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[Drama 2017] The Best Hit / 최고의 한방 Thank You for watching !


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19 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

lol.. no.. JH is immaterial.. that was just a conjecture on why universe is playing the timeline again... it doesn't matter.. anything can be a reason behind it.. BUT the fact is that the universe in playing the timeline again.. and that is where i pointed out that you got the timeline wrong..


because you completely negated existence of the original timeline.. and this drama is not following that route.. original timeline still exists

dude... what are you talking about??? HJ has wholeheartedly accepted JH to be his son.. he doesn't even doubt any part of the BH-HJ-JH story... and since he has accepted that as a fact, his behavior is completely offbase..  and there is no unselfish love anywhere in HJ .. 

Friend, you seem to have missed the point. You look at the universe as 'playing the timeline again' because you are looking at 2017 as the starting point, the present. And 2017 starting point is JH's time. Therefore, you have placed the center of the story in JH's character. 1993-1994 has happened, and is in the past, so the universe is 'rewriting' as you termed it.

That is NEVER the way this story wanted to portray. Because the lead is not JH. Its HJ.

if you write a story, wouldnt you center your story around your lead character? You would write from his point of view?

Im trying to tell you there is another way to look at the starting point. And this is from the real lead character's point of view, 1993 as the 'original timeline'. Think of 'now' as 1993, and you are following the story from HJ's point of view. 1993 is your 'present', and you time travelled to the 'future' 2017. 

And ironically, Hyun Jae is translated as 'present'. The writer have all the while been giving you hint on who is the 'present' storyteller. Its not the present 2017. Its the 'present' 1993 Hyun Jae.

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@enigmatic_zephy also, all your argument points proved beyond any doubt that you have erroneously placed Jh as your center character. 

If you want JH to be the center so much, then maybe you can compose a fanfic of his story. This story you are watching is never about JH. It has always been about HJ. It may start off opening scene is JH, with JH's narrative. Thats the unusualness of this drama. It misleads you. It makes you fall in love with all the side characters first (by identifying with their struggles), before letting the lead character to enter the story. 

But sit back and analyse deeper. Dont just look at face value and your own perceptions. Look at it from a different angle. From the angle the writer and director are subtly trying to show you, which you are actually objecting with, causing you so much frustration and angst.

Ps: writing in red is kinda distracting. Sorry. It might be my personal opinion, but it does seem a little rude. You are free to state your objections of course. Maybe a much subtler color if you want to highlight your views. 

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31 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

OOOhhh.. fucing a girl and using and throwing her is monstrous.. if you think women in this world are supposed to be a toy to satisfy male lust.. then you and I don't see eye to eye on this ..


By my theory, had you bothered to read properly, it does not matter what happened in 1994.. what matters is if current DB accepts that what is being said has indeed happened.. then where is his responsible side? And by that i want atleast on thoughtful consideration for BH.. this is soliloquy that i talk about.. but show me some sincere realization from him off his behavior... and i am sure the entire persona was not created in a feww weeks in 2017 june.... show some politeness at his end

Sorry but women are also responsible for their own sex lives? This was the end of the 20th century? You're talking like it's the 19th century or before. Women have opportunities, agency and lust of their own. Additionally, even though I don't think it matters, no-where in the show has it said yet that they broke up, in fact it has heaviliy been implied he wasn't even made aware of her pregnancy. So where is this using and throwing away? Which, yet again, talking about 'shagging a girl and throwing her away' makes sense if we're talking about a time/society where women don't have opportunities to lead independent lives (opportunities to study, work, etc), without a man. This is not the case here. Korean single mothers unfortunately face ostracism, but only in the event of pregnancy (which HJ (2017) didn't know about, and also didn't think he had (in 1994) known about), presumably not just for having sex. Presumably Korean people don't have to marry the first person they have sex with. Or have to stay together with them forever. So what is he supposed to feel so sorry about? For what he thinks is someone murdering him in 1994? 'I'm sorry that I got murdered, because I wish I was there for you, person who I haven't even dated yet and my son who is my age.'

But I get the sense that there's probably no building a bridge between my brain and yours so peace. Although it might be interesting for you to read about how the myth of male lust/female purity came about, and replaced the myth of female lust and seduction of men. Both sexist, both of religious origin/justified by religion. There's a Ted(-x?) talk touching this topic, at least for the christian world, I don't know which culture you're from, but the same myths seem to be fairly common world-wide.

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I don't know why you are pushing BH and HJ together when we dont know what really happened between them. He cant take responsibility for something he didnt even know about. If it was as soon as she found out that she was and told HJ about it and abandoned her then it would be diffrent. 

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2 hours ago, blackberrypie said:

In this episode, there's a part when Dabong was having dinner at WS's new place, and he talked about himself, his background story. Although, in the usual manner, he said it's not his story, its someone else's story.

anyway, the background is that he was a single child, grown up alone. His parents were busy people, no time for him since young. One day, they got in a car accident and died, leaving him alone since high school. He doesnt have any friends because of his selfish character. He likes music alot, so he did not go to college, but look for an entertainment company to make music and debut. He always does whatever he wanted to do. But he is always alone, always lonely. Many girls liked him, and its easy for him to get girls. But he never appreciated them, easily dates, easily breakup. Probably many people wanted him gone. To that story, WS asked how is the guy now? And Dabong replied, luckily he is not that lonely anymore it seems... he finally managed to eat a warm homely meal (referring to the meal WS made for him).

Maybe for someone who grows up alone, its undeniable that he will be selfish. And its understandable that he will always do whatever he wants to do. He has lived a carefree life fending for himself since young. Never having to be considerate of others because there's no one beside him anyway. Nevertheless, since coming to 2017, he has changed much.

I disagree with @enigmatic_zephy that he shows no remorse towards the ones he hurt. Technically he never hurt those people directly. But even so, he has done more than he could, given his original character, and did his best to help them to the best he could, assuming he did indirectly hurt them.

to GJ, HJ approached YJ directly at risk to himself (since he suspected YJ as the one who made him dissappeared), to get the money to pay off the bank loans on behalf of GJ. HJ also wrote a song as requested by GJ, to help JH debut. He also told GJ in this ep, anything GJ wants, just ask him. To him, GJ is his one and only friend that he treasured. 

JH being his 'son' is something that came as a surprise to him because he never conceived JH. its a weird feeling to have a son whom you never conceived. Could you still call that a son? He met JH as a stranger who is the same age as himself, then thought JH is GJ's son, before getting the bomb dropped on him. You cant blame him for not feeling fatherly towards JH. But as a friend, and with some 'fatherly' concern, when he knows JH wants to be a singer, and is hiding truth from GJ, HJ tried to helped him hide his student identity. When that failed, HJ not only gave advice to JH (good advices are always harsh to take in), HJ also argued on behalf of JH with GJ. He got through to GJ that JH should be allowed to do what he wants to do with his life. Truth is always hard to accept, and we see JH and GJ struggling with their decisions, but in the end, they are starting to take the right steps. HJ could have just ignored all these, mind his own business and not get involved... it only made him less popular with both of them, despite giving good advices. But HJ did not. He stepped in, and do whatever he could to straigthen their attitudes in life. 

For BH, its even more complicated. She is someone HJ have no feelings for, never dated her, never dreamed he would date her. To be suddenly given news that he have a son with her, and she has pined for him for over 20 yrs, suffering from a scandal and all.. its obvious though HJ doesnt love BH, he do treat her with as much respect and consideration as he could. You cant expect him to suddenly be lovey-dovey to BH, since he never have any feelings for her. But when he sees/knows BH needs help, he never hesitate to help. He cant do anything about BH's pining away for him, but in this episode, he did ask BH if she still waits for the YHJ she mentioned. And BH's reply was no. By asking such a qs means HJ did feel compassionate for BH. But there's nothing much he can do. He couldnt possibly lead her on, esp not when HJ is now 23yo, and BH 43yo. 

Yasss girl exactly!! Took the words straight out of my mouth! HJ has shown the most compassion towards the ppl he has met in 2017.. i think the commentor might need to rewatch the series again. :wink:  


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21 minutes ago, cinunnie said:

Yasss girl exactly!! Took the words straight out of my mouth! HJ has shown the most compassion towards the ppl he has met in 2017.. i think the commentor might need to rewatch the series again. :wink:  


I see its a common problem among those who are pro-JH. They seem to look at the universe as rotating around JH. Thus, JH and everyone else's linked to him, everyone in 2017 is pitiful, and all because of one man's fault. YHJ. 

So because of all the poor pitiful people whose lives were destroyed by YHJ, thus, the saviour YHJ is 'summoned' to the present 2017, to rewrite history, save the world of the poor people of 2017. YHJ should be self-sacrificial in this story because he is the messiah, the saviour, the hero of this story. And the hero NEVER GETS THE GIRL... right? Oh.. i must be mistaken, the hero does get the girl, he gets his old 'lover' because he is supposedly such a saintly person, he wil be loyal to the girl. THE FIRST GIRL. I dont care he remember or not. I just want him to be the perfect GOD. 

(Sarcastic much?) 

Their obsession with the side characters have blinded them towards the lead character's back story, lead character's development and redemption. They even become envious of the lead character's romance development because its so against their perception of what is 'right'.


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As always, I have no idea if this is important or not, but I found interesting what WS, JH, and HJ were wearing in the final scene.


I noticed that WS and JH were wearing the same white/black color combination outfit while HJ was wearing the reverse black/white color combination outfit. Do you think this means anything? WS and HJ's outfits could be like yin and yang where opposites attract. I'm not sure what could be said about JH and HJ using this same idea. WS and JH could be viewed as being too "alike" in a sense, as well.

I guess I just found it both interesting (and odd, to be honest) that the only colors these cast members were wearing in this final scene was black and white. Perhaps there is nothing more than these were just the clothes they were chosen to wear, but the fact that all three individuals wore very similar outfits was intriguing to me.

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28 minutes ago, akorean fan said:

As always, I have no idea if this is important or not, but I found interesting what WS, JH, and HJ were wearing in the final scene."

I noticed that WS and JH were wearing the same white/black color combination outfit while HJ was wearing the reverse black/white color combination outfit. Do you think this means anything? WS and HJ's outfits could be like yin and yang where opposites attract. I'm not sure what could be said about JH and HJ using this same idea. WS and JH could be viewed as being too "alike" in a sense, as well.

I guess I just found it both interesting (and odd, to be honest) that the only colors these cast members were wearing in this final scene was black and white. Perhaps there is nothing more than these were just the clothes they were chosen to wear, but the fact that all three individuals wore very similar outfits was intriguing to me.



Wow, great observation! Hopefully it does not signfy the ending that WS and JH are going to end up together. Please let my ship stay afloat! 

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We haven't yet been given all the answers.  After the story is finished,

you can decide if it makes sense to you and if you are happy with it.  




My favorite small, sweet action:



@akorean fan  I noticed the clothes too!  I also wondered why they made JH's hair look like GJ's hair.  (I'm always wondering lots of things, many of which are just useless thoughts.)  :wacko:

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31 minutes ago, 1ouise said:





This was Cha Taehyun's reaction when he read the script. :D

Woo-seung also hinted during dinner at her new place that trouble always comes after whenever she feels happy. 

Nice observation on the clothes at the last scene. It could actually mean something, like how they use the yellow (which means hope) umbrella during that gloomy rainy Lalaland-inspired scene. I don't think it's coincidence. 

Wasn't able to watch the livestream because got tired from work, but thank God the subs are early.

P.S. Lez chill on our posts. We have different ways of watching and understanding this drama. 

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I live for Yoon Si-yoon and this drama! 

These were slow episodes but the big reveal! Woo-seung knows! I'm waiting for tomorrow's episode and some bromance together with MJ.

I don't want HJ to go back, he belongs in the 'future' where he doesn't feel alone anymore.

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3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Neither of these articles seem to be about knet reaction. Rather, they seem to be scene summaries. 

The first article talks about the romance triangle between HJ, WS, and JH, and is titled " 'The Best Hit' Lee Se Young (heart) Yoon Shi Yoon, Recording Studio Kiss - Love Starts."  It goes on to note that both JH and HJ have confessed that they liked WS. It describes the kiss scene where HJ calls WS to come into the recording studio, and finally kisses her, and how WS, after her initial surprise, accepts the kiss. WS decides to leave the rooftop apartment, and has a barbeque party with JH, HJ, and Drill in anticipation of her departure. At the party, JH looks on with a wistful smile at  WS and HJ being cute together. The next day, WS tells JH that she's leaving. JH tells her to return any time, but lets her go. 

Pictures from the first article.



The second article is titled " 'The Best Hit' Yoon Shi Yoon "I Like You" - his direct confession to Lee Se Young."

The article talks about HJ's simple, straighforward confession to WS, and wonders if a happy ending is possible for them. They quote HJ's confession to WS at the cafe where they go after the hug underneath the umbrella. “Just until a while ago, it was confusing and complicated, but it stopped being complicated when I saw you. Part-timer, I think I like you. Saying that it was completely impossible, I swallowed the words many times. Thinking I was just being too greedy, I restrained myself? Until now. You know that I can’t lie. I like you, I do. I said I like you.” 

It then also talks about how JH discovers that Dda Bong is Yoo Hyun Jae inadvertently from GJ, though JH decides that his only father is GJ.

Pictures from the second article. 


Thank you so much chingu! But can you translate  knetizen comment?

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Gwang-jae's conversation with Ji-hoon at the convenience store reflected the exchange of ideas in the previous pages about the HJ-JH 2017 relationship.

Ji-hoon asserted that he only has one father (while sounding very indignant), and that HJ doesn't even remember him or his mother.

On the other hand, Gwang-jae stressed (and sort of defended) that HJ hasn't gone out yet with BH at his time. JH shrugged if off saying it doesn't matter.


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I have to say, I'm on team HJ, haha. Rooting for JH and drill to have a kickass debut, though. And MJ learning songwriting/producing from HJ- young jae must be going nuts, lol.

Also, yay for new highest rating for friday! Hope it can break 6% tomorrow.

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Text preview ep 27,28

다봉(윤시윤)이가 20년 전 실종됐던 유현재라는 사실을 알게 된 우승(이세영)은 혼란스러운 마음에 현재를 피한다. 지훈(김민재)과 캠핑을 간 현재는 지훈에게 그 동안 외롭게해서 미안하다는 진심어린 사과를 건낸다.
한편, 옥탑방에서 자신의 물건들을 정리하던 현재는 은행 금고 열쇠를 발견하게 되는데...

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I really wish there were more episodes so that we can see the mystery of who's actually JH's dad being slowly revealed and HJ-WS-JH triangle love development and what's really happen in 1993-1994. Not all can understand HJ's behaviours and that frustrates me :wacko:

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if today episode dont give away that HJ/WS is end game. i dont know what will. they both just look so good together.
i agreed with knet JH is just WS guy freind. that scene of HJ/WS kissing was hot.

HJ is such a sweet person. he doing so much so WS.

that scene of HJ/WS acting like BF/GF infront of WS ex frreind was so sweet. it must have pmake her mad. that WS find a guy as good looking as HJ.

that scene of WS letting her hair down like HJ tell her was sweet.

HJ life is so sad. i can understand why he could not find a person that he love. it must have scar him to grow up all alone.

am 70% sure JH is the CEO son. the ceo/BH must have a one night stand/or they been seeing each other behide his wife back in the 90s.

i just dont see HJ having a one night stan with BH. BH doesnt seem to be a woman HJ will like.

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1 hour ago, eunsungjisung said:

Rating ep 25.26

3,3% and 3.5% 



Just can' t stop watching this videos, they drive me crazy! I love how she teased her, and he got embarassed. Kissed her twice even the camera still not rolling...she's such a tease...YSY's ear all red :D

this is why I love this drama! I plan to watch them later after work... woooh! can't wait! 

HJ-WS  ftw! :D

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