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[Drama 2017] The Best Hit / 최고의 한방 Thank You for watching !


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just finished watching ths episodes with subs. now i can see the bigger picture and i actually like the episodes. initially i thought it was mainly filler, but after watching with subs, i realized a lot of info was in their speech.

i find BH and GJ's opinion of Dabong interesting:

1) at the end of ep 25, Dabong and BH were having coffee in the bakery. they talked about YHJ. BH says she thought Dabong was YHJ at first but thinking back, Dabong is not YHJ because the 2 have very different personalities.

2) when GJ and Dabong were sitting outside the convinience store, GJ says Dabong is exactly the same as he was before.

i dont know if their opposing opinions mean anything but i find it interesting how they are viewing Dabong in 2017.

i absolutely like Dabong's confession. i think its one of the simplest, easiest to understand and most direct confession i've ever seen in a kdrama. he laid it all out in front of her. its simple and heartfelt. and the scene that follows where they walked and naturally holding hands was good too. Dabong complementing WS how she looks greater when she doesnt tie her hair. and WS letting her hair down when she was alone with him. the one WS called to help clean her house is Dabong. imo she's in this deep as much as him now. the fallout in episode 27,28 may be hard for both of them. i cant wait to see what happens. from the preview, it seems a lot will be covered and HJ leaving (noooo~).






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Good morning! :D

Oh why suddenly so much red print :blink:in this thread?  

Did typhoon Kaola arrived already to blow HJ away? Keep warm my boy! :tongue:

Its another Da Bong day, raise your thumb and not your fist.

Image result for pictures of yoon shi yoon The best hit ep 7 & 8 thumbs up

Image result for pictures of yoon shi yoon the best hit ep 23 & 24




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9 hours ago, stroppyse said:


(WS walks out of the office building when JH calls to her)
JH: Choi Woo Sung
WS: Lee Ji Hoon
JH: Is it because you’re an intern. You’re out early. 
WS: It’s just that I finished early today. (JH nods) However, were you waiting for me?
JH: Yes. In order to keep a promise.
WS: Promise?
JH: We agreed to watch a movie together. I have a movie I want to see.

(At movie theater)
WS: You’re going into your father’s agency?
JH: I thought that would be better than any other place. My father isn’t doing it right now, but once upon a time, he was a famous manager.
WS: Then again, I heard he was really great when he was managing J2. (seeing JH staring at her) What?
JH: Now that I’m looking at you, it seems that it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you like this.
WS: (laughing) Again, with the chicken skin. (meaning he’s being corny cringey) (hits him in the arm)
JH: It’s okay to be like this occasionally. 
WS: Then again, I think it’s been a long time since we laughed liked this together. 
JH: You’re going to eat popcorn, right? Caramel flavored with a cider. (cider is Sprite type drink) (gets up)
WS: Friend. Sometimes, I feel as if you know me better than I know myself. (gets up) Let’s go together. 
JH: No. You bought the tickets. I’ll be right back. Go ahead and sit down.

(Inside, watching movie. JH keeps stealing glances at WS and sighing)

(Later, waiting for the bus)
WS: That was a great finale, wasn’t it? How did they think to write such things? Definitely, (she’s talking about some element of the movie that I can’t quite catch right now) is more fun. Isn’t that right?
JH: About Dda Bong
WS: What?
JH: What do you think? (at WS’ non-response) Do you like him?
WS: I’m not sure… I think it might be something like that…
JH: If we weren’t friends from the beginning, what would it have been like?
WS: Huh?
JH: Instead of meeting in an ordinary fashion, if like you and Dda Bong, we had gotten mixed up in strange things and inside unique circumstances, like a movie. If we had met like that, would we have been different? (WS sighs) That I met you as a friend causes me regret. 
(They get on the bus, and sit next to each other)

THANK YOU dear!!! :)

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54 minutes ago, soreally said:

wah the title of the last OST by T-ara is My Love.. :wub:



i liked what i heard from ep26 ending. i'm very much looking forward to this OST :)

does anyone else realize TBH ost covers are random views (exp: a ship, sky, sunset etc) except for ost1 and ost2. usually drama osts will put the character pics as its cover pic hoho

edit: i found this. YSY and T-ara drama :lol:


i dont know what its about, but i'm laughing at YSY's shoulder pads and emo makeup. hahaha

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7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

It's a letter from Yoo Hyun Jae to Lee Soon Tae. I assume we'll find out what's inside it in tomorrow's episode?


Also, just watching the preview again, the last scene is a bit worrying. I think HJ has his bag in his hand and is looking around. Oh my, is he leaving? Plus, it seems as if HJ and WS will be on the outs. So, perhaps HJ is saying goodbye to everyone, and getting ready to leave, at least leave the rooftop and all the people he met there, even if he's not going to time travel. 

I'm torn about the whole time travel thing, mostly because there has been no information given on the time travel mechanism. So, if HJ goes back and uses the knowledge that he gained in this time line, then he will change things dramatically in the past, so the current time line may go away completely. And, there will be nearly a 20 year gap between HJ and WS, even if they meet again. I know that there have been couples with such a huge gap in ages, but it still feels somewhat icky to me. Though, I could see HJ and WS meeting again with HJ as her producer/songwriter, writing songs for WS to sing and helping her debut as a singer instead. If JH still exists after HJ goes back in time, then JH really will be shown not to be HJ's son. Feeling as he does about WS, and now knowing how GJ feels about BH, I can't imagine the HJ who would be going back to 1993/94 as being able to do anything with BH at all, unlike the reckless, careless HJ who was originally there in 1993 who kissed girls indiscriminately. So, JH would have to be someone else's son in order for him to exist in the post-HJ returned world. 

Especially if they're not going to explain the time travel mechanism adequately or at all, than I would prefer HJ to continue to stay in 2017, and create a new life for him as he has been doing so in recent episodes. HJ is a talented singer, songwriter, and producer. I think he would be the perfect one to produce MJ and Hoonie&Drill, even writing songs for them, at least until MJ is able to really write his own. Possibly even do something for the Helter Skelter girls. Whether he could or would be a performer again himself might be a bit tricky with the mysterious time jump hanging over him, but it would be a shame to waste his multiple talents anyway. 

Did I mention how much I love YSY in the role of YHJ? Btw, I noticed some people talking his role in 1N2D. Does anyone have the episode number of his first episode on that variety show?


One more thing, I am noticing more variety touches in watching this drama, whereas in the middle section, it had started feeling a lot more like a regular drama. It's actually in the directorial elements in the little things like YJ walking in to his office and there being an outline drawn of where the coffeemaker had been before HJ took it, and in the nature of some of the dialogue exchanges. I wonder how much ad lib is in this show, it seems as if there is quite a lot. Anyway, I noticed it in the early episodes, and now am noticing it again. I'm not sure how much that enhances or distracts from the viewing experience yet. Then again, I may be too in love with YSY's performance to reflect too much over things like that, other than to notice it. :) 



YSY's (aka Yoon Dong Gu) first episode on 1N2D was episode 121 of season 3 that aired on May 1, 2016 - it's a must watch because YSY didn't know it was his first appearance since they lied to him and said he wouldn't start filming until 2 weeks later. The members and the crew launched a surprise attack and raided YSY's house hahahahahaha

I remember watching the special and Cha Tae Hyun is very strict with the script, it seems. Even Kim Jun Ho (he was commenting along with Kim Jong Min) was saying how CTH would not allow them to even change a word on the script - and CTH mentioned that since this is not a sitcom, it's a drama... we should stick with the script.

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47 minutes ago, katakwasabi said:


i liked what i heard from ep26 ending. i'm very much looking forward to this OST :)

does anyone else realize TBH ost covers are random views (exp: a ship, sky, sunset etc) except for ost1 and ost2. usually drama osts will put the character pics as its cover pic hoho

edit: i found this. YSY and T-ara drama :lol:


i dont what its about, but i'm laughing at YSY's shoulder pads and emo makeup. hahaha


Yes.. but the most random cover (the blurry light) is the My Love OST..   <_<

Hope the love story in this drama is clear at the end..  ^_^

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For me whatever the story. As long as HJ with WS , i'm okay. Because this is drama like rom-com instead of variety drama. We'll hope the writer make it a happy ending drama. I dont mind if hyun jae goes back to the past, the writer can make it recreate the past to become the future again.

Because the story little bit strange without HJ and WS romance. If he goes back to past, im sure he will fix all. 

Im sure WS will be with HJ. If with JH is so boring and not interesting at all. 

Thats why WS always treat him like friend not like a man. 

I ship WS and HJ. :D

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I FINALLY watched the subbed!

First off... I'm going to point out the pink elephant in the room - since I woke up this morning to all these red-colored text as if I was back in school dealing with a horrible teacher, or that I'm at work getting crazy responses via email chains... and it richard-simmoning stresses me out.

I like coming here to talk about the drama and to get overly excited about everything and to discuss with all of you on the different views and interesting theories about what might have happened, what could have happened, what would have happened, and what will have to happen. It's a fun and positive environment where everything is light hearted, as it should be... and it's also intriguing coming up and thinking up all these theories and this is the one beautiful element this drama is able to give all of us, that we can't get from any other dramas.

But of course there's always going to be that odd person out whose opinion doesn't only differ from most people... but would actually do it just for the sake of it, and be super argumentative and super defensive, and borderline offensive at times. And I am not saying this based on one single incident... because I have actually encountered this same person in other drama forums with the same kind of attitude... and it really makes me wonder the intention or motive behind it all... and maybe it's just out of boredom, or maybe it's an attention-seeking tactic. Either way, this is a TROLL whom I will not even bat an eyelash to give IT the satisfaction IT so desperately wants. No likes, no responses... and if IT wants to think whatever the way IT wishes to think... there's nothing the rest of us can do. So let's chill and not even give IT any energy and time because IT is not worth it. The worst feedback a TROLL could get is the silence treatment and people ignoring IT in general.

Now that it's off my chest.........


I agree with @katakwasabi that after watching subbed... this is not a filler episode that we initially thought hehehe... but all the actual conversations hold a substantial weight to where the story is gearing towards. 

Can't wait for tonight's episodes... and I want more revealing of the truth so the agony between DB and WS would be cut short!!!!


2 hours ago, katakwasabi said:


i liked what i heard from ep26 ending. i'm very much looking forward to this OST :)

does anyone else realize TBH ost covers are random views (exp: a ship, sky, sunset etc) except for ost1 and ost2. usually drama osts will put the character pics as its cover pic hoho

edit: i found this. YSY and T-ara drama :lol:


i dont what its about, but i'm laughing at YSY's shoulder pads and emo makeup. hahaha

Hahahahaha this is HILARIOUS!!!!

This is the info I found on mydramalist.com

T-ara & Yoon Shi Yoon Bubi Bubi (2010)
It's a promotion for mobiles phones "Bubi Bubi". Each episode follows one T-ARA's member in her daily life.

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just a thought about TBH as a variety drama.

imo, TBH filming process is shown in abundance. nearly all episodes have BTS clips shown, and its not just short clips.

there are also some elements in the show that are variety like but i think the filming process is what makes it most like a variety show. a variety show of doing a drama, and the episode is the final product :)






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I wouldn't blame WS for being confused and angry I mean who wouldn't be tbh... this is kinda like the seperation bit between the main OTP. For some reason I just envision WS chasing HJ towards the end of the episode as he leaves the loft lol...

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Park Bo Gum's cameo is so blatantly thrown at our faces. Its like CTH and Yoo PD knows everyone wants a cameo from PBG, and after SJK's voice cameo, the anticipation is so high for PBG's as well. So the scene was like a response to all who wants it! Hahahaa. 

Its like, 'here's PBG' for all who wants a piece of him.... i find that so funny! Lol. 

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I am still Ji-Hoon fan. Though his love is rejected I like how he is standing up with his love and at the same time salvaging the friendship. From the very start we all know he likes her and he is just stepping back. He was one step too late before Hyun Jae came. However, I do believe JH and WS love story is not similar to Dong Man and Ae Ra (Fight My Way). But JH love is same as Aera to Dong Man. She tried to stop her feelings. Not all friendship can level up to lovestory.  But I want him to succeed in his dream atleast give him that. 

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1 hour ago, icemaid said:

Agree @joyue_1 this is a happy thread & let's stay that way! 

The Best Hit thread is & has been  ~Beautiful Beautiful~  :heart:



Ok going to watch the subbed episodes now! :D




Yup! Let's keep this a happy thread!!! 


Me too! I'm going to watch it right now! :) 

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What was the issue in the kiss BTS? I just understood they told YSY to just try something and then he did and everyone was satisfied, but I didn't understand what he had done wrong in the first place. I think those typical Korean kiss scenes where the girl pretty much just stands there must be super awkward to film for the guys, they have to balance making it look passionate, but there's no response so you're just slobbering on your own and must somehow be polite as well. Their scene is more where the both of them don't do much, and that's also tricky to make it look like a kiss at all. Would an actual kiss really be more awkward to film? 

It was interesting to see the difference between KMJ kiss scene and YSY kiss scene. I think KMJ hasn't filmed so many yet (any?) so the atmosphere was somehow, more gentle or fragile or something. They joked around a lot and were slowly getting comfortable and closer and closer to the scene they want. With YSY it's more get in there, get the scene you want, get out, stand there awkwardly. I wonder if it's a general style difference or a difference in experience. Except just because you approach it confidently doesn't mean you'll do a good job (what was the critique? )? 

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