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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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I'm sorry I don't comment here recently, but I still read all you guys said. 
@Transition I'm really disappointed, we tried to send messages to Kissasian, but they didn't reply us and now they upload another Anikoma Engsub. 

Please forgive me. My team couldn't complete Engsub soon and bring it to everyone sooner. You finished your translation very fast. 
Honestly, I'm sad when our Anikoma Engsub can't be popular, it has 986 views on YouTube and just about 100 views on Google Drive, even we translated all songs in Anikoma. I'm sad when some videos Anikoma Engsub which used Google translate and very wrong translation have many many views and comments on YouTube. Transition, you did a great job, thanks for your Engsub. 
I hope many people can watch it. We translated 2 languages for Anikoma, we worked so hard. And I hope our Engsub can be popular like our Vietsub.
Btw, after Anikoma Engsub, we have new comers in this thread. I saw some people shared our thread on IG. And readers knew this thread some months ago. I'm glad to know our thread has many readers from IG and Twitter. They said our place made them happy and believe in RyoTao too much. They are just waiting for announcement that RyoTao is real.

I hope we will have many new members come and share their feelings, everything they know about RyoTao with us.



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@setokaonii  I just saw Tao's posts of the red flowers (tulips?). Yes, if Ryota hasn't made a move already I hope he will do it soon. Tao is beautiful inside- and out and multi-talented too. So it doesn't surprise me if she has many admirers. Her confession was cute indeed. I also imagined her confessing to a certain person :wink:. I'm glad to hear people from Europe praising Tao for her performance. She is indeed very hardworking. As could be seen in her IG she really tries to understand her characters well for every productions of hers. 


You have really good eyes. I haven't noticed the couple icon before. If Yuta has posted the icon in the Anikoma-related posts then I think the icon is referring to Ryota and Tao (the prince is Ryota and princess Tao) :). The other Gene members seem to like Tao of what I have noticed based on the times they have mentioned or talked about her before. The way they call her (Tao-chan/Tao), it seems like they are quite familiar with her too. 


Thank you for posting about our eng-subbed version of Anikoma on IG!

@ryotatao9495 Thank you for your kind words! You have done a good job too. Without your guys' help I wouldn't have been able to complete it by myself. Please don't apologize. I have tried contacting newasiantv and dramanice too and I haven't gotten a reply from them either. So it isn't your fault. It has been fun translating Anikoma. Even if only around 1000 have watched our sub I'm still happy that we have been able to make these people understand what is being said in the movie and fortunately made them like it and also Ryota and Tao. I'm glad though to hear that it has gone better with the Vietnamese sub. Being a half Vietnamese myself it feels quite warm to see the movie having Viet sub (although I only know how to read some words :tongue:). 


It is nice that more people know about this place. I'm also waiting for an announcement from Ryota and Tao. Hopefully, we won't have to wait 10 years for that :tongue:.


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Tao playing the piano. The version she posted doesn't have any sound. So here comes the one that her co-star posted. In her original post she said that she loves playing the piano. 


Tao's instagram post 180216:

Good morning!

The first performance in The Netherlands yesterday went smoothly!

Beside that, this picture is what I wanted to upload yesterday but I fell asleep.


It is actually quite dangerous (to do that) because there's a chance that I would accidentally touch the screen of my smartphone. What if there's a lot of accidents that happen and I accidentally turn on "Live", then wouldn't my sleeping panda face be seen? But then it would perhaps be quite funny, or perhaps not...since it is after all a face that is sleeping soundly, haha!


Now back to what I just said, this is the picture I wanted to upload.

The tulips from here is really very different. 

The respect of original products...

How should I put this, this kind is different. 

It looks especially good!

Although it is very cute and warm but it gives one the feeling of courage, wildness and perservance at the same time.


Even though it is for observance but compared to being used as decoration, it appears much stronger, as if it is showing off its will of living. 

This mighty flower, when you look at it quickly you can mistake it as a big strawberry. 


Tulips actually has this kind of living will. 

It made me get another impression of it.

I'm starting to understand the feeling of the people who loves this kind of flower.

So I wanted to show it to you all.  


The stage-play Pluto has been receiving warm welcomes from many places in The Netherlands.

No matter if it is today or tomorrow I want to live my life to the fullest. Then, I'll be going now!


There's Chinese sub out for the BTS of the bathroom scene now. I'll translate it tomorrow and post it here. 

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Translations of the BTS of the bathroom-scene


[Heartskipping!? Bathroom-scene]


Tao: ( I ) wonder whether Onii will get nervous or if he will be very calm.  


Staff: He probably won't (be nervous). He is someone who has been doing "live"...how could he... (I think the staff here means that he has had many concerts before so he isn't someone who would easily get nervous?)


Ryota: It is so big (the bathtube). Are we going to use this? I'm just going to imagine a little bit about this scene. It will be quite a big thing. I'm going to imagine a bit. 


Staff: Imagine a bit.


Ryota: Haha!


Tao: I'll work hard tomorrow too!


Tao: Onii, today we will keep using this bathtube but the warm water is still very comfortable. 


Ryota: Really?


Tao: It is awesome! Your hands and feet would become very soft.


Staff: Yes, they would become very soft. 


Tao: I'll put on some shampoo now. 


Director: Okay. Cut!


Ryota: Did you film the bathtube?


Camera-man: It is a bit small.


Ryota: It is too small so you couldn't film it, right? Please come quickly and interview me. 


Camera-man: Do you like to take a bath?


Ryota: I like to take baths. 


Camera-man: How much? Do you put a lot of warm water?


Ryota: I would plan it well and then read books while bathing (I'm not sure if I got this sentence right). 

It is different from today.


Camera-man: Would you put shower creme in (the bathtube)?


Ryota: Sometimes.


Camera-man: What kind?


Ryota: One with orange scent. 


Camera-man: How much water would you fill the bathtube with?


Ryota: I would fill it well, like covering half of my body.


Camera-man: It is a luxurious feeling. 


Ryota: That would be very comfortable. 


Camera-man: Where would you start washing?


Ryota: From my head, I think. Yes, it is definitely there (the head) that I start washing first. 


Ryota: Haha! It looks a bit perverted, right?


Staff: The actual filming is about to start. Ready, start!


Director: Setoka would come from a position that can't be seen...


Ryota: Is it near here? *shows with his hand where his head should be placed when he backhugs Tao*


Director: Yes. Yes. *shows the way he should hold Tao*


Ryota: Like she is my own possession. 


Camera-man: You just finished a serious discussion and then you are already eating jellies, isn't that too quick?


Ryota: *laughs and points at Tao*


Director: Okay. Cut! Okay. 





So Tao filmed her bathing scene first (the one from the drama) and then it was Ryota's turn? It is quite interesting that Tao was wondering whether Ryota would get nervous about this scene. I think the staff was wrong (about him not being nervous). I think it was quite obvious that Ryota was nervous there. 

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@setokaonii  Yes, Shunsuke Daito is playing Helena's husband (the husband of one of Tao's roles) in Pluto. I didn't know they have collaborated before. Thank you for sharing the link to Ouran High School Host Club! I knew Tao had a small role there but I haven't had the chance to watch it since I didn't know in which episode she appears in. Hihi...the role is different from her other roles. Chiba Yudai's role is very different as well. 

She was only 16 back then, I'm glad to see how far she has come since then. 


Tao seems like one of those people who would think of others before herself. I would have liked to hear what she felt about the bathroom-scene too. Probably nervous too, since the scene was quite intimate. 


Thank you for sharing Ryota's audition clip. His classmates where asked about how Ryota is as a person. They said he is popular among guys and girls, especially girls. They also said he is perfect. He is handsome and knows everything. This clip introduced me to some of Exile's and J Soul Brother's songs that sound quite nice. I would look it up later on for the full versions. 


Ryota and Tao look very good in red. 


@Dramanoona Yes, the Japanese industry doesn't seem to be that big since some actors and actresses have worked with each other several times. 


I just came across this MV on bilibili that I must share with you guys. It includes the snippets of the earlier BTS and also the one that comes with the DVD/Blu-ray and also scenes from the actual movie. S/he chose many cute scenes of them eating, the special glances and gestures between them that we have commented about before and the sweet scenes from the movie.


Here are some comments that the people wrote: 

00:46 Ryota took a glance at Tao just now before swifting it back quickly.

04:54 I want to be looked at romantically by Ryota too.

05:42 So sweet.

05:47  He is exactly like a boyfriend.

07:33 The two of them playing the bridal song together, I can't explain why I get the feeling that they will have this fate in the future. 

07:43 I always get this feeling that these two will get together in the future.


Messages from the comment box:


"I have this inexplicable feeling that these two are very matching. If it continues on like this I think they will have the fate of getting together. The girl is multi-talented and has a good personality, the guy is smart and is also good at teasing. One is 天然 (Ten'nen) and the other is smart. They are both food-lovers (foodaholics) and when they are together they would always laugh like Samoyeds (dogs that are known for their smiles). They are really compatible. "


"After watching it (the video) I wasn't jealous at all but was smiling like a mother.


"Oh my, what is with this heavy CP (couple) feeling.  Tao-chan is indeed very cute but...but....( ̄ε(# ̄) Σ"




@ryotatao9495 @justananimelover @setokaonii  @Dramanoona 

I think it is cute when others who have a more "unbiased" view towards Ryota x Tao also see the things we have noticed between them such as how they look at each other and always laugh together and the overall feeling that people get when they look at Ryota and Tao.


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I totally agree! When I began this Anikoma journey, it was without expectations as I am not a big J-drama viewer. But something about the two of them struck me. The purity? It doesn't feel to me like it's acting or very contrived.

Then, just watching the two of them makes a person smile (and they were meant to be siblings in the drama! Bear in mind that I had no idea what the plot of the whole drama/manga was about since I only read the synopsis about an overprotective brother)

It's like watching the sweetness of first love (?) I don't know what might have happened if they truly followed details in the manga (which I presume are more jaw dropping) but I like how they portrayed the clueless older brother who had no idea that he was in love in his pseudo-sister.


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@Transition I am sad to hear that other translations for the movie have more views than yours. Yours was really the best and it's pity that other sites like Kissasian did not uploaded it so more people would see. I Believe that othe people worked hard to translate the movie but there were many parts just like in the drama that it did not make much sense.


 @Dramanoona This must be the first time that i talk to you since I did not have the chance to do so. First of all thank you for all the gif you have made  and also i want to say that i agree with you.   



 I don't watch that many dramas in general cause most of the time I prefer watching anime or reading manga but there are dramas that catch my attention either because of the plot or the actors. Since I am a fan of Tao I watch some of her series but to be honest I watched Anikoma because Ryota caught my attention. He looked really handsome in the trailer:tongue: and the series seemed fun to watch so I gave it a try. I have to say that Tao has chemistry with all of ther co-stars but with Ryota there was something different. I really liked seeing them together. I also believe that they looked good  together as siblings in the drama cause I  could feel their bond and it did not seem like acting they seem to be really close. And as @Dramanoona said  it  really does feel like watching the sweetness of first love. Haruka's love for Setoka is so pure and I love it. Everytime i saw them together  I would smile just like an idiot. they just seemed really cute and close together. Even though the plot is not anything special I loved it cause I could feel the love between those two and it did not seem like acting that's why I started shipping them and I am glad to see more people shipping them and believing that they will be together later.

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I agree. Both Ryota and Tao managed to show the audience the feeling that they are really close and that there are more to the relationship than only sibling-love already from the start (episode 1 in the drama). Yes, I believe Haruka and Setoka have loved each other all along even before they knew the truth about them not being real siblings, it is just that they didn't realize it themselves. I also started watching Anikoma without much expectations but ended up liking it due to Ryota and Tao's chemistry and their portrayal of their roles. 



@justananimelover Thank you for your compliments! I'm happy to hear that our hard work is appreciated by you all here. I think it is a pity too that it couldn't be reached to even more people but at least with the English subtitles (of other subbing teams) being out on the popular sites now then Ryota and Tao might catch some people's attention and gain more fans in that way. So at the end, if they manage to do that then it is all good :)


I'm with you about Tao having chemistry with all her co-stars but that it feels special with Ryota and this is one of the reasons to why I especially like them together. 

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Tao's instagram post 180216:

The second performance-day in The Netherlands has ended now. Over here it is still the 16th of February. The night performance of the stage-play is a bit late, starts from 7 pm. 

The performances in The Netherlands start even later than in England and Belgium, at 8:15 pm. 

The duration of Pluto is 3 hours so when the show ends it is already 11 o' clock. We could only have a quick toast and then we would have to start immersing ourselves for the performance on the next day, but I don't know if it is because of this that I think that the nights (here) are especially dark and therefore it is easier to fall asleep. 

Tomorrow I'll be doing (my) preparations sincerely at the same time that I'll be wishing to get back to Japan soon.


The Olympics in Pyeong Chang is still ongoing. Just as my acting job.

So I hope I'll be able to give all the contestants and everyone involved "power of support" so you would be able to reach your dreams safely and brillantly. These gloves are a good way (to show you my support). 

Then that's about it today, see you guys again. 


Ryota's instagram post 180218:

Recently I have been recording songs and also preparing for the China Tour, being busy doing all kinds of things. 

During this time I just thought of taking a photo with an instagramer feeling to pretend that I have a lot of spare-time. *Laugh*. 

The cold weather is still here so everyone has to take care of yourselves. 

Remember to watch Abema TV at 21:00. 

#Anticipate Genekou


Tao seems to be missing Japan and her "important people" there. Just when I started wondering why Ryota hasn't been liking Tao's posts recently he posts this. So it turns out that he has been busy with recording and preparing for their China Tour. 

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I just saw a Japanese fan post an entry about Tao's phonecase. If I understood her right she noticed that Tao has changed it. The brand of her new phonecase looks like LV she said. Ryota's is also LV. She and poohwo think she got it from him as birthday present ^_^.


Tao's old phonecase

Tao's new phonecase

Ryota's phonecase

@ryotatao9495 @justananimelover @setokaonii  @Dramanoona 

What do you think? :tongue:

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@Transition Hmm... I think that it is possible that she recieved that phonecase from Ryota as a present . Actually I hope that's the case :tongue:... Well they are the same brand so I think that's the case. She changed it recently also two weeks ago it was her birthday and Ryota has the same brand for his own phonecase so I don't think that is unlikely.

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@justananimelover I also hope that Tao got the phonecase from Ryota as birthday present :). The timing that she changed to the new one and her birthday is indeed close. 



I'm not familiar with LV either or other expensive brands for that matter. Haha. Yes, I don't think Tao is someone that would buy products from such brand by herself either so that's why I also think the chance is big that she got it from someone ^_^



I also noticed the new phonecase when I saw Tao's update. I thought it looked familiar and then I remembered that Ryota has a similar one but I wasn't sure since I'm not into LV. It wasn't until I saw another fan post about this that I thought "Maybe I wasn't overanalyzing afterall." I like your thought that if it is Ryota who gave it to her that he has been considerate when he chose the present since the phonecase will indeed be used by her everyday and she will also see it everyday. 


Thank you for the picture. The dress is quite transparent there and it does make Tao looks sexy and more mature. I'm like some fans over at weibo who still sees her as a little girl but in reality she has grown up a lot and has already turned 23 :tongue:.


Oh, Yūki Hospital looks big and beautiful. So it is the same location where Ouran High School Host Club was filmed? Such coincidence. When Ryota was missing in action on IG I thought he was busy filming the movie but he said he was busy with recording songs and rehearsing for the China Tour. So he is taking a break from the movie? Could it be because the female lead is busy with something else at the moment? You see...I'm still hoping the female lead is Tao :tongue:.

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According to this fan account of Ryota's he posted two entries on his mobile blog yesterday (180218). One was about Genekou and one was about him going back to Orihime shrine (the location where they filmed the summer festival in Anikoma). Unfortunately, the content on his mobile blog can't be posted on other sites so s/he could only tell us a bit of what the entries are about. 



Some updates related to Tao:

The 8-year-engagement has gotten more than 2,7 billion on box-office. It has become the highest grossing live-adaption by Shochiku for the past 10 years. Orange is still the movie that earned the most among the movies in which Tao is the lead. It got 3,5 billion but it is produced by Toho. 


I just saw the newest trailer of "My Little Monster". I haven't read the manga or watched the anime nor am I that familiar with the male lead but the trailer combined with the music made it seem quite interesting. Tao's role seems interesting as well. It reminds me of her old roles. So hopefully, it will be good and also do well in box-office. The first short trailer of Kasane should be out sometime in March/April. I'm looking forward to that too. 

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Could it be that Ryota is just filming a cameo? I mean, he has his Generations tour and China tour coming up so I can't imagine how he would squeeze in time to film a whole movie or drama.


Regarding Tao's new drama -  I read the manga a while ago! I need to reread it!

I haven't seen the trailer but it's only out in April ?

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Haha, I like that we are both thinking positively. I hope the "Law of Attraction" is true because I believe except the two of us there are more people who is hoping for a second collaboration between Ryota and Tao. 


Hm, if Ryota went to Orihime shrine around Valentine's day then I think the entry from 180218 was most likely just another post where he mentioned about his visit there. I was thinking too that he was probably missing someone thus he decided to go to that place again. It seems like anyone can read his mobile blog as long as you pay a fee. 


Regarding the 8-year-engagement I have also heard it is touching. I hope it will be showing on the cinemas for a while more so it can break the 3,0 billion mark (the movie has been running since the 14th of December). 


Yes, I was searching for "My Little Monster" last year when I knew that Tao has accepted the role and apparently there's an anime version of it too. 

I have heard some of Kana Nishino's songs before but not these ones that are featured in this movie. I'll try to look them up. Do you know if all of them have been released yet? 


Thank you for sharing the clip of Ryota reading the comments on weibo. Most of the fans there are indeed Anikoma fans. Hihi...he noticed that many of them wrote "Ai Ni" (Love you) to him. 


@Dramanoona Oh, so you have read the manga of "My Little Monster"? How was the story and the characters? I don't like how some people are already judging Tao and the director's choice of asking her to play Shizuku (the female lead) just based on the trailer. Some were already doubting when they heard about the news last year (before the trailer was released) because they think Tao can't this kind of character. These people have probably not seen her performance in Limit, Suzuki Sensei nor The Werewolf game 2. 




I just watched the BTS of Anikoma for the Nth time and I noticed that Ryota was rubbing his nose too (earlier I thought it was Tao doing most of the job :tongue:) but now looking back at the gif that Dramanoona made he did rub his nose as well but for some reason it wasn't that obvious as in the BTS. 


On 2018-02-13 at 2:00 PM, Dramanoona said:


Happy to share!


This is the first time I have seen a nose rub as such a romantic gesture.

Perfect as they are accepting that their relationship is no longer one of brother and sister. But a new beginning.


And I swear that this is the sweetest, most innocent kiss I have ever come across in any drama, be it Korean, Japanese or Chinese. Usually it two lips mushed together and awkward but they angled their lips perfectly. LOL.


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@Transition  "My little monster" makes Tao have many many haters. They said she isn't cool, cute. They said she looks so ugly, big face, she isn't cool/cute/beautiful, bad acting (they just watched some shoujo live action of Tao recently).
They always said Tao can't act, especially can act cool/strong/clever roles. 
Whatever Tao does, even she does well, they always hate and bash Tao.
Most of Tao fans and I know they will bash Tao because of Tonari, that's why we hate this movie, but still watch it. I know this day will come, many anti fans will bash Tao, that's why I hate this movie so much. Not only me, many Tao fans also hate it. But I will watch it, I hope Tao will have good reviews.

Why everyone always think about Tao like that? She is not the only one who has some unsuitable roles/flop movies dramas. Even best actors/actresses still have flop movies, bad roles, so why they always bash Tao but not bash others? 

Their idols are in same situation like Tao, they aren't better than Tao. When they bash Tao like that, did they think their idols got many bad comments like that before till now? 

They don't allow everyone bash their idols like that, they protect their idols, but they bash Tao like that everyday, every time. Even Tao is having super hit 8 Nen goshi no hanayome in Japan, she got prize Academy (Japanese Oscar) for Best Actress, she is the youngest actress in list, they don't care, they don't talk about it, they choose a good chance to bash Tao and it is Tonari L.A.

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