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[Official] HyunJae~MinWon*KangMinHyuk-HaJiWon*0628*Couple


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I think most ladies would agree with me on this, if you don't have special feeling towards a guy, you are comfortable and can behave silly and at ease. Once you like someone, you become more self-conscious around this person and maybe even become serious and cannot maintain eye contact very well. Are we seeing this in HJW?

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I can't get enough of his look! Makes me squeal. Haha! Anyway, in the youtube video, somebody said in the comment, LSW is like a sibling, the way he interacts with HJW while KMH is a boyfriend material. Hahaha!


LSW: These two look good together.

And that's how he reacts.


KMH smiles when LSW said, "I helped them"

Did he smile because he realize LSW was actually talking about the character not real life? LOLs






And Dentist Cha's reaction when seeing the heat pack part, Oh the same as mine , I suddenly smiled like that! Haha! Omo lots of eyes. LSW and the nurse? 




@monki I can't really say, what I see is a playful, happy, and touchy touchy HJW. (Remember the BTS where the boat moved and HJW held into KMH and she held his hand :D and ofcouse the abs warmer. Haha!  



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Honestly I hope the lead man's cast is played by Yeon Woo Jin, he has an innocent face and once plays as a doctor. But when I found out KMH was the one chosen, I was incredibly happy and smiling like a fool. I think the face of Yeon Woo Jin and KMH is somewhat similar. Of all the BTS which I watched, I noticed that HJW was always childish and playfull in front of KMH and also often tried to attract KMH's attention, different when she was with Hyun Bin in Secret garden, JCW, LSG. Actually I am more curious about their relationship when back to Seoul later where there will be a lot of media or paparazzi who pay attention to them. Do they stay in good contact, even stay away or maybe there is a second family meeting.

Sorry for my too long comment

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Hello Chingus! I am new here but have been lurking in this and the HS threads long enough... . The recent BTS got me excited to pluck up enough courage to share with you all my observations of the earlier kissing scenes BTS.


There is a kissing take just before the No cut version. You can see that KMH was holding the nape of HJw..  After the director said "cut". KMH looked up,  From his gaze, he seemed  to hope that he has kissed well to tell HJW how he feels... He looked at her and she seemed to be feeing shy and looked away and at that point he smiled (seems like he knew that she got his message)... after which , he stole another glance at her  again to check her reaction.....


Pardon me for my delulu minds! 

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@minwon0628 You mean this moment? Ah yeaaaaaah. He checked her face immediately after the kiss. He was teasing her but I feel that he wanted to know if he did well. He wanted to see her expression and when he saw her shy face he was satisfied. He's like "YES I DID WELL. SHE LIKED IT. HALLELUJAH!" LOL His joy showed in his smile. Hahahaha



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Hello girls! I'm really tired now so will just respond briefly

@disasterpiece13 your gifs are much appreciated. Hello @minwon0628

@monki your guess is as good as mine about HJW being more shy haha.

As to whether she's different from other  BTS... she is. It's just a feeling i have and it could mean something or nothing at all, just part of growing older.

@happyy I've been thinking alot about that too... how it will be like when they get back to Seoul.  That's why i was so emo this morning as i posted.  Feeling for HJW.

@lovegirl92 your observation is spot on. Haha I'm encouraged to see KMH fans supportive of HJW. That kiss scene was really nice huh. 

Anyway it has been an exhausting day and I'mnot done yet (10pm here). 

I think this thread may eventually die a natural death but I am glad for now we met here. Looking forward to the weekend and our last 2 eps. Lurkers, come out and share!!

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1 hour ago, disasterpiece13 said:

@valc22 can you help us understand what KMH said from 1:32 please

Well, good question. Thats a point i always find it interesting, he said “what are you guys doing” after LSW brought her too close and he walked towards them , ”I’m gonna bring him out for awhile” when ppl told LSW to “relax” (not to pull her too hard),  “to make him relax”, “relax, relax” when he was rubbing LSW’s arms.

Make sense?


It’s really interesting of how MH was paying so much attention in the scene he’s not invovled, he kept minitoring and walking close to them whenever the director said cut(in the vid at least). In the end of this bts, i feel like he is walking towards JW...but we will never know coz they didn’t show us the whole clip:astonished:





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1 hour ago, disasterpiece13 said:

I can't get enough of his look! Makes me squeal. Haha! Anyway, in the youtube video, somebody said in the comment, LSW is like a sibling, the way he interacts with HJW while KMH is a boyfriend material. Hahaha!


LSW: These two look good together.

And that's how he reacts.


KMH smiles when LSW said, "I helped them"

Did he smile because he realize LSW was actually talking about the character not real life? LOLs



And Dentist Cha's reaction when seeing the heat pack part, Oh the same as mine , I suddenly smiled like that! Haha! Omo lots of eyes. LSW and the nurse? 





@disasterpiece13 omg.. may i request another gif from u about 1.28-1.30 and with a slow motion?

me like a crazy stalker who keep replay that 1.28-1.30 moments almost 50 times. And i being more crazy when i saw in it in slow motion. Seriously i have a crazy tought about that eyes contact. But i can't share my thought right now because i'm still outside and using a phone. let me share it later..

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24 minutes ago, monki said:

@disasterpiece13 I know hjw has always been playful and touchy, my question was (pardon me that i didnt make myself clear), have u noticed any change in recent bts?

I can see that she different with her usual (especially bts "deep looking") Which is very rare i see her like that. What i've know from her is she is Queen Of Reaction. When i see bts with KMH and LSM i also surprised she did not take a joke from LSM..usually she very clever to respon joke like that and just laughing. But i dont know is it just me or my shipper feeling. It's look HJW and KMH in same mood or can i calling it.. same aura? Lol 


About hotpack thing i hope that wasnt scripted too. I hope not .. based on HJW reaction, she look surprised and quickly see the situation..lol . My speculation is maybe KMH feel her hand cold when they were doing a holding-hand acting in the bridge.


I remember that HJW was too immersed into her character after Sega. She mention this when she did interview and said that she will be missing to be Gil Ra Im and will remember her role and the feeling and will miss it. So maybe this also happened now.

I also remember when Empress Ki last scene..HJW also had a tear when she hugged JCW. But what i remember is HJW still can joking with JCW, not like now..she looks awkward? Or maybe i shouldnt compare this since KMH and JCW have different personality.


Btw have i mention how funny LSW teasing them? Hahahah.. he can be a good matchmaker for them :lol:

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19 minutes ago, lovegirl92 said:

Can someone pls make gifs of the kiss bts? It's so hard to find any in google photos :(

Which part lol I can help but I can’t make it zoomed in hd...any kind soul here can make some zoomed versions of all the kisses in that bts

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2 minutes ago, valc22 said:

Which part lol I can help but I can’t make it zoomed in hd...any kind soul here can make some zoomed versions of all the kisses in that bts

Zoomed parts :flushed: Ahahaha I think the kiss as it is is ok with me lol Capture all the atrempts pls hahaha But if someone can zoom, I won't complain :lol:

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3 hours ago, monki said:

I think most ladies would agree with me on this, if you don't have special feeling towards a guy, you are comfortable and can behave silly and at ease. Once you like someone, you become more self-conscious around this person and maybe even become serious and cannot maintain eye contact very well. Are we seeing this in HJW?

True enough,i guess the same with guys...although some may varie...but being conscious to every move is difinitely correct,timidity,shyness,no eye contact,but looking in a discrète way too,...i would like to analyse their every move,how would i say it? Discrète flirting:wub:,unconsciously doing things just becoz u like the person,playful

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1 hour ago, urie888 said:

I can see that she different with her usual (especially bts "deep looking") Which is very rare i see her like that. What i've know from her is she is Queen Of Reaction. When i see bts with KMH and LSM i also surprised she did not take a joke from LSM..usually she very clever to respon joke like that and just laughing. But i dont know is it just me or my shipper feeling. It's look HJW and KMH in same mood or can i calling it.. same aura? Lol 


About hotpack thing i hope that wasnt scripted too. I hope not .. based on HJW reaction, she look surprised and quickly see the situation..lol . My speculation is maybe KMH feel her hand cold when they were doing a holding-hand acting in the bridge.


I remember that HJW was too immersed into her character after Sega. She mention this when she did interview and said that she will be missing to be Gil Ra Im and will remember her role and the feeling and will miss it. So maybe this also happened now.

I also remember when Empress Ki last scene..HJW also had a tear when she hugged JCW. But what i remember is HJW still can joking with JCW, not like now..she looks awkward? Or maybe i shouldnt compare this since KMH and JCW have different personality.


Btw have i mention how funny LSW teasing them? Hahahah.. he can be a good matchmaker for them :lol:

I agree with you, HJW looks a little different in front of KMH. when BTS scene diver's patient, HJW ran shyly and screamed "kyaaa" when she was queen of action and also she was afraid of seagull to pull KMH clothes strongly. Does HJW eonni just follow the script from the director? but as a HJW eonnie fan, I am very confident, eonni is a honest and sincere person both in frame and out frame. 

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Thank you so much for the translation @valc22 I felt Min Hyuk was jealous. LOL

Normal speed LOL

patriciagallano  GIF




patriciagallano  GIF


I've never notice the hand touching until someone here mentioned it. Was it you @monki Haha


patriciagallano  GIF


I can't choose which part to get in the kiss BTS. Everything is gif-worthy. Hahaha!

And I'm afraid my husband would caught me doing this. Hahahahah! 

3 hours ago, monki said:

someone was going to a timeline on his ig? 

I was thinking of doing this. I hope I get time this weekend. Lols

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