internet search, but couldn't find anything similar. All the key necklaces look like this:



But YIN's is offset -- with one end of the key attached directly to the chain and the "handle" at the other end of the chain.  But the key itself it somewhat similar to the key above (smaller, though and thinner). YIN's is very dainty. Wonder if the person who holds the "key to her heart" gave it to her? Hmmm? :smirk:

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1 hour ago, AkiChan said:

I paused the Insta post on my 22" desktop screen and was able to capture an image of the necklace. I tried to post my screenshot here but I'm not tech saavy enough to do it (if CTRL-V doesn't work). But it is a tiny key. I did a quick internet search, but couldn't find anything similar. All the key necklaces look like this:



But YIN's is offset -- with one end of the key attached directly to the chain and the "handle" at the other end of the chain.  But the key itself it somewhat similar to the key above (smaller, though and thinner). YIN's is very dainty. Wonder if the person who holds the "key to her heart" gave it to her? H

Oh my goodness @AkiChan your detective work is AMAZING!!!!! Truly forensic stuff -- you're better than CSI!! So it is a KEY! Definitely seems like a gift rather than something a woman would buy for herself, no? And what is jewelry featuring a key but a symbol for commitment?! And from whom but the man who holds the key to her heart?! :bawling:


Also this is pretty delulu, but a tiny key would be so poetic against all of the lock logo stuff that LDW wears. She's the key to his lock :bawling: Like that "unlock your life" tshirt LDW kept wearing, YIN unlocked his best self (omo, crying rn). 

2 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

I definitely think YIN likes long hair on guys or rather on a certain guy hehe. And isn’t it coincidental Wookie has kept his hair long since TYH? He used to complain in vlive how uncomfortable it is but later said he has gotten used to it. For a guy who likes to be comfortable - remember he likes to laze at home and wear pyjamas all day long, the long hair must be quite the opposite of comfortable. The things we do for the people we love lmao. 

I was not 100% certain on the subs on these but didn’t LDW say in Goblin’s DVD commentary that he wanted Reaper’s hair styled "up” (pushed back like how they styled Lee Hyuk) but the director rejected that because the director thought it looked weird with the hat. The scriptwriter agreed and said she took a poll and everyone on her team voted for Reaper's hair “down" as well. Then, YIN also chimed in saying she also thought hair “down” was best…!!!! 
So just based on this, one would logically conclude that LDW’s preference would be for a clean hairstyle — to not have all of that busyness hanging out around his eyes… One would also logically think that YIN seems to have the opposite preference… 
Fast forward a few years later: LDW’s hair was probably a week away from being able to be braided. Something changed here! But we know YIN’s preference hasn’t changed. She said nothing about LYJ’s hair in Dream Operator. But when LYJ came back later with a longer hairstyle with straight bangs, she not only complimented it but she expressed shock that he was about to get a haircut. Her tastes have been 100% consistent! In fact, our lovely YIN is a sleeper threat to the barbershop industry in SK lol 
(Ugh so this rust color is back for TOTNT S2, I am devastated lol. Once this is done though, it would be super fun if YIN could get LDW to grow his hair wayyy out… I’m picturing a length similar to Jared Leto’s hair? Who incidentally is probably the only male celeb I know of 
whose agelessness can compete with LDW’s lol) 
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Wow @AkiChanand @dramachaserxoxohats off to you both for top notch detective work and analysis/deduction! You’re both always ace indeed hehe. 

Didn’t KJR give OJS a key necklace too? No doubt sponsored by Stonehenge but still. Maybe during the shoot YIN said how much she liked the sponsored design and Wookie being the attentive bf went and got her one. Key to his heart the ultimate accompanimant to the Pars lock logo that he wears all the time. And get this - the Pars logo is an open/unlocked lock, not a closed one. So she has the key that has unlocked his heart! What a way to “belong” to each other, Pichi is so sneakily brilliant I tell ya! Thanks to @dramachaserxoxofor putting 2 and 2 together!

Yup hair down all the way for YIN. KJR’s hair style is the ultimate manifestation of hair down lol. What YIN wants, LDW gives, no question about that! 

Speaking of Jared Leto, what are the odds that YIN had a big say about this look hehe


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Chorizo-amida my chingus for the multiple posts here (this scatterbrain forgot to organize her thoughts)...  So YIN said "a relationship where we meet often" in this? But in 7.7B where she's said something similar regarding LDW, she was not actively filming anything with him? Did she use the same wording? Is she saying she met with LDW as often as she does now with her variety costar? :rubchin: 


Ugh wish Korean was an easier language to learn lol 


@Almondcroissant YES such a great point!!! Lol LYJ's current hair is the same style as KJR's, isn't it? Lol. That photoshoot is so fun. (Although if I could nitpick I do wish they'd have sprung for a full wig here instead of clipping extensions... Like they did to GY in Goblin, it's a little mullet-esque)

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3 hours ago, dramachaserxoxo said:

Chorizo-amida my chingus for the multiple posts here (this scatterbrain forgot to organize her thoughts)...  So YIN said "a relationship where we meet often" in this? But in 7.7B where she's said something similar regarding LDW, she was not actively filming anything with him? Did she use the same wording? Is she saying she met with LDW as often as she does now with her variety costar?  


Ugh wish Korean was an easier language to learn lol 


@Almondcroissant YES such a great point!!! Lol LYJ's current hair is the same style as KJR's, isn't it

This is what YIN said in 7.7



I think in Yongjin’s case she means a relationship where they would meet often for work/filming. In 7.7 she kept it very vague, but the world knows she was not filming anything with wookie at that time so it was all private meet ups haha. 

Yes Yongjin’s hairstyle is very similar to KJR except the back part is longer. No wonder YIN almost protested when he said he was going to cut it haha. 

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wuaaa.. I am speechless, this is absolutely wonderful, cute, fantastic, amazing.. :bawling:
Everything makes sense, that little key that has opened their hearts is the proof of everything, it is a symbol of love in the whole world.
Now I remember something funny that makes sense to me, when Yin tried to catch mosquitoes for fear of being bitten in FT and later LDW did the same in VLive..! Haha.  Also in '101' show when he said  'if I was an artist I would write and dedicate this song ("Me after You") to my lover.'!?  And fans: does he have a lover?! lol :open_mouth:  :love:
oh my god! And the coffee truck?  "your love, my love.." and when LDW said in a Vlive that he was going straight home to eat "meat" (yin).! And all that 'sincerity' and 'we often see each other privately', wuaa we got them! 
So many clues, but this, this is amazing. Is't her way to tell us about Pichi private relationship ? , not directly, but almost.?.  :smirk:

Sometimes I think that it could be they were already married in private,only family and best friends present?

Yin turns 40 now in June,right? And it seems LDW will try to do one drama a year.. ? they had a couple of weeks orthem selv? + now he has been bussy making '1000' photos for several Magazin,he said he worked 10h.day!
One of the last, "the most beautiful has not yet come"? wdym? family, baby? wow... i can't wait to find out!  :coolshades:   And thank you all for such fantastic work!

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Isn’t this question awfully similar to the perilla leaf question in Wookie’s vlive? Is it ok for my lover to help my friend separate perilla leaf versus is it ok for my lover to help my friend peel shrimp?! Wookie’s answer was, “why is the friend so bad at using chopsticks? I don’t know what I will do unless I am in such a situation”. Will YIN give a similar answer lmao. 


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17 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

sn’t this question awfully similar to the perilla leaf question in Wookie’s vlive? Is it ok for my lover to help my friend separate perilla leaf versus is it ok for my lover to help my friend peel shrimp?! Wookie’s answer was, “why is the friend so bad at using chopsticks? I don’t know what I will do unless I am in such a situation”. Will YIN give a similar answer lmao. 

Amazing!!! Yes it IS hahaha Can't wait to see what YIN says tomorrow! Lol so I misunderstood the vlive, I thought the debate was if LDW would separate it for a female friend with his GF there (lol I had no patience and watched this too early with subs I didn't understand). I just rewatched this part with wookieislove's subs -- is it kind of sus he thought about this for so long? I don't get the cultural nuance here but I would think being OK with it would be more fitting with a heartthrob image? As in a gentle, understanding BF archetype? Like KJR in the second half of TYH?


If you truly don't have anyone in mind and this is all hypothetical, there isn't so much to think about, right? Especially for someone who seems lightning quick to think on his feet? It reminds me of that FIL question from another vlive which seemed so obviously a joke but he thought about it very seriously... Only to say the same thing at the end, as he did here? IIRC lol

(Lol also, if anyone watches Graham Norton this reminds me of the story Chris O'Dowd told, how he and his wife ate with Bradley Cooper together and his wife ended up saving Bradley Cooper's fork in her purse and eats with it at home lol)
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2 hours ago, dramachaserxoxo said:

Amazing!!! Yes it IS hahaha Can't wait to see what YIN says tomorrow! Lol so I misunderstood the vlive, I thought the debate was if LDW would separate it for a female friend with his GF there (lol I had no patience and watched this too early with subs I didn't understand). I just rewatched this part with wookieislove's subs -- is it kind of sus he thought about this for so long? I don't get the cultural nuance here but I would think being OK with it would be more fitting with a heartthrob image? As in a gentle, understanding BF archetype? Like KJR in the second half of TYH?


If you truly don't have anyone in mind and this is all hypothetical, there isn't so much to think about, right? Especially for someone who seems lightning quick to think on his feet? It reminds me of that FIL question from another vlive which seemed so obviously a joke but he thought about it very seriously... Only to say the same thing at the end, as he did here? IIRC lol



You're right! The typical heartthrob response would be to be open and generous isn't it and say something like, "I think it is fine to help out a friend. Besides, my GF is present too, and I know she trusts me enough not to mind." A gallant considerate answer like that would help him score points with fans isn't it. But he thought quite long about it and in the end gave a safe non-answer that wouldn't get him in trouble with his GF haha. And I think quite a number of celebs who were polled about the perilla leaf thought it was fine to help a friend. But I think peeling shrimp is a more intimate action, so I would understand if a GF got offended. If I’m not wrong I think YIN said it is ok for her BF to help peel shrimp. There, you got your answer Wookie, no need to be so uncertain lmao. 


Oh I must mention that Cha Hak Yeon who played the young policeman in B&C gave a very wise answer to the perilla leaf question. He said it is ok to help to separate the leaf the first time, but if it is repeated too often, then it could look suspicious. Clever young man, this one. He gets my approval haha. 


Yup YIN has confirmed that peeling shrimp is fine! Now you know what to say the next time you’re asked Wookie lol.


Edited by Almondcroissant
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Lol I am confused by JTBC's English subs for this week's Between Us, but the one thing I am certain I understood is... Anytime YIN references speaking to a significant other, it's almost always in the context of talking to him on the phone... Never in person... 


Soulja Boy rapped it best -- "baby you so sexy your voice is so lovely.... 

CoolAcclaimedAdouri-size_restricted.gif!!!!" :joy:


(Also LDW's favorite couple in HNY is the morning wake-up call couple lol, IIRC this couple's only screen time together was on the roof, enough said amirite lol)

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@dramachaserxoxoyes those subs are such a pain to understand lol. 

YIN has a very busy other half who filmed 2 movies last year, one variety and one drama. So texting and calling is the only way to go. If she were dating a regular guy with a regular job there would be no need to resort to so much phone communication hehe. :tounge_wink:
Great connection to HNY there!

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Haha so I'm curious what everyone thinks here -- I am finding this more sus the more I think about it but I could be just overthinking it hahaha. So YIN says "no way", she wouldn't want her partner to tie a female friend's shoes because if he looks up at her while tying it, "like a prince", that could be a sincere action.


So a few things...


1) why is a flirtatious / romantic action called a sincere action? Is that normal usage? 

2) I think your partner would have to be very traditionally good-looking for a woman to be concerned about this? Otherwise, wouldn't an average-looking dude looking up at a female friend while tying their shoe very awkward? It doesn't sound ~princely~ to me at all. Like, what he want? A compliment? A $10 for the effort? 

Parks And Recreation Shoeshine GIF by PeacockTV


I see it as similar to Grim Reaper using his invisibility hat showing up at Sunny's restaurant all the time without her knowing. The action by itself is highly creepy, even stalkerish, if it wasn't LDW playing Grim Reaper. Like if the hunchback of notre dame suddenly poofed into Sunny's restaurant and was watching her... That's not a fantasy-romance no more, that's a fantasy-horror drama. (It's kind of crazy the things we accept as a society when someone is good looking versus not, but that's another discussion.) If your partner is Prince Charming, he putting on a glass slipper on a random friend is the stuff of nightmares. If your partner is an average looking (but probably wealthy) man, then him appearing princely is not going to be keeping you up at night, right? Ergo, I think this would really be a concern only if your guy is ~princely~ to begin with... :smirk: 

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3 hours ago, dramachaserxoxo said:

1) why is a flirtatious / romantic action called a sincere action? Is that normal usage? 

2) I think your partner would have to be very traditionally good-looking for a woman to be concerned about this? Otherwise, wouldn't an average-looking dude looking up at a female friend while tying their shoe very awkward? It doesn't sound ~princely~ to me at all. Like, what he want? A compliment? A $10 for the effort? 



This cracked me up. I would be very awkward if any guy (other than my other half) offered to tie my shoelaces and I would be creeped out if he tried to even look up at me. I agree, "princely" would apply to like only 1% of the world population? Perhaps when this shoelace thing is done in k-dramas it is called princely? When they showed the snippet from the drama where the guy tied the girl's shoelace, they used the word "princely". 


I am right now having a mental picture of ALL my male friends and I can honestly say NONE of them fall into the "princely" category. There are one or two whom I might term attractive/cute but no where near the "princely" classification! Looks like YIN was thinking only of ONE "princely" person who by popular vote, is one of the handsomest on the planet, he who has even been called "ethereal" haha. The prince to her princess, so to speak lmao. 


Edited by Almondcroissant
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I watched ep 2 of Between Us with chinese subs. I must say the Chinese subs are way, way better than the English. TBH the English subs this time were so bad I couldn't get what they were saying and who was talking about who. So I found the following interesting:


1. Aiki has been married for 10 years and she says her relationship with her husband is one that grew from love to friendship and now loyalty (I think this means a comfortable, stable stage where husband and wife support each other). Yongjin says he's been married for 4 years and he would get into trouble with his wife if he were to say he is now at the same stage as Aiki. (By this I think he means he and his wife are still at the romantic stage after 4 years and his wife will be angry if he says something unromantic like they are now at a "stable, comfortable" stage haha). And YIN says "if I am in the 4th year of my relationship I wouldn't want to hear something like that either". My question is: how does she know what to feel if she hasn't yet been in the 4th year of her relationship?! Our YIN must still be enjoying a lot of romantic feels in her relationship right now hehe. Reminds me of how Wookie got all shy with that mango/strawberry question. These 2 are still head over heels for each other I tell ya. 

Good Night Sleeping GIF by Jin


2. YIN said she is not in favor of her BF tying shoelaces or zipping up the jacket for a female friend. But she said peeling shrimp is ok, but her reasoning  is very sound. She says it is convenient for everyone if one person has washed his/her hands and can then peel shrimp for everyone/the whole group. That makes sense right? No point everyone getting their hands dirty haha. Our YIN is smart.


3. The older male guest Park Sung Geun was in the drama Stranger/Secret Forest. YIN has a knowing look on her face when she asks PSG which actor in Stranger he had the most chemistry with? Looking at her expression I think she expected the answer to be Cho Seung Woo (since CSW was the ML anyway). As we know CSW is an excellent actor and he was in Life with Wookie. She even asks PSG whether the friend that he invited on the show is CSW. I just found this part a little sus. Perhaps Wookie had told YIN a lot of good things about CSW so she wanted to see him IRL. I may be overthinking of course, since CSW is a renowned actor and singer, so maybe YIN really did want to meet him. 


4. I found another part highly sus. This was when they talked about platonic friends of the opposite sex. YIN says "my standard (measurement) for a platonic friend of the opposite sex is that I wouldn't meet him often". Isn't this what Wookie always says? He has said that when he is in a relationship, he does not contact his female friends. He doesn't meet them one-on-one for a meal or drinks. So now YIN says the same thing. As we all know, when we are in a relationship, we often adopt the standards or practices of our lover right? So YIN has likely been influenced by Wookie in this aspect haha. 


5. Still on the topic of platonic friends, I have to apologize that I had earlier misunderstood the English subs. YIN did not talk about texting or video calling her lover. What she actually says is this (I am paraphrasing for clarity sake here): "When I am with my BF, if he receives a call from his friend of the opposite sex, he should be able to use speakerphone to talk to her in my presence, meaning that I can listen in on the conversation so there is nothing to be suspicious about. My BF should also tell his female friend to say hi to me. This would show that it is just a platonic friendship between them, and I am acknowledged as his GF in front of all his female friends. This is my standard and my BF must be able to achieve this standard."


YIN is very wise about relationships, I admire her. And I think this shows that Pichi both have very high standards in their relationship and I admire this because it shows maturity and that they know how to cultivate a strong steady relationship based on trust and mutual respect. 




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9 hours ago, Almondcroissant said:

4. I found another part highly sus. This was when they talked about platonic friends of the opposite sex. YIN says "my standard (measurement) for a platonic friend of the opposite sex is that I wouldn't meet him often". Isn't this what Wookie always says? He has said that when he is in a relationship, he does not contact his female friends. He doesn't meet them one-on-one for a meal or drinks. So now YIN says the same thing. As we all know, when we are in a relationship, we often adopt the standards or practices of our lover right? So YIN has likely been influenced by Wookie in this aspect haha. 

Oh my God! This reminds me of their "I meet Lee Dong Wook often" and/or "We often meet privately" 


In this case, he's way past her "limit" for a platonic friend right???


Edited by meyosassy
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On 4/7/2022 at 12:46 PM, meyosassy said:
On 4/7/2022 at 3:13 AM, Almondcroissant said:

4. I found another part highly sus. This was when they talked about platonic friends of the opposite sex. YIN says "my standard (measurement) for a platonic friend of the opposite sex is that I wouldn't meet him often". Isn't this what Wookie always says? He has said that when he is in a relationship, he does not contact his female friends. He doesn't meet them one-on-one for a meal or drinks. So now YIN says the same thing. As we all know, when we are in a relationship, we often adopt the standards or practices of our lover right? So YIN has likely been influenced by Wookie in this aspect haha. 

Oh my God! This reminds me of their "I meet Lee Dong Wook often" and/or "We often meet privately" 


In this case, he's way past her "limit" for a platonic friend right???

Agree!!! So based on these facts with none of my delulu thrown in... She was meeting LDW often... Something happened... Now she no longer meets male friends often... Tee hee, ala soul ala soul :relaxed:


Ladies, if you aren't dating someone who is also committed to doing this, then why limit yourself to not meeting your guy friends much? Also, this is probably more important to do if you are dating someone whom you don't see that often, right?

On 4/7/2022 at 3:13 AM, Almondcroissant said:

YIN is very wise about relationships, I admire her. And I think this shows that Pichi both have very high standards in their relationship and I admire this because it shows maturity and that they know how to cultivate a strong steady relationship based on trust and mutual respect. 


So true. I admire her as well. It probably takes a huge heart to date someone like LDW. Guy's got people shipping him with every single person he's ever been shown on camera with, woman or man (like in Amazing Saturday, when LDW made a straight rapper Nucksal sweat through his jacket just by standing close? Lol) Sure, there are all these things the guy can commit to doing but it takes a strong person to allow themselves to be vulnerable in that way, especially considering that their status wouldn't be public and their profession, which is not exactly known for monogamy. 


Amazing explanation @Almondcroissant !!!!

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