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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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 @setokaonii Me too. I also think of Ryota when she says "important people". I'm happy to hear that he has liked that post. Hihi...wasabi as souvenir from Europe is very unique indeed. I can feel her stress though. It was the last show in Belgium today and she is probably going back to Japan tomorrow so there isn't much time left for her to go around and look for souvenirs. As you said they would be happy nevertheless no matter what she buys to them. It is the thought that counts. Yes, Tao seems like someone who would prefer home-made things. Didn't she make cookies/chocolate to her friends who came to watch Pluto in Tokyo? 


Ryota has just updated on weibo. They have been rehearsing for their China Tour. It seems like he and Tao are taking turns to travel overseas :tongue:. I wonder whether he would be sending a bouquet to her next week to wish her good luck on the award show. Just like what he and the Anikoma team did for the TAMA award ceremony. 

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I have been watching different video clips now when I'm not following any specific drama or movie and I re-watched this clip again of KameTao. At 0:32 Tao was asked when her heart would flutter when it comes to guys.


Tao: "Usually when people think about something their eyes would move around but for me (I like) someone who would look you in the eyes while he is thinking. Then I would feel ["Yes, he is probably the one."] I like people who would look at you while thinking."


At 02:25 Tao was trying to say that every day she spent in Hakodate was precious to her (?) but she mixed it up with the filming location of Anikoma, so she was about to say Yokohama and then she realized it was wrong so she corrected herself immediately. Kame heard it though and teased her about it. He was asking if she still remembers the name of their movie. Haha :lol:.





I haven't been noticing what kind of habit Ryota has when he is thinking. The only thing I know is that he is always looking at Tao ^_^

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@setokaonii  Thank you for sharing the twitter video of Ryota and Tao. Yes, she has said that before, that she likes to look at guys when they are thinking and reading books. Those things are "coincidentally" what Ryota likes to do. You are right. The way she looked at him was special and she was doing that for a long time in the video. So sweet :wub:.


Regarding Hitoshi Yoshida I haven't heard of him before but his face looks a bit familiar. Could it be that he has worked with either of them before? Hm. It is interesting that two people/artists who seems to know either Tao or Ryota has liked your posts. Previously it was Tao's friend/classmate and now this man too. 


As I said in my previous post, I have been re-watching old clips these days when I have nothing better to do :tongue:. Someone on bilibili noticed that at 1:56 after Tao did the weird pose and got embarrased she pulled on Ryota's sleeve slightly before hiding herself behind him. I didn't notice this detail before, that she pulled on his sleeve. I think it is cute because it seems like she was signaling to him to "save her" from this embarrassment. 




Credit: Irresistably Tao

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Ok. I have been looking through the Chinese translations of the manga. (Even though I have zero understanding of Chinese!)

My eyeballs just about popped out from my sockets. LOL.

I cannot imagine Ryota doing the things Haruka did in the manga. :ph34r:


And the manga begins with both  of them knowing that they are not siblings. So I suppose that changed the dynamics of the story.

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@Dramanoona Haha. I was surprised too when I first read the manga in 2016. I started reading it after the news came out that Tao would be in the live-action. So while reading I was wondering how much they would stick to the manga and even started to guess which scenes would be included. I knew that the most intimate scenes such as when Haruka unbuttoned/unzipped Setoka's clothes wouldn't be in the movie but I was hoping that some cute scenes would be included but that weren't, eg. the scene at the beginning of the manga where Haruka was giving Setoka a ride to school with his bike, Setoka fell asleep on the sofa so Haruka carried her into her room and when he was about to leave she held on to him so he couldn't do much but just accompany her to sleep. 

I didn't expect though that the bathroom scene would be in the movie. They toned it down a lot compared to the manga though.


I think I would have preferred if Setoka in the live-action knew about the truth earlier, perhaps in the prelude (in the drama) at the same time as Haruka. In that way there would have been more screen-time of them as a couple in the movie. 


If it isn't too bothersome for you, can I request some gifs of some scenes in the drama from you? 


It seems like Tao left Belgium yesterday so she should be back in Japan today (when it is evening over there). 




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@Dramanoona You are not alone. I would actually like to watch those parts as well. Haha :tongue: Except that, I'm also curious on how Ryota and Tao would have reacted behind-the-scene. According to the Grazia interview Ryota didn't mind filming those daring scenes. So I'm guessing it is the director/investment company who chose a more pure direction so it would suit the younger audience or it could also be because of Sony Music (Tao's company)?


Haha. I thought that scene was funny too with the senpai who played chess. 


Hm, there are 3 scenes that I really like but if it is too many and too bothersome for you then one of them will do :). Thank you in advance!

1. The scene when Haruka got jealous because he knew that Takane had kissed Setoka and he was trying to kiss her as well but he managed to resist the temptation at last minute (could it have been in episode 2 or 3?)

2. Haruka hugged Setoka when she was crying because she saw Takane kissing another woman (episode 4)

3. Haruka and Setoka was playing around/hitting each other and then they froze when their faces came very close to one anothers' and their eyes met (episode 5). 

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More from Jelly magazine July 2017


Q: Which is your favourite scene?


Ryota: Compared to the exaggerated heartskipping scenes I like the heartfluttering feeling that one will get by watching the everyday life of the siblings more. For example the scene at the garden where we ate the watermelon. I cared a lot about whether our pace and atmosphere were the same. I also really like the scene where Setoka stole a bite of the fried chicken that Onii did. 


Q3: Which scene did you find Setoka's action cute?


Ryota: "I really like the scene after she had taken a bath and was sitting in her room, brushing her hair while thinking of the past. Even though the scene might seem simple and plain but that's the moment when I think she is the most charming. The scene where Setoka was scratching her stomach while she was sleeping also seems very ordinary but some things aren't suitable to be seen by guys. If she were my girlfriend I would have probably yelled: "What are you doing?!" while holding up a feather duster (laughs)."




I agree with Ryota. I also think Tao looks very beautiful in that scene when she realized that she has feelings for Onii. He really is a guy who would easily get jealous. He thinks Setoka is cute when she was scratching her tummy but at the same time he doesn't like the idea of other guys seeing her do that :tongue:.


Tao mentioned in this post that she will already be working on the second day that she is back in Japan (which is tomorrow?). She will have to prepare for her next work, do interviews and other filming events and also attend the Japanese Academy award ceremony. There will be a lot of events that she is really looking forward to. 



Hm, I'm still wondering what her next job is and when she is allowed to reveal it. 

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@Dramanoona The bathroom scene is in the second filler (special). If you click on the text with the characters like below 

  • 番外(2)

then on number 2 you will be able to find the chapter. 


Towards the end when Haruka was hugging Setoka from behind he was saying he is taking back his apology and that he doesn't feel sorry at all for "the accident". He then asked her to take a bath together with him, just like how they used to do when they were kids. 


For those who are wondering. This is only part of how Haruka usually acts when he is around Setoka :tongue:. There are more of these scenes and the things he says and do are quite daring. 


Regarding the gifs you can do them when you have time. There's no need to hurry :)


Hm. I just read at weibo that there's a rumour that Tao might be filming a new live-adaption of a shoujo manga called 春待つ僕ら  (English title: We hope for blooming). The director/producer's earlier work are Rookies, A-Jin, SPEC etc. I don't think Tao has worked with him/her before though so it doesn't really match with what she said earlier that she will be working with someone/people she is close too. Has anyone heard anything about this manga before or read it before? Is it good? 

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I am starting to read Re Re Hello and on chapter 2 now. I can kind of imagine Ryota in this role. I do hope Tao is the female lead too!

I read the bathroom scene. OMG!


In this scene, when Setoka closed her eyes, I was thinking, she feels something for Haruka because a sister will not stand for that from her biological brother.


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@setokaonii My eyeballs have recovered. LOL. Haruka was quite passionate about his love for Setoka. Haha. But I suppose that in the manga, it was ok because they knew they were not biological siblings and Haruka had a worse time controlling himself.




I prefer this part when he goes so close to her. I don't think manga Haruka would have stopped!


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@setokaonii Young artists are always busy. It's difficult to keep Love in entertainment industry. But I think if the love is strong enough, nothing can devide them.

If RyoTao is real and they can't meet each other, they will be sad. Ryota and Tao will have many works in the future. I hope they can keep this relationship. I think before dating, they knew it.



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Hi there again sorry for the long absent while I enjoy reading here there is just something that disturb my day and gone black after reading @Transition  post that Tao might be in another shoujo movie from weibo fans please tell me it's not true! cause I'm almost on my break when I read it and I can't take it anymore and it doesn't make sense after the blacklash she got from Tonari  she will accept another shoujo herione role plus her non-shoujo stuff were hits like Hachihana and Pluto stages so  it's a big shame when other actresses like Suzu and Arimura who suit shoujo are easily moving on from those and leaving better impression to people while Tao the talented one is moving backwards and Tao explain it many time she struggles playing cute ordinary roles.


If Ryota and Tao will work together again I hope it's something more interesting and not some high school romance.

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@Dramanoona The bathroom-scene was quite something indeed. The interesting thing is when the leads where asked to choose their favourite scene in the manga Tao chose this scene. Haha. She was most likely referring to the hair-watching part. 


Thank you for the gif! I also think Setoka already liked Haruka back then it is just that she didn't realize it herself because like you said she closed her eyes and she would have let him kiss her if he didn't stop at last minute. 


@setokaonii Hm, is the guy in the cover her real brother? Or is it another admirer of hers? It seems like Haruka, whether it is in the manga or in the live-action has to be on his guard all the time so other people won't snatch Setoka away from him. 


I'm happy to hear that Tao has arrived in Japan safely. Aw, so Ryota is already going to China? It is a pity that they just missed each other like that. Hopefully he will be coming back to Japan between the three stops. I wonder what kind of souvenirs she bought to him. 


Regarding the scene of Setoka scratching her tummy I think it is a combination of both reasons :tongue:


About Tao's new movie I wonder too who the guys will be. I was looking at the manga version of the 4 guys and tried to see if there are any actors who resemble them but the only one I could think of is Yamada Ryosuke. The interesting thing is that when the news of Anikoma came out it was rumoured that he would be the male lead. 


Here's a picture of the 4 guys in the manga



I have heard about the news of Suda Masaki and Nanao too. Yes, it seems like all her co-stars have found a partner, as you said Masaki, Sota and also Ryoma. They are all very busy but they still manage to date so it shouldn't be a problem for Ryota and Tao either. 


Thank you for sharing Tao's blog. So English is Tao's favourite subject too. Here's yet another thing that she has in common with Ryota. She is really multi-talented. She even knows how to compose? I would like to listen to her song "Sora". I also believe that these two has fate.


@ryotatao9495 If Ryota and Tao are really together I believe they will be able to overcome the obstacle (of not having much time to spend with each other). Ryota has said before that once he has fallen in love with someone he would be very loyal towards her. 


 @00lama00  Nice to see you back! It is still not confirmed yet since the people on weibo heard about this new movie from 2ch (I guess it is a Japanese forum). I understand what you mean. I guess Sony Music just agrees to whatever job that people give to Tao instead of being selective. In a way I kind of understand them too, turning down a lot of offers wouldn't be good for Tao's image either. I think as long as they just don't accept the same type of character all the time then it will be fine. Haters are always going to hate. Especially those girlfriend-fans of the male leads. I think they are aware that Tao is one of the most talented actress of her generation and that she has good personality so the only thing they can complain about is her looks. 


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@Transition Nice to see you all too and still managing to make this thread still active ! So the actual information comes from 2ch ??which is a total an unreliable source. So this make me  relieved a bit.When Suda and Tao rumored to be working together on a project last year Nitizens gave fake information that they will be in time travel shoujo project calls Ashi girl but it goes to Yuina Kurashina and Kentaro instead while TaoSuda working on Tonari. Tao posted on her IG before traveling oversea that she reunion again with people she is closed to and she got a project that she will challenge it this time and doing all her best. Like she sound very excited to challenge something new , if it's shoujo she wouldn't be excited and will sound more insecure if she can do it. 

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 @00lama00  Oh, I see. I would usually read about the Japanese related news on either weibo or Instagram so I didn't know what this site/forum 2ch is actually. Regarding Tao's IG post about a new project where she gets to work with people she is close too. I have read that post too that's why we here were guessing if it is the same movie as the one Ryota is in but since then she hasn't mentioned much about it.  So let's just wait and see what Tao's new project will be :)


I just listened to Genetalk 170703 again with Hayato, Ryota, Tao and Yudai and I noticed some things that I didn't paid much attention to back then when I first heard it. 


At 02:03  


Hayato: Have the three of you been together since last year (2016) when the filming of the drama started?


Ryota: Yes, since August when filming started which took approximately three months. 


Hayato: It started since last August? So it means you have been together for 10 months?


Tao: Yes...


Hayato: Was it okay? Being together for this long?


Ryota: Huh?


Tao: Huh?


Hayato: What did it feel like on set?


Ryota: What are you worried about?


Tao: What are you worried about?


Tao: On set? What we would do? We would for example talk about meat.


Hayato: Talking about topics regarding meat?


Ryota: Yes, Tao-chan likes meat very much. 


Hayato: Oh, Tao-chan would talk about topics regarding meat. 


Tao: And I'd also...(*pauses*) listen to when Onii talks about his things.


Hayato: So on situations like this you still call him Onii?


Ryota: Yes, yes.


Tao: Always. I have always called him Onii.


Hayato: We also call him Onii.


Ryota: There's no such thing. I haven't heard it before.


During this part it seems like Hayato was trying to say something? He was saying 10 months is a long time and then he asked what it felt like on set. Both Ryota and Tao reacted to the question and asked him what he was worried about (I like how Tao repeated after Ryota). 


07:50 (After Tao has explained what she thought of and what kind of researches she did when she got the role as Setoka)


Hayato: There's an obvious difference between those who have acted (in the movie) and those who have not (Hayato means that Tao explained things a lot better than himself). The things you say really convince people.  You can't find any faults even if you wanted to.


Tao: No, I'm not...


Ryota: Are you nervous?


Tao: Yes, I'm very nervous. I'm really not good at speaking. 


Hayato: Is that so?


Ryota: There's no such thing. 


Tao: You seem to be used to this. 


Ryota: It is because we have done this kind of broadcast for 5 years. So we have been trained. 


Ryota really pays attention to Tao. I personally think she spoke very well here when she explained what kind of researches she did when she got the role as Setoka but he could still sense that she was nervous. When she said she isn't good at speaking he comforted her and said that she doesn't have any problem with that and also explained why Hayato and he himself speaks so well (due to training). 


At 15:24 (When Tao was acting as a fan and proposed to Ryota)


Ryota: Thanks! Thank you for all this time!


Tao: Katayose-san, please marry me!


Ryota: (*stunned*) Let's get married.


Tao: Oh...(*clap her hands*)


Ryota: How was it? How was it?


Hayato: If you say that to every fan aren't you lying then?


Ryota: Yes, that's true...


Tao: There will be a lot of people asking you now...


Ryota: Uhm...it was too serious after all...Tao-chan was asking too seriously.


Hayato: You will get confused.


Ryota: I....I initally wanted to answer a bit light-heartedly but then I got stunned...


Yudai/Hayato (?): I understand.


Tao: Oh, sorry. Sorry. 


Ryota: No, no, no...it wasn't Tao-chan's fault. 


Hayato: You would actually get stunned? I was hesitating and thought just now if I should record it or not. *laughs*


Ryota: *laughs*


Tao: *laughs*


As the fans commented in the video. Ryota only said yes because it was Tao who asked him ^_^



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@Dramanoona I agree with you. I don't see HaruSeto, but RyoTao :))

When I watched this scene, I don't know much about Ryota, I didn't ship RyoTao, but I still thought his eyes isn't Onii, but Ryota's eyes. Like the way he was looking at the girl he loved, she was sad, crying and he just wanted to hug her. 

The way Ryota hugged Tao in Anikoma, it was very real. That's why I love this scene so much before I became a shipper. 

When I became a shipper, read many interviews about RyoTao, I thought maybe Ryota want to do it in real life.

 I mean they talked about moments Tao was sad and Ryota was beside her, help her, said "daijobu dayo". I think Tao cried some times and Ryota really wanted to hug her, but he can't since he was just a new partner for her, they knew each other not long to hug her like that. 

Sad, cry is a side of girl Ryota likes, he thinks it's cute and makes he wanna protect her. And Tao is the girl has thing he said, sad and cry, he said in letter that he wants to be beside Tao when she is sad, has trouble, help her. 


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