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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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Hi @Transition and @setokaonii !

Thank you for the videos.

I am still stalking (!) the IGs and Ryota did post something about being in Yamagata and watching cherry blossoms. And yup, he liked Tao's photo. LOL.


I would still watch Tao's latest movie. Unfortunately where I am at, we rarely get screening of Japanese movies :huh:

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@Dramanoona You are welcome :)


Unfortunately, it is the same here where I live. One Japanese movie that I know that was shown here was one with Nino from Arashi. 


I just saw Ryota's post and him liking Tao's. I actually have been wondering if the artists that follow her really reads everything she writes because she writes a lot :tongue: but as for Ryota I haven't doubt him. Actually last year he has replied to her twice regarding the content she wrote which shows that he is really reading her little essays.


Tao's instagram post 180411

She mentioned here that she likes to play cards and that she would like to play it with fans if there's opportunity to do that. The filming of Harumatsu Bokura has been intensive. She filmed till very late last night so she has been staying overnight with the crew. The picture beneath is of herself with a blanket that staff had prepared for her. During the pre-screening of My Little Monster her leg muscles actually hurt a lot (the fan who translated this think it is because she has been training for Cheer Dance). 



Ryota's IG post 180412

Coming up Gene will be going to Yamagata to look at flowers. If you tell us places that you recommend we will be going there. 



Ryota's comment: There are two ladies in the picture (he is referring to Alan and Mandy).



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@ryotatao9495 Thank you for sharing the comparison of Ryota and Tao playing Canon in D! They are both good at piano. In the BTS there was a part that showed Tao recording him playing the piano with her phone. I would like to know what song he played. I think guys knowing how to play the piano or instruments in general are charming. Tao might think so too since she recorded it ^_^


@setokaonii Yes, although Tao and Ryota won't be able to appear on the same event but it would be nice if she appears on VTR like you said or if snippets of My Little Monster will be showing on Music Station. 


I'm glad too that Tao will be able to get more exposure in Chinese speaking countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and now Mainland China. 

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Ryota's piano skill is enough to read and play any songs in the book he looked.

But he chose Canon In D. 

I wonder if because it's Tao's favorite song? Tao played it without Sheet, so I guess she really likes this song and remember how to play it. 

I also play piano and I think most of people remember their favorite songs, play it many times, that's why they can remember how to play. Honestly, although you like it but if you don't often play it, you will forget it easily.

Honestly, I watched some shows where Gene and LDH's artists joined, Ryota played piano several times but he just played 1 song in those shows and it wasn't Canon In D. 

You can find other videos to watch Ryota play this song again. I don't have time to find it again.


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@ryotatao9495 Thank you for sharing the videos of Ryota playing Für Elise. I have heard fans say that he always play this song so they were guessing that he played that in Anikoma when the picture of him and Tao playing the piano was released. It turned out to be the bridal song they played together ^_^. So like you said he might have chosen to play Canon in D because Tao likes it. 

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Here is a cute video in Genekou where Hayato had mistake.

I guess he talked about why Ryota wasn't there, but Hayato called "Onii". 

Of course, it wasn't suitable with that situation, so other members "stop" Hayato and he edited "Ryota" later. 

Does it mean they often hear and call "Onii" too much in real life, so Hayato called "Onii" naturally, not "Ryota".

Maybe because someone *cough Tao couh* calls "Onii" too much, and Ryota always thinks he is a  real "Onii", so Gene members still call "Onii" too although they called "Ryota" many years. 

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@ryotatao9495 Thank you for the clip! Hehe, yes, perhaps they are all used to hear Ryota being called Onii now so they would automatically call him that too. 


I just saw this on IG. It is cute how Tao and Ryota does the same thing (bouncing the basketball a few times really low with their legs bent) before throwing the ball. 


Saw this on IG too. Ryota's post is from 22nd of September. He wrote "Vinyl Records sound amazing" and I guess Tao also wrote something about vinyl records in her latest post? 



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@ryotatao9495 I see. Thanks for your reply!


@setokaonii Thank you for the information of Ryota's movie! It is quite funny how Tao gets casted in different liveactions where she is surrounded by guys and then Ryota gets casted in another where he gets surrounded by girls. It seems like it is confirmed based on the article you posted? Apparently, it will be on the cinema in December 2018. So both Harumatsu Bokura and Nisekoi will be out around the same time which means Tao and Ryota might bump into each other on different shows. It will probably feel weird seeing each other with different co-stars. 


Regarding Sakurai Hinako, that's the rumoured girl that we have talked about before. Last time I checked she and Ryota weren't following each other on IG. Perhaps they don't know that the other has IG...


Thank you for sharing the information about DJ Taro. So he might know Ryota too since he has worked with Exile before. 

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Grazia interview with Ryota


Q1: Can you sing a bit of your favourite sentence in a lyric?

 "I'll exceed myself from before." (FYI: the lyrics is from Generations' song "NEXT")


Q2: The line you like the most in "My Brother Loves Me Too Much"?

"Let's elope."


Q3: Your favourite manga?

"One Piece."


Q4: When you take photos what kind of pose do you like the most?

"I think it is the "peace" sign."


Q5: Which part of you do you think is the most charming?

"Tear-mole" (the mole under his left eye).


Q6: If you can move in an instant, where do you want to go to the most?

"My home town."


Q7: What kind of fashion item do you have the most of?

"Long coats".


Q8: What are the three things you must have with you wherever you go?

"Wallet, cellphone and omamoris (amulets). Hehe."


Q9: Please share with the Chinese fans your upcoming project.

"From May and onwards we will have a Dome Tour in Japan for the first time. I hope everyone can come and play too."





It is cute how omarmoris are one of the 3 things that Ryota would have with him everywhere he goes. His laugh after saying that was cute too.


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@Transition thanks for your translation.

So, amulets are very important for both Ryota and Tao. They always bring them everywhere.

I wonder when Tao will show her amulets. We can check if she has one red amulet for love.

@setokaonii I saw screenshots and it wasn't a stage greeting. It was a tv program where Ryota and Tao promoted Anikoma.

About the movie, I...



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I swear that these two are a case of 'perfect for each other'


Don't have much to share at the moment but I am still following Ryota and Tao.

And 'poohwo' ! This IG has tons of photos, videos about Anikoma and our couple.

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@ryotatao9495 I hope there will be some show or interview where Tao is asked to show the things in her bag, similar to the one that she was on earlier or on another where the host is as curious as the one who interviewed Ryota :tongue:. Yes, I also hope we would be able to see the other red half of the love omamori there. 


@Dramanoona I agree with you. That's what I always think too everytime another similarity between Ryota and Tao gets "discovered" ^_^


I'm glad to hear that you are still following them. It is indeed a bit quiet right now but hopefully there will be something next month for us to talk about like Tao coming to support Generations on their Dome Tour, sending flowers or something. I wonder if she will be done with Harumatsu Bokura then? From what I have heard, the filming hasn't gone that smoothly because the male lead Kitamura Takumi has hurt his hand so the basketball scenes had to be delayed and be filmed later on.

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@setokaonii Seeing them in VS Arashi would be fun. It was a pity that they didn't go to that show when they promoted Anikoma. As for Nisekoi, not only does the haircolours and hairstyles of the actors not match but also the height. The male lead is around 168-172 cm tall whereas Ryota is 183 cm. But then it is the same with the cast of Harumatsu Bokura where it was the opposite, the guys are taller in the manga. 


I have read an article about the fans' guesses on who the cast will be and there have been different guesses, from Tao and Kasumi to Suzu and Mei etc. I doubt this though since Tao is still busy filming Haru and after that Cheer Dance.


Thank you for sharing the filming schedule of Anikoma. It is a pity that they cut the scenes that Ryota and Tao filmed at the restaurant by the sea.

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Hmmm... interesting how their names keep popping up together!

We'll have to wait and see for any formal announcement though...


Edit: Just read through Nisekoi.... not sure I really like the storyline


Main character in love with two girls and decides towards the end which one. Plus so many girls after him!



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@setokaonii Thank you for sharing the article here! Yes, that's the one I read too. I'm confused too about the cast and filming news. In this news it seems like the live-adaption of Nisekoi hasn't been filmed yet whereas if it is really the same one that Ryota has been filming then the filming already started in February and should have been wrapped up already? There's another prediction too that the male lead will be Sugino Yosuke. It has been recently revealed that he will be leading a movie/drama for the first time. 


Nevertheless, I hope Ryota and Tao will be able to collaborate again whether it is for this movie or something else in the future :). 


Having all the popular leading ladies Tao, Kasumi, Suzu etc. in the same movie sounds a bit too good to be true though :p. 


@Dramanoona  I'm happy to see that people would like to see Ryota and Tao together again. Hopefully, the news will be out soon.

The relationship development sounds a bit like Anikoma except that there are even more people fighting for the lead this time around, 6 compared to 4 :lol:

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@setokaonii Thank you for sharing the picture of Ryota and Tao in black leather jacket. Another matching outfit :) It looks good on them.


I just saw on weibo that Harumatsu Bokura will be wrapping up in two days while Cheer Dance is recruiting extras to film a scene on the 3rd of May. So it seems like they are going to film for the drama already? Ishii Anna shared on her IG that she has just dyed her hair for the character in the drama. 

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