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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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Normally I don't like to talk about SH and JM's relationship because the hard part about it is that it's not only unhappy but pretty realistic.

If I understood it right SH was loved by her parents but for some reason did not have any kind of qualification and is really pretty much only qualified to do grunt work (what did you do to your life, girl?). Despite that she supported JM after they fell in love and loved him for 6 years. They both fell in love normally but now it's become a burden to JM and a responsibility to be with SH, it's like he doesn't see her as cute or beautiful anymore but only someone he has obligations to but doesn't care about all that much. Maybe a bit like how some grown up children think of their parents. SH on the other hand has become quite dependant on him the way I see it, like some said above she doesn't have her own ambitions or ideas, it's like she only lives as his appendix and works because she has to. I feel sorry for her because she seems like a very nice and upright person, but this is going nowhere. 

Maybe that's what happens to many couples but I think they need to break up (will be very ugly for everybody i guess?) and JH has to find something she really wants to do besides being with JM, and then JM would see her as a woman again and not the person he has to live with. But then again why would she want him back if that should happen?

I'm afraid the intern is the typical beautiful, needy, even rich (good for his career), young woman who throws herself at him that no man can resist who is not madly in love with another, and he isn't, anymore.

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43 minutes ago, stroppyse said:



Jang Kyung Gu by actor Kang Ki Doong (32) Broadcast PD. He is back. 

Kyung Gu and Ae Ra were members of a Korean Folk Music club at university where he was her senior. Ae Ra played a small gong instrument called a kkwaenggwari and Kyung Gu had a hat with a twirling ribbon, Kyung Gu’s girlfriend Chan Sook played a gong called a jing. Even though Kyung Gu had a girlfriend, he confessed his love to Ae Ra. 

Saying “If Ae Ra was just playing her gong and minding her own business, there is no way the hat twirling bastard would have noticed her”, Ae Ra was chased out of the club. It was very embarrassing for her. Kyung Gu’s way of dealing with his crush was childish. He only thought of how he felt. While Kyung Gu recalls his crush as a passionate memory of a time of innocence for him, for Ae Ra, that remains a disturbing incident of violence.

Kyung Gu contacts his junior Dong Man after ten years. During that time, he’s become a broadcast PD, he’s married, and even has a pretty daughter. Perhaps because he gained strength from a sunny life. He has reinvented himself. Thus, he sets up blind dates for Dong Man, and offers him work, and takes care of him. However, what he’s really curious about is Ae Ra…


He definitely sounds creepy. So, he had a girlfriend, and then pursued Ae Ra anyway? Enough so that she gets kicked out of the club? Yikes. And, even though his character description says he's married with a daughter, I think the implication is that he might not let that stand in the way of his crush on Ae Ra which does not seem to have died off. Ugh. I guess it's too much to hope that it's the last we've seen of him. 

edit: Just saw that @V posted translations for the PD and the Landlady, so I'll leave this post alone since I did the translation for it, but I won't bother to post a translation for the landlady. :) 

I'm pretty sure he is the one mentioned in the first episode by snotty bride.  The one in the traditional band who she accused Ae-Ra of trying to steal.  Ae-Ra is way too good to have even looked at that creep.  


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I'm actually not sure which way this couple is going to go. It's clear that while JM may love SH, he is definitely being seduced by the intern who is SH 2.0 as someone pointed out earlier, except with a rich family behind her.

And, actually, the family money comes from a successful franchise built around pig trotter products, while SH's family only runs a single pig trotter restaurant rather than having a string of restaurants and other distribution avenues. So, the intern really is SH 2.0 in just about every way, including how her family made their money. However, the intern's family has amassed enough money to make them respectable in a way that SH's parents with their single albeit successful restaurant is not considered to be. I think this may be a dig at the materialistic society that Korea has become, where while people may talk superficially about class and birth still, with enough money, that gets people groveling to them. Then again, whether it's class or birth or family money, it's all pretty superficial. 

So, JM is chafing at not being able to get ahead, but also tired of SH not being ambitious with him and for him. SH is a fairly simple, happy woman content to be with him and not to have to be beholden to anyone. However, SH also makes mistakes in the way she pronounces some words, and she's presented as being slightly flighty in addition to being light-hearted. JM's corrections of SH are getting on my nerves when I watch their scenes. If SH wasn't so in love with JM, I would be screaming for her to dump him, so that he'll really realize what he's thrown away. Because with his personality and all, if JM does break up with SH, he will regret it. He can try to be with intern, and perhaps be happy for awhile at the unabashed approval of everyone who thinks that he's married well, but at the end of the day, he doesn't love the intern. Or rather, what he loves about the intern is that she reminds him of SH. As it is, since SH loves JM so much, I hope that he comes to his senses before he does something to regret. 

However, as far as the drama goes, I can see it going the other way as well. To have SH and JM finally break up, realizing that some things aren't meant to be. Though perhaps there will be a time jump where SH and JM meet up again, this time with JM fully aware of how much SH means to him. Though, if that does happen, I hope SH has managed to get over him completely and leaves him for dust. And SH can go and develop a dream of her own.

A breakup is definitely coming, I just hope it is SH that initiates it.  Even her parents don't want to see her with JM and they make it pretty clear to him in this episode.  I'm just going to cry so much when she does..................

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3 “Fight My Way” Quotes That Are So Relatable


Fight My Way” has been climbing in viewership ratings as exciting romance continues to brew, but viewers have additionally been connecting strongly with the drama for its relatable life stories.

The KBS drama tells the story of Go Dong Man (Park Seo Joon) and Choi Ae Ra (Kim Ji Won) who are taking on their dreams of becoming a fighter and news reporter. However, they get hit with the reality of being older and having less experience than their competitors, resulting in continuous failure and pain.

Here are a few quotes from the show that viewers empathize with:

“The world rolls along fine even if I don’t have a dream.”

In the past, Dong Man was a rising taekwondo star. However, he lost his dream and passion in an instant as he complied with result manipulation to earn money for his sister’s surgery. During the third episode, Ae Ra asked Dong Man, “Do you not have a dream right now?” to which he responded, “Let’s just say I don’t. It’s better to live pretending that I don’t have a dream. It just makes me feel pathetic if I have one. The world rolls along fine even if I don’t have a dream.” This sad passage captures the reality of young people who feel that everyone besides themselves is successful, thinking of dreams as unrealistic and selecting other decisions to make a living.

“I earned money.”

On the eighth episode at Ae Ra’s news reporter interview, the interviewer asked her, “When the others studied abroad, went to graduate school, and volunteered in foreign countries, what did you do? Passion is not proved by energy but by experience.” She simply responded with honesty, “I earned money.”

The next scene showed her leaving the interview with her narration, “We never had time. We woke up earlier than others and slept later than others, but we still didn’t have time. We lived more diligently than anyone, so it makes me angry that my resume acts like it knows everything about how I spent my time.” Along with this voice-over, flashbacks were shown of Ae Ra and her three best friends suffering to make a living without the time or money to rack up impressive experience.

“I have the right to not get my feelings hurt.”

Ae Ra continued her efforts to become a news reporter in the ninth episode. The next interviewer sneered, “You can’t just try because you have the nerve. Each person has individual abilities. I will give you some advice as someone who has more life experience.” Ae Ra cut her off and replied, “Do not. You’re not going to accept me anyway, so don’t hurt my feelings. I have the right to not get my feelings hurt,” as she ran out.

“Fight My Way” airs every Monday and Tuesday. Watch the latest episode at Viki!



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48 minutes ago, rittoo said:

Maybe that's what happens to many couples but I think they need to break up (will be very ugly for everybody i guess?) and JH has to find something she really wants to do besides being with JM, and then JM would see her as a woman again and not the person he has to live with. But then again why would she want him back if that should happen?


I keep wondering how they're going to allow time for them to break up, SH to find out who she is, and get them back together in a convincing way. I just can't see it happening...but maybe I'm underestimating the writer. After seeing how they got together originally I'm even more annoyed with JM because it seems clear that he's always seen her as incompetent rather than appreciating her for her positive aspects (maybe I'm overreacting, but I was pretty angry after seeing those flashbacks). So now that he's seeing this new intern as a sort of SH 2.0 (love this way of putting it, by the way, so thanks to whoever came up with that!!), it makes sense that JM's far more likely to fall for her because he obviously goes for women he perceives as pitiful and/or needy. :angry:

One thing about this drama being more realistic/true-to-life is that it's often uncomfortable to watch. SH and JM are in a situation that I think is almost too realistic to the point of being not very enjoyable to watch - it's a situation countless people find themselves in every day but it's hard to want to see that happening in a romcom. I'm holding out hope that the writer can find a way of bringing the story back around to a place where we can cheer for them again, but right now...wow, is it hard to be supportive of their situation!! 

On a happier note, I think I'm going to need to rewatch the first 10 or so minutes of this episode a few dozen times tonight, because that was SO SWEET. I love love LOVE that they both were obviously drawn toward each other and very aware of the other person but super respectful and didn't try to make anything happen. DM in particular showed pretty amazing restraint, LOL (although I think he was pretty proud of himself for it, haha!). ^_^ I was one of the people hoping they hadn't actually done anything serious that night, and I really stand by that because I think under the circumstances this was a much more believable outcome for the two of them - they're friends first, and they protect each other even if it means protecting the other person from their own desire to lose control. We've seen drunken hookups in other dramas, but I was so glad the first real kiss they shared was sweet and sincere rather than clouded by alcohol and too much euphoria over a job. 

I'm not even going to talk about Pukeface or the PD guy because UGHHHHH. I just need them to go away. I'm a little concerned that he's going to end up attacking AR, though - his behavior is pretty typical of stalkers who become violent and that really worries me!! :unsure:

Who else was cheering during the epilogue with Coach and the Landlady??? That is one ship I am soooo ready to see sail!!! :D 

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OOOMMMGGG THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, AE RA AND DONG MAN FINALLY KISSED!!!! OMGGG they are soooo cute, from their super awkward moments, to their super romantic moments. These two actors have such great chemistry and are both great at facial expressions. 

Also, I literally dieeeed when Holiday started playing when Ae Ra's dad caught Dong Man in Ae Ra's room. The random insertion of English songs is too funny!! 

OMGGG how the second lead couple frustrates me!! We literally got 15 minutes of happiness when Dong Man finally stands up for their relationship in ep. 19 and now we are back at square one. Seol Hee seriously needs to stand up for herself. She definitely should've slapped that intern when she refused to back off. Ughhhh, this is so frustrating!!

I really want to see Ae Ra succeeds as an announcer, I hope her career starts to take off soon!

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Forgot to mention this in my note above...but does anyone else think AeRa's dad totally looks like an older version of DM?? When they were standing next to each other in this episode it was really noticeable, not to mention the fact that his tendency to react with physical punishment seems pretty similar to DM!! Just thought it was funny because girls with good dads frequently do end up with men who are like them in character if not also in looks. :) 

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Sadly, SH and JM are what happens to women who "build up a man". Investing in a man 95% of the time breeds resentment in the man. Paying rent or tuition for a boyfriend, or making car payments, and etc are something women should never do imo, especially while neglecting herself. Someone said that men do not appreciate sacrifice the same way women do. When they get to where they want to be, they get themselves a woman "at their level", whatever that means, and the women who sacrificed for them are left behind.

Of course there are the 5% who appreciate the sacrifice.

At this point JM is using SH as a placeholder. He's holding unto SH until something better comes along. We wonder why a man will be in a relationship with a woman for 10 years and keep postponing any wedding plans, then they break up and he gets married to his new girlfriend in less than 2 years. The 10 years girlfriend was just a placeholder.

SH should break up with JM. I'll probably cry a river when it happens, but it's necessary for her own mental health. If they never get back together, it'll be okay too.

AR and DM should just keep being themselves and bringing the cute.

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On 21/06/2017 at 6:56 AM, Vo Ki Trieu said:


RATING 20/6:

#FightForMyWay: 11.2(-0.9%)

#MySassyGirl: 8.3%|10.3%

#LookOut: 8.5%|8.6%

cre: http://pop.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=201706210701552906507_1



On 21/06/2017 at 5:38 AM, msbeatrice81 said:

One thing about this drama being more realistic/true-to-life is that it's often uncomfortable to watch. SH and JM are in a situation that I think is almost too realistic to the point of being not very enjoyable to watch - it's a situation countless people find themselves in every day but it's hard to want to see that happening in a romcom. I'm holding out hope that the writer can find a way of bringing the story back around to a place where we can cheer for them again, but right now...wow, is it hard to be supportive of their situation!! 

To be brutally honest, I think the ratings went down because SH and JM got so much screen time in this episode.  To me, they just keep replaying the same story of their relationship each episode. We all get that intern is SH 2.0!  As @msbeatrice81 mentioned, I don't find them enjoyable to watch, they are just depressing.  I like SH, understanding that she needs to stop being a doormat and find her way, but JM is just boring.  I don't see him with any personality at all, he's just blase' and quite frankly I can't see why the intern likes him so much.  I wish they would just rip the band-aid off next episode and have them separate.  We need to see them moving on and becoming happy. This is the ONLY niggle I have with the show, they've just drug this scenario out way too long IMO.............

On 21/06/2017 at 3:13 AM, daniboo said:


As much as I love the romance with Dong Man and Ae Ra what I care about more right now is that Ae Ra succeeds because I am ready to see her happy in her professional life. I want her to become an announcer whether at KBC or the MMA  and I also need her to be less miserable because she deserves it.


I'm with @daniboo, AR needs to start succeeding in her career.  I don't want to watch her cry again unless it is from joy!!!

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Hmm... I'm conflicted when it comes to the issue of JooMan and SeolHee's relationship.

JooMan obviously loves SeolHee and he still does - the reason he's attracted to Intern at all is because... she reminds him of the old SeolHee?! My gahd, if he ever pursues that relationship, it's dead from day one. 

I feel like JooMan is straying, partially because SeolHee has become an obligation rather than a lover but also because he's frustrated by life. There comes a time in every person's life when one forgets the blessings he has and lusts for greater things... to the detriment of the fortune he already has. JooMan seems to want to run further, faster, but feels like he can't because... of whatever and the reasons somehow boiled down to become SeolHee, who is basically contentment and lax personified - everything he doesn't want to be. 

I'm not angry at him for falling for SeolHee after seeing her helpless ways - I bet there was something else that adored him to her too - because it is usually in one's helpless and vulnerable moments that one stirs people's protective instincts and makes people go soft. But you don't go falling for every cat that meows and purrs and spend 6 exclusive years with it do you? And maybe JooMan's wavering because he's becoming the one (over-)protected rather than the one who's protecting (sometimes). 

But maybe the biggest problem is that he's frustrated with her because it seems like she's not living her life and he feels like he has to live a life for 2. He's got enough on his hands just managing his own life, so how is he going to pay back for the life that SeolHee's spending on him? He's probably uncomfortable with the one way street between them - she does all the giving, he just does all the taking. Maybe that's why he's suddenly becoming materialistic - so that he can "pay" her back.

I'm just sad that with JooMan, SeolHee has lost her sense of self, because she's doing everything for him. 

I half want them to break up for her to find herself and half don't want them to break up, because I still see that it can work if they are willing to change and try harder. But... I dunno. C'est la vie...

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I need Seol Hee to leave not him to dump her. That would be best for her. To leave to go and find and respect herself more.

He loves her but like so many people pointed out she has become a burden to him and he is guilty and that is very unhealthy in a relationship. Once a person begins to feel you're a burden even if they love you they want out. I also want her to continue working in that company but bettering herself I'm however afraid of what that awful intern might do with her rich influence on the company manager. Even if she stays her life will be miserable but I want her to stay to show him she can better herself and then to walk away confidently. Who am I kidding she will take him back later .

Is it possible she might meet someone else....is there a chance this is a 20 episode drama right ?

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Well - I can't hate on JM too much after this episode. Seriously. He has BIG dreams. He has declared to SH that he is not satisfied with her version of happiness and contentment (and I didn't like that he belittled her version). Lying to SH about where he was going (to meet with YJ) is cowardly. And sorry JM, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

And SH - get a clue. The main problem is not YJ - it is you. Fixing you is the most difficult road to take and the most painful. But not as painful as losing pieces of yourself as you pretend to lay blame on YJ and deny JMs unacceptable behavior. 

Perhaps JM and SH have become the 20-year old furniture (per Hye Ran) to each other. Old furniture can be refurbished or repurposed. Right?

I like AeRa's dad. Beating DM with a hanger was not necessary but it could have been worse. He believes that she can accomplish her big dreams. She is in her own league.

And it's DM's and AR's Day ONE! yay!!

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I maybe the only person that doesn't have conflicting emotions to SH and JM's relationship. I want SH to dump JM or they can come to mutual agreement over the fact their relationship just isn't what they want and move on with their lives.  We just saw in episode 10 where SH was following JM because she didn't trust or believe him when he said he was going to friends, which he was lying about. Is she going to follow JM everywhere he goes or check his phone every day to make sure he is being honest and faithful.  I wouldn't want want a relationship like that and that isn't how I would want to live my life. 

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I don't begrudge JM his dreams of climbing the corporate ladder. But like @lc85mentioned, he can't have his cake and eat it too. I agree with @msbeatrice81that JM's and SH's reality is uncomfortable to watch. @aunniekmay be right that the focus on them both may have brought down the ratings. However, I do applaud the writer for showing off the uncomfortable reality, perhaps, as a stark juxtaposition to DM and AR. 

With my reality colouring my perception, I just wish that JM and SH be honest with themselves and with each other. I seriously, seriously want SH to love herself and look out for her own emotional well-being. I want her to realise that 6 years is nothing compared to 20?30?40? years of misery. If her heart is not ease, just drop JM. Yes, I understand that each person has their own trajectory but dang, I just want SH to take. ownership. of. her. own. life.

It's about time to see positive real life experiences where individuals be honest and work towards become better versions of themselves. This self-actualisation and the ease it brings to one's soul should be shown onscreen too!

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12 hours ago, AshleyChia said:

Let's hope for a close up view of the kiss! hehehe

Hi chingu! I think next week, the episode will start with a close-up of the kiss :lol: I hope so. PSJ is always a good kisser.

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@deadorblack So agree on SH taking ownership of her own life! Yes. 

There was all this focus on "timing" in this episode. It sure feels like the timing is all sorts of wrong for SH and JM. But wow - 6 years is a long time to be with someone you're not entirely sure about. 

The writer was so good in showing how little things that one's partner does become big annoying things (the word corrections, SH slurping her soup, etc), especially when his/ her partner is no longer not that much into them.

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@lc85 .. really love your comment on JM and SH, “And SH - get a clue. The main problem is not YJ - it is you. Fixing you is the most difficult road to take and the most painful. But not as painful as losing pieces of yourself as you pretend to lay blame on YJ and deny JMs unacceptable behavior”.

Since last night I was thinking back and forth (I am quite absorbed on the character, la) what if I were SH. What will I do? Just to break up with JM already? Naaah… that should not be. The writer/SH will not going the path that easily.

As the name of the drama is Fight my way / Fight for my way. The story is about the 3 childhood friends (and one high school friend, probably) who fight their own ways for what they truly want, if I to interpret from the name of the drama. So, I believe that SH (her name pronounce sort of like ‘sorry’, by the way) will not give up her relationship with JM. She seems to be one of the fighter, too. However, I am waiting to see how she will resolve the obstacle/problems of her relationship with JM. How will she return to be her own self?  How she will kick JM a-ss for him to realize her worth? How will she kick that SH 2.0 out of the picture? That will be interesting to see (apart from my cute DM and AR).

There are only a bit over half way through the story. So there are plenty of space for the friends to fight for their ways. It will be rough ride for them & it will be hard for me to wait for Monday each week.

My only hope is for the writer to keep up the good works. Please don’t fall short at the last episode as happened in some dramas!!!

By the way, thank you a whole bunch for all recappers and translators for this drama .. Sarang hae!!!

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