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[Drama 2017] Confession Couple / Go Back Spouses, 고백부부


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2 hours ago, anopinion said:


Also, I don't think that Jin-ju was upset that Ban-do didn't manage to pick her up in time to see her mum for the last time. I think she would've gone regardless, but Ban-do got into trouble and she had to bail him out at the police station, and therefore she missed the opportunity. He didn't take her advice to be more cautious now that he's a family man which indirectly led to her having a lifelong regret. Hey, at least it makes more sense than her waiting at home for him to chauffeur her.


More translations: https://thishonestopinion.wordpress.com

The interesting thing about the scene is in a way he did take her advice. The first time he wanted to intervene was when he saw the kids  smoking. The second time he intervened because he saw a kid getting bullied, He even said he doesn't care that they are smoking or drinking since it's their own body. I also feel Jin-ju didn't realize how important her mother was to Bando as well, so It was nice to see the scene at the end of todays episode were he openly expressed his feelings. 


On another topic, this drama has been confirmed for 12 episodes by the production company today, no extension. 

source: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=108&aid=0002659945



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3 hours ago, anopinion said:

I think the ring marks is a sign. I've been thinking since the first episode that perhaps if they both went to get their rings back and put them on, they can return to the present. Ban-do's ring should be rather easy to find, but I don't know about Jin-ju's.


Also, I don't think that Jin-ju was upset that Ban-do didn't manage to pick her up in time to see her mum for the last time. I think she would've gone regardless, but Ban-do got into trouble and she had to bail him out at the police station, and therefore she missed the opportunity. He didn't take her advice to be more cautious now that he's a family man which indirectly led to her having a lifelong regret. Hey, at least it makes more sense than her waiting at home for him to chauffeur her.


More translations: https://thishonestopinion.wordpress.com


Thank you so much for the translations. I'm glad bando is recieving more love towards the end. And interesting take on why jinjoo was really upset with bando.


I've always like son hojun ever since i watched him in reply1994. His dramas after that did not appeal to me, but once i knew he was lead for GBS, i jumped right in. Hopefully we can see more of him, he's a great actor. 

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The last scenes had me crying so hard. D-a-m-n you writer! :crazy:

To me regret is the thing that hurts the most, emotion that stings the most, because it so full of desperation and hopelessness. The perpetual question of what if and what should have been always make me feel worthless because it's impossible to redo the things we did or take back the things we said. 

I like that this time BD did the narration. Young BD back in 2004 and old BD in 2017 are basically the same person. He may be older and wiser, but deep down he is still the same guy who thinks with his heart and acts on it. It's endearing really, except when he was down and without luck. :(

That night when JJ mom passed was a pure bad luck. BD and JJ would always regret that day. :unsure:


My favourite part of BD moment is the last scene when he tried to cheer JJ 3 months after her mom's death. Three months is not even 100 days yet, so she was clearly still in grief. His trying to cheer JJ up shows his sincerity. I'm sure BD were also grieving hard but he didn't show it cause he wanted to be strong for JJ. 

I just wish that the things he said to JJ about grieving over JJ's mom (grapes scene) was said back in 2010. If he said it, things might be different. They probably come out of the grieving period stronger than ever. No two people grieve the same, but they can lean on each other during the process. 


BD has it right when he said in ep 9, habits are scary. BD and JJ has spent years taking care of each other. It comes naturally for them. JJ to nag on BD's shaving. BD to take care of JJ's cramps (but seriously ladies, if you suffer the same thing, you should get it check and use heating pads). Poor NG :tongue:, he looks so confused looking at these two. 


To me, this drama has long ceased to be a romance drama about BD-JJ. It's actually about life and how we should respect and treat everything carefully. 


Regardless of whether or not they return to 2017, I'm dying to know what's in JJ's letter to mom. I think it's going to be another tear-jerking moments. :crazy:


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I dont think BD becomes immature by saving someone who get bullied. Should he just let it go? Thats why bullying never stop. Because people who see it didnt pay attention to people who get bullied. I think he's just doing the right thing at the wrong time (JJ's mother passed away.) He's not even challenge the other student to fight or try to be superman.


In ep 10 we see more about how BD always try to take care of his family, a husband who give you a massage on your period? And he didnt stop even after JJ fall asleep, thats what I call a husband material! Its not only BD who took JJ for granted, JJ is doing the same thing. Women tend to see the weakness of their husband once he make mistake, and telling him that he never make her happy, as if he really never make her happy (or is it just me? I think I read this somewhere, about women who tend to see her spouse mistake.)


I dont think NG will take care of JJ better than BD. So if the divorce still happen in the future, I hope they both go chasing their forgotten dream instead of focusing on another romance.

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10 minutes ago, kysy said:

There is only 12 episodes. 


Yikes, there are so many subplots to resolve though... 


BD and JJ realizing their love for each other and wanting to get back together (BD is already at this point imo but JJ still seems cold towards him) 


BD and JJ coming to terms with JJ's mom's death


JJ's grudge against her father


NG moving on from JJ (they might not have to do much for this except show a scene of him having found love/a wife in the future)

NG and his issues with his parents


BR and JW and their future bitter split


CS and DJ romance? Seems like it's been hinted at


The ballerina girl


I mean they introduced all these characters and their problems so it would feel like a cop-out / poor planning if they end up running out of screen time and rushing everything. 




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11 minutes ago, cloudydreams said:


Yikes, there are so many subplots to resolve though... 

CS and DJ romance? Seems like it's been hinted at

The ballerina girl


Sorry to cut your post. I like CS and DJ too! :tongue:
They're hilarious! In the original 2017, CS was not there and DJ was a womanizer. I wonder if CS ends up with DJ this time around, will DJ stay as a womanizer? :D


I think the ballerina girl / SY is pretty much resolved in ep 9? It's unsaid but SY understood that BD never truly liked her and it's a good thing that BD helped her realized her dream.  

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22 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

Sorry to cut your post. I like CS and DJ too! :tongue:
They're hilarious! In the original 2017, CS was not there and DJ was a womanizer. I wonder if CS ends up with DJ this time around, will DJ stay as a womanizer? :D


I think the ballerina girl / SY is pretty much resolved in ep 9? It's unsaid but SY understood that BD never truly liked her and it's a good thing that BD helped her realized her dream.  

I also ship CS and DJ but I think with the limited amount of screentime left, they are likely the first to be cut :( Maybe there will be a scene showing them as a married couple in the future. I think the characters are quite endearing though, it would be nice if they got relationship development. 




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20 minutes ago, myutaa said:

When BD give massage to BD and he come closer and ask JJ "should we kiss" is it only me who really expect him to kiss her when he comes closer? :D 


You're are not alone.... heheee!!! 


I was bawling my eyes towards the end of ep 10.  Damn you writer made me cry this early in the morning (it's morning in my country..hehe).  You are good writer-nim... damn good!!! 


For me, both BD and JJ made mistakes that leads to their divorce... now they have a chance to reflect those mistakes and accepted them. It is obvious that they still have feelings for each other and I hope the writer will give them the opportunity for them to be back as couple and appreciate each other more... as the episode said... You can't take anything for granted.  


Now I need to watch ep 10 again...this time with a box of kleenex tissue!! 

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Im on BD side. I can see that he still loves her care her from the beginning..

Its  just romance between them is decreased because of husband  busy to make a living its not because he not love her anymore.


Now back in time, he realize how precious his wife is. 


I also support DJ ad CS coupleee!!


Pls make them cannon writernim


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We have always said that there are two sides to a story but most of the time we have jumped right in and formed our own conclusion about things. One thing why this script is so wonderfully written is how it led us on that same path, only to slap you again awake with another side of the story and made you realized that you have judged the characters before they were given a chance to explain themselves. 



Most of the viewers would side Jin Joo because she presented her side of the story first and in her POV, we have seen how she had been neglected and bullied by Ban Do during daily life. Her side of the story shows her pain and suffering, which most moms can easily relate to.


We were then shown how Ban Do was treated at work and understood his pain but many still felt that he was treating Jin Joo wrongly because of his harsh exchange with her. It is only until episode 10, we get to see the loving side of him and realized that there is more to him than we thought.


Then we realized, they have been doing thoughtful things to each other, but time and life eroded their ability to be appreciative of the little sweetness they do for each other. Ban Do picking out the medicine for Jin Joo and Jin Joo looking out for Ban Do to ensure he is always presentable at all times. It's little things. It took them a second time to relive it to realize how the other half had taken time and effort to do something for them. 


And Ban Do's mistakes are regrettable, but not because he didn't appreciate Jin Joo enough. He tried to get to her even when in the police station did show that he is worried about her. He was never out of love with her, to begin with, but time and misunderstandings took a toll on him and made him hardened and harsher than he was. Like Ban Do said, he has always tried to be sincere and work hard, but the result of his actions always get twisted despite his goodwill. He tried to save a boy from being bullied which is a great thing but could have been done better by calling the cops or at least not putting himself in danger by facing them alone. It is sad how he never explained himself, and as viewers, we fell right into the same mistakes Jin Joo made by judging him first.


Out of the two, Ban Do is the more light-hearted and bubbly one, so it seems that Ban Do has the role of cheering Jin Joo up most of the times. It is a habit from their university years to their marriage life. So when his mother-in-law died, he tries to put up a happy front for Jin Joo, not knowing that all Jin Joo needed was him to be with her. In a way, I don't see Ban Do given a chance to grow up to be more mature in their relationship, he is still that thoughtful sweet boy he was in his 20s, but grew weary with life. When gone back in time, he starts to understand more about Jin Joo and the things she has done for him. His "enlightenment" moment came late as he starts to remember how his world used to be about Jin Joo... And for Jin Joo, that moment was always there because to her, after her mother's death, it has been only Ban Do and Seo Jin for her and nobody else. That is why she felt that her world crushed when she thought that Ban Do had an affair outside. Her bitterness towards Ban Do is stronger because she felt betrayed by the man closest to her.


Remember the part about the lecturer during one of their lectures said: "Anyone can fall in love, but to be successful in love, you need to put a lot of your efforts into maturing your personality." Life happened before both of them could grow and be matured, they learned to take care of others, but when faced issues with each other, they don't face it together maturely. Hence, the growing misunderstandings and distance between them. So this going back in time isn't really about correcting mistakes but rather an opportunity for them to grow up and learn more about each other. It's not about romances anymore, but a reflecting moment for Ban Do and Jin Joo. 

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2 hours ago, yamiex said:


We have always said that there are two sides to a story but most of the time we have jumped right in and formed our own conclusion about things. One thing why this script is so wonderfully written is how it led us on that same path, only to slap you again awake with another side of the story and made you realized that you have judged the characters before they were given a chance to explain themselves. 


Sorry to cut your post.  Very well said and I agreed to all of it.. We always judged people without knowing the whole truth of the situation.  I always rooting for BD and JJ from the start.  JJ & NG, my heart sway a bit, the sweetness when you fell for someone and how your heart flutters watching the scenes,  with my mind thinking that JJ deserves someone better than BD.  Again, without knowing the situation from BD's pov.  Ep 10 revealed what we most needed to clear the misjudgment and misunderstanding. 


I hope writer-nim can wrap up all the plots nicely and please drama god... a nice cute happy ending for all-  BD&JJ with Seo Jin happy as one family again, NG meeting someone as nice as JJ in future.  DJ and CS ended up married and have half a dozen kids (imagined their boys with long hair) and DJ will have his hands full and not able to date anyone else but to take care of his kids...kkkkk! BR and JW broke up but eventually will get back together coz they are destined to be together anyway...


Am I asking too much?? hehehe!! 


cr: owner


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 This episode really brought out Ban Do's struggles.



While I have always been on his side, this episode made me empathize even more with his battles - His life as a typical pharmaceutical salesman and all the humiliation and abuse he has had to suffer from callous doctors like Dr. Park. :(

Particularly touching are his lines "I was always sincere in what I do. I've always tried my best. Why do I still end up messing things up?"


Finally we also get to see how/why Ban Do and Jin Joo couldn't make it to see Omma one last time. I admire Ban Do for being upright and brave enough to come to the aid of the student being bullied. Too many people turn a blind eye towards bullying (at school, at the work place, in the domestic sphere) and this is what encourages bullies to continue tormenting their targets - coz no one calls their behavior out. I love Ban Do for standing up for  those who needed it. Though unfortunately it was at a bad time.. sigh..


I also like how he makes it known to Jin-joo "I missed my mother-in-law as much as you did". No one so far had acknowledged his pain.




Okay.. Moving on to happier things... 

Though there was no kiss, my heart fluttered just as much when Ban Do suddenly slides in closer to JJ and asks Shall we kiss



YES PLEASE!!!! You two deul, when are you going to kiss??? :bawling:

That back pat for the cramps - It was not an attempt to woo JJ in the present. It was something that he had always done for her even when they were married.




I found these scenes so touching. Where do women find men like this?  I wanna sign up too!


Yes, @supergal99 from now on me following this ahjussi where ever he goes.



I might have to check out his previous dramas. I've developed quite a liking for him. Let's just say that I may have found another actor with stars in his eyes   *wink*


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Many thoughtful posts ^^


I was having tears streaked face during the end of 10th ep due to BD's earnest plea, and how much he looked truly lost when he asked that how, even after being sincere and work hard, putting all his efforts on things he believes are rightful ~ the end results were always against him? Ouch. Just ouch. 


As viewers we see their struggle separately, but the char themselves do not. And it proves once again how vital two way, honest communication between spouses esp during the hardest time in life. Mundane routine, household chores, harsh reality to earn a living for family, little baby, can rob almost everyone of their most passionate love and affection - but what makes some couples stronger and some fall apart are key things, one of it being communication. While we learned through ep 1-10 that JJ and BD essentially are good ppl, petty and immature at times, jerky esp BD at times, but we can see that they love each other, care for each other, and will go length for each other. However, we also see from them that No One in this world born to read other's mind so easily, thats why we have to tell others what we feel and want. Our couple didnt take that path anymore and hence the spiralling fall in which each party believes that other doesnt care for herself anymore, and that the other is better and happier without him. 


Indeed, its the time traveling to see where did things go wrong by relieving the youth and passion they have that time, comparing it with the future, and filling the supposed-to-be gaps between them. Its not about new romance since both arent swayed with the 2nd leads charms, but finding confidence through those 2nd leads that their older self, the wary ahjusshi and ahjumma are still likeable people despite their constant reminder of themselves of their failure in life. And ofc, to find the gems in their family, spending the priceless time together, and make memories. 


I dunno but I hope JJ's mom will help them to find their purpose in this 2nd youth. I want them to tell her some of the truth about their marriage, or her counselling them about the marriage, as I believe she is the key figure that is loved and respected the most by both JJ and BD. Wont it be lovely too if she learned about little Seo Jin in the future, tho maybe its too much to ask. And at the end of the day, JJ will restrain herself from jumping to assumption first, and BD will learn to tell her about his day and ask her about herself. 


Skinship as bonus is okay too, lol. Go Back Spouses fighting! 


Sorry to bring other drama here, just cant help to compare this drama and Because This Life is My First. Both are great and offering lots to ponder about life. 


If First is about singledom trying to navigate the way through it and through marriage and its impact to oneself, family, friends, life and beyond, Spouse is like the continuation, when the burning, sweet, fluttery romance is dimmed and reality takes in, and how to navigate life in that stage. So glad with these two dramas, kudos to the writer and production team. 


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11 hours ago, jigah said:

If you remember, JJ also did the same thing by defending the girl who was chastised by NG’s mom in the last episode. She was not thinking about the repercussions, etc but just jumped to the front to defend the girl. BD and JJ have the similar tendencies to stand for the weak so one would think that JJ would be able to understand BD the most and forgive him. 


Yes! Yes! Yes! It is one endearing quality that BD and JJ both share and that is one of the many reasons why I am rooting for them. They are both empathetic people at heart, who are also brave enough to stand up for what they believe in (which here is, defending the weak from the abuse of the powerful)


6 hours ago, yamiex said:

He was never out of love with her, to begin with, but time and misunderstandings took a toll on him and made him hardened and harsher than he was.

AGREE! That is why I want them to end up together. They are not one of those couples that fell out of love a long time ago and are now putting up with each other for the sake of kids, society, whatever. BD and JJ deeply care for each other even after 18 years of being together (as seen in Ban Do taking care in organizing her medicine/tablets, sitting through the night patting her back every time she suffers from menstrual cramps..). Theirs is an issue of miscommunication, money issues plus few other unfortunate things that life threw at them. This journey to the past has given them an opportunity to clear some of those misunderstandings, realize what they mean to each other and perhaps now figure out how they can do better.


3 hours ago, ujiyus1 said:

Am I asking too much?? hehehe!! 


Not at all! Not at all! 

Me waiting just as eagerly for that.


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