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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@ryotatao9495 @setokaonii  I forgot to write this in my previous posts. Tao really loves Anikoma. If we compare the times she has posted things regarding Anikoma, it far exceeds the times she has talked about P&JK, Tori Girl and 8 years Engagement. This makes me really happy since Tao has been in so many productions and Anikoma still managed to take a special place in her heart. 


@ryotatao9495 I was thinking too if the surprise could be related to Tao for example that she would be a guest for their concerts or if Ryota would be working together with her again. Although the chance is slim we can still hope. Anikoma is one of the most popular Asian dramas/movies in Mainland last year so I think Sony Music knows about its popularity as well as how it has boosted Tao's popularity. But I don't know if they have any plans of promoting her overseas. I haven't noticed the pause everytime Ryota calls Tao "Tsuchiya-san" but I can imagine that it feels weird for him to be so formal with her. Even I as a fan isn't used to hear them call each other Tsuchiya-san and Katayose-san. :tongue:

I think it is indeed obvious that Ryota likes Tao and I think it is becoming more obvious that she likes him as well. As for them becoming more similar I have noticed that too. In the interview in Okinawa we could already see that they think alike.


Interviewer: In the festival Haruka (Onii), Takane and Chiaki all used their own tactics to make Setoka like them, if Katayose-san were to be in the same situation what would you do to show the girl your charm?


Ryota: How should I put this...If I'm able to make her happy while being together with me then it is all good. If I'm being pretentious then the relationship wouldn't be able to last long. So I would make some jokes and tease her a little and just talk about whatever I have in my mind and heart. This is what I think.


Interviewer: Tsuchiya-san, what do you think? If it was three girls and one guy...


Ryota: Three girls!? This scenario is too scary (*laughs*)


Tao: My thoughts are similar to Katayose-san's. Being able to show (him) who you really are when you are dating is very important. The most important thing is being happy (together). 



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@setokaonii @Transition 

only I think it's similar RyoTao :)) 

tall and short, big and small, like 1 boy 1 girl, like a couple, the distance is the same. And why she posted 2 snowmen, not 1? 

I think she dropped a hint. I wonder if Ryota and Tao have some days off from work on snow days? 

She said in previous post that "It has been snowing a lot...Many public transfer stops have also been shut so I believe there are a lot of people who have been affected by the weather."

the way snowmen stood together really the same many pictures of Ryota when they stood to look into the sky, sea...

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@setokaonii @Transition Their pants were really the same, I think so. 

About Snowmen, I think they were made by RyoTao, because now Japanese can make snowman everywhere, on the street, court, area...So if Ryota and Tao meet, they could make it although the time they meet was short or didn't have days off.

I'm quite sure everyone noticed that Ryota and Tao were shy on backstage after Tao read her letter to Ryota, after they hugged. Ryota often puts his hand on Tao's buff/shoulder/back, in Anikoma making, Okinawa Fes, stages...

Ryota stood and peeked Tao was coming and stood at Ryota's left side. They were shy, didn't looked at each other straightly, didn't talk to each other. They were silent.

I noticed Takuya realized and looked at RyoTao, he smiled. After Chiba said "arigato" to Tao, Ryota said "arigato" to Tao with his basso, was but didn't looked at Tao, he was very confused. And Tao looked at Ryota, she smiled, but Ryota didn't look at her.

Tao started to post many Anikoma photos, especially about RyoTao, Ryota after last stage.

In this video, Ryota confessed "I will wait until you love me". So I think, maybe Ryota confess his feelings to Tao but she didn't agree with him. This video was in April, soemdays before Okinawa Fes.


That's why I think they became an official couple after Anikoma before or after Anikoma last stage.

Although We have many hint make us think they start to date official in March - June before Anikoma last stage.

For example:

They started to wear matching clothes/things since May or June.

In GENETALK, Ryota talked about Best kiss in March, and we thought it really seemed to happen, if it was true, they kissed in March,2017. I wonder if they kissed but didn't become an official couple, didn't confess their feelings although they liked each other.

Hm, Ryota has more romantic ideas, maybe he kissed Tao in March 2016 but distracted her to another thing. We all know Tao is slow in romance and Ryota is very smart. Ryuto teased and complained that Ryota is a very romantic boy like his prince aura.

Honestly, kiss doesn't mean they confessed or became a real couple, not only RyoTao but also many couples in real life. We often see this situation in Asian drama, right? LOL


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@ryotatao9495 That was my same thought too when I saw Tao's latest IG post, that the smaller one is herself and the taller one is Ryota. The height matches and the snowmen are holding hands too, like a couple? I just read the translation to this post. Tao mentioned that she only had one stage play (of Pluto) yesterday while Ryota seemed to have a day-off since he watched Exile The Second with Hayato (according to the IG posts) so it is possible that the snowmen were made by both of them. 


Yes, I have noticed too that Ryota and Tao were more quiet than usual after the last stage-greeting. They looked shy indeed. 


As for when the time is when they started dating, I'm not sure but I think should be sometime after Anikoma was done filming and the last stage-greeting so between Nov 2016-July 2017. It is true that the kiss could have happened before they officially dated, like at the same time as he confessed. Tao is indeed very inexperienced with these things since she hasn't dated before :tongue:


 @setokaonii  the pants that Tao wore in that variety show does look like the one Ryota wore in the first picture. It is quite unlike her usual style. If the picture of them in jeans are before or after they recorded for the show then it seems like they really like to wear matching clothes in their spare-time (as it has happened 3 times already) :wink:Thank you for sharing the video of Ryota promoting the Anikoma DVD. He really paused a while before saying Tsuchiya-san. It takes time to change something you are used to :tongue:.

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I don't know if you guys have watched this clip already but it was aired in July 2017. Ryota attended the show himself. He imitated Tao again here  (around 02:00 in this clip). He has done that about four times in different interviews. :tongue: Everyone was saying that she is cute, Ryota most likely think so too. That would explain why he has mentioned it a few times. 

He also said she is 天然 here as well. At the end it was supposed that Ryota would give the winner of the game (the girl) a backhug while saying the line which he said to Setoka "I don't want to let anyone else have you" but he switched place with another guy. 



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Hihi. ^_^Tao posted two snowmen again but this time mini versions. 


 @setokaonii  @ryotatao9495 Speaking of matching clothes I watched some clips that setokaonii posted on IG and I noticed that Ryota and Tao have similar hoodie cardigan (the grey/white one). 


Btw, these clips are really cute especially the first one. Thank you for sharing them

 @setokaonii . I like when the director said something to Ryota and Tao they were both turning to him while Ryota still held her up closely to him. 




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@Transition If I'm not wrong, she was in Osaka for PLUTO? She seemed to sleep too much, she was surprised about that. I'm happy for her. Always 2 snowmen, I'm sure she dropped hints. I hope someone can translate Tao's post.

The snowmen were touching hand. Looked like the bigger snowman was kissing Tao's cheek. A taller snowman and a shorter snowman, right?

Anw, Ryota liked Tao's post.

Here are new posts from Anikoma acc. Fans think Tao took these pictures.

 I'm glad to hear Anikoma is selling very well. Anikoma's Twitter had close to210.000 followers. It's great! The IG account said there were many nice messages were sent to Anikoma acc. I'm quite sure there were many messages said about Anikoma sequel and post more RyoTao pics (both me) LOL

Ryota seems to avoid another girls, except Tao *cough*  The way RyoTao shared food, waited for food and ate together were sweet, really like a couple. They are very very close.

I love the lifting scene in BTS. RyoTao was closer more than in movie. Their heads and shoulders were close, and I like the way Ryota looked at Tao when lifting, too sweet.

in GENETALK (where he talked about Best kiss, at the end he mentioned a female host on music stage where GENERATIONS performed. If I'm not wrong and I read some Chinese comments. I think He said she has nice skin, she is pretty. Hayato teased him "Do you like her?", Ryota laugh and answer fastly "No, No". Ryota and Hayato laughed. Ryota seemed to worry someone will be jealous and Hayato seemed to know Ryota had girlfriend, that's why he teased Ryota if he likes the female MC.

Ryota said: "It is around March, when the coldness from winter has passed and the lukewarm season has begun. I say: "Even though it isn't summer yet I really want to look at the sea. Although we can't go and swim yet let's walk to the seaside". So we take a walk along the sea. It is around 3-4 o' clock in the afternoon, the breeze that has a scent of sea salt fill our noses. The sea is sparkling, you that are watching the sparkling sea are even more sparkling. I'm silently watching your profile. That's when I think: "Ah, now it is time."


Then I call her name.

Me: xxx ( Ryota said Nai Nai Ni so hence the three x). 

She says: Hm?

At that moment, I give her a kiss. 




When I said I guessed RyoTao started to be an official couple after last stage (July 12). I forgot this thing.

We talked it before, fans noticed Ryota looked more happy, opened himself, smiled/ laughed too much, humorous in Gene Koukou TV. He looked like a boy in love, full of energy and smiled softly without reason. It started after Anikoma last stage. 

I'm quite sure they didn't become a couple before March 2016. But I'm quite sure Best kiss which Ryota talked in Genetalk happened. 

So we take a walk along the sea. It is around 3-4 o' clock in the afternoon, the breeze that has a scent of sea salt fill our noses. The sea is sparkling, you that are watching the sparkling sea are even more sparkling. I'm silently watching your profile.

If it didn't happen, he wouldn't said like that, especially "3-4 o'clock". 


Then I call her name.

Me: xxx ( Ryota said Nai Nai Ni so hence the three x). 

She says: Hm?

The way she said "Hm?" were really the same with Setoka and Tao. what Ryota described Best kiss was really the same last scene in movie. Everything Ryota said about ideal appointment/dating with lover are similar the scenes in Anikoma. We talked it before, especially sky, sea. 

You know what I mean *cough* 


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@setokaonii Here is official video.


I replay it many many times. I love the song, Tao's voice, especially her dances and her face in this video. So great! It's herself, dance and sport. 

Recently, Tao's CMs are very good and got many views, especially when she dances or run. 

Beside Xylitol CM, I Move Me ep 4 where Tao ran got more than 1,3 million views.


This first ep will get 500.000 views soon. 


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@ryotatao9495 I can translate the latest IG post of Tao if the translations are out. Do you want the translation of the previous one with only the two snowmen as well or only the latest? Ryota was saying in Genetalk that he likes girls with no make-up or little make-up then Mandy or himself mentioned the female host as an example. Yes, I have noticed that Gene members like to tease Ryota especially when it comes to Anikoma/Tao. Ryota is indeed very careful when it comes to interacting with other girls for example the girl who won the game in the show I posted. He was supposed to hug her but it was the other male host who did it at last. There was another show where Tao and Yudai were present too. Yudai and Ryota were asked to reenact a scene they had with Tao in Anikoma but this time with the female host (with glasses and bob haircut) instead. The scene Ryota was supposed to reenact is the one where he used his finger tips to flick Tao's forehead and then their eyes met and faces were very close. Instead of doing it seriously/romantically like Yudai, Ryota just did the finger-tip-flickering while standing behind Yudai without the female host being prepared for it :lol:. 


I thought the best kiss description sounded too detailed to be only fictional too. That's why I was suspecting that it did happen in real life. The girl's name is coincidentally three letters too, like Tao's. The place that Ryota described was coincidentally near the sea as well.


I think it is hard to guess when the exact date is when they officially started dating since there were already signs that he liked her since 2016 when they filmed Anikoma. It depends on how fast Ryota is with his confession. However, I do agree with you that he became a lot happier in 2017 and his way of writing became more like Tao's at that time as well and not to mention Tao's ideal boyfriend became more detailed in the later half of 2017 so you might be right that they started dating after the last stage-greeting. 


I'm quite sure that the latest pictures that Anikoma account posted were taken by Tao. She was holding the camera and took several pictures of Ryota at that time. I will translate that post here later on too.  


@setokaonii  Yes, Ryota has said he thinks if he could be himself, say what he wants to say, joke and tease the girl then the relationship will be able to be more longlasting. He has also said he likes 天然 ("natural"/"air-headed) girls who are also funny. He has said countless times that Tao is that type of girl. He also laughs at the "weird" things she says and does, so I think he finds her funny too. Thank you for sharing the clips of Tao! I'll watch them when I'm home. 


@thuyhoang62 I would like to see Tao and Ryota perform something together too. 

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Tao's Instagram 180126:

Today I didn't wake up until it was 11 o' clock....


I'm actually already used to a lifestyle with only short sleeping-time. So thinking "it is amazing waking up like this" made myself feel afraid but nonetheless that's a happy thing. 

When I woke up the weather was already this nice, the sky is very high and blue. This wide sky is perhaps already preparing for spring.


Speaking of, before I went to work in Akasaka yesterday I first went to Toyokawa Inari (a buddhist temple).

When I was washing my hands I saw a very thick ice that had been formed. 

There has been many people who have been affected by the inconveniences of the nature. 

Please be more aware everybody. 


Because I accepted an interview for the stage-plays in Osaka that's how I realized that including today in a blink of an eye  it is only 3 days left of the stage-playes in Tokyo...!


Acting in a stage-play isn't easy,

from the beginning to now I have always looked forward to this.

Everyday there would be some difficulties.

During these days I would get depressed because I can't really understand some parts of Uran and Helena's inner-selves. 

I would think if I can "repair this" through acting then it would be nice. 

But that's not just how it is...


Yesterday I kept thinking "how should I do this", "what can I do? "

After the interview I had dinner with the cast of the stage-play Pluto. 

I told them a lot of my thoughts and I also heard a lot of other people's thoughts, which made me retrieve the feeling that I'm living in Tokyo, in 2018. 


Talking about all kind of things, from heaven to earth is important.

Eating dinner is also a big matter.

What you are eating can be said to be important too but the most important thing is who you are eating with and how you eat the dinner and drink wine. 

That's probably how it should be...nonetheless I'm very thankful.


Yesterday I realized that the road that I always took when I went to high-school is actually the same road that we had our dinner on. 

I'm very honoured to be able to have my first stage-play on this warm place. 

I will work even harder!!!

This picture is of snowmen that I have been late with giving you guys. 

Hopefully this winter will be even more warm and likeable. 


Anikoma IG 180126:

DVD & Blu-ray have already been sent to a lot of people's home. And! A lot of people have also written messages on our IG which makes us happy. We are very grateful to you. 


We are extending this a little...our Anikoma photo exhibition. I hope you will all accompany us a while more.


#DVD and Blu-ray are currently selling with good reviews

#Ani Ni Aisarusugite Komattemasu


I have now watched the new clip of Asics. The dance is different from the type of dance that Tao usually do. She looked cool nonetheless. 

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@setokaonii  Thank you for sharing the IG posts. I like how everyone calls Ryota Onii. It means that this role is very well-liked. Ryota himself said he would get happy when he hears people calling him that. 


As for Tao's new post. I didn't know that members in Deep knows Tao. Are they LDH artists as well? I have followed Tao's blog before she started her IG but back then I didn't follow her as closely as now. Do you guys know if she posted pictures of the sky as she does now? 


Btw, Takuya and Yosuke went to support Tao two days ago. I like how they are all so supportive of each other. Yosuke wished her good luck with the overseas performances. It is her birthday next week. She won't have any stage-plays that day. I wonder how she will celebrate her day. 



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Anikoma Twitter 180127:

The amount of followers have reached 210 000!! We are very thankful to you all. 

#All cast members of Anikoma have recently uploaded all kinds of group pictures, which have made one happy. 

That's why the official Twitter account has decided to upload the picture below.

#The video to celebrate that we have reached 210000 will be uploaded later, please stay tuned. 


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@Transition Thanks for your translation. As a fan, I hope I can understand all post of Tao, Ryota. Anything you can understand, both some short moments on stage or making, before and now, later, please tell us here. 

About DEEP, yeah I noticed DEEP-san, especially Yuichiro-san put "like" many photos of RyoTao (not Anikoma members) on Ryota's IG, more than other LDH artists. 

I can't believe Yuichiro-san followed Tao and Anikoma's IG. I wonder when and why? Because of Sora? In LDH, I only know Ryota and Leola (she sang Anikoma's OST) followed Tao's IG. 

@setokaonii you and I also think RyoTao dated after last stage. 

Remember we talked it before, in the show "Tuesday Surprise" where Ryota, Tao, Chiba came to every other places to eat best food. When the host Eiji asked Tao and Chiba called "Ryota", not "Onii", Tao was very confused to call him and called with very small and shy voice.

I think she didn't call "Ryota" before, it was on April 20-24th, so I think they weren't a real couple at that time, although we had hint before like best kiss in March.

I really think Best kiss happened in March since Ryota described it. 

Anw, I like the way Ryota stood beside Tao in backstages, like a couple. They are always together, right?

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@ryotatao9495 You are welcome! I'm not sure either why Yuichiro is following Tao and Anikoma. Is it perhaps like you said because Generations did a cover of their song? Or have they met each other before? I remember seeing Tao posting a picture of an album cover of Deep on her Instagram last year. 


Here's a clip of the interview that Ryota had around the time that Anikoma DVD and Blu-ray were going to be released. As in the article that I posted before he mentioned that the Anikoma cast was supposed to have an end-of-the-year dinner together but the restaurant they wanted to go to was shut that day so they didn't meet up at the end. He said they would usually go to his home after they have been outside for dinner or drink and then they would watch Anikoma together while drinking wine/alcohol. They would reminisce the time they filmed the drama/movie together. 



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@ryotatao9495  @setokaonii  I read one of the fans' comment on weibo regarding the newest Anikoma picture that s/he thinks it is a considerate and warm gesture of Ryota to bend his back so much to accommodate to Tao's height. I was thinking back to this picture below where we discussed about the guy's height, that it could be that he (Ryota) is bending or standing with his legs far apart so the height difference wouldn't be that much ^_^. Speaking of this post I searched up the text (name) on the banner behind Tao and also read some comments on weibo, it seems like they went to a concert of Kenshi Yonezu's (米津玄師),  a Japanese musician?


Tao's Instagram 180109:

The first monday after having a few days off, have you guys all been well?

Today Tokyo can still be considered warm but there's still other places that are still very cold. 

Everyone have to be more careful so you won't get cold.


There wasn't any performance of Pluto today (0109). 

Because I had a day off so I wrote down all things I wanted to do.

My schedule ended up being very full, just as full as the delicious dinner I had last time at a restaurant....but privately whenever I go out I would usually go by foot or take the tram so the pace is like taking a small jogging (^O^;)

When I noticed that the sky has gotten dark and looked up I had come to Nippon Budokan...! (where judo competitions, concerts etc. are held). 

This is a place which has brought me a lot of motivating memories. 

I'll let this kind of motivation continue to be with me right now and hereafter. 


Coming up there will be many events for the stage-play and drama! So hereafter I will probably update on mornings. 

I will then take the opportunities on the evenings to sum up the things and words I want to say. ^^


I hope you will all have a good night...*



@setokaonii  Thank you for answering my questions. Oh, so some members of Exile are in two groups? I see. I think both Deep and Generations's version of Sora sound good. I like both of them. 


Tao is really multi-talented, she not only acts good and dances good she even knows how to compose too? Not to mention write lyrics. It is nice to see that she keeps both her IG and blog updated. 


I hope Ryota and the other guys will be able to celebrate Tao's birthday with her. 


Regarding the gatherings that they usually have Ryota didn't mention here who "they" are. In the line interview that they had in June/July on the same day that they had the sports day event, the group said that they haven't gotten time to meet up all 5 of them. It is mostly Takuya whose schedule doesn't match theirs though. But I don't know if they have been able to gather all 5 now since it has been more than 6-7 months since that interview. So the "they" that Ryota stated there could be all of them, 4 of them or less :tongue:. I had the same thought as you, wondering if "they" that Ryota referred to there were the guys only or including Tao since being the only girl in the group and drinking alcohol at a guy's home might not seem very appropriate. But then, if we say that they (Ryota and Tao) are indeed dating then that's a different matter :wink:

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Here are some facts about Tao that was revealed during the promotions of "8 years Engagement".


Satoh Takeru has worked three times with Tao and when he was asked about how she is in real-life he said:  "She is someone who would consider a lot. Because she is this kind of person it would take a long time for her to make a decision."




@ryotatao9495  @setokaonii  I thought about your speculations that Ryota and Tao started dating after the last stage-greeting. They may have liked each other way before that but since she is the kind of girl who considers and worries a lot and also because she has never dated before so that's why it took her longer time to decide?


In this show (link below)  the hosts were asking Tao if she drinks alcohol because due to her image and also because she is doing a lot of sports they think she would be the kind that would only drink juice. 

Tao said she does drink alcohol. She said she has tried whiskey not long ago. She and her friends were chatting and drinking untll 6 o' clock in the morning. She didn't specify who these friends were but the hosts assumed they were female co-stars of hers, which she didn't deny. 


Later in the show, Tao said on her days off she would enjoy doing small travels, she would for example go to Kyoto and then return on the same day. The hosts asked if she usually goes by herself or with other friends, she thought for a while before saying it is mostly by herself since she usually just decides the evening before that she is going. She would visits temples and shrines. 




This hobby/habit is the same as Ryota's. He would also make these short travels by himself to visit temples and shrines. He would also return on the same day. 



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Tao's Instagram 180127:

The sky is extremely pretty. 


The feelings when I first knew (that I was going to be acting in Pluto) would sometimes be painful like Helena's and sometimes it would be like Uran, although she knows it herself but she can't help but get worried. 

These things made me understand that a human can feel so many different emotions at the same time. 

Although I understand this now but there are still times when I find it difficult. 

Although I feel very blissful but there are also times when I find it difficult.



I hope you will understand what I want to say.

I hope that I have expressed myself clearly enough. 

I think it can be considered clearly, right?

I also hope that you can write down your thoughts to me.


During the stage-play Pluto I have felt many times that "花田" (Flower field) is an important keyword

but sometimes I would feel that the audience seats are like a flower field that is filled with sincerity. 

These things are all beautiful. 


So if I'm able to give the same impression to the audience that have come to watch me, then I would think it is all good. 

During this time that Pluto has been shown I would be very happy if we all could share this type of feelings. 

I don't know if my way of thinking or if the things I think of are correct but I would like to do it like this right now. 

I hope everybody would be able to feel that.


Today is the last performance in Tokyo. 

One performance in daytime and one in nighttime.


I'll be going now. 


Tao's Instagram 180128:

Right now I would like to sincerely thank from the bottom of my heart this performance hall Bunkamura which I like very much, all the people that I have met at this place, the God of stage-plays and also the people who are very important to me....


At this place I have also felt a lot of warmth. 

There aren't any words that can express my gratefulness.....!

The performance begins. 




Similar to what @setokaonii  has pointed out before, that Ryota and Tao has mentioned "If you want to cherish a certain person then you will have to first cherish yourself." I have also noticed that both of them have mentioned "important people" in their IG posts. 


On 2017-10-01 at 10:26 PM, Transition said:


This day is the beginning of October. 

There is only 3 months left of this year.

"If you want to cherish a certain person then you will have to first cherish yourself."

I heard about this saying from a certain place.

Honestly I think I'm currently doing exactly as it says. 

Even if I'm alone, in order to really cherish people who are important to me I have to first cherish myself.

During the 3 months that are left I want to use my own way to continue to push myself to become better, so these three months would be months that will be able to connect with the coming year. 


The first time I read the translation it sounded to me like Ryota was talking about a girl (important person) but after thinking for a while it can be fans and family too. What do you think? 



@setokaonii  Yes, I think both of them are the kind of people who would do their best to squeeze time out for people they care for. Even if it means that there won't be any time left for them to rest. Just like how Ryota asked his manager to arrange so that he could go to watch Pluto so he could support Tao a few weeks ago. 


About the picture that Tao posted of her with a guy beside her. The hairstyle and haircolour do really look like Ryota's. Since she had a day off they probably took the opportunity to spend time together?

Going to concerts seems like something that Ryota likes to do.

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@setokaonii  Yes, I was thinking if Ryota and Tao are using the words "important people" to avoid having to mention specific people, because they could have written that they want to cherish and thank their family and friends but that also mean that they would have left out their girlfriend/boyfriend. 

So therefore it is much easier to just say "important people" :tongue:


I like how supportive Gene members are towards Anikoma. I started liking Leola's song after I have watched that scene you mentioned of Tao. I thought it matched the scene and mood very well. 

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