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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Deym GY is bringing that early 2000 hairstyle back to life :and he looks hot in it :D  Now i want that hairstyle too :) Nice change from the usual hairstyle w/bangs we see in Kdramas these days :D

Anyway im wondering if the Goblin killed the King way back? I seem to forget.. I hope there are still laughs in the next episodes coz it seems like we are now entering the melodramatic stage of this show. Thinking of what will happen next makes me sad :(


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Although I may be wrong, but . . . 

It makes  no sense for a drama that starts in  misery, have the characters suffer throughout, to end in misery. There is no point unless you are writing the lives of the saints or writing misery porn.

Granny god has already stated that she thought Goblin's punishment is too much and it seems she is actively working to amend it. Unless her ideal of happiness is death and eternal loneliness--wait they have already did that!

Misery as an ending makes no narrative sense in the story.  I would be like serving your jail sentence then being transfered to another prison.

Death is only only an option if it is clear that death is actually paradise and ET existence is an anomaly.

It will be a happy ending, maybe  not your happy, but happy. . . unless i'm wrong.


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2 hours ago, princess nour90 said:

that's why i wrote hot topic not hot in sales ,hot topics means they share , love it and blah blah ,i know many fans from my country and other countries share GY fashion and love it they even said it's better on him than models , they can't buy them but share their love for them

about this drink or the body shop, ILoom many articles said all sales of these products increases since this drama is hit and many watch it it's normal thing that's why i share it i don't know why you make me feel i did something wrong to share it and there's a big difference between increase in sales of these products & knetz complain about many PPL in this episode , to be honest i'm one of them who complain about many PPL

Before this drama starts i said let's all of us be friends like GY&LDW are friends in real life but then i found many LDW fans say LDW is better his scenes are better & GYand KGE are boring together you can't accept anyone complain about LDW or even YIN since she's his lover in this drama 

finally it's my last comment here i'll never write or comment anything about this drama or about GY and feel free to share LDW articles as you like and underestimates GY and his fans as you want 

thank u and Goodbye 



@princess nour90 auch. Like  @valzki (btw thanks chingu for trying bring peace) said I think you have missunderstood something in my post. That's why I've started it from "no offence and it's reality", cos that article is not confirming anything and it's just that drink's advert article. Have you seen me arguing confirmed facts like brand power or the sales of books? Or have I argued that GY has brand power and his clothes are hot topic? I have added that they will not be selling a lot and I can tell the same about LDW's Tag Heur watches or Givenchy shoes or else since it is confirmed by other dramas that Koreans buy less expensive stuff from drama but it can work with Chinese. What's offensive here to both GY or his fans? Moreover I have continued what will be selling a lot and is selling already confirming that Goblin's actors PPL are working good. And my further post about knetz complaining about ppl is not related to GY or is brought to offence him or you or argue the fact that PPL is working, but it's the reality and it's not even my personal opinion. I'm reading forums and lots of people nevertheless who's fans they are complaining on PPL and telling that it's better to bring more pace into the plot instead. So why should you take my post in such a negative way? Don't do this please.

In reply to marked statements


but then i found many LDW fans say LDW is better his scenes are better & GYand KGE are boring together you can't accept anyone complain about LDW or even YIN since she's his lover in this drama 

Is it only LDW fans who was posting here or elsewhere that leading couple is boring?  People have different oppinion. And this thread confirms this cos A LOT of people find leading couple awesome. Honestly I don't remember LDW fans posting here that he's better and I'm trying to catch up with all pages. maybe you take something too serious? If you read such comments elsewhere and not in this thread that why you complain about it here? So far I see  people here are just praising their faves. And yes, if I dissagree that Sunny is shallow I will argue it cos it's my personal right to have other opinion. Why haven't you post same comment when people here have been arguing another persons opinion that ET behaves herself childish sometimes? So with ET it's normal to argue and with Sunny I can't accept anyone complain. And me thinking Sunny is not shallow has nothing to do with LDW. I like her character even though she's getting extremely lack of screen time. When I watched Bubblegum I was complaining a lot on female lead's behaviour :phew:

and feel free to share LDW articles as you like and underestimates GY and his fans as you want 

I'm sorry but some of us might be blind. lol. Are you paying attention to LDW fans posts only? So you haven't noticed that GY article are posting here (sometmes few times in a row same articles)? Or that there are lacking of praise of him and his character? I don't complain on his fans that they bring huge amount out of topic information because I understaand that he's main lead and people are obsessed, especially shippers. So why are you complaining that me (or other ppl) are bringing here LDW and Goblin related articles?


Please try to understand that you are missunderstanding something. We don't try to offend GY or you here. If some of LDW fans or other people complains that something is boring in drama it's just their feeling and/or opinion and you always have right to argue it if you disagree. Go ahead and argue! That's what I'm doing when I disagree with smth. And there is no aim to bring war in here unless someone openly critisize any actor's acting. 

Let's try not to see negative where there is nothing to see. Let's stay in peace here like we did during latest few months. And don't leave the thread of your highly anticipated drama because someone has opinion with confronts yours. 

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1 hour ago, lucifercorner said:


WangSun couple holding hands,,,:heart:

Waiting to watch this:wub:


@lucifercorner OMO! Omo! Omo! where have you found this treasure? :w00t::w00t: Can it be bts and it's Wookie who's holding YIN hand?:phew:

I want Wang Yeo to finaly have skinship with people, especially Sunny! He was avoiding contacts for centuries. poor guy, he needs more love in his life!

@itzibitzispider 100% agree with you. If someone has another opinion I'm always open to conversation. Arguing something doesn't mean hate. It means that someone has different point of view. 

Discussio mater veritas est.

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Who knows what is List Reveal?

Netizens adore Gong Yoo and Lee Dongwook's long-lasting bromance

http://inkigeul.blogspot.com.eg/2016/12/netizens-adore-gong-yoo-and-lee.html y1.jpg

Xsportnews via Naver: 'List Reveal' Gong Yoo x Lee Dongwook, from enlisting, attending the same parlour, and 'Goblin, their bromance

1. [+8278, -63] Gong Yoo making a comeback in the drama world was God's work ㅎㅎㅎ

2. [+5861, -34] Ah I seriously love Gong Yoo and Lee Dongwook ㅠㅠ How am I supposed to wait for Goblin ㅠㅠ

3. [+4633, -43] Gong Yoo and Lee Dongwook, both of them are so heartwarming ㅎㅎ

4. [+4279, -81] GongDongJae is love!!!

5. [+3222, -36] These two's chemistry is explosive ❤

6. [+361, -7] Their images don't overlap so their chemistry is really good

7. [+273, -7] This chemistry is #1 in my heart

8. [+271, -7] They're probably #1 when it comes to visual chemistry

9. [+258, -6] Both of them are handsome, act well, and look so cool. Goblin and grim reaper's chemistry (thumbs up)

10. [+248, -11] GongDongJae's chemistry is so cute ㅋㅋㅋ It's so funny when they hit back their lines to each other ㅋㅋㅋ

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Couldn't the award giver found a "3Stooges"-award for the best bromance EVER?

I so adore their interaction ... seeing the "BTS"-footage shows how much fun the ALL have, but honestly, their interaction that is shown in the drama is so fun ... they are plain hilarious and cute and even thought the original Stooges were dead ugly, those 3 are handsome beyond compare ... I know there are other actors that might be better looking ... but remember THAT is also "point of view" ... what So JiSub is to one, might be Gong Yoo to others and yet another is just taken by JooWon and so on ...

I could just live on the bromance thru the drama ... KS&ET and GR&Sunny are just side-shows ;)


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i dont think JET will pull the  blade after hearing  what will happen to KS :tears:? its clearly she wouldn't even KS how much he wanted to but it can not be helped and also the Goddess of birth is forcing KS to die and become ashes if he wont JET will have to disappears  image.gifthis is too much to handle


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The recent 2 episodes were roller coaster rides. Now the future is uncertain for this too. And I am happy they at least shed a light to who red lady really is. I am hoping to see more of her in the future episodes.

Some people on reddit says the red lady is cruel, but I think otherwise. What do you guys think?


Also, Episode 5 drama fashion IDs now up in the bloooog: http://kstarglamour.com/goblin-episode-5-fashion/

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So I was wondering, is there a real king in Goryeo era that has the same birth name like Grim Reaper? I was on Goryeo's wikipedia, and I didn't found anything, so perhaps this Wang Yeo's character only fictional. I mean if it was based on real event, we could 'know' something, now it seems blur, all we need to do is waiting for the writer's magic wand.

Anyway here's some of narration/dialogue that I have not yet shared here (I'm sorry no english translation, but I put the pictures of each narration/dialogue so it would be easier to know which is which. 



나의 생이자

나의 사인 너를

내가 좋아한다

때문에 비밀을 품고

하늘에 허락을 구해본다

하루라도 더 모르게

그렇게 100년만 모르길…

그렇게 100년을 살아 어느날

날이 적당한 어느날

첫사랑이었다 고백 할 수 있기를

하늘의 허락을 구해본다




정말 마음에 안든다,

널 좋아하는 나는,

이렇게 멍청이 일수가 없다.




신탁이 맞았구나

내가 본 미래가 맞았구나

이 아이로 인해 이제 난

이 불멸의 저주를 끝내고

무로 돌아 갈수 있겠구나


인간의 수명 고작 100년

돌아서 한번 더 보려는것이

불멸의 나의 삶인가

너의 얼굴인가….

아….너의 얼굴인거 같다




도깨비 (김신) : 너 위해서 얘기한거잖아. 너 위해서.

도깨비신부 (지은탁) : 나 위할꺼면 남친이나 내놔요!! 알바, 이모네, 남친!! 무슨 수호신이 이래? 안이뤄졌잖아요. 남친!!

도깨비 (김신) : 여기 있잖아. 니 남친.

도깨비신부 (지은탁) : 여기 어디 여기 어디!!!

도깨비 (김신) : 여기!! 니. 앞에. 나!!!


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6 hours ago, valzki said:

Actually they can't compare Goblin with another free air dramas right? Since Goblin is aired in the cable tv network and only the one who subscribes (they need to pay) can watch it. Cmiiw :)

Yes that's true. So amazed they are doing so well & giving the big boys a run for their money.  This is one of the highest rated drama for tvN, so hope it will continue its run that way :)

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4 hours ago, lucifercorner said:

WangSun couple holding hands,,,:heart:

Waiting to watch this :wub:

Omo, omo! I wonder if this is for next week's ep or if it's later on in the series...? Ack! Since Grims can see people's past lives whenever he touches them, I wonder if he'll see Sunny's since he's already holding her hand (you go, Grims!) If he does, then I guess the cat's out of the bag here and omg, do I get that double date that I'm hoping and praying for? Ahaha. I want a full-on double date for our two couples filled with lovey dovey and funny and cute moments!

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I was wondering, so our goblin is able to see the future of the person when he looks directly into their eyes,

while the grim reaper is able to see the past life of the person when he touches them ! very interesting indeed.


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