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[Official Thread] Song Wei Long 宋威龙

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Below is a video showing briefly, Song Wei Long's 19th birthday celebration with his fans.


After that is an interview with iQIYI where he mentions that:


1)  His life as an actor is very lonely.

2) He cares for his fans so much that he wants to fulfill their every expectation of him. This makes him very stressful at one stage.

3) He aims to preserve his original self - that little boy's spirit and purity of heart. (That is why it is not surprising to see his free-spiritedness playing "hide & seek" with the dog in the lifestyle programme -  "Back To Field", above:D)




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Netease Fashion Channel

I used 17 questions to uncover the other side of Song Wei Long

Author: Netease fashion
04-30 11:00.  2020
Reading 41979
So this is Song Weilong
(Posted on: 21 May 2020)


At the beginning of this year 2020, did anyone, like Sister Yi, squat in front of the screen every day to sing the sweet and sadistic love of Yuan Song?


In this era of "holding beautiful lines", Song Wei Long captured the hearts of many girls with his outstanding appearance and acting skills.




Before understanding Song Wei Long, many people would use "lucky" to define him.  Because of a video which was photographed by a photographer, he officially debuted at the age of 16, and soon got a lot of high-quality film and television resources.


1) At the age of 17, he was hand-picked for the love film "Love The Way You Are" by "Idol Godmother" Chai Zhiping;

2) At the age of 17/18, he played the actor of the heavyweight IP "Untouchable Lovers", and many people saw it for a lifetime.

3) In "Find Yourself", 19years old Yuan Song who is full of love and a little belly, once again attracted everyone's attention.



In addition to bringing an aura of acting to Song Wei Long, fast fame is more of a huge psychological pressure.


But instead of being knocked down by the sound of doubt, he continued to hone himself, making these doubts gradually become applause and applause.


In fact, in addition to models and actors, Song Wei Long outside the screen has another identity. Want to know what the dragon outside the screen looks like? Then read on


Netease Fashion "List Young Youth"

Interview: Song Wei Long


Netease Fashion: As a new generation of young actors, what qualities should they possess?


Song Wei Long: Sunshine, upward, hard work, enterprising


Netease Fashion : You played the elder brother with two younger siblings in the play "Go Ahead", what do you think should be the role of the elder brother?


Song Wei Long: Protecting the family is the most important thing. The family is really a very warm existence. As a family, the eldest brother must learn to protect the family and protect this warmth.


Netease Fashion : After cooperating with Song Qian in the drama "Find Yourself", can you introduce Song Qian  in your own way?


Song Wei Long: diligent and funny girl


Netease Fashion : What do you think of fashionIs daily shopping based on the trend, or do you buy according to your preferences?


Song Wei Long: Buying according to needs and preferences, my daily wear is more casual and natural, and what suits me is fashion.



Side B: Charity youth

Song Wei Long


Privately, Song Wei Long has participated in many public welfare activities. This cool boy actually has a warm heart.


Netease Fashion : In the face of this epidemic, as a public figure, do you have any positive energy to share with everyone?


Song Wei Long: The impact of this epidemic on everyone is still quite large. During this period, a lot of public welfare cooperation has been received. As a public figure, I hope to give everyone a role model. Take some of the most important and basic protection knowledge. Can be passed on to everyone.


Netease Fashion : As the promotion ambassador of "Rare Disease Day", fans also started to do charity under your influence. Have you paid attention to the fact that fans do charity?


Song Wei Long: I have seen a lot. During the recent epidemic, they donated materials to Wuhan. Before that, they also donated dog food and cat food to stray cats and stray dogs. They also donated libraries to schools in mountainous areas. Yes, I ’m all concerned. As a young actor, I ’m very proud to be able to influence fans to do more positive things.


Netease Fashion : During the epidemic, you participated in the anti-epidemic public welfare song "Heart Warming Heart is equal to the world", to encourage everyone who strives to fight the epidemic. Is there anything interesting and meaningful to share in the process of participating in the song?


Song Wei Long:  When recording, the epidemic was at it's worst. It was strictly forbidden to go out at that time, but everyone wanted to contribute to this matter, hoping to be a little warm when the epidemic was serious, and later decided to record at home. It can be seen that everyone is back to the white wall, the conditions are very simple, but very warm.


Netease Fashion : It is also the first time to try live broadcasting to help farmers in the mushroom house.  Do you have any special feelings about this new form of public welfare activities? Will you try other types of public welfare activities next?


Song Wei Long: The activities related to public welfare activities will continue forever. It is the responsibility of a young person to be able to do something for the society through his own efforts.


Netease Fashion : What is the work arrangement after?


Song Wei Long: After that, I still focus on acting. Recently, I have rested at home because of the epidemic situation. I will look at the script when I am fine.


Quick questions and quick answers

Song Wei Long

Three seconds to respond, quick questions and quick answers to expose the real him!


Netease Fashion used three words to describe the Yuan Song in your mind?

Song Wei Long: Sunshine, handsome, direct


Netease Fashion : What are the three most single items in the wardrobe?

Song Wei Long: hat, T-shirt, mask


Netease Fashion : There are only three items left in the closet. Which three would you leave?

Song Wei Long: hat, T-shirt, mask


Netease Fashion : What styling do you most want to try?

Song Wei Long: Those which are too exaggerated do not want to try


Netease Fashion : What kind of dress do you care about most?

Song Wei Long: I usually don't dress up when I go out, and I go out after daily washing


Netease Fashion : Which items are you most obsessed with?

Song Wei Long: Hat


Netease Fashion : Do you like hot pot or noodles?

Song Wei Long: Hot Pot


Netease Fashion : What animal are you most afraid of?

Song Wei Long: Mollusk

Sister Yi


Before interviewing Song Wei Long, Sister Yi's impression of him was handsome and cold. In fact, he was a big boy with a low-key and sincere personality.


He uses excellent works and humble personality to circle fans, and he also uses his influence to do some "simple little things" with those who love him.


Now Song Wei Long has gradually faded away from the youthfulness of last year. I believe he will be more determined and brave to move to the next peak of his life at the age of twenty.

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(Posted on: 25 May 2020)



From MGTV - "Longing For Life" (also known as "Back To Field") mini-variety show.  


A fuller version of Song Wei Long playing with the doggie. He is such a simple and kindred spirit.  So everyone likes to make fun of him.


Such simplicity should not be mistaken for "being foolish".  People are too quick to put a "label" on others. (Guess no English translations is needed for the video below yeah)





1) Playing with the Dog. He Jiong (Host) said Song Wei Long has enormous Stamina.

2) Off to pick pineapples.  Why did you bring a stick along? To protect you all

3) How many pineapples did you pick? I've forgotten how many I have.

4) Song Wei Long is so active


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(Posted on: 25 May 2020)

Song Wei Long - Vinda Tissue Paper spokesperson : skin-friendly.

Song Wei Long's dialogue:   After being held back at home for so long, # 氣 不住 的 夏 # has finally arrived as scheduled, and can't stop my love for work!  Every time I will bring the skin-friendly and non-irritating Vida cotton three-dimensional beauty with me. Is easy to use!OThe pre-sale officially started at 0:00 on May 25. I and @ 维达 Vinda has carefully selected a lot of skin-friendly good things for you. Come and book with me at the Tmall beauty makeup and care venue!OWeb links
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(Posted on: 25 May 2020)


A very short video from Song Wei Long's upcoming drama - "GO AHEAD".  


Guess they both were preparing for the "kiss-scene",  where Song Wei Long has to hoist Seven Tan Song Yun up a tree



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A BTS video clip for Song Wei Long's upcoming drama - "GO AHEAD"

Posted on: 26 May 2020




They were discussing how best to execute this humorous yet super-sweet scene.


TSY was saying this corner is rather narrow. She suggested doing it in the hall.  The Director agreed the hall has a wider space. But it is more logical to do it in the Kitchen.


He told Song Wei Long that he just had to finish dishing out the water-melon will do. They practised how to do it.  The main attraction is in the Dialogue. What Ling Xiao said to Li Jian Jian:


“When I was in my senior year in high school, I told you I would marry you in future.

Since then, I’ve made up my mind that I’ll leave you the watermelon core right in the middle,

the rice crust at the bottom of the rice cooker,

the meat on both gills of the fish,

The marrow in the marrow bone,

And the stuffing in steamed buns.

You took me into your house when we were children,

So I am yours

For my whole life.”

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(Posted on: 26 May 2020)



A combinations of events: 

1) Opening portion is answering fans' written questions. He was 19years old 

2) 2018:  His fans visited a 19years old SWL at the Filming Site for "Find Yourself" in 2018. 

3) 2018:  At his 19yrs old birthday celebrations with his fans   

4) Lastly is his 20th birthday celebrations with his fans in 2019. 

The man is a long-time fan of his. He was delivering the fans' letters to him. They are like good friends already. 

The girl is another No. 1 fan of SWL. She was overwhelmed by Song Wei Long. So nervous that she dared not look at him.  SWL wiped the milk-cream off her face for her 




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(Posted on: 27 May 2020)

An Interview with  Song Wei Long and Tan Songyun of TV drama " #以 家之 名 # (Go Ahead)  


Interviewer asked both of them to introduce their Drama-Character:

Tan Songyun : This is my brother, my eldest brother Ling Xiao

Song Wei Long: Shyly said "This my sister, Li Jian Jian"


Interviewer asked if they felt any difference between  the character's personality vs the actual person: 

TSY :  Exactly the same. (Meaning Song Wei Long's personality is exactly the

            same as Ling Xiao)

SWL:  Compared to Li JJ, Songyun is more mature and sensible.

Interviewer : Are you saying Li JJ is not sensible?)

SWL: (say the wrong things) err...I didn't mean that. Please watch the drama yourself.


Interviewer asked  them to explain about their Drama-role's relationship:

TSY : gave a brief explanation. Saying apart from Love, there is also Family Members' Relationships i.e. Kinships and Friendships. Happening among us all.


Interviewer : When were some of the sweet moments ?

TSY Many sweet interactions among all three


Interviewer: When did Ling Xiao realise that he loves Jian Jian?

SWL: In fact LX and LJJ have always liked each other since small. As they grow up the affections are still there....SWL is so shy to explain any further. So he said: "You go and see for yourself" (causing TSY to sniggle)


Interviewer: What makes Jian Jian accepts Ling Xiao?

TSY: There is no clear-cut point.  The affections are always there. Because they have grown up together, LJJ also didn't notice it. She always thought it is Kinship. Until   her brother (LX) told her that it is not Kinship.  But Love.  Then she started to ponder. Her brain may not immediately accept it.  But her heart has started to sway.


Interviewer: TSY to speak in her local dialects (Sichuan).  So TSY taught SWL to speak a few words.


Interviewer: When did you (LJJ) realise that you have grown up?

TSY: explained a bit on that. When you reflect on the past.  When something happen and you have to face it, especially when they are matters of the heart. That's when you realise that you have grown up.


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From  the programme - "Longing For Life" (or Back To Field Season 4)

(Posted on: 27 May 2020)
The lady, Wei Ya told Song Wei Long that her 8years' old daughter Nini is a Fan of his - after watching "Find Yourself".
She asked SWL to talk to her daughter via her mobile
SWL : Guess who I'm? 
Nini : Song Wei Long
SWL : What are you doing? Have you done your studies?
Nini : Bye
Wei Ya : She thought I ask you to check on her. So she quickly said "Bye". (Ha, ha)
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Song Wei Long is so caring. At the airport, his fans kept taking photographs of him. Not only is he not annoyed, after bidding goodbye to them,  he reminds them :  "Don't just keep holding your mobile phones up. Look where you are going too".  He is concerned about their safety!


(Posted on 29 May 2020)


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Huang Xiao Ming told Song Wei Long that his Agent likes him very much.  After watching Song Wei Long's drama,  they have changed their wall-picture to Longlong!  Previously his agent used Huang Xiao Ming's photos. 

(Posted on: 30 May 2020)




Song Wei Long's sense of youth is too great. The photos on Huang Xiao Ming ’s assistant's mobile phone have been replaced with Long Long. Haha

As soon as I see you, Panjin, Liaoning
Wow ⊙∀⊙!
Today at 09:07awesomeReply
First vera Hubei Xianning
Hahahaha Xiaoming, I also like you who like him[Haha]
Today at 09:03awesomeReply
77 baby is swl Dongguan, Guangdong
Everyone loves Song Weilong[Shy]
Today 08:30awesomeReply
LilyVanilly Wuhan, Hubei
I also like Song Weilong[Shy]
Today 07:59awesomeReply
Mr. Song's clever ghost a Qingyuan, Guangdong
I love this guy too
Today 07:47awesomeReply
Xuanyue has six 202005 Nanning Guangxi
Japanese teenagers fell in love
Today 07:32awesomeReply
Xiaoying Nuo America
Yuan Song is awesome Song Weilong is good
Today 04:39Like 1Reply
After breakfast from the United States
Little cute Song Weilong
Today 01:11awesomeReply
It must be Yuan Song! Who can't like Yuan Song?[Yun Bei]
Today 00:38awesomeReply
Love you the most [Be careful with you]@ 宋 威龙 99
Today 00:32Like 1Reply
Hahahahaha I also like
Today 00:32awesomeReply
  What a coincidence, me too[shy]
Today 00:29Like 3Reply
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