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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@Transition I think all girls can dance well. 

It's drama, not movie. So girls have to dance really.

In movie, supporting roles dance better and more difficult than female leads Suzu, that's why many people say it was boring a bit since leading role can't dance well and they hope in drama, leading role can dance a lot, difficult dances.

Drama doesn't have plot from manga, so I worry about it. Hope the plot will be good.

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It has taken me sooo long to read consecutively through all 50 pages. Is it weird that I chose to read this over YouTube, Netflix & drama? Anyway, I’m a fairly new Tsuchiya Tao fan since Omukae Desu days which she was great in! Anikoma was worth the long wait for eng subs and I loved Ryotao’s great chemistry!


When looking up the pair on Instagram & Youtube I stumbled upon this page through setokaonii’s insta Leola Ryotao video (which was amazing btw). Knowing about the matching outfit Pluto visit I especially enjoyed reading everyone’s excitement before and after that post. I also watched the eng sub letter/ ‘daijoubu’ videos and was pleasantly surprised to know people on this page made those videos.


I had to make a soompi account to Thank You all for this page and for all of the English translations which allow international fans to follow along with Ryota & Tao. Unfortunately, I can’t really add anything yet myself as I don’t know the language but I’ll be following this page nonetheless, Ryota & Tao definitely have something special. 


I haven't watched the google drive anikoma bts video yet from page 27, how do I watch it from google drive?


Would someone be able to do a quick timeline of the main moments? How has it already been 2 years since filming started, crazyyy. 


Also, random question but does anyone know where to get that red/green Calvin Klein Jeans jumper that Ryota has? I love the baggy sleeve look but they don’t have it in England stores ><.


Thank You So Much again!

Fellow Ryota & Tao supporter/fan 

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 @cnblovegirl Welcome to the thread! Thank you for your kind words and for taking your time to make an account. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading the posts here. Please feel free to join our discussions. You don't have to think that you have to "contribute" with something. Reading your thoughts and views would be fun too :). 


I liked Omukae Death and Tao in the drama too. The first few cases were very touching. Have you seen other of her dramas? If not, I recommend Limit. 


As for the subbed videos. I'm glad to hear that you have watched them. I'll see if I'll some time to sub more videos of Ryota and Tao. 


Regarding the BTS of Anikoma, to be able to watch from googledrive I think you will have to send a request to the owner (setokaonii) and when she has accepted it then you will be able to watch it. 


Here's a timeline of the different moments (I'm not that good with dates so if I have written something wrongly or forgotten something please feel free to correct me). 



(Sometime during spring or summer 2016) Tao and Yudai came to watch Generations' Speedster concert live

(July-August) Filming of Anikoma (drama and movie) started

(October) Filming wrapped up

(December) Tao went to Generations' concert again



(April) Okinawa festival 

(12 April-10 May) Anikoma drama airing on NTV

(April-June) Promotions and pre-screening of Anikoma

(30th of June) Premiere of Anikoma the movie

(July-Aug) Stage-greetings

(Aug) Tao and the Anikoma cast went to support Ryota at Generations' Mad Cyclone concert

(21st of October) Ryota, Tao and Yosuke came to support Yudai's stage-play



(3th of January) Anikoma released Online

(10th of January) Ryota watched Tao's stage-play Pluto


@ryotatao9495 Yes, I think it would make the story seem more realistic if all of the girls have some dancing background. 

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@cnblovegirl Hello, welcome to this thread.

We are glad to see new members here. It means our thread is more popular now. 

Don't be shy, Don't be serious. You just stay here and read everything. 

@Transition I think Anikoma wrapped up between October - November. I think it was after Oct 8th, the day Tao ran marathon on TBS.

Ryota joined Anikoma 4 months (Hayato said), Tao joined about 2-3 months, but they filmed together Anikoma in a while before Ryota's birthday (Aug 29th).

I don't know when they stared, but on the pic birthday, and from what Ryota said about surprised birthday for him, and Tao's voice when she said onii to stay, I think Ryota and Tao weren't strange at that time?

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@setokaonii Sure. Feel free to edit and add things in the timeline. I'm not good at remembering dates. 


Thank you for the picture of the cast of Ryota's new movie. So the main cast seems to be consisting of 5 people, 3 guys and 2 girls? I wonder too how long it will take for the official announcement. Even the teaser of Tao's Chia Dan which hasn't started filming yet is out. 


@cnblovegirl Sorry, forgot to answer your question about Ryota's Calvin Klein sweater. Ryota said on IG that he bought them in LA. As for which store it is, I'm not sure.


@ryotatao9495 Sorry, I might have misunderstood you about the concerts. I thought you said she watched Gene's concert again in December when we talked about it last time so she only sent flowers?


It is a pity indeed that the female lead isn't Tao. Hopefully, Ryota and Tao will collaborate again in the future. The best would be in a drama then we will get 10 x 45 minutes of them. 


Speaking of collaborating again in the Okinawa interview they were asked about this and they said they would like to try doing an investigation/detective movie/drama. Isn't that similar to Takei Emi and Takahiro's drama? :tongue:

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@ryotatao9495 Okay. I see. I guess people usually send flowers when they can't come and if they come then they don't send flowers :tongue:. Haha, I have been spying/stalking if Ryota has followed Shirashi Sei on IG but it seems like she doesn't have an account.


As for Tao, she has started follow Inaba Yu, the actor who plays Rui in Harumatsu Bokura but weirdly she hasn't followed the male lead Kitamura Takumi yet nor has he followed her. 


If I remember correctly, Ryota was one of the first people Tao followed on IG? ^_^

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@setokaonii You are welcome! Thank you too for the information in the timeline. Your addition of information was helpful :).


I actually haven't watched the drama and special with Takei Emi and Takahiro. I only looked it up after I knew about their marriage. I wonder too if Ryota have watched his senpais' dramas and movies. Or Tao's? He has mentioned before though that he likes Satoh Takeru's "The Liar and His Lover" and "Journey under The Midnight". 


I don't know if I remember correctly but I think when Tao first started her IG, she only followed around 4-5 people, Ryota and Shono were among them. 

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@Transition I love investigation/detective movie movie too much. I really hope Ryota and Tao will act a movie like that. 

Ryota also likes Kokuhaku. Ryota seems to like dark/sad movies. I wonder if he watched Tao's dramas/movies. I hope he watched Mare, Limit, Jinroh Game, Seki Seki Ren Ren, Kenshin, Suzuki Sensei, Arcana. Library War, Tokyo Sonata.

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@Transition Thank You so much for the timeline! It really helps with picturing an overview of everything. Thank You for the recommendation, I will try out Limit, I also look forward to your future subbed videos if you make them! n ooh LA, I will have to check out the store if I go to the states any time soon ~
@ryotatao9495  I will definitely read everything, haha, and I hope this thread continues to grow in popularity!

@setokaonii  I look forward to your future edits! Dw about the quality, just for sharing the footage I am very grateful. 


With a different female lead, we can compare his interactions and hopefully see that he treated Tao more special  :wink: 
I am so happy that we get to see Tao dance more in her new drama though! 

Edited by cnblovegirl
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JuneorJuly    rehearsal                        (Ryota,Takuya,Sugino,Ito)
Aug12   filming started               (Ryota,Chiba)
Aug15            filming started               (Tao)
Sep8            HiGH&LOW THE LIVE   (Tao,Chiba)
Sep19            announcement of Anikoma
Oct11          filming wrapped up       (Tao,Ryota)
Nov28            published of wrapped up scene
Dec8            SPEEDSTER                    (Tao) She could see last 2 songs.
Aug2        MAD CYCLONE               (Tao,Chiba,Sugino,Ito,Director Kawai)
Aug8           Super Trans NIPPON Express(Ryota,Chiba,Sugino)
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@ryotatao9495  I personally prefer romance or other more light-hearted dramas and movies since investigation/detective ones usually don't have any lovelines. I would like to see Ryota and Tao as a couple or married couple, to make up for the little screentime they had towards the end of Anikoma as a pair. 


@cnblovegirl You are welcome!


Yes, seeing from the positive side we will now be able to compare how he treats Sei and how he treats Tao :tongue:.


Here's the timeline with some addition of information that setokaonii posted earlier and also cwkwkhp2. I also added a thing I forgot earlier. Ryota sent Tao flowers on the first performance-day of Pluto. 



(Sometime during spring or summer 2016) Tao and Yudai came to watch Generations' Speedster concert live

(June or July)  Rehearsal for Anikoma                 (Ryota,Takuya,Sugino,Ito)

(Aug) Script-reading with Ryota, Tao and Yudai and the rest of the cast
(12th of Aug) filming started           (Ryota,Chiba)
(15th of Aug) filming started               (Tao)
(8th of Sep)   HiGH&LOW THE LIVE   (Tao,Chiba)
(19th of Sep)  Announcement of Anikoma

(Sep) Drama wrapped up
(11th of Oct)  Filming wrapped up       (Tao,Ryota)

(21st of Oct) Anikoma team had a party and they celebrated the date of Anikoma movie to be released. 
(28th of Nov)    Published of wrapped up scene
(8th of Dec)       SPEEDSTER                    (Tao) She could see last 2 songs.

(December) Tao sent flowers to wish Generations' good luck at their concert.



(April) Okinawa festival 

(12 April-10 May) Anikoma drama airing on NTV

(April-June) Promotions and pre-screening of Anikoma

(30th of June) Premiere of Anikoma the movie

(July-Aug) Stage-greetings

(2nd of Aug) Tao and the Anikoma cast went to support Ryota at Generations' Mad Cyclone concert

(8th of Aug)   Super Trans NIPPON Express(Ryota,Chiba,Sugino)

(21st of October) Ryota, Tao and Yosuke came to support Yudai's stage-play



(3th of January) Anikoma released Online

(6th of January) Ryota sent flowers to Tao on the first day of Pluto. 

(10th of January) Ryota watched Tao's stage-play Pluto. 



@cwkwkhp2 Thank you for the information! I have now added it to the timeline. Wow, so Tao has watched Ryota perform live 4 times, 2 times for Speedster, 1 time HIGH & LOW concert and 1 time Mad Cyclone. She should be quite familiar with Gene's song by now. Haha. 

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I see new faces!

Hi @cnblovegirl !

I was watching Omukae Desu with Tao and quite enjoyed that drama - a bit of investigation there...haha


I agree that by working with other people we can see whether they treat their co-workers differently. I watched Omukae Desu and though the two of them (Sota Fukishi and Tao) looked nice together, there was a lack of a spark?  Haha.


I am still following Ryota and Tao on IG and get excited when they like each other's posts. I suppose Ryota has been busy but he did update today about the Gene photoshoot with Men Uno.

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ホンマでっか!?TV     Honma-dekka!?TV   (Aug31,2016)
“Trouble consultation” Tao is a worrier. She always has a lot of stuff.
※That bag is not hers. They can't show Tao's real bag for sponsor reasons.
4:20~ omamori





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@Dramanoona I also enjoy seeing Ryota and Tao liking each other's posts on IG. Everytime they post something new I would check to see if they have liked it. Haha. As for the people they follow it is a bit harder to check Ryota's since he follows a lot of people but it is easy to look it up when it comes to Tao. I like to look at the people they follow because it can sometimes give away who they will work with or who they get along with among their co-stars. 


@cwkwkhp2 Thank you for the video of Tao. Wow, the bag in which Tao has put her omamoris was all puffy. The host was like asking if she has 10 omamoris in there. Haha. She and Ryota are very similar. This clip was from 2016 right? Around the time Aozora Yell was showing at the cinemas? I would like to take a look in her omamori-bag now and see if the other red half of the love omamori is there ^_^. Besides, the omamoris does Tao carry four bottles of water with her out? That's heavy. No wonder Yudai said she has a lot of things with her each time. 


@setokaonii  Thank you for the screen-capture of the cast wrapping up for the drama. Yes, I will add it to the timeline. Should we put the timeline on the first page under "spoiler" for those who would like to read about it? 


I just saw on IG that Ghana has changed their spokesperson. They always change all 3 celebrities after 4-5 years. When I first became interested in the Japanese industry it were Horikita Maki, Kuroki Meisa (?) and a girl more and then it was Nagasawa Masami, Takei Emi and another girl and then Suzu, Airi and Tao and now there are 3 new. Time sure flies. 

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You can watch full Gene part at High & Low The Live here

I really love Run This Town and Unbreakable.


I love their outfits, perfect sound and images, especially Hayato, Reo, and Ryuto. 

Yeah Ryota was very cool, really"Onii" there. 

@setokaonii thanks for your link. 

Lastyear, Tao promoted for Ultraman. She was pretty, I want Tao to comeback in a Ultraman's movie or Tokusatsu's movie. 

Reo knows and likes Kamen Rider, Ultraman. I remember he said it somewhere. 

Reo said the way Onii kicked the bus looked like Kamen Rider (Rider kick).

Reo likes dramas/movies and watches/knows a lot. So I wonder if he knew/watched  Tao before? I remember Reo said his favorite actress is Honda Tsubasa. I think he likes dark dramas/movies such as Limit, Life, Kokuhaku,...

Ryotao is very mature, both his hobbies. I wonder if Ryota knows Toku, Ultraman? I remember Ryota doesn't often watch dramas/movies. He often sleeps while watching films with Gene. And he was shy when watching romantic scenes, he didn't watch those scenes.


@cwkwkhp2 thanks for your information. 

How did you know Tao watched Speedster last 2 songs and High & Low with Chiba on Sep 8? Did anyone mention her? 


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@setokaonii  Wow, Tao went to Hakone and Matsumoto on the same day in October 2017.  It says on google that it takes 4 hours by train from one place to the other. The love omamori was from Hakone, right? Hm, yes, it feels too much of a coincidence that Ryota also have omamoris from Hakone and Matsumoto. I'm suspecting he got them from Tao ^_^.


Thank you for sharing the video clips. You are right about the sound effects. The cameramen for The HIGH and LOW concert seem to be better too. The dance break was really cool as well. 


I just watched parts of the Ultraman movie. Tao looks good there. She really likes Ultraman. She has posted pictures each year (?) of her going to the exhibition. Yes, I remember her saying that Ryota reminds her of Zero too. 


I@ryotatao9495  I think Ryota likes many genres, as you said dark themes, music themes and also surprisingly also sweet movies. He mentioned in an old Genetalk that he liked Sasaki Nozomi's Fu-Zoku Changed My Life/After Going To The Brothel, Life has changed www. He said the movie wasn't like what the movie title suggested. It is very sweet and makes ones heart flutter. 

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Ryota was just on IG. He has liked Tao's latest picture. So Tao knows how to play Shogi (Japanese chess) too? Ryota has mentioned in a few interviews that he likes playing Shogi. Being the only child he would play with himself or his grandpa. 

Sounds so lonely but then he enjoys having time for himself too so I guess it is okay :tongue:



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